Nick name or full name?

Do you go by your nick name or full name?
My legal name is James.. I started going by Jim when I was a young kid. I'm not sure why.
What is the point of nick names? Everyone refers to me by my nick name.
My legal name is James.. I started going by Jim when I was a young kid. I'm not sure why.
What is the point of nick names? Everyone refers to me by my nick name.
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I don't know why, but it really bugs me!!!
I like two syllable names, well at least with the written form of my name.
i also get nett, netty too tho
all - depends where, when, how and how much i like you i think
My favorite nickname however is when people call me by my last name. That is quite often.
Also, my daughter's name is Gabrielle. I love the name (obviously) and so does she (luckily). She is almost automatically called Gaby (which she doesn't mind too much) - even my her teachers (which I hate) or even Gabs! How ugly is Gabs?!?!
I sometimes get Teep as my initials are TP I don't mind that one so much.
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
Funny part about being called my last name though is that it rhymes with Katie and there are a few people that still call me Katie because they think that's what everybody else is saying.
I hate being called by my surname like I did in high school, used to piss me off.
I also dislike people calling me by my proper name, it's very formal to me if they do.
Dave's sister calls me Stan though.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Strangely, I quite like it :oops:
It came about because in my last job, my name on my payslip was typed in capitals. The 'I' always seemed to have the bottom line missing so my name appeared as STAN
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
soft jones, softo milic, rott nuge, tipper jones, cj, but most common is jones
long long story
If I have a son, i'm gonna call him James. He'll be free to shorten it to Jim if he wants to but i'll still call him James... I'm his mother!
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Our receptionist one time tried to tell a customer how to pronounce my name and said it's like the names Jill and Ian but together. I got a fax later that day to ATTN: Jill Ian.... :roll:
i'm fine with most nicknames that people throw out there...sambo, long as they don't call me sammy!! i hate that and i'm not sure why??!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
My boyfriend is called James but everybody calls him Jam, I find it really strange when I hear people call him James.
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
But I go by Liz
or Lizard
My mom still calls me Lilly-Beth sometimes!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
My husband's name is Robert. EVERYONE calls him Rob, except his mum!!!! She is the only one that still calls him by his full name.
I didn't know his name was James. I guess I could have put 2 and 2 together with Jam but I didn't! Jam suits him perfectly.
My full name is Randall, but I go by Randy. I don't get bent outta shape if people call me by my full name or anything else for that matter.
some people find it VERY upsetting! i always go by, however one introduces themselves is how they should be addressed. now if i haven't actually met the person and am just going by a business card or something, i use their name as printed until they tell me otherwise. i have a name similar to another name...but it is NOT the same name. i enunciate my name clearly, particularly the end, so it does annoy me when people get it wrong.
i've known a few people who went by nick-names then when they age, they change...either to their full name, or another nick name. drives meinsane! it's so difficult to start addressing someone in a new way after so many years! even better, when someone went my their middle name, then decide to go by their first, or vice versa.....soooo hard to do! :P
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Also, my niece and nephew used to say Mattchoo when they were younger because they had a hard time saying Matthew apparently. I miss it....
My name is Matthew as well, but I go by Matt. The only person that calls me Matthew is my Mom. She'd always call me that when I was in trouble when I was little. When I'd really f'd up, I'd get the middle name thrown at me as well.
My siblings call me Matty---mainly because they know it drives me crazy.
go by: Nick
only my mother & my ex have ever called me Nicholas