And, for Jlew, i wasn't searching for crazy mind control shit,
i was searching for information on the song Sounds of Silence,
so you come across some random article and take it as 100% fact? seriously, you are a smart guy. but stop taking everything you read on the net as fact. the intenet is a big place, not everything you find is true.
go back and re read my posts, CAREFULLY.
I have said SEVERAL times in this thread that the referenced OP article falls FAR SHORT OF PROOF.
I mean only that this sort of shit is not beyond the realm of ideas some in highlevel military circles would consider.
you REALLY ran this by the head of Dreamworks? Katzenberg
??? THAT i don't believe. Would be nuts though. You asking an alleged illuminist about such things.
And whoever mentioned paranoid schizophrenic,
thank you no ... i actually knew a kid from highschool that became a schizophrenic after too much designer drug use ... i hear no voices, and have no great paranoia ... only a keen curiousity, possibly an overactive imagination, and the ability to think way outside the box.
I've not anywhere here claimed any of the theories in this article as fact,
merely noting what has been CLAIMED and theorized, and being interested in the idea that something called "Silent Sound Spread" technology was REPORTED IN THE NEWS to have been used in the Gulf War.
THAT, i find QUITE interesting, and potentially quite disturbing.
They are NOT simple "works of fiction",
these are novels written by avante guarde minds, the height of their generations mental prowess, insight, and understanding, and they have written these books as SOCIAL COMMENTARY about a world they see as being quietly (and now NOT so quietly) seduced in to a sort technologicaly driven spiritualy-destructive reduced state of humanity.
Huxley is VERY clear in some of the interview footage about the tragedy and the horrors that he many decades ago foresaw as being part of the as-yet-then-still-emerging "modern world". Here i mean he is specific about methods of authoritarian control, of technological advancement setting the stage for very coercive manipulation of the human population at large and more generaly of a future where man has been reduced to a mere tool of an elite authoritarian class.
Again, NOT simple works of fiction.
To label these works as such is to be ignorant of the larger context of history in to which the authors of these works fell, and to ignore their own ideologies. Watch Gravity of Light.
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
You tell me what he was getting at.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
They are NOT simple "works of fiction",
these are novels written by avante guarde minds, the height of their generations mental prowess, insight, and understanding, and they have written these books as SOCIAL COMMENTARY about a world they see as being quietly (and now NOT so quietly) seduced in to a sort technologicaly driven spiritualy-destructive reduced state of humanity.
Indeed they were. But they're still just guessing. It's fiction based on philosophy. So what? People read the book of Revelations and then look around the world and can pick things out that are sure fire sounds that the End of Days is here. You're doing the same thing with 1984... the philosophical ramblings of some bright guys, but by no means does it make every conspiracy true. You're doing the same crap people like this believe:
You want a real novel chock full of philosophical truth? Read Catch-22. The only book to nail the modern world... nobody's in charge, society is not organized, it's just arbitrary and random, and we're all fucked no matter what we do or who's "in charge."
...a world they see as being quietly (and now NOT so quietly) seduced in to a sort technologicaly driven spiritualy-destructive reduced state of humanity.
You want a real novel chock full of philosophical truth? Read Catch-22. The only book to nail the modern world... nobody's in charge, society is not organized, it's just arbitrary and random, and we're all fucked no matter what we do or who's "in charge."
IMHO, the idea that the world is the victim of pure random chance is an idiotic oversimplification of the way things are.
Certainly absolute power is an absolute impossibility -- an attempt at eliminating the happenstance of chaos is a fruitless resolve.
But shy of that there are no further bounds commanded by the world we live in.
Power structures can and do evolve, and ones that run secretly most certainly exist.
Your assertion that society is not organized, is just arbitrary and random, and that "nobody is in charge" is miserably off the mark.
Society is in fact notably organized. Politically ours (Unites States) is principally organized around our constitution. Socially it is organized around a great many things, but some primary forces at work would certainly be the artistic sensibilities of the age (the music, fine and performing arts of the times), the sexual attitudes of the period, attitudes concerning creed, race, and religion, and of course THE MEDIUMS of time, including quite notably in ours, TELEVISION, MOVIES, RADIO, THE INTERNET and to a much lesser (and desperately unfortunate) extent these days, PRINT.
Going beyond the ridiculous assertion that there are no organizing principles in our age (or any), one can look deeper and look at the forces behind those forces.
Culturally speaking, that can mean (among other things) looking at WHO or WHAT is driving an industry, product, or MEDIUM that is itself affecting a large influence upon society.
In other words, and quite obviously, WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW?
Here are some media ownership charts.
This is the definition of organization, NOT lack of it: media ownership chart
Is that not organization?
Is that not "in charge"?
Total control? OF COURSE NOT.
But a respectable level of such control? ABSOLUTELY.
Here is something fun.
AOLTimeWarner is the leading media conglomerate.
Lets see.
Time: Founder and publisher Henry Luce was Yale graduate and Skull & Bones.
Time played the key role in locking up the Zapruder film of JFK's assassination away from the public for over a decade. Skull & Bones has direct and obvious connections to both the visible and the secret power structures in this country\the world at large.
AOL, what is their symbol?
Oh is it a giant EYE in a TRIANGLE?
And what about Time Warner,
what is IT's LOGO?
Wow! But those companies MERGED.
AOL Time Warner
EYE SkullBones EYE
Lets move over to VIACOM.
By FAR their top tier brand is
CBS -- the oldest TV network in existence.
First to report to you on the assassination of JFK
and the one that had Walter Cronkite on the air telling you about "Lee HENRY Oswald" the title of the OTHER FILE that the CIA had on Oswald.
For shits and giggles,
Viacom also owns Nickelodeon
which once ran this logo in one of their on network ads:
That is certainly an "oganizational" structure, though not one that seems to be very apparent at the surface, and one that SEEMINGLY has no real impact on the world.
But WHY?
Why would CBS, TIME WARNER, and AOL
and one even includes the superfluous use of the triangle\pyramid by chance.
Just like the oh so often cospiracy referenced Great Seal of the United States which is on the dollar bill.
I want to hear it.
Let me hear you try to tell me that these companies all just happened to come by a Solitary Eye \ Pyramid logo by chance, and that the American public, BY CHANCE, selected these companies to be winners based upon some subconscious preference for these logos.
That in fact, the logos were so well designed that not only did several RANDOM companies rise to the top because of their RANDOMLY chosen logos, but that they also THROUGH RANDOM CHANCE, MERGED TOGETHER IN TO A SINGLE ENTITY WITH DUAL SOLITARY EYE LOGOS!
Chaos theory is INCREDIBLY POWERFUL folks.
Don't delude yourself in to thinking that powerful forces could ever unite unbeknownst to Joe Q Public and CONSPIRE to plan their own future destiny (and YOURS as well, by default) ....
