Tiger Woods...............



    norm wrote:
    nice to see tiger back in form, ready for another green jacket.

    i envision phil mickelson looking like this a lot at this years masters:

    i'm hoping for tiger and phil to be in the final pairing on sunday....mostly because i'll be there!!! :mrgreen:
    one day....

    SPEEDY will be in attendance at the Masters....

    that is SO FUCKING COOL that YOU will be there....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    ajedigecko wrote:
    it will be interesting to see if he continues to think he his bigger than the game.

    the player attitude of "bigger than the game" is what destroyed professional sports, for me.

    coaches attitude of "bigger than the game" is what is killing college sports currently, for me.

    Since when does Tiger think he is "bigger than the game"????

    This guy works his ass off to be the best golfer in the world.

    He's one of the most intense competitors around and hates losing and that shows by his win totals.
    what i admire about Tiger....

    is all he wants do to is be the best golfer on the planet...PERIOD!!!

    he keeps his political beliefs to himself...he keeps his family life out of the media(as best as he can)

    he comes across as a good decent human being......

    its just about golf....
    I guess I disagree. Why shouldn't he be open about his political beliefs? This is a country that is supposed to encourage political dialogue with many different voices, from different backgrounds (not just professional government officials and television and radio 'news' talk shows). In other worlds are you arguing that Jackie Robinson should have kept his mouth shut? Muhammad Ali? John Carlos and Tommie Smith?

    In the end who does it benefit to have someone who separates sport and politics? Does Tiger Woods relative silence about racism in golf help the next minority golfer that comes on tour? Does Tiger Woods relative silence about sweatshop manufacturing, particularly as used by NIKE, help kids in Indonesia that have finger arthritis at 10 from sewing his t-shirt and shoes? In the end the people that really benefit from this are the rich assholes that own Tiger Woods, the twisted American way of life, and Tiger Woods. Thus is it not surprising that the most media conglomerates, which are owned by the people that own Tiger Woods, encourage similar attitudes about sport and politics to the one you have?

    The real irony is that we think that politics and sport don't mix, but in our neoliberal capitalist country we sit down and watch a game thats equipment is manufactured overseas in sweatshops instead of US factories, played predominantly by men, announced predominantly by men, over television stations that are owned mostly by rich, white, men, which accept commercials from other corporations that do their production overseas rather than in the US, that are also owned by mostly rich, white, men. Moreover, while the people of America are being sold out by these companies, they convince us that we are 'being american' by watching the sport - how ridiculous...no? You see sports are political, they are a tool to get us to follow what those is power want us to do in America, and by Tiger Woods being silent, and many people thinking that's a good thing, you are not 'being American' in the truest sense since you aren't offering anything to the American political process. But...that's just a different way of looking at it.
    like i said....

    Im glad Tiger Woods keeps his poilitical bullshit to himself....

    and just plays golf..........
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    like i said....

    Im glad Tiger Woods keeps his poilitical bullshit to himself....

    and just plays golf..........
    but that's the point it is political when you "just play golf", he's essentially endorsing all that stuff I just wrote. And again should Jackie Robinson, John Carlos, Tommie Smith, Muhammad Ali, and others have been silent? Where would we be in this country without them? As I tell my students you can generally come down on one of two sides on this:

    A. You can be aware of what's going on, and address it.
    B. You can be aware of what's going on, but pretend it's not happening.
    RW81233 wrote:
    like i said....

    Im glad Tiger Woods keeps his poilitical bullshit to himself....

    and just plays golf..........
    but that's the point it is political when you "just play golf", he's essentially endorsing all that stuff I just wrote. And again should Jackie Robinson, John Carlos, Tommie Smith, Muhammad Ali, and others have been silent? Where would we be in this country without them? As I tell my students you can generally come down on one of two sides on this:

    A. You can be aware of what's going on, and address it.
    B. You can be aware of what's going on, but pretend it's not happening.
    or i can be aware of whats going on....

    and realize that Tiger Woods political beliefs are not going to change my life whatsoever....

