Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman 2nite



    edited February 2009
    The more I watch it, I realize it was just schtick between the two of them. He came off as a more subtle version of Richard Lewis!
    Post edited by JOEJOEJOE on
  • JordyWordyJordyWordy Posts: 2,261
    Rygar wrote:
    JordyWordy wrote:
    acting or not it was hilarious. Letterman was being a dick but a very funny dick, no harm in it.

    There are other videos on youtube of Joaquin being erratic in general over the last 4/5 years. And also him falling off the stage at hiphop gig he seemed to be doing, and PLENTY of interviews with actors who've worked with him saying that he is/was very unhinged during filming.

    I'd hope that its a running joke, and he could credibly do that, but i doubt it.
    Casey Afflect was there, still filming.

    on second watching im liking it more & more! :) caseys got his copy at home playing on repeat most likely!
  • EquallyWorthlessEquallyWorthless Posts: 3,993
    edited February 2009
    Here's something to think about. The clip they showed of the movie he is chewing gum in it. And he was chewing gum on Letterman. Huh there you go. :D lol

    Not only is he chewing his gum but he is acting the same, unsure about his career, shy, timid etc etc.

    At the end of the interview he shakes Dave's hand and says good job and they shoot the shit. Dave was in on it, that is the only reason the crowd laughs so much is because they keep pushing the button for the applause sign because they wouldn't keep pushing the applause button otherwise and Dave most likely wouldn't have been so mean.

    its a total act and most of you are just too daft to see it. Seriously he is taking pot shots at the media for constantly peering into the life of celebrities. Here is a good read on an interview he just did. The interviewer talks about how its performance art, they are making a movie on a transition, quitting acting to become a rapper and how with celebrities there is an intersection where personal and private persona's exist. The media just doesn't see it anymore, the line has become so blurred, have any of you ever seen the episode of south park where britany spears shoots half of her head off and the media goes crazy about it? :lol: ... Page1.html

    Read the article, its worth it and gives some insight in to what is really going on.
    Post edited by EquallyWorthless on
    {if (work != 0) {
    work = work + 1;
    sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
    else if (work >= 0) {
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    return 0;}
  • here's a real melt down on letterman

    Also an act.
    {if (work != 0) {
    work = work + 1;
    sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
    else if (work >= 0) {
    work = work +1;
    return 0;}
  • That was really uncomfortable to watch-- Letterman definitely didn't have to make it worse. Maybe he was on something? He should have went to commercial... ended the interview and said the guy wasn't feeling well or something!
    "I'll ride the wave where it takes me.."
  • That was really uncomfortable to watch-- Letterman definitely didn't have to make it worse. Maybe he was on something? He should have went to commercial... ended the interview and said the guy wasn't feeling well or something!
    {if (work != 0) {
    work = work + 1;
    sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
    else if (work >= 0) {
    work = work +1;
    return 0;}
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