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You want a real novel chock full of philosophical truth? Read Catch-22. The only book to nail the modern world... nobody's in charge, society is not organized, it's just arbitrary and random, and we're all fucked no matter what we do or who's "in charge."
IMHO, the idea that the world is the victim of pure random chance is an idiotic oversimplification of the way things are.
Certainly absolute power is an absolute impossibility -- an attempt at eliminating the happenstance of chaos is a fruitless resolve.
But shy of that there are no further bounds commanded by the world we live in.
Power structures can and do evolve, and ones that run secretly most certainly exist.
Your assertion that society is not organized, is just arbitrary and random, and that "nobody is in charge" is miserably off the mark.
Society is in fact notably organized. Politically ours (Unites States) is principally organized around our constitution. Socially it is organized around a great many things, but some primary forces at work would certainly be the artistic sensibilities of the age (the music, fine and performing arts of the times), the sexual attitudes of the period, attitudes concerning creed, race, and religion, and of course THE MEDIUMS of time, including quite notably in ours, TELEVISION, MOVIES, RADIO, THE INTERNET and to a much lesser (and desperately unfortunate) extent these days, PRINT.
Going beyond the ridiculous assertion that there are no organizing principles in our age (or any), one can look deeper and look at the forces behind those forces.
Culturally speaking, that can mean (among other things) looking at WHO or WHAT is driving an industry, product, or MEDIUM that is itself affecting a large influence upon society.
In other words, and quite obviously, WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW?
Here are some media ownership charts.
This is the definition of organization, NOT lack of it: media ownership chart
Is that not organization?
Is that not "in charge"?
Total control? OF COURSE NOT.
But a respectable level of such control? ABSOLUTELY.
Here is something fun.
AOLTimeWarner is the leading media conglomerate.
Lets see.
Time: Founder and publisher Henry Luce was Yale graduate and Skull & Bones.
Time played the key role in locking up the Zapruder film of JFK's assassination away from the public for over a decade. Skull & Bones has direct and obvious connections to both the visible and the secret power structures in this country\the world at large.
AOL, what is their symbol?
Oh is it a giant EYE in a TRIANGLE?
And what about Time Warner,
what is IT's LOGO?
Wow! But those companies MERGED.
AOL Time Warner
EYE SkullBones EYE
Lets move over to VIACOM.
By FAR their top tier brand is
CBS -- the oldest TV network in existence.
First to report to you on the assassination of JFK
and the one that had Walter Cronkite on the air telling you about "Lee HENRY Oswald" the title of the OTHER FILE that the CIA had on Oswald.
For shits and giggles,
Viacom also owns Nickelodeon
which once ran this logo in one of their on network ads:
That is certainly an "oganizational" structure, though not one that seems to be very apparent at the surface, and one that SEEMINGLY has no real impact on the world.
But WHY?
Why would CBS, TIME WARNER, and AOL
and one even includes the superfluous use of the triangle\pyramid by chance.
Just like the oh so often cospiracy referenced Great Seal of the United States which is on the dollar bill.
I want to hear it.
Let me hear you try to tell me that these companies all just happened to come by a Solitary Eye \ Pyramid logo by chance, and that the American public, BY CHANCE, selected these companies to be winners based upon some subconscious preference for these logos.
That in fact, the logos were so well designed that not only did several RANDOM companies rise to the top because of their RANDOMLY chosen logos, but that they also THROUGH RANDOM CHANCE, MERGED TOGETHER IN TO A SINGLE ENTITY WITH DUAL SOLITARY EYE LOGOS!
Chaos theory is INCREDIBLY POWERFUL folks.
Don't delude yourself in to thinking that powerful forces could ever unite unbeknownst to Joe Q Public and CONSPIRE to plan their own future destiny (and YOURS as well, by default) ....
I think you stole this whole post from the Da Vinci Code, or that shitty Nicholas Cage movie.
My guess is that they adopted those logos after market research that showed people responded favorably to them, probably due to some species-based positive Jungian archetypal response to the form emulating an eye. If these guys are SO brilliant and in control and secretive, why would they risk blowing the cover on their conspiracy by consciously coordinating their logos? I mean, clearly, any guy on the internet that can think outside the box (and take some shrooms) could see through the man's smokescreen here! Kinda foolish of them isn't it?
it was inspired by the all seeing eye, and made CBS's permanent company logo by the pres himself - Frank Stanton, CFR member (deceased). Go figure So I do some blatantly biased searching (Frank Stanton NWO), and find this about the War of the Worlds incident:
The broadcast was a psychological warfare experiment conducted by The Princeton Radio Project. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the project in the fall of 1937. An Office of Radio Research was set up with Paul F. Lazarsfeld as director, and Frank Stanton and Hadley Cantril as associate directors. Cantril used a special grant from the General Education Board to study the effects of the broadcast. Cantril published the study as a book titled The Invasion From Mars - A Study In The Psychology Of Panic. It contains a complete script of the broadcast. The book is one of a series of studies sponsored by the Federal Radio Education Committee.
I don't want to get into that's weak. But it does tie in to the OP in a way, and driftin's goin balls out here so why not...
Thing is, this stuff is not hidden. It's not a conspiracy. The people at the top are the ones benefitting from everyone else's misery. It's a hierarchy; not everyone involved knows every detail....the business community has a vested interest in towing the line in regards to globalism, and it trickles down to every aspect of our society....we work for these bankers, essentially, and they have stated ambitions to make sure those that don't, will. If you want to call that a looney tune conspiracy, fine...but David Rockefeller has a fucking library of megalomaniacal quotes, sick shit...he's one of the real bosses.
Now....whether or not the use of masonic/occult/shaman symbolism in so many of their logos, their art, literature, architecture, etc is a way of flipping us all the bird, a really really really big coincidence, or.....a not-so-subtle attempt to condition us to...something is where the speculation (fun) begins....this thread is all over the place
Now, to the original topic...I haven't finished the article yet...I have no idea how valid the concept in the OP is. I don’t know if the technology exists or not, I don’t know if it could be implemented, and I don’t know how effective it would be. But anyone that writes this off without a second thought should reconsider.
There are a ton of examples of subliminal advertising…the concept of advertising itself is at heart a form of mind control - influencing behaviour....think of how much money is spent in the private sector figuring out what kinds of images or feelings trigger your subconscious....psychoanalyzing the consumer.
Consider the time, money and effort put into this by the 'public' sector, from the nazi experiments to MK Ultra, into the mid 70’s when it all ‘stopped’ after coming to public light. (yes, it is basically all one timeline – the nazi scientists that began the concentration camp mind control ‘experiments’ were recruited to continue their work). The military is always a step ahead of private business, and advertising is a massive, complex psycho-fuck... Why wouldn't intelligence and the military still be interested in mind control? I mean...what if the Russians are researching it, right?
