Anyone see Jon Stewarts reaction to Obama's war plan?



  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Heres a small click I just youtubed, I don't know who this Frank guy is, but the clips from Jon and Bill speak for themselves.

    They both have their own way of doing it, but its pretty clear that their interviews are designed to skew the truth in favor of their side of the political spectrum.

    Hope this is enough, but I some how doubt it.

    Absolutely. The difference is one person is doing a comedy show that they openly declare is absurd, the other is doing a serious news show that he insists is objective and unbiased.
    I believe that Stewart is very much in love with Barack Obama, and is a proud member of the "Give Barry a Chance" alliance. However over time, I think he will regretfully start singing a different tune about this guy, and this segment on the daily show that you mention is the first sign of it. I think he is just way too optimisitc about our new president, much like the rest of the country. I do believe Stewart is a pretty honest guy though, and over time, he may actually begin to strongly dislike Barack if he continues to run the White House like Bush.
  • CB206820CB206820 Posts: 105
    Heres a small click I just youtubed, I don't know who this Frank guy is, but the clips from Jon and Bill speak for themselves.

    They both have their own way of doing it, but its pretty clear that their interviews are designed to skew the truth in favor of their side of the political spectrum.

    Hope this is enough, but I some how doubt it.

    Absolutely. The difference is one person is doing a comedy show that they openly declare is absurd, the other is doing a serious news show that he insists is objective and unbiased.
    Quoted for truth.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    Well then you do have a third nut or you dont watch his show. If his facts are slanted then give me an example.If he's not fair to his guest then why are his ratings higher than anyone else's when it comes to cable news? Over 2 million people watch his show nightly. He always gives his guest the last word Ive been watching his show now for over 7 years. Let's be honest soulsinging you dont watch his show b/c you don't know what you're talking about. also the man gives more to charity every year then most people make in a life time and he's been an advocate for getting Jessica's law passed in all 50 states
    I could keep going but I dont need to prove anything to you b/c you're just another left wing loon.

    Watch me around here... I attack the left wing loons just as much. They hate me.

    Conservative programs always get higher ratings. It's a largely conservative country and conservative people have more "brand loyalty" and are willing to tune in to a tv/radio program on a daily basis to have their outrage vindicated. You can't get people on the left organized enough to rally around someone like that because inevitably someone gets offended about something that offends their PC-sensibilities. Al Franken and Bill Maher have tried... there's not a good market for liberal tv and radio. Bill's rating are no indication of credibility. He plays to his crowd is all.

    As to slanted facts, they're slanted in the same way every political person slants facts... the numbers are always true but always carefully selected for best effect. I don't have an example because I'm lazy.

    Bill may let his guests give a closing statement, but I've seen his show enough times to watch him shout down and cut off anyone on the left that starts making too much sense. He may go back later once he's changed the subject and let them say goodbye, but that hardly counts as being fair or giving even keel to both sides.

    Bill's not as bad as some of them. Sometimes he does have some things to say worth hearing. Hannity and Coulter are far worse. But you're delusional if you think he's some sort of neutral voice of objective reason.

    Ratings mean every thing when it comes to news and commentary. If he was some idot just blurting shit out with out backing things up do you really think anybody would watch? just think about it.
    you need to back things up if you're going to say things like that saying your just lazy is B.S.
    I will admit he does cut people off only when they get of topic and some times he only has a few minutes with each guest. It's a fast moving show and it's his show so he can do whatever he wants
    I use to hate his show but the more I watched the more I liked him, I don't think he's a neutral voice on any subject . he just gives his opinion based on facts. Like I said Ive been watching his show and listening to him on the radio for the past 7 yrs and he's rarely ever wrong when it comes to facts, but if he is wrong he will be the first to admit it. however some might disagree with him on certain issues and that's ok. :D
  • Thats the problem, its an opinion, not a fact. Jon and Bill's shows are 30 minute editorials....not news. The problem is that most of the people that watch those shows don't know the difference between the two and base their views and their voting on it.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Thats the problem, its an opinion, not a fact. Jon and Bill's shows are 30 minute editorials....not news. The problem is that most of the people that watch those shows don't know the difference between the two and base their views and their voting on it.

    That is something I can agree with.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Ratings mean every thing when it comes to news and commentary. If he was some idot just blurting shit out with out backing things up do you really think anybody would watch? just think about it.
    you need to back things up if you're going to say things like that saying your just lazy is B.S.
    I will admit he does cut people off only when they get of topic and some times he only has a few minutes with each guest. It's a fast moving show and it's his show so he can do whatever he wants
    I use to hate his show but the more I watched the more I liked him, I don't think he's a neutral voice on any subject . he just gives his opinion based on facts. Like I said Ive been watching his show and listening to him on the radio for the past 7 yrs and he's rarely ever wrong when it comes to facts, but if he is wrong he will be the first to admit it. however some might disagree with him on certain issues and that's ok. :D

    I'll tell you what. I'm going on vacation tomorrow for 3 weeks. If, in that time, you can find me ONE example of Bill O'Reilly ever admitting to being wrong, I'll go looking for his misuse of facts.

