The lord Obama and the bailout.....

One thing i am sure of....
in about 2-4 years...maybe sooner...
we will all hear the stories of how many millions and millions and millions of dollars that the lord savior Obama gave away as bailouts.....
was stolen, misused, and just pocketed by individuals....
and the amount of money that is flatout stolen will be fucking staggering.....
it reminds me of the assholes in Louisiana after Katrina who used the $2000 Bush gave them...
and crack........
in about 2-4 years...maybe sooner...
we will all hear the stories of how many millions and millions and millions of dollars that the lord savior Obama gave away as bailouts.....
was stolen, misused, and just pocketed by individuals....
and the amount of money that is flatout stolen will be fucking staggering.....
it reminds me of the assholes in Louisiana after Katrina who used the $2000 Bush gave them...
and crack........
Take me piece by piece.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Post edited by Unknown User on
instead of holding these piece of shit thieving assholes responsible for what they have done to the stock market, the auto industry, the banks....blah blah blah......
by just throwing these assholes they can once again steal, and rape the american public...
is going to come back at bite the lord savior Obama right in the ASS!!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
it better....but seeing as though people think he walks on water it will probably be a tiny bite
find a way to prosecute somebody/anybody over there....
i dont give a fuck if an actual law was broken or not(hehehehehehe).........
somebody over at AIG needs to be dragged through a prison with his pants around his ankles....
with NO CHANCE for a BAILOUT............
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Your anger should be directed at the people that let AIG and the banks do what they did creating bullshit products, not Obama.
Exploding it all would be much worse for people than some greedy fucks taking 165 million.
BTW the "bail out" money that AIG got was part of the tarp funds that Bush OK'd. So, again... you should direct that anger at the right people if you are mad about them getting government funds.
Peace, brutha...
you know it....and i know it.....
its not a BUSH thing anymore....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Speedy, Obama is trying to fix things, Im sorry you think he is trying to make things worse, but he's not. The alternative of letting everything fail is unacceptable. You wont have a job and I wont have a job. It's not Obama's fault AIG was able to pay out huge bonuses. I'll even say it's not Bush's fault, though his admin is directly responsible for the culture of greed and corruption on wall street. Watch that Frontline link I posted.
Also... letting the banks fail would be a tragic mistake and would more than likely lead to a great depression.
AIG is too big to fail... and too big to allow to fail.
This is what happens when Capitalism is allowed to run amok without ant restrictions. the Free Market usually decides that GREED is the best way to go. And how many of us were complaining when the market was falsley inflated due to these toxic assets? my guess... not many.
Hail, Hail!!! ... 76412.html
And Lord Obama and his "liberal" congress have proved to them it is true.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Noone now is to blame for the crisis. And no matter who was president now, he'd be throwing out money like they grow on trees. That's all that can be done.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
That is so annoying and so true!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
im not an Obama hater......i wish the man nothing but the best.....
but between the Bush/Obama bailouts.... and the Obama stimulus package.....the Obama $400 billion budget bill.....
i just dont know....
stories like AIG giving away all that fucking money for bonuses is something i think we will all hear about more than once in the next few years......
and dont get me wrong.....
i realize Bush started the me...i realize this....
im just so pissed off at what i think is going to happen with all this money that is being thrown around....
because i think gazillions will end up in the pockets of the wrong people............
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
$400 billion budget bill????.......
thats a whole lot of money ..............
lets see where this all ends up in a couple years....................
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
god damn its staggering the amount of money AIG has lost......
and its staggering the amount of money AIG has been given ............................
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
but after giving AIG $150 bailout money.......
and them still showing a $90 billion dollar loss for the year.....
wouldnt you first ask "what the fuck do you have planned with the $30 billion additional we are about to give you??????"
they were given an additional $30 billion march 2 ????? right????? basically a $30 billion credit line???? right????
they were given an additional $30 billion and these fuckers gave out how much in BONUSES??????
are you fucking kidding me???????
an additional $30 billion on march 2 ????
who was president march 2 ????
who was the guy who was going to make sure things were no longer handled the "OLD WAY"??????
i dont give a rats ass who started the bailouts.....the fact is somebody better start keeping track of what all these assholes are doing with all this fucking money.......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
oh, my fault, from the title of your thread, I thought you were complaining about the 700 billion dollar bank bailout...I see you're complaining about the stimulus package and budget....
yeah, it's a lot of money...I suppose you have a better option...I'd love to hear it...
and from your response i guess you dont believe The Lord Obama gave the ok for an additional $30 billion to be given to AIG on march 2.....
you know....the $30 that AIG turned around and used to give themselves bonuses with....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Blaming the president who's been in office a whole 2 months does not solve your problem. Like I said before...
And check out the update with Dodd admitting adding the error... ... index.html
Obama just gave $30 billion to AIG march 2.......right????
Bush had already given $150 billion to these assholes....right?????
with the additional $30 billion they tried to give themselves $165 million in bonuses ......right??
like i said you are giving money to assholes who have already proven themselves to be incompetent fucking fools....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
$1.7 million to be given to ....."PIG ODOR" research in Iowa??????
6.6 million for...."TERMITE RESEARCH" in New Orleans??????
"line by line".....remember those words spoken by The Lord Obama??????
and tell me if i am wrong....but wasnt THE LORD OBAMA in charge of the second round of bailouts???? $350 billion???????
in a few years we will see just how much money was/is wasted, stolen, and just fucking thrown away....
under the watchful eye of THE LORD OBAMA.............
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Have you ever been to Iowa?
lets just see what happens to the $350 billion in bailout money that he was in charge of ........
because after all.....the first $350 billion was mismanaged by Bush.....right????
But the LORD OBAMA isnt going to do things "THE OLD WAY" anymore.......right?????
well except sign a bill that gives $1.7 million to research pig odor....
and give an additional $30 billion to they can give themselves bonuses......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I see you don't really have any alternative ideas, outside of the "this here bill is a full o' pork"...8.3 million out of $400 billion...yeah, he should have used the veto pen...
On the other hand, these programs will create jobs...but I guess that doesn't matter to some, as this is Lord Obama's fault that we are in the mess we are in...
why not make a statement????
no more of "the old way" of doing business???????....
instead its just business as usual....
and please tell me where i said it is Obamas fault that we are in this mess...............
reading comprehension is a beautiful thing...........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....