Corporatism is the inevitable outcome of capitalism. When some people get an edge on wealth and power, which is exactly what capitalism protects and encourages, they're going to use it to eliminate competition and increase their share and their profit. Voila. Corporatism. You cannot have capitalism without juggernaut conglomerates emerging on top and then oppressing everyone else to keep them in the backseat. Walmart is a beautiful example of this.
I don't think corporatism is inevitable in a free market society-- I do think it creates a lot of "big business," but without the government handouts and regulations that give birth to corporatism, there still exists a lot of healthy competition from smaller businesses against the big guys. For instance, picture a USA without oil subsidies, how much higher would the prices be? How much more sense would it make to switch to a hybrid, or an alternative fuel? Now, it's happening anyway with the government forcing the auto industries to go green, BUT AT OUR EXPENSE!
I sincerely believe that no true monopoly exists without the helping hand of the government. Constitutional government does not allow for businesses to get in bed with the government, (the only real way to eliminate competition) the way we see it happening now. Currently, the worst monopoly ever exists in the form of the Federal Reserve, with the monopoly on money creation Anyway, I'll meet you halfway: elminate all laws banning hemp, and all laws that require insurance, and disallow THE BANK to issue our own money to us at interest and let's see how that "mixed' system works first, before we dive headfirst back into a free market. Not that this is going to happen, but I wish it would!
I'm on board with those. I'm not for communism or state ownership of all industry or anything. But I tend to notice that the people talking loudest about "free market capitalism" are the ones quietly approving bank bailouts while they scream bloody murder about the idea of paying off debtors' mortgages because it's their responsibility. They're also the ones that scream about ANY regulation or restraint on business, because they want the freedom to do the shit that got us into this mess: fuck with their books and sell and re-sell debt endlessly in order to inflate profits and stock payouts so they can bail with a billion dollar parachute once the balloon bursts.
I definitely agree about insurance, that's the most disgusting industry on the planet. And hemp could be a huge boon to our struggling farmers as well as a big environmental winner. But the bottom line is, businesses need to be regulated because greed cannot check itself and abuse will be ever present. You can't just let it run free. I also think we badly need to re-write our lobbying and campaign finance laws. I'm tired of this bullshit argument that campaign donations are "speech." Handing someone a check is not speech.
Sounds like we argue more over syntax than semantics. I think 95% of the "regulation" that is needed already exists in state laws against fraud, larceny, etc... That is how businesses should be kept honest above all else.
Your beef with the "free market people" is exactly mine. I don't see them as free market at all. Any time the government gives a bailout, or allows for laws to be written that banks, credit agencies, etc... can work with money that they really don't have, that IS a problem in regulation to me, and I speak of whatever regulations that allowed them to do this in the first place. I'm all for the 'regulations' that rid us of whatever regulations that allowed banks and credit agencies to be gods over any other business, or people in general. If you and I can't do it, why should they be allowed to do it?
Are you still in love with him now that you get an idea of what kind of what kind of Socialist he is?
Capitalism: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit.
Private ownership in decline...Free competitive market? Nope.
Socialism: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles.
Controlled by the people? Equity and fairness? Nope.
Fascism: any movement, ideology, or attitude that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism.
He claimed to get rid of partisanship and he has done nothing but push forward EXTREME left-wing, socialist ideas.
SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
He claimed to get rid of partisanship and he has done nothing but push forward EXTREME left-wing, socialist ideas.
Maybe you'll step up to the plate and answer what I asked about the previous administration and their socialist tendencies? If you can't, then you (like the original poster) are just playing the partisan card.
partisanship... non-partisanship... Which is really worse? Sometimes it seems like we get fucked the hardest when all the morons on Capitol Hill actually agree on something.
Capitalism is waht made America the greatest country in the world!
I like America and most of the Americans I've met, but statements like this always make me squirm. Why do so many Americans assume theirs is "the greatest country"? Why is it always said as if it were a self-evident truth, in need of no justification or explanation? What does it even mean??
Sure, America has many great elements but it has many, many deep flaws. When I hear this phrase thrown out there - and I hear it a lot - it just sounds like nothing more than blind, unquestioning acceptance of empty propaganda. Basically, something not too different from the likes of this...
93: Slane
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
He claimed to get rid of partisanship and he has done nothing but push forward EXTREME left-wing, socialist ideas.
Please... give us some examples. This statement is so open and vague, that is really means nothing.
What are the EXTREME Left-Wing Socialist Ideas that Obama has pushed through?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Capitalism is waht made America the greatest country in the world!
I like America and most of the Americans I've met, but statements like this always make me squirm. Why do so many Americans assume theirs is "the greatest country"? Why is it always said as if it were a self-evident truth, in need of no justification or explanation? What does it even mean??