    and be happy he keeps them to himself........
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    You really think that TIger Woods political beliefs wouldn't have an effect on your everyday life? That's a silly argument. History holds evidence that suggests otherwise. I mean Jackie Robinson integrated baseball 15 years before Brown v. Board of Education, Muhammad Ali helped support the anti-Vietnam effort, John Carlos and Tommie Smith pushed for equality during tough times and lost a lot of money for it, Cathy Freeman was able to make a whole country face a terrible truth about its past, and even Tiger Woods caused a stir with one of his first Nike commercials which stated that there were a lot of courses he couldn't play on in America because of the color of his skin...not surprisingly it was quickly pulled. Like it or not high profile athletes can have an effec on your life...the real question is why don't you want them to?
    RW81233 wrote:
    You really think that TIger Woods political beliefs wouldn't have an effect on your everyday life? That's a silly argument. History holds evidence that suggests otherwise. I mean Jackie Robinson integrated baseball 15 years before Brown v. Board of Education, Muhammad Ali helped support the anti-Vietnam effort, John Carlos and Tommie Smith pushed for equality during tough times and lost a lot of money for it, Cathy Freeman was able to make a whole country face a terrible truth about its past, and even Tiger Woods caused a stir with one of his first Nike commercials which stated that there were a lot of courses he couldn't play on in America because of the color of his skin...not surprisingly it was quickly pulled. Like it or not high profile athletes can have an effec on your life...the real question is why don't you want them to?
    because i would just rather watch Tiger Woods play golf......

    You are asking me why I dont want high profile athletes to change my life????

    because in the last 15 years i look at athletes(especially baseball players) as a bunch of overpaid, pieces of crap, steroid freaks who have no concept of the real world....

    now why on earth would i give a rats ass about these athletes political beliefs??????

    go ask Barry Bonds about his political Beliefs.....
    go ask Michael Vick about his political beliefs.......
    go ask Pacman Jones about his political beliefs............

    Am i supposed to give a fuck about Jose Cansecos political Beliefs??????

    Like i said these multi-millionaire athletes who have no concept of the real world......who get paid to play a kids game.....

    can keep their political bullshit to themselves........................

    Tiger Woods seems like nothing but a decent, good human being......who happens to be the best golfer on the planet......

    who i also admire because he seems smart enough to realize that he is better off keeping his political bullshit to himself..........
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    What about the people making billions off of the efforts of those playing a kids game? Do you not want to hear their political beliefs either, because those are the real people with the power. Like I said I guess I disagree, when someone I admire for the way they behave has something to say I listen then try to make my own decisions. I also disagree with your idea that Woods should stay silent when he could potentially start some huge anti-sweatshop movement if he so chose. That's the kind of stuff that changes our lives. Oh well...no biggie I'll agree to disagree.
    RW81233 wrote:
    What about the people making billions off of the efforts of those playing a kids game? Do you not want to hear their political beliefs either, because those are the real people with the power. Like I said I guess I disagree, when someone I admire for the way they behave has something to say I listen then try to make my own decisions. I also disagree with your idea that Woods should stay silent when he could potentially start some huge anti-sweatshop movement if he so chose. That's the kind of stuff that changes our lives. Oh well...no biggie I'll agree to disagree.

    agree to disagree...........

    right on...
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    Lets mover the politcal deiscussion to the right forum..
    Anyway, I don't follow golf much, but Boo Weekley is the best thing I have seen happen to golf, It wold be the best for him to win the masters next week.
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    RW81233 wrote:
    Moreover, while the people of America are being sold out by these companies, they convince us that we are 'being american' by watching the sport - how ridiculous...no? You see sports are political, they are a tool to get us to follow what those is power want us to do in America.

    People like you never cease to amaze and amuse me.

    MAAAAYBE these companies just have their hand in sports because they know that people like sports (as they have throughout all of human history... sports werent just invented by companies in the last 100 years for profit and docile masses ya know) and that it's a good way to turn a profit. You think Nike pays Tiger Woods millions because Nike somehow thinks by doing so nobody will ever vote or attempt to... what? Start a revolution? That's the dumbest fucking thing I ever heard. Nike pays Tiger because Tiger has a lot of fans and they can sell more merch that way. Not EVERYTHING is some evil conspiracy to suppress the proletariat you know. Jesus, some perspective please people!
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    RW81233 wrote:
    Moreover, while the people of America are being sold out by these companies, they convince us that we are 'being american' by watching the sport - how ridiculous...no? You see sports are political, they are a tool to get us to follow what those is power want us to do in America.

    People like you never cease to amaze and amuse me.