All records were ordered destroyed not long before the story broke and the investigation began, but there are scientists that participated in MK Ultra that are on record saying the research continued after it was brought to light. …..the most outspoken critic of the program, the whistleblower, ‘committed suicide’ by jumping out a 10th story hotel window….while unconscious from a blow to the head. Throw in the Jonestown speculation, and you have to wonder how far the research went (is going?).
To think that all of this work was done over the course of 30-some years, without finding any results to justify continuing the research, is naïve. Do we really think the best methods found to influence behaviour were loudspeakers and sexual messages in print ads? There has got to be more advanced methods developed by now. I agree with cosmo; true or not, another reason to turn the fucking thing off....
If these guys are SO brilliant and in control and secretive, why would they risk blowing the cover on their conspiracy by consciously coordinating their logos? I mean, clearly, any guy on the internet that can think outside the box (and take some shrooms) could see through the man's smokescreen here! Kinda foolish of them isn't it?
Hey soulsinging,
you're spot on with this.
you miss one very subtle ponit.
Here is the text [warning: anti-semetic disclaimer!]:
"World Politics | World Revolution"
"Freemasonry is an international organization beholden to Jewry with the political goal of establishing Jewish domination through world-wide revolution."
Get it?
Obviously, being part very very jew, i denounce the condemnation of a socio-religious\racial group based on the radical ideology of a small subsect of their membership, however the underlying sentiment stands to bare.
If your organization is predicated upon the realization of power THROUGH REVOLUTION
Can you see a bunch of people getting really pissed off,
if they ever caught on to the smoke and mirrors game being played in front of them, through their government, and pervasive throughout their economic structure?
If you needed to bring down the final remaining independent nation-state power structure to institute your ultimate global hegemony, you would need a pretty good scare to get people to relinquish their soverign claim on liberty, yes?
Remember the motto of a one certain secret society is "Ordo Ab Chaos" or "Order Out Of Chaos".
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
PS - Drowned Out
I wouldn't dismiss the theories about the War of the Worlds broadcast as "weak" out of hand like that.
I did some research on that once for the old board, posted a good bit on it too.
It checks out pretty much like a lot of this stuff does.
Certainly HG Wells wrote that book well before the broadcast,
but the details revolving around the production of the radio show have several converging trails that lead back to intelligence\rockefeller\propaganda circles that at certain points just screams out at you. Too bad the archives probably don't cover that post. I had found some good info on it and put it together well.
Shit fuck i gotta go to bed. 4am
and i gots to be on a farm tomorrow at 8:30 to plant seed.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If these guys are SO brilliant and in control and secretive, why would they risk blowing the cover on their conspiracy by consciously coordinating their logos? I mean, clearly, any guy on the internet that can think outside the box (and take some shrooms) could see through the man's smokescreen here! Kinda foolish of them isn't it?
Hey soulsinging,
you're spot on with this.
you miss one very subtle ponit.
Here is the text [warning: anti-semetic disclaimer!]:
"World Politics | World Revolution"
"Freemasonry is an international organization beholden to Jewry with the political goal of establishing Jewish domination through world-wide revolution."
Get it?
Obviously, being part very very jew, i denounce the condemnation of a socio-religious\racial group based on the radical ideology of a small subsect of their membership, however the underlying sentiment stands to bare.
If your organization is predicated upon the realization of power THROUGH REVOLUTION
Can you see a bunch of people getting really pissed off,
if they ever caught on to the smoke and mirrors game being played in front of them, through their government, and pervasive throughout their economic structure?
If you needed to bring down the final remaining independent nation-state power structure to institute your ultimate global hegemony, you would need a pretty good scare to get people to relinquish their soverign claim on liberty, yes?
Remember the motto of a one certain secret society is "Ordo Ab Chaos" or "Order Out Of Chaos".
And a bunch of corporate logos that bear a vague similarity is "a pretty good scare" in your mind? No, this wouldn't piss people off. I think people would laugh at this. Most people are fucking dumber than a piece of shit and need to be controlled and told what to do. They wouldn't even be able to comprehend this nonsense, any more than a 3rd grader can do calculus. Humans are docile herd animals, they need alpha males (the silverback if you will) to point them in the right direction.
That is certainly an "oganizational" structure, though not one that seems to be very apparent at the surface, and one that SEEMINGLY has no real impact on the world.
But WHY?
Why would CBS, TIME WARNER, and AOL
and one even includes the superfluous use of the triangle\pyramid by chance.
Just like the oh so often cospiracy referenced Great Seal of the United States which is on the dollar bill.
I want to hear it.
Let me hear you try to tell me that these companies all just happened to come by a Solitary Eye \ Pyramid logo by chance, and that the American public, BY CHANCE, selected these companies to be winners based upon some subconscious preference for these logos.
That in fact, the logos were so well designed that not only did several RANDOM companies rise to the top because of their RANDOMLY chosen logos, but that they also THROUGH RANDOM CHANCE, MERGED TOGETHER IN TO A SINGLE ENTITY WITH DUAL SOLITARY EYE LOGOS!
Was CBS not a huge company before 1951? i think it was.... and yet its logo was
it only changed to the eye logo in 1951.
also... you're asking why are these companies only using an eye logo and why are they all top companies? basically because, and i speak from personal experience, graphic designers are fucking lazy.
we've all done it... we steal.. ahem borrow... from other peoples ideas..
i.e. the BBC used to use a Globe as part of its ident... how many other companies use a globe as part of their logo... hundreds... and holy shit... look how many airline companies use flying things or tail like symbology as part of their logos
CBS, AOL, Time Warner, Nickelodeon, Viacom.... they are companies which use a similar iconography to display what their 'business' is about... i.e. watching their products.
holy crap... Apple's Itunes is the worlds biggest music retailer... its logo is an Apple... and who is the biggest selling band of all time? The Beatles... and their logo is ... eek... an Apple!!!! which might tie in with your theory other than the fact they hate each other.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
driftin - I just didn’t want to get called out on it yet…news to me, the first I’ve read of it….must’ve had a meeting or something the day you made that thread
There were a few holes poked in it on the forum I stole it from, and I hadn’t had time to look into what did or didn’t hold water…
ss - wow, after that post, I don't think you'd find much wrong with the Rockefeller quotes I mentioned earlier. You do realize you're human, right? Unless you think you're a silverback, you're talking about yourself too...
ss - wow, after that post, I don't think you'd find much wrong with the Rockefeller quotes I mentioned earlier. You do realize you're human, right? Unless you think you're a silverback, you're talking about yourself too...
