Iowa strkes down ban on same-sex marriage



  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    inmytree wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    IMO This issue isn't about the acceptance of gay marriage.It's about a bunch of liberal activist judges trying to impose their vision of America on the entire country. They are going around the people and people dont like it. The truth is that many people who oppose gay marriage do so because they believe that society is better served by putting traditional marriage in a special place. I believe that America is a strong place because of it's core values,freedom,individual responsibility,and institutions like TRADITIONAL marriage which foster common goals.
    some activist judges would like to tear that philosophy down,but they have no right to decide how this country operates and what the law should be.The people decide that by voting. In the case of gay marriage in California they decided that marriage should be between a man and a woman and also most of these voters were african american that also voted for Obama, and that decision should be respected. :)

    what's a Liberal Activist Judge...?


    and what do they - whoever they are - have to do with this topic? this is the LAW, making sure the state consitution is followed.....and according to the iowa state constitution it's been deemed unlawful to not allow same-sex couples the right to a legal marriage. makes total sense, and really should be done across the board, every state in the union. i really wish many would seperate their religion from our government as the 2 have no business co-mingling. follow your own religious beliefs, and let others follow their own beliefs...and allow the law to remain blind to race, creed, gender, etc.

    btw - i don't see how any of this can be deemed as making people accept gay marriage. not at all. no one is forcing you to marry someone of your gender, nor to even welcome them in your home. simply that they, as individuals, have the same rights to legal marriage as you, a heterosexual does. makes total sense. you don't have to *accept* anything, just allow others the same rights as you are afforded.
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    I am myself like you somehow

  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    I love how the right (more so people who want gay marriage outlawed) complain about "liberal activist judges", but on other issues complain about people not following the constitution. The court followed the constitution and unanimously agreed that the gay marriage ban violates it.

    If you don't agree with gay marriage, then don't marry a gay guy... and go to a church that won't marry them. Simple as that.

    And the sanctity of marriage argument doesn't even pass the laugh test. If two dudes want to get married, it doesn't affect my marriage in the least bit... neither do the 50% (or whatever the stat is) of marriages that end in divorce. Marriage is special... my wife and I's marriage is special to us, but as far as I am concerned I couldn't care less about anyone else's marriage. If people marry for love, money, sex, a green card, an arraigned marriage, or whatever, it has absolutely no affect on my marriage... if the marriage last 70 years or 15 minutes, it has absolutely no affect on my marriage... if it's two guys, or two women get married, it has absolutely no affect on my marriage.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    i think GAY MARRIAGE is just fucking ridiculous..........

    just my opinion.....

    I think gay marriage is just as ridiculous as heterosexual marriage.

    Both seem dumb to me...
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    mca47 wrote:
    i think GAY MARRIAGE is just fucking ridiculous..........

    just my opinion.....

    I think gay marriage is just as ridiculous as heterosexual marriage.

    Both seem dumb to me...

    while i don't share the same opinion on marriage, at least you're consistent. ;)

    seriously...i think marriage has many benefits, and i think hetero or homosexual, those benefits and rights of legal union should be afforded all. the only 'ridiculous' thing is having a legal right of union afforded to only some of the adult and mutually consenting population and not all. iowa, yet one more small step in the right direction.
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    I am myself like you somehow

  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    IMO This issue isn't about the acceptance of gay marriage.It's about a bunch of liberal activist judges trying to impose their vision of America on the entire country. They are going around the people and people dont like it. The truth is that many people who oppose gay marriage do so because they believe that society is better served by putting traditional marriage in a special place. I believe that America is a strong place because of it's core values,freedom,individual responsibility,and institutions like TRADITIONAL marriage which foster common goals.
    some activist judges would like to tear that philosophy down,but they have no right to decide how this country operates and what the law should be.The people decide that by voting. In the case of gay marriage in California they decided that marriage should be between a man and a woman and also most of these voters were african american that also voted for Obama, and that decision should be respected. :)

    What is traditional marriage? Please define it for me. Because according to the Bible (the source "traditional marriage" people tend to use) it includes having multiple wives and taking on a few whores if your wife isn't putting out or giving kids. Ever heard of Abraham? Or we could go to medieval marriage, which didn't really exist for most people as they were too poor. Or we could go to our forefathers in Rennaisance and Victorian England, when marriage had nothing to do with love or affection and was solely a business contract. Is that what you're hoping for?