    MAAAAYBE these companies just have their hand in sports because they know that people like sports (as they have throughout all of human history... sports werent just invented by companies in the last 100 years for profit and docile masses ya know) and that it's a good way to turn a profit. You think Nike pays Tiger Woods millions because Nike somehow thinks by doing so nobody will ever vote or attempt to... what? Start a revolution? That's the dumbest fucking thing I ever heard. Nike pays Tiger because Tiger has a lot of fans and they can sell more merch that way. Not EVERYTHING is some evil conspiracy to suppress the proletariat you know. Jesus, some perspective please people!
    I don't think NIKE cares about whether or not people vote, they care about dollars, that's our form of politics now. We have no care about social issues, it's all about making more money. This isn't some evil conspiracy (it works out as one), but rather just the way that corporations have been able to garner support from both the right and left. Look at the way Tiger's celebrity has shifted from the minority fighting back to someone anyone can get behind, because the former pissed off the biggest purchaser of Nike equipment rich white racists who don't like to be called out for what they are. So now Tiger's interest in social politics is subverted in the name of dollars. Again this isn't some evil conspiracy, it's just how things work right now and it is stupid.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    RW81233 wrote:
    I don't think NIKE cares about whether or not people vote, they care about dollars, that's our form of politics now. We have no care about social issues, it's all about making more money. This isn't some evil conspiracy (it works out as one), but rather just the way that corporations have been able to garner support from both the right and left. Look at the way Tiger's celebrity has shifted from the minority fighting back to someone anyone can get behind, because the former pissed off the biggest purchaser of Nike equipment rich white racists who don't like to be called out for what they are. So now Tiger's interest in social politics is subverted in the name of dollars. Again this isn't some evil conspiracy, it's just how things work right now and it is stupid.

    When was Tiger's celebrity ever about that? I don't recall him ever having any sort of open and vocal social political agenda. Those are labels YOU put on him. You want to exploit him as bad as Nike does... Nike to sell product, you to use him as a pawn and figurehead in pushing your political agenda.
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    I understand why you might think that I want to exploit Tiger Woods for some political agenda from my posts, but it has more to do with the idea that I'd just like to hear what he thinks whether I like it or not. Anyway I'm not and Nike is using him for their own beliefs - making loot while little kids sew our shoes. If you don't believe me check this:
    Here is the initial Nike ad campaign for Tiger:

    Yep right there Nike politicizes Tiger saying "there are still some courses I can't play because of the color of my skin", then Nike golf patrons (rich white racists) got pissed and stopped buying their stuff. The way Nike shapes Tiger's celebrity magically changes so that he isn't the guy calling people out, but just the great golfer we can all admire. That, my friends, is politics, the politics of money. If rich racists buy my stuff then I must pander to their needs...if I don't I'm breaking the law in america - and we wonder why our economy is so fucked.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    RW81233 wrote:
    I understand why you might think that I want to exploit Tiger Woods for some political agenda from my posts, but it has more to do with the idea that I'd just like to hear what he thinks whether I like it or not. Anyway I'm not and Nike is using him for their own beliefs - making loot while little kids sew our shoes. If you don't believe me check this:
    Here is the initial Nike ad campaign for Tiger:

    Yep right there Nike politicizes Tiger saying "there are still some courses I can't play because of the color of my skin", then Nike golf patrons (rich white racists) got pissed and stopped buying their stuff. The way Nike shapes Tiger's celebrity magically changes so that he isn't the guy calling people out, but just the great golfer we can all admire. That, my friends, is politics, the politics of money. If rich racists buy my stuff then I must pander to their needs...if I don't I'm breaking the law in america - and we wonder why our economy is so fucked.

    I've never seen that ad and it looks like a high school videoshop project. Do you have any actual proof that 1) that's really a Nike ad and 2) they pulled it because of backlash? What is this breaking the law nonsense you're babbling about? Are you capable of actually talking about this subject or do you just like to get up on your soapbox and preach to "my friends" with your condescending and sanctimonious rhetoric about rich white racists (which sounds to me like a lot of white suburban guilt)?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,201

    I've never seen that ad and it looks like a high school videoshop project. Do you have any actual proof that 1) that's really a Nike ad and 2) they pulled it because of backlash? What is this breaking the law nonsense you're babbling about? Are you capable of actually talking about this subject or do you just like to get up on your soapbox and preach to "my friends" with your condescending and sanctimonious rhetoric about rich white racists (which sounds to me like a lot of white suburban guilt)?

