Anyone see Jon Stewarts reaction to Obama's war plan?

He completely let into him. He played John lennon's war is over, and had balloons and confetti flowing down on him, because after all obama said the war was ended and troops were coming home.
Jon then played excerpts from a Bush speech and an Obama speech, basically they were the same sentiments. Both suggested that troops needed to remain in Iraq. They were identical statements
Jon said "war is over, they are coming home, except for the several dozen thousand troops that will remain"
Obama isnt calling them soldiers on a mission anymore. He has changed the "roles". And Jon railed on him, suggesting that maybe we can call them "trees", and that they could remain in Iraq for a longer time.
Jon is most likely a democrat but whats cool about him, is he equally hates both sides and sees the complete joke that we refer to as politics.
I remember when he railed on Harry Reid and Nancy Pelousy for their repeated stances of "we cant pull troops out because we wont get enough votes for such a measure to pass".
Jon then played excerpts from a Bush speech and an Obama speech, basically they were the same sentiments. Both suggested that troops needed to remain in Iraq. They were identical statements
Jon said "war is over, they are coming home, except for the several dozen thousand troops that will remain"
Obama isnt calling them soldiers on a mission anymore. He has changed the "roles". And Jon railed on him, suggesting that maybe we can call them "trees", and that they could remain in Iraq for a longer time.
Jon is most likely a democrat but whats cool about him, is he equally hates both sides and sees the complete joke that we refer to as politics.
I remember when he railed on Harry Reid and Nancy Pelousy for their repeated stances of "we cant pull troops out because we wont get enough votes for such a measure to pass".
Post edited by Unknown User on
"you cant be in and out at the same time".
Either you are ending the war or continuing it. their isnt an in between
Carter is actually an outspoken critic of Israeli policy. Jon Stewart is Jewish. to this point the daily show has avoided all talk of Israeli apartheid. when Jimmy Carter was on they pretty much did a fluff interview, nothing was really discussed about the issue.
but. throughout the entire interview, the background for Jimmy Carter was a huge star of David. basically this huge Israeli flag behind him. it doesn't seem like a big deal, but if I had been looking at the show for the first time, or was unsure about the Israeli/Palestinian issue, and happened to glance at the tv screen, the picture presented to me would have been very pro-Israeli.
and of course they never went into detail about the issue itself.
Even though they claim to be "fake news", it still shapes people's opinions....
All though some of his shit is pretty funny....I'll give him that.
Ok I am a college student and political science major and i absolutely love jon stewart, and i really think that people that make comments like jon stewart is a "puppet for the left" dont watch the show that often. jon has said many times that the show is only to entertain people, yes to some degree it is informative but it pokes fun at all different types of people in politics and political media. the episode that the original poster referenced was absolutely hysterical because it showed obama's speech from this past week use the EXACT SAME LANGUAGE THAT PRESIDENT BUSH USED, he made complete fun of obama. jon stewart is a very funny comedian and he really is not biased at all because before bush was elected all he did was make fun of clinton, he makes fun of everyone.
here is the clip that the original poster talked about its so funny - ... raq-war-is
He was funnier and truer back then. He talks about Iraq and Israel here. The bit at the end is great.
O'Reilly is an independent, he considers himself a traditionalist. I've been watching his show for a long time. He gives it to both sides. His show is based on facts and then he gives his opinion on the issues at hand.When politics is the subject he always has a dem and a repub and he always gives his guest the last word. If you are going to criticize him at least spell his name right.
Right... :geek:
I like Stewart for the entertainment, but I don't see him as news, like a lot of people see Bill O'Reilly.
What Stewart does best, IMO, is poke fun at the media, from all sides.
I don't think he is a puppet for the left as much as he is doing a TV show for a target audience. That audience is young adults. Most young adults tend to lean to the left. It's not difficult to see he's just trying to give his audience what it wants. As for shaping people's opinions, I loved when Stewart went on Crossfire and told Tucker Carlson how him and others like him needed to do a better job as journalists, and when Carlson questioned him about the same thing, Stewart responded with something like, "I do a show that's led into by puppets making prank phone calls. Nobody should be taking us seriously."
If you truly believe this, I don't know what to say to you. Nobody ever got the last word on Bill... he's famous for shouting people down and cutting off their mics when they start scoring points on him. His "facts" are as slanted as any candidate's and if he's giving a fair shake to dems and repubs, then I have a third nut.
I could keep going but I dont need to prove anything to you b/c you're just another left wing loon.
In early 2007, researchers from the Indiana University School of Journalism published a report in the academic journal Journalism Studies that analyzed the Talking Points Memo segment that opens most O'Reilly Factor broadcasts on Fox News Channel. Using analysis techniques ... ..the study found that O'Reilly used propaganda... The report also found "a consistent pattern of O'Reilly casting non-Americans in a negative light. Both illegal aliens and foreigners were constructed as physical threats to the public and never featured in the role of victim or hero."[2][3]
You make it seem as if I like Bill O'Reilly, I just don't think hes any different then Stewart in the sense that they distort the facts. Stewart hides behind the fact that he has a comedy show, as if he can't be held accountable for his ambiguous comments because its entertainment. O'Reilly and Stewart both take jabs at both sides of the spectrum, they do it so they don't seem completely bias.
I don't like either one of them, but the only thing Stewarts got going over O'Reilly is the is pretty funny even though I don't agree with a lot of the stuff he implies.
He all but openly kisses Obama's ass, with out actually saying so. O'Reilly did the same thing with Bush until it became fashionable to hate him, even for Republicans.
Sorry to tell you, but you have to deal with it if you want to post here, out of context is the norm for people on this board. They try to skew your words because they don't have a lot going in the way of facts.
If Bill went out and openly said he was doing was a comedy show, I'd have no problems with it. I guess it's not the act, but the intent.
please give me an example of Bill distorting facts.
They both have their own way of doing it, but its pretty clear that their interviews are designed to skew the truth in favor of their side of the political spectrum.
Hope this is enough, but I some how doubt it.
you're only laughing at your own ignorance O'Reilly has never endorsed any political candidate and said many times he would vote for who he thinks is best for the country be it a democrat or republican leading up to the election last year.
Just another O'Reilly hater. It;s interesting though this frank guy only showed like a minute of bill and several of stewert. Sure is funny how he named his show after bill's :roll: When you say skew the truth what exactly do you mean? If he was making stuff up all the time do you really think over 2 million people would watch his show night after night?
What I'm trying to say is that BOTH Bill and Jon try to push and connect the issue to a point they are trying to make. Instead of just interviewing someone, they both like to jump to conclusions and trap the person into saying something that proves their point of view. Thats not interviewing, what a truly unbiased interviewer would do is ask questions and let the facts speak for themselves, not contort the truth into their agenda.
I think obvious there is a liberal agenda with Jon and a conservative agenda with Bill.
But then again, thats just my opinion...what do I know.
Popularity doesn't equal truth or relevance.
Millions of people watch American Idol and Dancing with the Stars too... :?
Watch me around here... I attack the left wing loons just as much. They hate me.
Conservative programs always get higher ratings. It's a largely conservative country and conservative people have more "brand loyalty" and are willing to tune in to a tv/radio program on a daily basis to have their outrage vindicated. You can't get people on the left organized enough to rally around someone like that because inevitably someone gets offended about something that offends their PC-sensibilities. Al Franken and Bill Maher have tried... there's not a good market for liberal tv and radio. Bill's rating are no indication of credibility. He plays to his crowd is all.
As to slanted facts, they're slanted in the same way every political person slants facts... the numbers are always true but always carefully selected for best effect. I don't have an example because I'm lazy.
Bill may let his guests give a closing statement, but I've seen his show enough times to watch him shout down and cut off anyone on the left that starts making too much sense. He may go back later once he's changed the subject and let them say goodbye, but that hardly counts as being fair or giving even keel to both sides.
Bill's not as bad as some of them. Sometimes he does have some things to say worth hearing. Hannity and Coulter are far worse. But you're delusional if you think he's some sort of neutral voice of objective reason.
I do think there's a crucial difference in the fact that Stewart has a comedy show on a comedy channel and while he does clearly have an agenda and a bias, it's always undercut by the fact that he's doing a comedy show that shouldn't be taken literally as news. Bill has a news show on a news channel, acts like he has no agenda or bias, and presents everything he does as absolute fact. There is a huge difference. They're both slanted and biased, but one buries it in a non-serious comedy show, the other denies it and presents his biases as objective fact reporting. One is entertainment, one is deception and propaganda.
Have you ever heard of framing? If your show always starts with "illegal Mexicans slaughter farmer and destroy country" and then later you add in quiet fine print that "ok, they're not ALL bad," then you're still presenting a pretty biased and alarmist perspective.