    Oh, right. What you mean by "traditional marriage" is that thing popularized by tv shows in the 50's, where married couples slept in separate beds and all. I hate to be the guy pissing on your parade, but unfortunately, that kind of marriage never existed outside of tv world and Norman Rockwell paintings. Welcome to reality.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    so shouldn't we let polygamist get married now? after all aren't they a minority ?

    Yes we should. Polygamy is a traditional marriage. Its tradition goes back way further than your "one man, one woman" marriage. So if we're talking about "traditional" marriages, you've got to include polygamy. It's the oldest tradition.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    It was 'Activist Judges' that eventually made the decision on Civil Rights. If it were left to the 'good people' of the South in 1965... what do you think would have happened?
    Sometimes... The People are wrong. Sometimes... the Masses are Asses.

    sorry but I think there's a pretty big gap between the two.

    Oh? What is it? What's the gap?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    The basic principles are the same. The people living in the South in the 50s and early 60s were perfectly fine with living in Segregation. it was of their opinion that the races shouldn't mix.
    If left to a vote of the people of Mississippi, for example, what do you think the outcome for de-segregation would have been? it's not that they were Bad people... just living with outdated opinions.
    The same thing comes into play today.

    I have to disagree .. gays being able to get married and poeple being lynched?

    There were laws against lynching blacks. But the people of the south set up a nice little "separate but equal" system. Lucky for all of us, a few "activist" judges realized you can't be separate and equal. You're talking about doing the same thing now.
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    prfctlefts wrote:
    so shouldn't we let polygamist get married now? after all aren't they a minority ?

    ummm maybe yes. I think any religion that is fair to all people to offer positions and opportunity is fair.

    Yea I don't really have a problem with it, as long as all parties are consenting adults (ie a guy can't marry a second wife unless his first wife agrees to it).
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    IMO This issue isn't about the acceptance of gay marriage.It's about a bunch of liberal activist judges trying to impose their vision of America on the entire country. They are going around the people and people dont like it. The truth is that many people who oppose gay marriage do so because they believe that society is better served by putting traditional marriage in a special place. I believe that America is a strong place because of it's core values,freedom,individual responsibility,and institutions like TRADITIONAL marriage which foster common goals.
    some activist judges would like to tear that philosophy down,but they have no right to decide how this country operates and what the law should be.The people decide that by voting. In the case of gay marriage in California they decided that marriage should be between a man and a woman and also most of these voters were african american that also voted for Obama, and that decision should be respected. :)

    What is traditional marriage? Please define it for me. Because according to the Bible (the source "traditional marriage" people tend to use) it includes having multiple wives and taking on a few whores if your wife isn't putting out or giving kids. Ever heard of Abraham? Or we could go to medieval marriage, which didn't really exist for most people as they were too poor. Or we could go to our forefathers in Rennaisance and Victorian England, when marriage had nothing to do with love or affection and was solely a business contract. Is that what you're hoping for?

    Oh, right. What you mean by "traditional marriage" is that thing popularized by tv shows in the 50's, where married couples slept in separate beds and all. I hate to be the guy pissing on your parade, but unfortunately, that kind of marriage never existed outside of tv world and Norman Rockwell paintings. Welcome to reality.

    why do you have to be so condescending ?
    1 man+1 woman=traditional marriage .
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    IMO This issue isn't about the acceptance of gay marriage.It's about a bunch of liberal activist judges trying to impose their vision of America on the entire country. They are going around the people and people dont like it. The truth is that many people who oppose gay marriage do so because they believe that society is better served by putting traditional marriage in a special place. I believe that America is a strong place because of it's core values,freedom,individual responsibility,and institutions like TRADITIONAL marriage which foster common goals.
    some activist judges would like to tear that philosophy down,but they have no right to decide how this country operates and what the law should be.The people decide that by voting. In the case of gay marriage in California they decided that marriage should be between a man and a woman and also most of these voters were african american that also voted for Obama, and that decision should be respected. :)

    What is traditional marriage? Please define it for me. Because according to the Bible (the source "traditional marriage" people tend to use) it includes having multiple wives and taking on a few whores if your wife isn't putting out or giving kids. Ever heard of Abraham? Or we could go to medieval marriage, which didn't really exist for most people as they were too poor. Or we could go to our forefathers in Rennaisance and Victorian England, when marriage had nothing to do with love or affection and was solely a business contract. Is that what you're hoping for?

    Oh, right. What you mean by "traditional marriage" is that thing popularized by tv shows in the 50's, where married couples slept in separate beds and all. I hate to be the guy pissing on your parade, but unfortunately, that kind of marriage never existed outside of tv world and Norman Rockwell paintings. Welcome to reality.

    why do you have to be so condescending ?
    1 man+1 woman=traditional marriage .

    I'm not condescending, I'm asking you a legitimate question. You made the statement, let's see you back it up. How is that a traditional marriage? Why isn't polygamy traditional? It's been around a hell of a lot longer than 1 man + 1 woman. If we're talking traditional here... that's one old tradition. Or buying a wife... that's a good, solid tradition with a lot of history too. What tradition are you talking about here? Arranged marriages to secure wealth and political power? Incestuous marriages were also very traditional up until about 100 years ago. Which tradition are you talking about here? Why is yours the "correct" tradition and the others are wrong? Step up to the plate culture warrior... let's see some reason.
  • I think you know what tradition I'm referring to.If you don't well....
    the institution of whereby one man and one woman joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. were your folks not married and just so you know I could care less if gays want to get married or any other kind of lifestyle for that matter. I just happen to disagree with it . and besides the pieces dont fit. Not to mention Im a christian and It's against what I believe in and that's my god given right I dont bash you for your beliefs so dont bash me :|
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I think you know what tradition I'm referring to.If you don't well....
    the institution of whereby one man and one woman joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. were your folks not married and just so you know I could care less if gays want to get married or any other kind of lifestyle for that matter. I just happen to disagree with it . and besides the pieces dont fit. Not to mention Im a christian and It's against what I believe in and that's my god given right I dont bash you for your beliefs so dont bash me :|

    I know exactly what tradition you're referring to. My point is why is that tradition something we should stick to while other traditions (like buying wives, having multiple wives, or using arranged marriages) should all be discarded? Who decides which traditions we stick to and how do they decide? All of those options I listed were in the Bible... yet I don't hear you arguing that it's ok for a man to take a second wife like Abraham did, though you do argue that homosexuality is wrong because of a Bible passage. How do you decide which Christian values are still good and which ones we can ignore because they're outdated?
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    i think the most important area of focus in this type of discussion is simply - what is LAWFUL, what follows the constitution? in this case, what follows iowa state's constitution? THAT is where it all lies, or at least it should...and in this case, it did.

    personal religious beliefs are just that; personal......religious.....beliefs. while they are important to YOU, and to how you choose to live your life, and rightly so.....they really have absolutely ZERO business comingling with our laws for ALL. for a country based on religious freedom, it sure does seem that SOME people's religious beliefs get to, or try to, hold far too much sway/influence in our government. that is wrong. that also does not mean we have no morality, our laws are our morality....but they also need to support independence and personal freedoms of choice.

    as far as the government is concerned, marriage is a LEGAL CONTRACT. whatever else significance marriage may have, is OUTSIDE the governement, and in your church, your personal commitment ceremony, whatever. homosexuals are just as much entitled to the legal protections/responsibilities of marriage as heterosexuals. 'family' may or may not come into it, at all. there are PLENTY of heterosexual married couples who are child-free, and by marriage is about legal may or may not be a by-product of such. two consenting adults choosing to live their lives together, choosing to unite, legally, for the protections it afford their partner,'s a personal choice, it has no bearing on anyone else, and it should absolutely be legal across the board, regardless of sexual orientation.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I think you know what tradition I'm referring to.If you don't well....
    the institution of whereby one man and one woman joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. were your folks not married and just so you know I could care less if gays want to get married or any other kind of lifestyle for that matter. I just happen to disagree with it . and besides the pieces dont fit. Not to mention Im a christian and It's against what I believe in and that's my god given right I dont bash you for your beliefs so dont bash me :|

    I know exactly what tradition you're referring to. My point is why is that tradition something we should stick to while other traditions (like buying wives, having multiple wives, or using arranged marriages) should all be discarded? Who decides which traditions we stick to and how do they decide? All of those options I listed were in the Bible... yet I don't hear you arguing that it's ok for a man to take a second wife like Abraham did, though you do argue that homosexuality is wrong because of a Bible passage. How do you decide which Christian values are still good and which ones we can ignore because they're outdated?