I don't know what quotes you're talking about, but yes, I do realize I'm human. What of it? We're animals, a few technological innovations away from flinging shit at each other in trees. You all act like this is the first time in human history there has been a ruling class. It has always and will always be this way. We're wired as social animals, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. This whole delusion that each person is a beautiful snowflake that just needs to get The Man off his back to pursue some wonderful fulfilling existence is a bunch of wishful thinking bullshit. Most people are fucking stupid and their destiny will never be any higher than menial shit work because anything more would tax their limited mind.
As to me, I'm too lazy and uninterested to be a silverback. Too much work, not enough reward.
I get the feeling neither of you have read catch-22. Since you both seem to have nothing but spare time to dig up 50 news articles and videos a day, I suggest you read it. The only sane person in that book is the old Italian man, and that's who I am. I don't give a fuck if the Masons rule the world. What difference does it make to me in my daily life? And you want me to sign on to some bullshit revolution on "your" side? So that what? You can round up the Masons, burn them all at the stake and then put yourselves in charge? For 98% of humanity it doesn't make a bit of fucking difference if the Masons rule the world, or the church does, or Ghandi does, or you with your enlightenment. It's all the same on the ground.
ss - wow, after that post, I don't think you'd find much wrong with the Rockefeller quotes I mentioned earlier. You do realize you're human, right? Unless you think you're a silverback, you're talking about yourself too...
I don't know what quotes you're talking about, but yes, I do realize I'm human. What of it? We're animals, a few technological innovations away from flinging shit at each other in trees. You all act like this is the first time in human history there has been a ruling class. It has always and will always be this way. We're wired as social animals, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. This whole delusion that each person is a beautiful snowflake that just needs to get The Man off his back to pursue some wonderful fulfilling existence is a bunch of wishful thinking bullshit. Most people are fucking stupid and their destiny will never be any higher than menial shit work because anything more would tax their limited mind. .
The Rockefeller quotes are all over the internet, you could find them easily if you were so inclined…yes, there’s always been a ruling class, yes we’re social animals…what of it? Forgive me for seeing potential for more from the human race. I realize there is no utopian society for us around the corner, but I don’t think that means we need to abandon our dreams or ideals. I know it seems frivolous to you, but (beyond neccessity), those dreams and ideals are the heart of motivation and innovation – without them we might as well start flinging shit…
And I disagree with your snowflake sentiment…yes, we’re influenced by a million social and physiological conditions, but we are still capable of independent thought and reasoning. There is no reason we can’t evolve past where we are now. The way I see it, the people at the top ARE holding us back, thru taxation, greed, war, and stagnant, traditional thought. People are working so hard that innovation is being stifled. The majority of the Western population is fucking exhausted just trying to tread water.
As to me, I'm too lazy and uninterested to be a silverback. Too much work, not enough reward.
I get the feeling neither of you have read catch-22. Since you both seem to have nothing but spare time to dig up 50 news articles and videos a day, I suggest you read it. The only sane person in that book is the old Italian man, and that's who I am. I don't give a fuck if the Masons rule the world. What difference does it make to me in my daily life? And you want me to sign on to some bullshit revolution on "your" side? So that what? You can round up the Masons, burn them all at the stake and then put yourselves in charge? For 98% of humanity it doesn't make a bit of fucking difference if the Masons rule the world, or the church does, or Ghandi does, or you with your enlightenment. It's all the same on the ground.
No, I haven’t read the book…
And I don’t have a ‘side’. I’m sick of always being associated with a school of thought, ideology, one side of the spectrum or another… I have no interest in choosing sides, nor do I think of myself as ‘enlightened’….but I don’t dismiss these things out of hand, nor accept them just cause they aren’t mainstream…in actuality, this stuff is entertainment to me…I don’t’ watch tv.
As for the 50 articles a day thing….aren’t you the leading poster here, bro? wtf? And here I was gonna ask if you’d be in town for lolla…but that hurt. I was gonna buy you an evian or something
The Rockefeller quotes are all over the internet, you could find them easily if you were so inclined…yes, there’s always been a ruling class, yes we’re social animals…what of it? Forgive me for seeing potential for more from the human race. I realize there is no utopian society for us around the corner, but I don’t think that means we need to abandon our dreams or ideals. I know it seems frivolous to you, but (beyond neccessity), those dreams and ideals are the heart of motivation and innovation – without them we might as well start flinging shit…
And I disagree with your snowflake sentiment…yes, we’re influenced by a million social and physiological conditions, but we are still capable of independent thought and reasoning. There is no reason we can’t evolve past where we are now. The way I see it, the people at the top ARE holding us back, thru taxation, greed, war, and stagnant, traditional thought. People are working so hard that innovation is being stifled. The majority of the Western population is fucking exhausted just trying to tread water.
No, I haven’t read the book…
And I don’t have a ‘side’. I’m sick of always being associated with a school of thought, ideology, one side of the spectrum or another… I have no interest in choosing sides, nor do I think of myself as ‘enlightened’….but I don’t dismiss these things out of hand, nor accept them just cause they aren’t mainstream…in actuality, this stuff is entertainment to me…I don’t’ watch tv.
As for the 50 articles a day thing….aren’t you the leading poster here, bro? wtf? And here I was gonna ask if you’d be in town for lolla…but that hurt. I was gonna buy you an evian or something
I don't think we're all capable of independent thought and reasoning. You need to meet some of my relatives and classmates back in Ohio. I don't think the people at the top are holding us back or helping us along, nor are the people at the bottom doing either. For every amazing unsung innovator that got stifled because of Rockefeller (however you see that happening), there are 1000 people that were stifled because they're a fucking moron. And for every guy at the top stifling the rest of the world for personal profit, there's another making contributions to huge advances in a variety of fields. Someone will always be on top and some of them will always be pricks and some of us will always be ground beneath the boots of the more powerful. This is the human condition. Shit, this is the world condition. Life always has been and always will be operating on this principle.
I'm glad to hear you don't take this as seriously as Drifting, and I apologize for the news article/enlightened comment. I had you confused with Commy for some reason. Those two seem to spend all day scouring the web for bizarre rumors to treat as fact. I don't know if I'm top poster here anymore, but like you, this is entertainment for me. I don't spend any time online trying to learn anything
As to Lolla, I'd never turn down an Evian, but sadly I'm leaving Chicago in May to move back to Ohio and prepare for the bar/new job :( Don't know if I'll make it to Lolla. Probably explains my bitterness though... I worked so hard to escape, now I'm being sucked back into the degenerate redneck heaven that is Ohio.
So Jonestown was basically set up as a testing ground for CIA type programs then? That's pretty fucked up.
no one really seems to be sure just how "deep" that experiment went though.
I mean, Congressman Ryan's children sued the government over it, alleging wrongful death and conspiracy to murder on behalf of the CIA and the Federal Government.