Sure, America has many great elements but it has many, many deep flaws. When I hear this phrase thrown out there - and I hear it a lot - it just sounds like nothing more than blind, unquestioning acceptance of empty propaganda. Basically, something not too different from the likes of this...
Simple..conditioning......we're fed how great America is on a daily basis...we sing the anthem before most public events..we sing before each school day how wonderful our country its comforting to think how great we are versus the reality of how we built this country on slavery and carried out genocide to the native Americans that inhabited this land prior to all us wonderful white folk arriving. AND COME ON NOW....YOU Do Realize this is GODS country and we were founded on Christian principles
In our defense we're no different than the sheeple of other countries....all governments feed this crap to their citizens....just elemetary conditioning...fortunately there are some humans that see through the BS and don't follow the sheeple.
Obama will do a better job in current curcumstances than most of the presidents in our history.
Yes, and his decision to pursue giving 12 million illegal alien criminals citizenship when there are millions of Americans out of work is a great answer. And please save the excuse that these are jobs that Americans won't do because every time criminal aliens are arrested there are hundreds of Americans applying for those jobs.
Obama will do a better job in current curcumstances than most of the presidents in our history.
Yes, and his decision to pursue giving 12 million illegal alien criminals citizenship when there are millions of Americans out of work is a great answer. And please save the excuse that these are jobs that Americans won't do because every time criminal aliens are arrested there are hundreds of Americans applying for those jobs.
I assume you would put part of the blame on former President Bush for his lack of action on this issue so near and dear to your heart? Wouldn't you?
Obama will do a better job in current curcumstances than most of the presidents in our history.
Yes, and his decision to pursue giving 12 million illegal alien criminals citizenship when there are millions of Americans out of work is a great answer. And please save the excuse that these are jobs that Americans won't do because every time criminal aliens are arrested there are hundreds of Americans applying for those jobs.
I know first generation Mexicans that won't even do what the illegals are doing
you ever work in a tortilla factory, wash dishes in a restaurant, or hand pick vegetables in the fields in the middle of summer?
Yes, and his decision to pursue giving 12 million illegal alien criminals citizenship when there are millions of Americans out of work is a great answer. And please save the excuse that these are jobs that Americans won't do because every time criminal aliens are arrested there are hundreds of Americans applying for those jobs.
I know first generation Mexicans that won't even do what the illegals are doing
you ever work in a tortilla factory, wash dishes in a restaurant, or hand pick vegetables in the fields in the middle of summer?
And somehow... I just can't picture 'hundreds of Americans' lining up to take that job that cleans up porta pottys at construction sites and Coachella Festivals. But, hey... if someone wants that fucking job, they can fucking have it.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Obama will do a better job in current curcumstances than most of the presidents in our history.
Yes, and his decision to pursue giving 12 million illegal alien criminals citizenship when there are millions of Americans out of work is a great answer. And please save the excuse that these are jobs that Americans won't do because every time criminal aliens are arrested there are hundreds of Americans applying for those jobs.
I know first generation Mexicans that won't even do what the illegals are doing
you ever work in a tortilla factory, wash dishes in a restaurant, or hand pick vegetables in the fields in the middle of summer?
I actually worked a kitchen when I was 16 for a summer, and the following summer worked the fields picking onions with nothing but Mexicans. I'm also not above cutting my own grass before someone throws that one out.
I assume you would put part of the blame on former President Bush for his lack of action on this issue so near and dear to your heart? Wouldn't you?
Bush was at least arresting and deporting them in the latter years of his second term. Obama and Napolitano (sp) ordered ICE to release the ones that they just arrested and let them go back to work! This coupled with that hag traitor Pelosi saying that ICE is un-AMERICAN. These GD politicians care more about illegal alien criminals than they do Americans out of work.
I assume you would put part of the blame on former President Bush for his lack of action on this issue so near and dear to your heart? Wouldn't you?
Bush was at least arresting and deporting them in the latter years of his second term. Obama and Napolitano (sp) ordered ICE to release the ones that they just arrested and let them go back to work! This coupled with that hag traitor Pelosi saying that ICE is un-AMERICAN. These GD politicians care more about illegal alien criminals than they do Americans out of work.
I read your posted article...
How about going after the EMPLOYER? That is the SOURCE of the issue. They are willing to hire, often with sub-standard pay, to work, often times in sub-standard conditions and the employer doesn't have to pay taxes, insurance or wokman's compensation... which he would be required to pay for U.S. workers. They will not have to adhere to OSHA safety requirements, either.
There is your criminal.
Go after every American who employs an illegal... stop the reason WHY they come here. Even the guy who picks up illegals at the Home Depot to bust out a concrete driveway or clear brush on his property... HE is a criminal.
