WTF is wrong with the Republican ELECTED congress/senators



  • puremagicpuremagic Posts: 1,907
    Phool wrote:
    BinFrog wrote:

    That's all you can come up with? A plan by Paul Ryan, a staunch Bush supporter and thus a supporer of failed ecomonic ideals that got us into this mess?

    You asked for a counter proposal, he is a Republican and a future Pres canidate?????

    In addition, I think you should rethink WHO and WHAT got us into this mess. I am pretty sure Bush did not push for banks to buy and sell bad loans. Do you really think what Obama is doing is going to help this recession? Raising taxes on people who are already pinching pennies while supporting the lazy and underachieving......whatever, think what you want...I really do not feel like arguing...2 more years of wasteful spending from this corrupt demo run congress....why did I even look at this thread

    Because you wanted to throw Congressman Ryan's name into the pot. Also, Cong. Ryan sets on both the Budget Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee, therefore, he had firsthand knowledge and 'oversight' of Bush's wasteful spending and was in a position to halt such spending.

    As to the Who and What, I can't understand why people skip over Reagan and go right to Clinton. The massive deregulation, the Laffer Curve and the premises that the private business process in the marketplace could replace government decision making. All along Wall Street and the banking institutions played the pyamiding leverage buyouts and borrowing games with excessive financial transactions, mergers and takeovers using junk bonds. On top of all that lets not forget about Reagan's income tax redistribution plan.

    Why do people skip back to the Great Depression to compare this recession, when in 1987 under Reagan, on Tuesday, October 20th our stock market came to a complete, zero activity, crash.
    SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    evenflow wrote:
    inmytree wrote:
    B) every one of those "pork" programs create jobs...I suppose you see that as a bad thing...

    Dig into these a little closer and you'll discover that most of these programs are not going to create jobs, they are simply going to put more money into the pockets of the higher ups supposedly in charge of getting these things done. If you think that this money is going to filter down into the hands of the common working man, well congratulations, I hope you've enjoyed the giant cup of kool-aid you've just swallowed.

    $2 million “for the promotion of astronomy” in Hawaii - If you don't believe that this screams "pork" then you really don't understand politics at all. I will see their $2 million and double it if a single dollar of this goes to the creation of a new job that a common working person receives.

    share you results of your "digging"...cause I'm calling bullshit...what are you talking about when you say they are simply going to put more money into the pockets of the higher ups supposedly in charge of getting these things done...

    I guess you, too, think little gnomes who won't be paid will be working on these programs....
  • evenflowevenflow Posts: 401
    inmytree wrote:

    share you results of your "digging"...cause I'm calling bullshit...what are you talking about when you say they are simply going to put more money into the pockets of the higher ups supposedly in charge of getting these things done...

    I guess you, too, think little gnomes who won't be paid will be working on these programs....

    No wonder you're falling for everything the democrats are selling, instead of putting in the work yourself and researching these things you just call BS. Ignore it and it won't affect you, right? Scan the list that Dirtie_Frank posted for starters. How many of these things do you think are going to create jobs that ordinary citizens are going to profit from? Even if some jobs are created from it none of them are long term, and none of them will show a return equal to, or greater than what is being put in. These are short term and temporary solutions for a long term problem. It's a quick fix that will break again down the road.

    Don't you find it a little bit disheartening that when creating a solution for the economic problems we are going through, instead of sitting down, and seriously thinking about how to solve this mess, with a true bipartisan effort, the majority led democratic party pushed this stimulus package down everybody's throats without giving anyone time to really sit back, and dissect it piece by piece to make sure that everything in it is really going to help us in the long term. Instead they used scare tactics and majority bullying to get it across. It had to be passed right then, we couldn't wait one second longer. That, and if the Republicans didn't go along with it, then they were being stubborn just to be stubborn, never mind the fact that the original bill was written 100% by democrats. So even if they had a fundamental objection with any part of it (that's if they even had time to read the 1000+ page bill during the week this all went down), they should just ignore that and go along with it blindly, because King Obama said so. If the Democrats really wanted to heal the bi-partisan rift, then why did they go about it in the manner that they did?

    Nothing heals personal differences like bullying the people you are trying to win over by saying that they don't have any basis in disagreeing with you besides being jealous over their recent win. What about the fact that the Dem's could have passed the bill without 1 Republican vote, and that Democratic Senators were still adding provisions to the bill hours before it went up for vote? That sure gives you time to really study it's contents and decide if it's a step in the right direction or not. Oh wait - Obama said to just trust him and vote for it, well dammit, I guess the Republicans are just hard headed, I mean, he is the promised one isn't he. Why would he lie? :roll:
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  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    evenflow wrote:
    inmytree wrote:

    share you results of your "digging"...cause I'm calling bullshit...what are you talking about when you say they are simply going to put more money into the pockets of the higher ups supposedly in charge of getting these things done...