However, i have yet to hear any thoughtout analysis of exactly WHAT the CIA's interest was in something like Jonestown. I mean, there are clearly PLENTY of other ways to conduct mind control experiments. The CIA had been doing them since the 50s at least, and none of them seemed to involve labor-concentration camp style "communal" (of the top down, controlled, authoritarian variety) experiences that centered around intensive propaganda and impoverished living conditions.
I hate to do this, because it is pure speculation, and probably not even that well thought out,
but just going on the gestalt of modern day conspiracy one would almost have to approach Jonestown from the sense of, "is this where REX84 was headed? is this the plan for the post-oil, post-crisis, post-constitutional population controled world?"
Obviously that line of thinking gets pretty "wacky" pretty quick.
However, even just looking at what is being pushed in to the mainstream now, like "peak oil" which used to be counterculture but now is being slowly intergrated in to the collective mind ...
one has to wonder (disregarding whether oil is even truly a "fossil" fuel, or whether it truly is "limited" and in decline) if the elite plan for population control is centered around a post oil world where the "hard labor" of agricultural ages past becomes a forced cultural norm again -- forced in the sense that i'm not sure i buy into "peak oil" anymore, the more scientificaly minded here should poke around in the "abiotic oil theory"literature realm some, because apparently they have been using the thesis of abiotic oil in russia since the 1980's to successfully drill for it.
Going back to current "new world order" theory for a second, one thing that is constantly repeated is "the technological-elite want a one world neo-feudalistic scientific dictatorship. This is something that one can find even in the "mainsteam" by way of literary classics such as 1984 or Brave New World, and also the lesser known scientific-socialist-eutopian head in the sky blueprint, HG Well's 1940 The New World Order (which while it mentions the aspect of scientific develoment as ushering in possible "wonderlands", is a book which primarily focuses on the post-"capitalist" socialist "new world order", and thus is more usefull for understanding the post-free-market implications of "their" plan).
Anyway, looking at Jonestown in THAT light,
it really forces you to think whether this was some sort of ground test for THAT model of a world.
A world in which citizens used to the luxuries of an oil soaked life, and possibly traumatized by the horrors of a post-major-crisis-world (folks, Zbigniew Brzinsky has already stated his thesis that global peace can be brought about through increased violence to the point where humanity subdues itself in to peace through exhaustion of violence, go figure).
you would need some plans to deal with the malcontents and those that just refused to play ball.
A concentration camp dressed up as a commune, with daily doses of "medicine" and 24\7 propaganda over loudspeakers sounds like a test at dealing with that element, imho.
Here is probably the most quoted piece of HG Well's "New World Order", which is NOT a novel, it is specifically written as a GUIDE BOOK for ACHIEVING a "New World Order" ...
"... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."
THAT is the scary thing about Jonestown,
NOT just that the CIA was allegedly doing mind control experiments,
but the notion that the CIA is merely an agent, an organ of a larger group with larger plans,
and that Jonestown was possibly just a small compartmentalized testing ground for much larger population-control (and here i don't mean reduction, i mean CONTROL, as in dealing with massive civil unrest) initiative. A place to see if people could be drugged and brainwashed in to submitting themselves to manual labor with minimal luxuries by some sort of "scientific" practices.
But that is just a jump off of the looney-bin diving board in to the Pool of Whacko.
Hey, Drifting. What's your view about tape Q875? Who made it, and where?
So Jonestown was basically set up as a testing ground for CIA type programs then? That's pretty fucked up.
no one really seems to be sure just how "deep" that experiment went though.
I mean, Congressman Ryan's children sued the government over it, alleging wrongful death and conspiracy to murder on behalf of the CIA and the Federal Government.
However, i have yet to hear any thoughtout analysis of exactly WHAT the CIA's interest was in something like Jonestown. I mean, there are clearly PLENTY of other ways to conduct mind control experiments. The CIA had been doing them since the 50s at least, and none of them seemed to involve labor-concentration camp style "communal" (of the top down, controlled, authoritarian variety) experiences that centered around intensive propaganda and impoverished living conditions.
I hate to do this, because it is pure speculation, and probably not even that well thought out,
but just going on the gestalt of modern day conspiracy one would almost have to approach Jonestown from the sense of, "is this where REX84 was headed? is this the plan for the post-oil, post-crisis, post-constitutional population controled world?"
Obviously that line of thinking gets pretty "wacky" pretty quick.
However, even just looking at what is being pushed in to the mainstream now, like "peak oil" which used to be counterculture but now is being slowly intergrated in to the collective mind ...
one has to wonder (disregarding whether oil is even truly a "fossil" fuel, or whether it truly is "limited" and in decline) if the elite plan for population control is centered around a post oil world where the "hard labor" of agricultural ages past becomes a forced cultural norm again -- forced in the sense that i'm not sure i buy into "peak oil" anymore, the more scientificaly minded here should poke around in the "abiotic oil theory"literature realm some, because apparently they have been using the thesis of abiotic oil in russia since the 1980's to successfully drill for it.
Going back to current "new world order" theory for a second, one thing that is constantly repeated is "the technological-elite want a one world neo-feudalistic scientific dictatorship. This is something that one can find even in the "mainsteam" by way of literary classics such as 1984 or Brave New World, and also the lesser known scientific-socialist-eutopian head in the sky blueprint, HG Well's 1940 The New World Order (which while it mentions the aspect of scientific develoment as ushering in possible "wonderlands", is a book which primarily focuses on the post-"capitalist" socialist "new world order", and thus is more usefull for understanding the post-free-market implications of "their" plan).
Anyway, looking at Jonestown in THAT light,
it really forces you to think whether this was some sort of ground test for THAT model of a world.
A world in which citizens used to the luxuries of an oil soaked life, and possibly traumatized by the horrors of a post-major-crisis-world (folks, Zbigniew Brzinsky has already stated his thesis that global peace can be brought about through increased violence to the point where humanity subdues itself in to peace through exhaustion of violence, go figure).
you would need some plans to deal with the malcontents and those that just refused to play ball.
A concentration camp dressed up as a commune, with daily doses of "medicine" and 24\7 propaganda over loudspeakers sounds like a test at dealing with that element, imho.
Here is probably the most quoted piece of HG Well's "New World Order", which is NOT a novel, it is specifically written as a GUIDE BOOK for ACHIEVING a "New World Order" ...
"... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."
THAT is the scary thing about Jonestown,
NOT just that the CIA was allegedly doing mind control experiments,
but the notion that the CIA is merely an agent, an organ of a larger group with larger plans,
and that Jonestown was possibly just a small compartmentalized testing ground for much larger population-control (and here i don't mean reduction, i mean CONTROL, as in dealing with massive civil unrest) initiative. A place to see if people could be drugged and brainwashed in to submitting themselves to manual labor with minimal luxuries by some sort of "scientific" practices.