So, the next time you go to a restaurant... if you eat there and they have illegal immigrants in the kitchen and dishwashing station... you are contributing to the problem.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Also the employer should face jail time, and the illegals should be deported, both are guilty. This administration sure seems hell-bent on kissing illegal alien ass though.
Also the employer should face jail time, and the illegals should be deported, both are guilty. This administration sure seems hell-bent on kissing illegal alien ass though.
isn't everybody in the US either an immigrant or descended from one? by everybody I mean every single person in this country.
when did the close the gate? and who made that decision.
Also the employer should face jail time, and the illegals should be deported, both are guilty. This administration sure seems hell-bent on kissing illegal alien ass though.
isn't everybody in the US either an immigrant or descended from one? by everybody I mean every single person in this country.
when did the close the gate? and who made that decision.
I know a couple Native Americans who would argue this point with you.
I assume you would put part of the blame on former President Bush for his lack of action on this issue so near and dear to your heart? Wouldn't you?
Bush was at least arresting and deporting them in the latter years of his second term. Obama and Napolitano (sp) ordered ICE to release the ones that they just arrested and let them go back to work! This coupled with that hag traitor Pelosi saying that ICE is un-AMERICAN. These GD politicians care more about illegal alien criminals than they do Americans out of work.
I read your posted article...
How about going after the EMPLOYER? That is the SOURCE of the issue. They are willing to hire, often with sub-standard pay, to work, often times in sub-standard conditions and the employer doesn't have to pay taxes, insurance or wokman's compensation... which he would be required to pay for U.S. workers. They will not have to adhere to OSHA safety requirements, either.
There is your criminal.
Go after every American who employs an illegal... stop the reason WHY they come here. Even the guy who picks up illegals at the Home Depot to bust out a concrete driveway or clear brush on his property... HE is a criminal.
So, the next time you go to a restaurant... if you eat there and they have illegal immigrants in the kitchen and dishwashing station... you are contributing to the problem.
I don't disagree in principle about everyone is responsible, but the system basically allows for this. The system dictates that it is acceptable.
The Law government could put pressure on Business and law enforcement to not allow these workers to congregate, yet that doesn't happen.
Have a question for you.....where/are you okay with having a total incompetent ignorant VP a heartbeat away from being the president? I sure wasn't. If I had a corporation to run I'd rather have Obama at the helm than McCain/Palin. Obama will do a better job in current curcumstances than most of the presidents in our history.
I'm with Callen... thats enough to make me vote for Obama. Talk about inexperience... at least Obama has a brain. McCain kissed the presidency goodbye once he added Palin to the ticket.
Also, not everyone who voted for Obama is a hard core liberal who had tears running down their cheeks while waving ten Obama signs at whatever rally/celebration. I already mentioned one reason. A lot of people try to simplify decisions and often come out with skewed results; as in, I can be 100% positive that a majority of voters didn't read into all the issues that each campaign ran for. I would say a lot of people strictly followed party lines, voted black v. white, or voted "not the guy who will probably be like bush". I'm sure a handful voted "not idiot VP". Actually most people strictly follow party lines; it doesn't matter whose up there on the ticket.
So, your initial "inquisition" (aka "rant") will most likely not address the people you are thinking about, because those hardcore liberals with tears running down their cheeks for obama don't exist in high masses. They're just what you see on TV. So yes, I was an Obama voter, and no, none of your questions apply to me.
DC '03 - Reading '04 - Philly '05 - Camden 1 '06 - DC '06 - E. Rutherford '06 - The Vic '07 - Lollapalooza '07 - DC '08 - EV DC 1 & 2 '08 (Met Ed!!) - EV Baltimore 1 & 2 '09 - EV NYC 1 '11 (Met Ed!) - Hartford '13 - GCF '15 - MSG 2 '16 - TOTD MSG '16 - Boston 1 & 2 '18 - SHN '21 - EV NYC 1 & 2 '22 - MSG '22
Sounds like we argue more over syntax than semantics. I think 95% of the "regulation" that is needed already exists in state laws against fraud, larceny, etc... That is how businesses should be kept honest above all else.
Your beef with the "free market people" is exactly mine. I don't see them as free market at all. Any time the government gives a bailout, or allows for laws to be written that banks, credit agencies, etc... can work with money that they really don't have, that IS a problem in regulation to me, and I speak of whatever regulations that allowed them to do this in the first place. I'm all for the 'regulations' that rid us of whatever regulations that allowed banks and credit agencies to be gods over any other business, or people in general. If you and I can't do it, why should they be allowed to do it?
It sounds like we're on the same page.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
He claimed to get rid of partisanship and he has done nothing but push forward EXTREME left-wing, socialist ideas.