    I think you're nuts about ratings though. American Idol gets huge ratings... people love watching other be humiliated. People love watching fat people fail to lose weight. None of this lends artistic merit or legitimacy to those ratings. People watch Bill because he's an entertaining blowhard. He throws in enough facts to make it seem believable, but 2 million people watching his show in a country with 150 million people means nothing. How many people listened to Howard Stern back in the day? They listened because he was outrageous. Conservatives watch Bill because they get wet dreams wishing they could yell at pagans and minorities and call them whiners like Bill does.
  • american idol compered to the no spin zone :roll: you're talking about 2 totally types of demographics. If nobody watched American Idol it wouldn't be as successful as it is and neither would bill
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    Ratings mean every thing when it comes to news and commentary. If he was some idot just blurting shit out with out backing things up do you really think anybody would watch? just think about it.
    you need to back things up if you're going to say things like that saying your just lazy is B.S.
    I will admit he does cut people off only when they get of topic and some times he only has a few minutes with each guest. It's a fast moving show and it's his show so he can do whatever he wants
    I use to hate his show but the more I watched the more I liked him, I don't think he's a neutral voice on any subject . he just gives his opinion based on facts. Like I said Ive been watching his show and listening to him on the radio for the past 7 yrs and he's rarely ever wrong when it comes to facts, but if he is wrong he will be the first to admit it. however some might disagree with him on certain issues and that's ok. :D

    I'll tell you what. I'm going on vacation tomorrow for 3 weeks. If, in that time, you can find me ONE example of Bill O'Reilly ever admitting to being wrong, I'll go looking for his misuse of facts.

    I think you're nuts about ratings though. American Idol gets huge ratings... people love watching other be humiliated. People love watching fat people fail to lose weight. None of this lends artistic merit or legitimacy to those ratings. People watch Bill because he's an entertaining blowhard. He throws in enough facts to make it seem believable, but 2 million people watching his show in a country with 150 million people means nothing. How many people listened to Howard Stern back in the day? They listened because he was outrageous. Conservatives watch Bill because they get wet dreams wishing they could yell at pagans and minorities and call them whiners like Bill does.

    Have a little more class .That's not why people watch. Did you not see when he interviewed Hillary And Obama?
    while your at it give me an example of him yelling at minorities and pagans . the things that get him worked up the most are things like child predators getting lite sentences and the judges that hand them out. also illegal immagration ie: there have been several cases where illegals have been involved in dui's and innocent people have gotten killed. case in point if they weren't here it never would have happened. Him and geraldo got into one night . I really thought he was going to kill Geraldo. Which would have been fine by me ,Im only kidding of course .
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    american idol compered to the no spin zone :roll: you're talking about 2 totally types of demographics. If nobody watched American Idol it wouldn't be as successful as it is and neither would bill

    Exactly my point. It's all about demographics. Bill appeals to conservatives because he has a bias that validates their views. So they watch him. There are tons of conservatives out there... him roping in 2 million regular viewers means nothing. He's just doing a good job of hitting and hooking his demographic. As jon Stewart does to his.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Have a little more class .That's not why people watch. Did you not see when he interviewed Hillary And Obama?
    while your at it give me an example of him yelling at minorities and pagans . the things that get him worked up the most are things like child predators getting lite sentences and the judges that hand them out. also illegal immagration ie: there have been several cases where illegals have been involved in dui's and innocent people have gotten killed. case in point if they weren't here it never would have happened. Him and geraldo got into one night . I really thought he was going to kill Geraldo. Which would have been fine by me ,Im only kidding of course .

    Actually, there was only one such case and I remember the shit storm Bill stirred up about it. Every year he also gets into the whole "War on Christmas" crap and does a week of ranting about how atheists are killing Christmas for good Christian Americans. He digs up a few stories about WalMart employees saying "Happy Holidays" and his viewers eat it up. He's got his slants just like Jon Stewart and all the rest of them. Like I said, his perspective is valid and he does have some good points now and again. But he's not some totally neutral objective observer. He's a conservative and he's giving the conservative line 95% of the time. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just the way it is. At least he's better than Rush Limbaugh.
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,444
    I've always liked this little blog on O'Riley, haha ... ll_oreilly
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    Heres a small click I just youtubed, I don't know who this Frank guy is, but the clips from Jon and Bill speak for themselves.

    They both have their own way of doing it, but its pretty clear that their interviews are designed to skew the truth in favor of their side of the political spectrum.

    Hope this is enough, but I some how doubt it.

    Absolutely. The difference is one person is doing a comedy show that they openly declare is absurd, the other is doing a serious news show that he insists is objective and unbiased.

    You mean Bill O'Reilly isn't doing comedy. I mean this was pretty funny.
  • yeah it's pretty obvious he was having a pretty bad day. Also that clip is almost 20 yrs old . still funny though

    "alright we'll do it live fuck it we'll do it live :lol:
  • milarsomilarso Posts: 1,280
    prfctlefts wrote:
    the things that get him worked up the most are things like child predators getting lite sentences and the judges that hand them out......

    And faulty teleprompters...
    "The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,444
    Don't forget, Bill O'Riley had George Carlin on his show and called him out for his language. Little did we know that ol bill was a pottymouth too....
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Does anyone that criticises 'The Daily Show' realize that it is broadcast on 'The COMEDY Network'? They are comedy writers... who write jokes... for a comedian to speak. Far-Left Agenda??? Actually, that line is pretty funny.
    I wonder... is the same criticism reservered for Seth Myers and Amy Poehler (or Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey) and Saturday Night Live's, 'Weekend Update' and the lack of their 'Journalistic Practices'?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • milarso wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    the things that get him worked up the most are things like child predators getting lite sentences and the judges that hand them out......

    And faulty teleprompters...

    Right.. :lol:
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    prfctlefts wrote:
    If he's not fair to his guest then why are his ratings higher than anyone else's when it comes to cable news? Over 2 million people watch his show nightly.

    Probably because a lot of Old people watch the news, and they all watch FOX. Americans under 40 tend to get their info from the interwebs.
  • I'm sure some of you watched Jon last night. Thats some pretty serious conversation he had with Jim Cramer, nothing funny about that.

    The Onion is entertainment......this is more then that.
  • CB206820CB206820 Posts: 105
    Stewart took him to task... maybe it was a little unfair, but either way...
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