    Figured as much.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    prfctlefts wrote:
    ... I have to disagree .. gays being able to get married and poeple being lynched?
    There you go again... taking the extreme (lynching) as an example in a failed attempt to support your point.
    In order for your point to be true... the following would have had to be in effect:
    A. All people with prejudiced (segragationist) views in 1965 would have had to have lynched a black person in their life time.
    B. Lynching would have had to have been a legal act in 1965. (Just as freely expressing your opinions in 2009 about Gay Marriage is legal)
    We both know that neither is true.
    My point is the people of 1965 in the South were NOT bad people. Their opinions of black people were what they were used to. If left up to their vote... it is more than likely they would have voted against de-segregation and would have preferred things to go on as they had been.
    If you take the opposing view of this... it would mean that you disagree with me and believe that the people of 1965 WOULD have voted for de-segregation.
    Nothing to do with comparing Gay Marriage and murder.
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  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,444
    prfctlefts wrote:
    sorry but I think there's a pretty big gap between the two.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I have to disagree .. gays being able to get married and poeple being lynched?

    It's basic human rights. Blacks wanted to be free and end segregation, just like gays want to be free to choose to marry. That's the correlation...
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,444
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Not to mention Im a christian and It's against what I believe in and that's my god given right

    You think god gave you rights? Hahaha. If god gave you your rights, wouldn't he have given you the right to some food everyday, a roof over your head, etc. god would have been looking out for you. And why did he give us a certain number of rights? The bill of rights has 10 stipulations. But, apparently, god was doing sloppy work that week because we've had to amend the bill of rights an additional 17 times. So god forgot a couple of things, like....Slavery! Just slipped his mind, huh??

    But if you think you do have rights, go to wikipedia and type in "Japanese American's 1942" and you'll find out all about your precious rights....

    Thanks G.C.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    Not to mention Im a christian and It's against what I believe in and that's my god given right

    You think god gave you rights? Hahaha. If god gave you your rights, wouldn't he have given you the right to some food everyday, a roof over your head, etc. god would have been looking out for you. And why did he give us a certain number of rights? The bill of rights has 10 stipulations. But, apparently, god was doing sloppy work that week because we've had to amend the bill of rights an additional 17 times. So god forgot a couple of things, like....Slavery! Just slipped his mind, huh??

    But if you think you do have rights, go to wikipedia and type in "Japanese American's 1942" and you'll find out all about your precious rights....

    Thanks G.C.

    it was a figure of speech jeeez. But we all have rights and you sound like a typical left wing loon, you're for freedom of speech until you disagree with someone and then they are a bigot or a racist or Im an Idot b/c I believe in a higher power.
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,444
    prfctlefts wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Not to mention Im a christian and It's against what I believe in and that's my god given right

    You think god gave you rights? Hahaha. If god gave you your rights, wouldn't he have given you the right to some food everyday, a roof over your head, etc. god would have been looking out for you. And why did he give us a certain number of rights? The bill of rights has 10 stipulations. But, apparently, god was doing sloppy work that week because we've had to amend the bill of rights an additional 17 times. So god forgot a couple of things, like....Slavery! Just slipped his mind, huh??

    But if you think you do have rights, go to wikipedia and type in "Japanese American's 1942" and you'll find out all about your precious rights....

    Thanks G.C.

    it was a figure of speech jeeez. But we all have rights and you sound like a typical left wing loon, you're for freedom of speech until you disagree with someone and then they are a bigot or a racist or Im an Idot b/c I believe in a higher power.

    If we all have rights, where were the rights of the Japanese Americans in 1942?
    Where were the rights of African Americans prior to 1964?
    If we all have rights, don't gay Americans have the right to marry?

    You're right, I am a left wing loon. I think all people should be treated as equal. Crazy, huh?
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    I like Iowans.
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