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
Maybe you'll step up to the plate and answer what I asked about the previous administration and their socialist tendencies? If you can't, then you (like the original poster) are just playing the partisan card.
I like America and most of the Americans I've met, but statements like this always make me squirm. Why do so many Americans assume theirs is "the greatest country"? Why is it always said as if it were a self-evident truth, in need of no justification or explanation? What does it even mean??
Sure, America has many great elements but it has many, many deep flaws. When I hear this phrase thrown out there - and I hear it a lot - it just sounds like nothing more than blind, unquestioning acceptance of empty propaganda. Basically, something not too different from the likes of this...
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
Please... give us some examples. This statement is so open and vague, that is really means nothing.
What are the EXTREME Left-Wing Socialist Ideas that Obama has pushed through?
Hail, Hail!!!
Simple..conditioning......we're fed how great America is on a daily basis...we sing the anthem before most public events..we sing before each school day how wonderful our country its comforting to think how great we are versus the reality of how we built this country on slavery and carried out genocide to the native Americans that inhabited this land prior to all us wonderful white folk arriving. AND COME ON NOW....YOU Do Realize this is GODS country and we were founded on Christian principles
In our defense we're no different than the sheeple of other countries....all governments feed this crap to their citizens....just elemetary conditioning...fortunately there are some humans that see through the BS and don't follow the sheeple.
Yes, and his decision to pursue giving 12 million illegal alien criminals citizenship when there are millions of Americans out of work is a great answer. And please save the excuse that these are jobs that Americans won't do because every time criminal aliens are arrested there are hundreds of Americans applying for those jobs.
I assume you would put part of the blame on former President Bush for his lack of action on this issue so near and dear to your heart? Wouldn't you?
I know first generation Mexicans that won't even do what the illegals are doing
you ever work in a tortilla factory, wash dishes in a restaurant, or hand pick vegetables in the fields in the middle of summer?
And somehow... I just can't picture 'hundreds of Americans' lining up to take that job that cleans up porta pottys at construction sites and Coachella Festivals. But, hey... if someone wants that fucking job, they can fucking have it.
Hail, Hail!!!
I actually worked a kitchen when I was 16 for a summer, and the following summer worked the fields picking onions with nothing but Mexicans. I'm also not above cutting my own grass before someone throws that one out.
Bush was at least arresting and deporting them in the latter years of his second term. Obama and Napolitano (sp) ordered ICE to release the ones that they just arrested and let them go back to work! This coupled with that hag traitor Pelosi saying that ICE is un-AMERICAN. These GD politicians care more about illegal alien criminals than they do Americans out of work.
I read your posted article...
How about going after the EMPLOYER? That is the SOURCE of the issue. They are willing to hire, often with sub-standard pay, to work, often times in sub-standard conditions and the employer doesn't have to pay taxes, insurance or wokman's compensation... which he would be required to pay for U.S. workers. They will not have to adhere to OSHA safety requirements, either.
There is your criminal.
Go after every American who employs an illegal... stop the reason WHY they come here. Even the guy who picks up illegals at the Home Depot to bust out a concrete driveway or clear brush on his property... HE is a criminal.
So, the next time you go to a restaurant... if you eat there and they have illegal immigrants in the kitchen and dishwashing station... you are contributing to the problem.
Hail, Hail!!!
Also the employer should face jail time, and the illegals should be deported, both are guilty. This administration sure seems hell-bent on kissing illegal alien ass though.
isn't everybody in the US either an immigrant or descended from one? by everybody I mean every single person in this country.
when did the close the gate? and who made that decision.
I know a couple Native Americans who would argue this point with you.
I don't disagree in principle about everyone is responsible, but the system basically allows for this. The system dictates that it is acceptable.
The Law government could put pressure on Business and law enforcement to not allow these workers to congregate, yet that doesn't happen.
They have become an accepted part of the system.
I'm with Callen... thats enough to make me vote for Obama. Talk about inexperience... at least Obama has a brain. McCain kissed the presidency goodbye once he added Palin to the ticket.
Also, not everyone who voted for Obama is a hard core liberal who had tears running down their cheeks while waving ten Obama signs at whatever rally/celebration. I already mentioned one reason. A lot of people try to simplify decisions and often come out with skewed results; as in, I can be 100% positive that a majority of voters didn't read into all the issues that each campaign ran for. I would say a lot of people strictly followed party lines, voted black v. white, or voted "not the guy who will probably be like bush". I'm sure a handful voted "not idiot VP". Actually most people strictly follow party lines; it doesn't matter whose up there on the ticket.
So, your initial "inquisition" (aka "rant") will most likely not address the people you are thinking about, because those hardcore liberals with tears running down their cheeks for obama don't exist in high masses. They're just what you see on TV. So yes, I was an Obama voter, and no, none of your questions apply to me.