    I guess you, too, think little gnomes who won't be paid will be working on these programs....

    No wonder you're falling for everything the democrats are selling, instead of putting in the work yourself and researching these things you just call BS. Ignore it and it won't affect you, right? Scan the list that Dirtie_Frank posted for starters. How many of these things do you think are going to create jobs that ordinary citizens are going to profit from? Even if some jobs are created from it none of them are long term, and none of them will show a return equal to, or greater than what is being put in. These are short term and temporary solutions for a long term problem. It's a quick fix that will break again down the road.

    Don't you find it a little bit disheartening that when creating a solution for the economic problems we are going through, instead of sitting down, and seriously thinking about how to solve this mess, with a true bipartisan effort, the majority led democratic party pushed this stimulus package down everybody's throats without giving anyone time to really sit back, and dissect it piece by piece to make sure that everything in it is really going to help us in the long term. Instead they used scare tactics and majority bullying to get it across. It had to be passed right then, we couldn't wait one second longer. That, and if the Republicans didn't go along with it, then they were being stubborn just to be stubborn, never mind the fact that the original bill was written 100% by democrats. So even if they had a fundamental objection with any part of it (that's if they even had time to read the 1000+ page bill during the week this all went down), they should just ignore that and go along with it blindly, because King Obama said so. If the Democrats really wanted to heal the bi-partisan rift, then why did they go about it in the manner that they did?

    Nothing heals personal differences like bullying the people you are trying to win over by saying that they don't have any basis in disagreeing with you besides being jealous over their recent win. What about the fact that the Dem's could have passed the bill without 1 Republican vote, and that Democratic Senators were still adding provisions to the bill hours before it went up for vote? That sure gives you time to really study it's contents and decide if it's a step in the right direction or not. Oh wait - Obama said to just trust him and vote for it, well dammit, I guess the Republicans are just hard headed, I mean, he is the promised one isn't he. Why would he lie? :roll:

    holy rhetoric, batman...!!!

    is that you John Beohner...? perhaps this is oxyman talking...? Sean, is that you...?

    I love the ramble about bipartisan...good stuff...thanks... :lol:

    and yes, I do believe jobs will be created....people will do the work...people will get paid...people will have money to put back into the economy...

    I read bitterness, along with a nice dose of amnesia in your response...
  • evenflowevenflow Posts: 401
    There is bitterness in my feelings towards the current state of this country and the direction it's heading. If you've never seen the movie Idiocracy then you need to. It's almost as if the majority of the population either can't or are to lazy to think for themselves. All it takes is a guy who is a slick talker in a nice suit to completely ruin everything the past generations have built up. It's almost as if everything that the government is doing to solve our current problems are exactly the opposite of what common sense dictates.

    Here's my thing, I've got a 14 month old daughter, who is going to have to grow up in this wreck that this country is turning in to. It really does bother me that a handful of people are going to destroy everything, just to make some more money. I'll admit that the Republicans are not helping the situation in any way, but right now, the Democrats have unchecked control, so they get the majority of the blame. Every single think Obama has done since he's come in to power is only dragging us down further, and some of his plans for the future are just plain scary.

    As far as inmytree is concerned, it's definitely nothing personal, but he has yet to come back with anything that defends his stance. Basically all he's done is quote me and put little smileys after a weak return. Come on man, if you're going to participate in this at least bring some substance along. People like soulsinging are fun to debate with because his answers actually bring something to the table, but this:
    inmytree wrote:
    holy rhetoric, batman...!!!

    is that you John Beohner...? perhaps this is oxyman talking...? Sean, is that you...?

    I love the ramble about bipartisan...good stuff...thanks... :lol:

    and yes, I do believe jobs will be created....people will do the work...people will get paid...people will have money to put back into the economy...

    I read bitterness, along with a nice dose of amnesia in your response...

    Replies like this just add merit to my concerns about the state of our population and our future as we head towards our inevitable date with Idiocracy.
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  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    evenflow wrote:
    There is bitterness in my feelings towards the current state of this country and the direction it's heading. If you've never seen the movie Idiocracy then you need to. It's almost as if the majority of the population either can't or are to lazy to think for themselves. All it takes is a guy who is a slick talker in a nice suit to completely ruin everything the past generations have built up. It's almost as if everything that the government is doing to solve our current problems are exactly the opposite of what common sense dictates.

    Here's my thing, I've got a 14 month old daughter, who is going to have to grow up in this wreck that this country is turning in to. It really does bother me that a handful of people are going to destroy everything, just to make some more money. I'll admit that the Republicans are not helping the situation in any way, but right now, the Democrats have unchecked control, so they get the majority of the blame. Every single think Obama has done since he's come in to power is only dragging us down further, and some of his plans for the future are just plain scary.

    As far as inmytree is concerned, it's definitely nothing personal, but he has yet to come back with anything that defends his stance. Basically all he's done is quote me and put little smileys after a weak return. Come on man, if you're going to participate in this at least bring some substance along. People like soulsinging are fun to debate with because his answers actually bring something to the table, but this:
    inmytree wrote:
    holy rhetoric, batman...!!!

    is that you John Beohner...? perhaps this is oxyman talking...? Sean, is that you...?

    I love the ramble about bipartisan...good stuff...thanks... :lol:

    and yes, I do believe jobs will be created....people will do the work...people will get paid...people will have money to put back into the economy...

    I read bitterness, along with a nice dose of amnesia in your response...

    Replies like this just add merit to my concerns about the state of our population and our future as we head towards our inevitable date with Idiocracy.

    I've seen the movie. It's pretty funny. I do find it funny that you feel I bring nothing to the discussion. I suppose I already said the same about you, with your regurgitated rhetoric you simply repeat the republican party line...if that's substance for you, so be it...

    you continue to forget about the bush years and how it lead us to this a quick to blame the current powers that be, as if a snap of the finger could simply fix continue to ignore my point that jobs will be created by this so-called "pork"...I asked for clarification and get come off as if you're omniscient and any other viewpoint is immediately wrong because it's not like yours...

    you seem to be of the mindset that our problems began suddenly on 11/5/08....for eight years bush drove this country into the ground, something you are quick to forget, or ignore...

    I've yet to hear a republican solution outside of tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts...psssst...bushy and company did that...and where are we now...?

    please don't take it personally that I don't agree with your malice here...and please know you and I want the same thing...which is for every child to grow up in a country that is safe and full of opportunity...we happen to disagree with how to get there...
  • evenflowevenflow Posts: 401
    I promise, it's nothing personal. I forget sometimes that the touch of sarcasm that I normally use doesn't quite come through when typed out and read, with no vocal inflections.

    I think I also need to reiterate that I am not a Republican by any stretch of the imagination. I'm registered as an independent, and the only vote I've ever cast for a Republican candidate was for Bobby Jindal, and that includes all the little elections at the local city level. I know that Jindal pretty much bored the crap out of everyone during his rebuttal of the President, but the guy is incredibly intelligent. I remember during the last hurricane, his speeches sounded like he was reading off of a spreadsheet. He was just going down a list of all the supplies the state had bought, and I do mean all. Needless to say, paying attention to it was not the easiest thing, and coming from a politician it didn't sound right. Normally politicians are very slick talkers, so when one like Jindal comes along, it takes some getting use to, but the guy is so smart, and seems to be doing a great job so far. I'll take substance over flash any day of the week.

    Back on topic, I have a really bad feeling about where Obama, and to a greater degree, the Democratic controlled Senate and House, is leading this country. I agree he was handed a very shitty situation. Bush screwed the pooch for 8 years, and during his term, for the first time ever in American history, the country actually came out of a war in a worse financial situation then when we entered (not including Vietnam because that was a technically a "policing action"). But everyone needs to remember that even though we weren't in a good financial position, we really started to go down the shit slide globally whenever the Dem's took over the House and Senate, and made Bush a lame duck president. The crash we are going through has been written on the wall since Clinton's second term though, it's just hard to believe we've slipped this far this fast.

    Just so you know, I majored in Business Management with a double minor in Finance and Economics and I'm employed as financial auditor for most of the plants down here in the south. Even though my economics emphasis was on micro-economics, I still think I have a decent grasp on Macro. I realize that this doesn't make me an expert in any way, and I've never claimed to be, but I do feel as though I've got a pretty decent grasp on the subject. During this last election I really studied both candidates financial plans because I knew that these next four years were going to be some of the most important in recent history as far as our global and local economy goes. I've got to say, between the two, both of them gave me little assurance that we were going to be able to pull out of this mess without it getting a whole lot worse. Since Obama's win I've really focused on his approach and ideology concerning our economy, and honestly it's worse than I suspected during the elections. Everything he has done since taking over the office of the President has gone completely opposite of basic economic principles. It's a given fact that a country can't tax it's way out of a recession, and borrowing from other country's is just a temporary solution, that has a very good chance of blowing up in our faces. Why are we spending more in this year than we ever have in our nation's history whenever we have more debt than we ever have had?