But that is just a jump off of the looney-bin diving board in to the Pool of Whacko.
Hey, Drifting. What's your view about tape Q875? Who made it, and where?
Hey Fins,
I am VERY suprised to see you posting in this thread.
Didn't know you were "like that".
man as strange as you will think it is to hear this coming from me,
i can't (am not really good at) speculating on stuff like that.
This is sort of like, "who was on the grassy knoll" or "how many guns do you think their actually were in Dealey plaza".
I can do a lot of broader picture conjecture, but some of these specific questions are just beyond the knowable.
I have no idea if that tape is legit, or if it is fake or what.
What i WOULD like to know is how you even got to that level of intimacy with Jonestown.
Is this a pet conspiracy of yours or what?
i gots to get on the road motherfuckers!
Saw KoL last night in Cary (FUCKING AWESOME!)
and headed to Charlotte for some Dinosaur Jr \ Mike Watt and
then tomorrow for Kings of Leon again.
Fuck yeah.
PAY ATTENTION all you meanies who insist i have no fun and am a schizophrenic.
You could learn alot from this.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
This is mildly interesting. I did a research paper back in school on subliminal messages being played in department stores to deter shoplifters. Stores that had the messages playing (very faint voice saying 'do not steal' or something similar) actually had less theft than the same stores without the subliminal messages. So it exists and it's out there. While I don't think the US govt is trying to control the country by using mind control through digital TV, I'm sure there are or could be some type of experimentations done through this medium.
This is mildly interesting. I did a research paper back in school on subliminal messages being played in department stores to deter shoplifters. Stores that had the messages playing (very faint voice saying 'do not steal' or something similar) actually had less theft than the same stores without the subliminal messages. So it exists and it's out there. While I don't think the US govt is trying to control the country by using mind control through digital TV, I'm sure there are or could be some type of experimentations done through this medium.
Were that controlled for other factors about the malls? I know from my line of work, that when you try something new to offset for instance sick-leave, companies who sign up usually give a fuck about their employees and thus have lower sick-leave anyway. You see a difference between companies joining the program and those staying outside for instance.
So, basically, I ask if it was controlled for self-selection effects? If not, that may be all it is. If not, then it's interesting.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
go back and re read my posts, CAREFULLY.
I have said SEVERAL times in this thread that the referenced OP article falls FAR SHORT OF PROOF.
I mean only that this sort of shit is not beyond the realm of ideas some in highlevel military circles would consider.
you REALLY ran this by the head of Dreamworks? Katzenberg
??? THAT i don't believe. Would be nuts though. You asking an alleged illuminist about such things.
And whoever mentioned paranoid schizophrenic,
thank you no ... i actually knew a kid from highschool that became a schizophrenic after too much designer drug use ... i hear no voices, and have no great paranoia ... only a keen curiousity, possibly an overactive imagination, and the ability to think way outside the box.
I've not anywhere here claimed any of the theories in this article as fact,
merely noting what has been CLAIMED and theorized, and being interested in the idea that something called "Silent Sound Spread" technology was REPORTED IN THE NEWS to have been used in the Gulf War.
THAT, i find QUITE interesting, and potentially quite disturbing.
Aldous Huxley - Gravity of Light
They are NOT simple "works of fiction",
these are novels written by avante guarde minds, the height of their generations mental prowess, insight, and understanding, and they have written these books as SOCIAL COMMENTARY about a world they see as being quietly (and now NOT so quietly) seduced in to a sort technologicaly driven spiritualy-destructive reduced state of humanity.
Huxley is VERY clear in some of the interview footage about the tragedy and the horrors that he many decades ago foresaw as being part of the as-yet-then-still-emerging "modern world". Here i mean he is specific about methods of authoritarian control, of technological advancement setting the stage for very coercive manipulation of the human population at large and more generaly of a future where man has been reduced to a mere tool of an elite authoritarian class.
Again, NOT simple works of fiction.
To label these works as such is to be ignorant of the larger context of history in to which the authors of these works fell, and to ignore their own ideologies. Watch Gravity of Light.
From the film:
You tell me what he was getting at.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I like how you pair the first (true) statement with the second (self-promoting) one to try to build in a solid rationalization for this nonsense.
Indeed they were. But they're still just guessing. It's fiction based on philosophy. So what? People read the book of Revelations and then look around the world and can pick things out that are sure fire sounds that the End of Days is here. You're doing the same thing with 1984... the philosophical ramblings of some bright guys, but by no means does it make every conspiracy true. You're doing the same crap people like this believe:
You want a real novel chock full of philosophical truth? Read Catch-22. The only book to nail the modern world... nobody's in charge, society is not organized, it's just arbitrary and random, and we're all fucked no matter what we do or who's "in charge."
sounds about right to me.
IMHO, the idea that the world is the victim of pure random chance is an idiotic oversimplification of the way things are.
Certainly absolute power is an absolute impossibility -- an attempt at eliminating the happenstance of chaos is a fruitless resolve.
But shy of that there are no further bounds commanded by the world we live in.
Power structures can and do evolve, and ones that run secretly most certainly exist.
Your assertion that society is not organized, is just arbitrary and random, and that "nobody is in charge" is miserably off the mark.
Society is in fact notably organized. Politically ours (Unites States) is principally organized around our constitution. Socially it is organized around a great many things, but some primary forces at work would certainly be the artistic sensibilities of the age (the music, fine and performing arts of the times), the sexual attitudes of the period, attitudes concerning creed, race, and religion, and of course THE MEDIUMS of time, including quite notably in ours, TELEVISION, MOVIES, RADIO, THE INTERNET and to a much lesser (and desperately unfortunate) extent these days, PRINT.
Going beyond the ridiculous assertion that there are no organizing principles in our age (or any), one can look deeper and look at the forces behind those forces.
Culturally speaking, that can mean (among other things) looking at WHO or WHAT is driving an industry, product, or MEDIUM that is itself affecting a large influence upon society.
In other words, and quite obviously, WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW?
Here are some media ownership charts.
This is the definition of organization, NOT lack of it:
media ownership chart
media ownership by revenue -- General Electric = 50%+ of total media revenues for 2005 Chart of what media GE owns
For 2008, most revenue: it's TimeWarner
Is that not organization?
Is that not "in charge"?
Total control? OF COURSE NOT.
But a respectable level of such control? ABSOLUTELY.
Here is something fun.
AOLTimeWarner is the leading media conglomerate.
Lets see.
Time: Founder and publisher Henry Luce was Yale graduate and Skull & Bones.
Time played the key role in locking up the Zapruder film of JFK's assassination away from the public for over a decade. Skull & Bones has direct and obvious connections to both the visible and the secret power structures in this country\the world at large.
AOL, what is their symbol?