    I remember seeing it on tv, however I don't remember hearing anything about it being pulled because of controversy.
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    RW81233 wrote:
    I understand why you might think that I want to exploit Tiger Woods for some political agenda from my posts, but it has more to do with the idea that I'd just like to hear what he thinks whether I like it or not. Anyway I'm not and Nike is using him for their own beliefs - making loot while little kids sew our shoes. If you don't believe me check this:
    Here is the initial Nike ad campaign for Tiger:

    Yep right there Nike politicizes Tiger saying "there are still some courses I can't play because of the color of my skin", then Nike golf patrons (rich white racists) got pissed and stopped buying their stuff. The way Nike shapes Tiger's celebrity magically changes so that he isn't the guy calling people out, but just the great golfer we can all admire. That, my friends, is politics, the politics of money. If rich racists buy my stuff then I must pander to their needs...if I don't I'm breaking the law in america - and we wonder why our economy is so fucked.

    I've never seen that ad and it looks like a high school videoshop project. Do you have any actual proof that 1) that's really a Nike ad and 2) they pulled it because of backlash? What is this breaking the law nonsense you're babbling about? Are you capable of actually talking about this subject or do you just like to get up on your soapbox and preach to "my friends" with your condescending and sanctimonious rhetoric about rich white racists (which sounds to me like a lot of white suburban guilt)?
    I'm sorry if my writing comes along as condescending it isn't my intention I really believed that I was demonstrating a point in my argument. Anyway, there is only one rule for corporations to follow in America, make money for your stockholders. That's what I was talking about when it came to breaking the law in America when it actually comes to profit vs. actually caring about social issues. Finally that was Tiger's first commercial for Nike, it wasn't on too long and probably was digitized from someone's tape. You can check out an Article on the negative response and Nike's change in advertising b/c of it in David Andrews and C.L. Cole "America's New Son" article. As for suburban white guilt...I don't come from the suburbs, and I don't live in them (rural Northern New York/Downtown Baltimore) all I am doing is pointing out that golf is a sport that is participated and watched by a pretty high concentration of rich,white, racists. If you don't believe me go hang in your local golf course bar.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    RW81233 wrote:
    I'm sorry if my writing comes along as condescending it isn't my intention I really believed that I was demonstrating a point in my argument. Anyway, there is only one rule for corporations to follow in America, make money for your stockholders. That's what I was talking about when it came to breaking the law in America when it actually comes to profit vs. actually caring about social issues. Finally that was Tiger's first commercial for Nike, it wasn't on too long and probably was digitized from someone's tape. You can check out an Article on the negative response and Nike's change in advertising b/c of it in David Andrews and C.L. Cole "America's New Son" article. As for suburban white guilt...I don't come from the suburbs, and I don't live in them (rural Northern New York/Downtown Baltimore) all I am doing is pointing out that golf is a sport that is participated and watched by a pretty high concentration of rich,white, racists. If you don't believe me go hang in your local golf course bar.

    I agree with your first point, and I've written extensively in the political forum here about the problems inherent in our stock market and the way it inevitably leads to a slash and burn approach to economics. But I don't think Tiger Woods speaking or not speaking about racism is going to have any impact on any of that. I strongly suspect that if he wanted to speak out, he would. I think he doesn't because he has no interest in doing so, and that is absolutely his prerogative. The right to free speech also extends to the right not to speak.

    As to golfers, yes, most golfers are wealthy and white, but of the many I know, I can't think of any that are racist. And I mix with a lot of the people I suspect you're talking about as it's kind of part of the social/networking inherent in my field. Personally, I think it's a boring as shit sport that I'd never watch and have no patience to learn to play.

    Now FRISBEE golf on the other hand...
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    Disc Golf=Awesome!
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    here's me and my brother hangin' with tiger at the masters this past sunday ;)

    http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k16/c ... G_2656.jpg

    i'm the tubby one to the left of tiger and my bro is next to me :D
  • sweet adelinesweet adeline Posts: 2,191
    norm wrote:
    here's me and my brother hangin' with tiger at the masters this past sunday ;)

    http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k16/c ... G_2656.jpg

    i'm the tubby one to the left of tiger and my bro is next to me :D

    ha, that is awesome! looks like you had some good seats. did you camp out there all day or did you following tiger and phil?
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    norm wrote:
    here's me and my brother hangin' with tiger at the masters this past sunday ;)

    http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k16/c ... G_2656.jpg

    i'm the tubby one to the left of tiger and my bro is next to me :D

    ha, that is awesome! looks like you had some good seats. did you camp out there all day or did you following tiger and phil?

    we put our chairs there first thing in the morning then followed tiger and phil around for the first few holes...tiger's tee shot on 1 went left into the woods, hit a beehive and landed in the 8th fairway.....we're watching tiger's second shot with 1000 pissed off bees swarming above our heads :shock: :P

    there must have been almost 10,000 people following tiger and phil....it was madness!! :mrgreen:
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