    I could write a thesis on this topic, or at least a thread so long that no one would read it, so I'm going to cut myself off on this one now, but if there are specific details of the stimulus package or any of Obama's economic policies you want to discuss just let me know. I promise I'll keep it more civilized than I have.

    On that note, let's sit back and wait in great anticipation for the Ten super deluxe to arrive. :D
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  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    correct me if Im wrong,but isn't there something like 9000 ear marks in the stimulus package and didn't Obama say during his campaign he was going to get rid of ear marks? :?
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • evenflowevenflow Posts: 401
    That's what happens whenever it was admitted that not one person in the senate or the house read the entire thing before they voted on it. Not one single person who actually casts votes! They all admitted that they had their "teams" read it and summarize the important parts. Seriously how f'ed up is that?

    Edited to clarify that it was both Democrats and Republicans who admitted this, as well as Obama himself. In their defense though, articles were still being added to it less than 6 hours before their votes were due.
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  • Im getting tired Of Obama saying he inherited this problem. He knew what he was getting into before he took office. People seem to forget the democrats are the ones who have been in the house and senate for the past 3 years and its just as much bush's fault at is there's. Im willing to give Obama a year to turn things around for the better,and if he doesn't he will be a one term president.
  • KDH12KDH12 Posts: 2,096
    prfctlefts wrote:
    correct me if Im wrong,but isn't there something like 900 ear marks in the stimulus package and didn't Obama say during his campaign he was going to get rid of ear marks? :?

    define earmark then

    cuz you could go ahead and say the whole thing is a ear mark... shit it is a stimulus plan it spends money on projects

    wouldn't 10 million to increase funding for "X" state's medicaid or unemployment be an earmark?
    **CUBS GO ALL THE WAY IN......never **
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Im getting tired Of Obama saying he inherited this problem. He knew what he was getting into before he took office. People seem to forget the democrats are the ones who have been in the house and senate for the past 3 years and its just as much bush's fault at is there's. Im willing to give Obama a year to turn things around for the better,and if he doesn't he will be a one term president.
    Fk Dubya was in office 8 years and his goons fked up this country and your bing critical of Obama and expect him to fix it in one year?!?!?!
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • callen wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Im getting tired Of Obama saying he inherited this problem. He knew what he was getting into before he took office. People seem to forget the democrats are the ones who have been in the house and senate for the past 3 years and its just as much bush's fault at is there's. Im willing to give Obama a year to turn things around for the better,and if he doesn't he will be a one term president.
    Fk Dubya was in office 8 years and his goons fked up this country and your bing critical of Obama and expect him to fix it in one year?!?!?!

    what I meant was after one year then it's his problem.also I said turn things around and the democrates are the ones who are and were in the house and senate.
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    evenflow wrote:
    So let me get this straight. The Republicans are refusing to go with what the Democrats are trying to push down everybody's throat because we've got a democratic president? If you believe this then you have completely fallen for the Democrats plan. Let's use our brains for a second and really think about this. Maybe the Republicans are not backing the stimulus package because they know that it's going to fail completely. Maybe they can see through all of the democratic spin and lies. And for the record, I'm not a Republican, never have been, never will. I do however see that they are standing their ground because of their belief that this stimulus package is a really bad idea.

    I live in Louisiana, so the fact that Gov. Jindal is refusing the stimulus dollars does affect me in some way. Do you really think that any politician would give up free money without a good reason (and because it's coming from democrats is not a good enough reason). The republicans refusing the money are doing so because of all of the pork and earmarks that come along with accepting the money. For a bill that Obama stood up and told the American public contained no pork or earmarks, either he didn't read the bill or he straight up lied to every one's face. Do some research, the 1000+ pages of the stimulus bill are posted online. Every provision in the bill contains some sort of handout or pork. The fact that Obama claimed that there was none just proves to me that he is no better than Bush. Yeah, I said it, Obama is just like Bush just with better speaking abilities. In the end he is nothing more than just another of the same 'ol politician.

    Jindal is working as hard as possible to hide his Indian heritage....why, cause he knows his only shot at becoming popular in the Republican party is to make himself as white as possible to all the cracker republicans he'll need in the future. Sad human. He'll forgo $$ 4 his constituats for his personal political gain.
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    callen wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Im getting tired Of Obama saying he inherited this problem. He knew what he was getting into before he took office. People seem to forget the democrats are the ones who have been in the house and senate for the past 3 years and its just as much bush's fault at is there's. Im willing to give Obama a year to turn things around for the better,and if he doesn't he will be a one term president.
    Fk Dubya was in office 8 years and his goons fked up this country and your bing critical of Obama and expect him to fix it in one year?!?!?! Avatar!!!
    Yeilds the shit. :mrgreen::mrgreen:
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
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