Just picked one up at Easy street for 65 bucks man oh man I am stoked!!!!!!!
WOW, great deal!. I got mine off EBAY 5 years ago for $95.00. All I needed after was the 97 Happy when Im Crying after that. I ended up getting that to complete my collection when my ex-girlfriends mother found it cleaning out an apartment after some people moved out. They left it behind and luckily her mother knew I loved PJ. So that was a great way to complete my collection.
wow...thats a pretty random thing to leave behind... and friggin' ironic its the only one you needed... idn't wierd how things work out sometimes?
funny story about that happy when im crying single... back after it was released... i guess local nyc record stores (kim's video, etc) had some weird promotion which ran with the pearl jam sony synergy site... if you printed out this yield flyer off the site and presented it at certain stores they gave that very single out for free... me, my best friend and my little brother printed out 100s of the things, and CLEANED house!!! i came home with about 25 of those singles... over the years a igave them out to friends and family... i think i only have three or four left now...fun times
funny story about that happy when im crying single... back after it was released... i guess local nyc record stores (kim's video, etc) had some weird promotion which ran with the pearl jam sony synergy site... if you printed out this yield flyer off the site and presented it at certain stores they gave that very single out for free... me, my best friend and my little brother printed out 100s of the things, and CLEANED house!!! i came home with about 25 of those singles... over the years a igave them out to friends and family... i think i only have three or four left now...fun times