When someone leaves us, we get a rush of panic. Sometimes, even when you know the person you're in a relationship with is not right for you, when they leave, you get the feeling that you want them back, even though it's not right. Once you have them you're doing the same things you did before that drove them away in the first place. Or, they are doing the same things that drove you away. Ask yourself why do I want to be with her. And she should ask herself why she wants to be with you. The only good reason should be is that you're in love with each other. That you're in love no matter what happens. If you feel like you need this person to change to make you love them more or they need you to change to make them love you more than you aren't right for each other. People for the most part don't change. Maybe little things can be changed but unless you're willing to accept the other person for the way they are and can accept them when they fall, you shouldn't try to get back together.
There will be someone out there for you and no matter what happens you will still love each other and stay together.
yes, it's the same book someone else recommended here in the past. reading the back cover and such, just seemed too much god for me, and most definitely for my husband...so those of you who read it, do you truly feel it was beneficial? and WAs there a lot of god, or religion, in it? are you religious or not...so did it hinder any of the advice? just curious. thanks!
In my copy there wasn't much God references that I remember, if there was I'm sure I would of just put it down.
was it actually the same book as i linked above? i'm just curious. as i said, someone else here - and now i think it may be the same person - recommended the book, i checked it out at the bookstore...and 1. being in the religious studies/christian section 2. the book jacket/back cover had a few god references....so both kinda turned me off. nothing against god or anything :P....just i don't want god/religion in my advice/reading about relationships.
so if it IS one and the same book, did you truly find it a good read, interesting/informative? or just OK, good for at the time perhaps? it seemed intriguing mostly b/c i am not much into 'self-help' type books, yet this sounded like it was good to read and informative....and hey, we all can use pointers/improvements.
was it actually the same book as i linked above? i'm just curious. as i said, someone else here - and now i think it may be the same person - recommended the book, i checked it out at the bookstore...and 1. being in the religious studies/christian section 2. the book jacket/back cover had a few god references....so both kinda turned me off. nothing against god or anything :P....just i don't want god/religion in my advice/reading about relationships.
so if it IS one and the same book, did you truly find it a good read, interesting/informative? or just OK, good for at the time perhaps? it seemed intriguing mostly b/c i am not much into 'self-help' type books, yet this sounded like it was good to read and informative....and hey, we all can use pointers/improvements.
thanks for any info![/quote]
hey there...I had recommended this a few days ago...I am not a religious person AT ALL and I found it very helpful. I felt like most things were common sense, and there were miminal "god-references." I probably wouldn't have read it if it got too religious on me;)
hey there...I had recommended this a few days ago...I am not a religious person AT ALL and I found it very helpful. I felt like most things were common sense, and there were miminal "god-references." I probably wouldn't have read it if it got too religious on me;)
yes i know...i was actually thinking you might be one and the same person who recommended it a long while back on the old pit too, that was all. if not, there was someone else who also recommended it. thanks for the info. perhaps i'll give it another look-see. i would prefer NO god references to 'minimal'....but i'll see if i can deal. thanks again for responding!
was it actually the same book as i linked above? i'm just curious. as i said, someone else here - and now i think it may be the same person - recommended the book, i checked it out at the bookstore...and 1. being in the religious studies/christian section 2. the book jacket/back cover had a few god references....so both kinda turned me off. nothing against god or anything :P....just i don't want god/religion in my advice/reading about relationships.
so if it IS one and the same book, did you truly find it a good read, interesting/informative? or just OK, good for at the time perhaps? it seemed intriguing mostly b/c i am not much into 'self-help' type books, yet this sounded like it was good to read and informative....and hey, we all can use pointers/improvements.
thanks for any info!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
was it actually the same book as i linked above? i'm just curious. as i said, someone else here - and now i think it may be the same person - recommended the book, i checked it out at the bookstore...and 1. being in the religious studies/christian section 2. the book jacket/back cover had a few god references....so both kinda turned me off. nothing against god or anything :P....just i don't want god/religion in my advice/reading about relationships.
so if it IS one and the same book, did you truly find it a good read, interesting/informative? or just OK, good for at the time perhaps? it seemed intriguing mostly b/c i am not much into 'self-help' type books, yet this sounded like it was good to read and informative....and hey, we all can use pointers/improvements.
thanks for any info![/quote]
hey there...I had recommended this a few days ago...I am not a religious person AT ALL and I found it very helpful. I felt like most things were common sense, and there were miminal "god-references." I probably wouldn't have read it if it got too religious on me;)
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
yes i know...i was actually thinking you might be one and the same person who recommended it a long while back on the old pit too, that was all. if not, there was someone else who also recommended it. thanks for the info. perhaps i'll give it another look-see. i would prefer NO god references to 'minimal'....but i'll see if i can deal.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow