Obama stops uss cole trials

I couldn't imagine being the parent or a close friend to someone killed in that terrorist attack. and the Messiah stops the trial because he wants to make sure these scumbags weren't water borted. who gives a fuck I wish they would have had their fingernails pulled off. I swear to god if this piece of shit walks Obama will wish he never ran because it will be a p.r. nightmare for him. :shock: :shock: :x :x :x :x
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dude do you even know what im talking about? the uss cole bombing do you need a history lesson?
I know what the Cole bombing is, but he has a point. Once you start rounding people up and torturing them before you even charge them with anything, what kind of moral imperative can you claim? The trial ought to proceed though, it's not like they should let the guy walk if he did it. But torture should be part of the trial... if all they have is his confession after being tortured, then it's possible he didn't actually do it. It's a greater insult to the memories of those that died to pawn the crime off on an easy target to save face and let the real killer go free.
you should be arrested for plagiarizing Sean Hannity.
So, becoming the evil monster you are fighting is a solution? Become a terrorist to fight terrorists... that's former Soviet Union Polit Bureau speak.
Hail, Hail!!!
I love how in Sean Hannity-land, suspending trials for a review period = freeing terrorists
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I agree with you I don't think we should torture anybody but I cant for the life of me understand why Obama would suspend these trials. and then invite the families to tell them why he did it after the fact.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
perhaps the evidence is thin, outside of a confession given after torture...perhaps the prosecution needs more time to prove it's case....perhaps the messiah wants to do this right way...
Agreed 100%. What good is torture for getting a confession? Give me 10 minutes alone with anyone strapped to a table, and I'll bet I can get them to admit in a screaming fit that their name is actually, "Miss Piggy."
It's very hard to not let emotion get in the way when you're dealing with something as awful as terrorism, but the only way to bring real justice to these people is within the rules of law, due process, and free of torture, which only distorts the truth.
I don't know the details on this guy... is there any proof other than him confessing? Is he denying that he did it now? Maybe they just want to get his take on captivity before they go over, make sure the trial goes smoothly. Trials get delayed and suspended all the time. Now if they let the guy walk and he clearly did it, I'll share your outrage. But I don't see much issue with just holding things up to make sure the whole thing is done right. I think the victims would agree with that. It's the kind of justice they died protecting.
From what I have heard on the news is that he confessed. Its very hard for me to give Obama the benefit of the doubt but Im trying very hard. the only reasonable explanation I can think of is he dosent want this guy to get off on a technicality
Then I would say that's wise. Also, if he confessed under torture and has since recanted, it's possible he didn't do it. I imagine that's what they're looking into. The people that died deserve real justice, not a scapegoat.
it was a ship.. and why would you you say somthing like that :?
yeah you are right commy,but IMO I don't think getting your head dunked or loud music, sleep deprivation constitutes as torture. :x
perhaps you could give us an example of what would constitute torture...
It wasn't a passenger ship. It was a navy destroyer, therefore, technically, a military installation. Just sayin'.
Well, if you believe you are going to drown by getting your head dunked or your hearing will be compromised by the loud music, then yes, it is torture.
Those can still cause false confessions. Mere sleep deprivation can cause it. I'm working on a case where a guy was kept awake and interrogated for 48 straight hours by about 10 different police officers. He confessed to the rape and murder of a little girl. But he didn't do it and DNA and all the physical evidence proves it. When you're under duress you'll say or do anything just to get some sleep or a temporary reprieve, figuring you can straighten it out later... because you're not thinking logically. You'll say whatever they want to hear. I don't think you can even begin to imagine that kind of madness it might cause to be locked in a room with no hope of escape and having loud heavy metal blaring into your bright cell 24/7 for months. You'd crack and say whatever it took to get it to stop. It's easy to think it'd be no big deal, because you've never had discomfort remotely close to that kind of psychological abuse.
I would admit to ANYTHING if I was put under these conditions.
IMO, the second we torture, we are no better than the terrorists.
What do you think America would have to do if Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld was imprisoned in another country that recognized WAR CRIMES. There's no statute of limitation on war crimes.
Don't forget CHENEY publicly bragged about the use of TORTURE.
SORRY... :x :x but I could give a shit about those scumbags, you think they wouldn't torture us probably not what am I thinking they would just cut our heads off. This country has become a bunch of pussies and its ridiculous. I can't imagine if F.D.R. would have stopped the nueremberg trials there would have been a revolution.
So being ethical demotes one to pussydom? Wow. As the foremost leader on the world stage shouldn't the US lead by example? Because a relative handful of rogues understood to be TERRORISTS may engage in such behavior we should enter into a dick swinging contest with said TERRORISTS? This isn't the middle school schoolyard. Torture is unacceptable and something the US should not engage in. Call me a pussy, i guess.
However, they should be punished LEGALLY. If a confession is obtained illegally, than it holds absolutley no merit. We should have the TRUTH come out.
And they would torture us? They're supposed to be the bad guys... Should we now become the bad guys?
You are the kind of hothead who proclaims to love America and what it supposedly stands for yet would shit on the Constitution in a heartbeat.