Oh is it a giant EYE in a TRIANGLE?
And what about Time Warner,
what is IT's LOGO?
Wow! But those companies MERGED.
AOL Time Warner
EYE SkullBones EYE
Lets move over to VIACOM.
By FAR their top tier brand is
CBS -- the oldest TV network in existence.
First to report to you on the assassination of JFK
and the one that had Walter Cronkite on the air telling you about "Lee HENRY Oswald" the title of the OTHER FILE that the CIA had on Oswald.
For shits and giggles,
Viacom also owns Nickelodeon
which once ran this logo in one of their on network ads:
That is certainly an "oganizational" structure, though not one that seems to be very apparent at the surface, and one that SEEMINGLY has no real impact on the world.
But WHY?
Why would CBS, TIME WARNER, and AOL
and one even includes the superfluous use of the triangle\pyramid by chance.
Just like the oh so often cospiracy referenced Great Seal of the United States which is on the dollar bill.
I want to hear it.
Let me hear you try to tell me that these companies all just happened to come by a Solitary Eye \ Pyramid logo by chance, and that the American public, BY CHANCE, selected these companies to be winners based upon some subconscious preference for these logos.
That in fact, the logos were so well designed that not only did several RANDOM companies rise to the top because of their RANDOMLY chosen logos, but that they also THROUGH RANDOM CHANCE, MERGED TOGETHER IN TO A SINGLE ENTITY WITH DUAL SOLITARY EYE LOGOS!
Chaos theory is INCREDIBLY POWERFUL folks.
Don't delude yourself in to thinking that powerful forces could ever unite unbeknownst to Joe Q Public and CONSPIRE to plan their own future destiny (and YOURS as well, by default) ....
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I think you stole this whole post from the Da Vinci Code, or that shitty Nicholas Cage movie.
My guess is that they adopted those logos after market research that showed people responded favorably to them, probably due to some species-based positive Jungian archetypal response to the form emulating an eye. If these guys are SO brilliant and in control and secretive, why would they risk blowing the cover on their conspiracy by consciously coordinating their logos? I mean, clearly, any guy on the internet that can think outside the box (and take some shrooms) could see through the man's smokescreen here! Kinda foolish of them isn't it?
check the vid:
it was inspired by the all seeing eye, and made CBS's permanent company logo by the pres himself - Frank Stanton, CFR member (deceased). Go figure
The broadcast was a psychological warfare experiment conducted by The Princeton Radio Project. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the project in the fall of 1937. An Office of Radio Research was set up with Paul F. Lazarsfeld as director, and Frank Stanton and Hadley Cantril as associate directors. Cantril used a special grant from the General Education Board to study the effects of the broadcast. Cantril published the study as a book titled The Invasion From Mars - A Study In The Psychology Of Panic. It contains a complete script of the broadcast. The book is one of a series of studies sponsored by the Federal Radio Education Committee.
I don't want to get into that's weak. But it does tie in to the OP in a way, and driftin's goin balls out here so why not...
Thing is, this stuff is not hidden. It's not a conspiracy. The people at the top are the ones benefitting from everyone else's misery. It's a hierarchy; not everyone involved knows every detail....the business community has a vested interest in towing the line in regards to globalism, and it trickles down to every aspect of our society....we work for these bankers, essentially, and they have stated ambitions to make sure those that don't, will. If you want to call that a looney tune conspiracy, fine...but David Rockefeller has a fucking library of megalomaniacal quotes, sick shit...he's one of the real bosses.
Now....whether or not the use of masonic/occult/shaman symbolism in so many of their logos, their art, literature, architecture, etc is a way of flipping us all the bird, a really really really big coincidence, or.....a not-so-subtle attempt to condition us to...something
There are a ton of examples of subliminal advertising…the concept of advertising itself is at heart a form of mind control - influencing behaviour....think of how much money is spent in the private sector figuring out what kinds of images or feelings trigger your subconscious....psychoanalyzing the consumer.
Consider the time, money and effort put into this by the 'public' sector, from the nazi experiments to MK Ultra, into the mid 70’s when it all ‘stopped’ after coming to public light. (yes, it is basically all one timeline – the nazi scientists that began the concentration camp mind control ‘experiments’ were recruited to continue their work). The military is always a step ahead of private business, and advertising is a massive, complex psycho-fuck... Why wouldn't intelligence and the military still be interested in mind control? I mean...what if the Russians are researching it, right?
All records were ordered destroyed not long before the story broke and the investigation began, but there are scientists that participated in MK Ultra that are on record saying the research continued after it was brought to light. …..the most outspoken critic of the program, the whistleblower, ‘committed suicide’ by jumping out a 10th story hotel window….while unconscious from a blow to the head. Throw in the Jonestown speculation, and you have to wonder how far the research went (is going?).
To think that all of this work was done over the course of 30-some years, without finding any results to justify continuing the research, is naïve. Do we really think the best methods found to influence behaviour were loudspeakers and sexual messages in print ads? There has got to be more advanced methods developed by now. I agree with cosmo; true or not, another reason to turn the fucking thing off....
Hey soulsinging,
you're spot on with this.
you miss one very subtle ponit.
check this out:
old nazi propaganda about Freemasonry & Judaism
Here is the text [warning: anti-semetic disclaimer!]:
"World Politics | World Revolution"
"Freemasonry is an international organization beholden to Jewry with the political goal of establishing Jewish domination through world-wide revolution."
Get it?
Obviously, being part very very jew, i denounce the condemnation of a socio-religious\racial group based on the radical ideology of a small subsect of their membership, however the underlying sentiment stands to bare.
If your organization is predicated upon the realization of power THROUGH REVOLUTION
Can you see a bunch of people getting really pissed off,
if they ever caught on to the smoke and mirrors game being played in front of them, through their government, and pervasive throughout their economic structure?
If you needed to bring down the final remaining independent nation-state power structure to institute your ultimate global hegemony, you would need a pretty good scare to get people to relinquish their soverign claim on liberty, yes?
Remember the motto of a one certain secret society is "Ordo Ab Chaos" or "Order Out Of Chaos".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I wouldn't dismiss the theories about the War of the Worlds broadcast as "weak" out of hand like that.
I did some research on that once for the old board, posted a good bit on it too.
It checks out pretty much like a lot of this stuff does.
Certainly HG Wells wrote that book well before the broadcast,
but the details revolving around the production of the radio show have several converging trails that lead back to intelligence\rockefeller\propaganda circles that at certain points just screams out at you. Too bad the archives probably don't cover that post. I had found some good info on it and put it together well.
Shit fuck i gotta go to bed. 4am
and i gots to be on a farm tomorrow at 8:30 to plant seed.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
And a bunch of corporate logos that bear a vague similarity is "a pretty good scare" in your mind? No, this wouldn't piss people off. I think people would laugh at this. Most people are fucking dumber than a piece of shit and need to be controlled and told what to do. They wouldn't even be able to comprehend this nonsense, any more than a 3rd grader can do calculus. Humans are docile herd animals, they need alpha males (the silverback if you will) to point them in the right direction.
Was CBS not a huge company before 1951? i think it was.... and yet its logo was
it only changed to the eye logo in 1951.
also... you're asking why are these companies only using an eye logo and why are they all top companies? basically because, and i speak from personal experience, graphic designers are fucking lazy.
we've all done it... we steal.. ahem borrow... from other peoples ideas..
i.e. the BBC used to use a Globe as part of its ident... how many other companies use a globe as part of their logo... hundreds... and holy shit... look how many airline companies use flying things or tail like symbology as part of their logos
CBS, AOL, Time Warner, Nickelodeon, Viacom.... they are companies which use a similar iconography to display what their 'business' is about... i.e. watching their products.
holy crap... Apple's Itunes is the worlds biggest music retailer... its logo is an Apple... and who is the biggest selling band of all time? The Beatles... and their logo is ... eek... an Apple!!!! which might tie in with your theory other than the fact they hate each other.
There were a few holes poked in it on the forum I stole it from, and I hadn’t had time to look into what did or didn’t hold water…
ss - wow, after that post, I don't think you'd find much wrong with the Rockefeller quotes I mentioned earlier. You do realize you're human, right? Unless you think you're a silverback, you're talking about yourself too...
I don't know what quotes you're talking about, but yes, I do realize I'm human. What of it? We're animals, a few technological innovations away from flinging shit at each other in trees. You all act like this is the first time in human history there has been a ruling class. It has always and will always be this way. We're wired as social animals, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. This whole delusion that each person is a beautiful snowflake that just needs to get The Man off his back to pursue some wonderful fulfilling existence is a bunch of wishful thinking bullshit. Most people are fucking stupid and their destiny will never be any higher than menial shit work because anything more would tax their limited mind.
As to me, I'm too lazy and uninterested to be a silverback. Too much work, not enough reward.
I get the feeling neither of you have read catch-22. Since you both seem to have nothing but spare time to dig up 50 news articles and videos a day, I suggest you read it. The only sane person in that book is the old Italian man, and that's who I am. I don't give a fuck if the Masons rule the world. What difference does it make to me in my daily life? And you want me to sign on to some bullshit revolution on "your" side? So that what? You can round up the Masons, burn them all at the stake and then put yourselves in charge? For 98% of humanity it doesn't make a bit of fucking difference if the Masons rule the world, or the church does, or Ghandi does, or you with your enlightenment. It's all the same on the ground.
The Rockefeller quotes are all over the internet, you could find them easily if you were so inclined…yes, there’s always been a ruling class, yes we’re social animals…what of it? Forgive me for seeing potential for more from the human race. I realize there is no utopian society for us around the corner, but I don’t think that means we need to abandon our dreams or ideals. I know it seems frivolous to you, but (beyond neccessity), those dreams and ideals are the heart of motivation and innovation – without them we might as well start flinging shit…
And I disagree with your snowflake sentiment…yes, we’re influenced by a million social and physiological conditions, but we are still capable of independent thought and reasoning. There is no reason we can’t evolve past where we are now. The way I see it, the people at the top ARE holding us back, thru taxation, greed, war, and stagnant, traditional thought. People are working so hard that innovation is being stifled. The majority of the Western population is fucking exhausted just trying to tread water.
No, I haven’t read the book…
And I don’t have a ‘side’. I’m sick of always being associated with a school of thought, ideology, one side of the spectrum or another… I have no interest in choosing sides, nor do I think of myself as ‘enlightened’….but I don’t dismiss these things out of hand, nor accept them just cause they aren’t mainstream…in actuality, this stuff is entertainment to me…I don’t’ watch tv.
As for the 50 articles a day thing….aren’t you the leading poster here, bro? wtf? And here I was gonna ask if you’d be in town for lolla…but that hurt. I was gonna buy you an evian or something
I don't think we're all capable of independent thought and reasoning. You need to meet some of my relatives and classmates back in Ohio. I don't think the people at the top are holding us back or helping us along, nor are the people at the bottom doing either. For every amazing unsung innovator that got stifled because of Rockefeller (however you see that happening), there are 1000 people that were stifled because they're a fucking moron. And for every guy at the top stifling the rest of the world for personal profit, there's another making contributions to huge advances in a variety of fields. Someone will always be on top and some of them will always be pricks and some of us will always be ground beneath the boots of the more powerful. This is the human condition. Shit, this is the world condition. Life always has been and always will be operating on this principle.
I'm glad to hear you don't take this as seriously as Drifting, and I apologize for the news article/enlightened comment. I had you confused with Commy for some reason. Those two seem to spend all day scouring the web for bizarre rumors to treat as fact. I don't know if I'm top poster here anymore, but like you, this is entertainment for me. I don't spend any time online trying to learn anything
As to Lolla, I'd never turn down an Evian, but sadly I'm leaving Chicago in May to move back to Ohio and prepare for the bar/new job :( Don't know if I'll make it to Lolla. Probably explains my bitterness though... I worked so hard to escape, now I'm being sucked back into the degenerate redneck heaven that is Ohio.
Hey, Drifting. What's your view about tape Q875? Who made it, and where?
Hey Fins,
I am VERY suprised to see you posting in this thread.
Didn't know you were "like that".
man as strange as you will think it is to hear this coming from me,
i can't (am not really good at) speculating on stuff like that.
This is sort of like, "who was on the grassy knoll" or "how many guns do you think their actually were in Dealey plaza".
I can do a lot of broader picture conjecture, but some of these specific questions are just beyond the knowable.
I have no idea if that tape is legit, or if it is fake or what.
What i WOULD like to know is how you even got to that level of intimacy with Jonestown.
Is this a pet conspiracy of yours or what?
i gots to get on the road motherfuckers!
Saw KoL last night in Cary (FUCKING AWESOME!)
and headed to Charlotte for some Dinosaur Jr \ Mike Watt and
then tomorrow for Kings of Leon again.
Fuck yeah.
PAY ATTENTION all you meanies who insist i have no fun and am a schizophrenic.
You could learn alot from this.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Here's a bit of an uber-geeky forum on which I lurk but don't post. Interesting stuff about Q875 ... ... ks-f2.html
Were that controlled for other factors about the malls? I know from my line of work, that when you try something new to offset for instance sick-leave, companies who sign up usually give a fuck about their employees and thus have lower sick-leave anyway. You see a difference between companies joining the program and those staying outside for instance.
So, basically, I ask if it was controlled for self-selection effects? If not, that may be all it is. If not, then it's interesting.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965