Obama fires up House Democrats to help push through stimulus

http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/02/05/ ... topstories
Obama said, "I found this national debt doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office."
"What do you think a stimulus bill is?" he said. "That's the point."
"We're not going to get relief by turning back to the very same policies that, for the last eight years, doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin," he said. "We can't embrace the losing formula that says only tax cuts will work for every problem we face, that ignores critical challenges like our addiction to foreign oil, or the soaring cost of health care, or failing schools and crumbling bridges and roads and levees.
"I don't care whether you're driving a hybrid or an SUV -- if you're headed for a cliff, you've got to change direction."
good stuff... :!:
Obama said, "I found this national debt doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office."
"What do you think a stimulus bill is?" he said. "That's the point."
"We're not going to get relief by turning back to the very same policies that, for the last eight years, doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin," he said. "We can't embrace the losing formula that says only tax cuts will work for every problem we face, that ignores critical challenges like our addiction to foreign oil, or the soaring cost of health care, or failing schools and crumbling bridges and roads and levees.
"I don't care whether you're driving a hybrid or an SUV -- if you're headed for a cliff, you've got to change direction."
good stuff... :!:

Post edited by Unknown User on
All I think this "off the cuff" rant shows is that he is not getting what he wants and he's getting a little mad about it. A presidential reality check.
really...that's what you get out of it... :roll:
Yeah...He's pissed that the Republicans aren't drinking the Obama Kool Aid. Welcome to Washington!
It's funny how things have stayed the same. Using doom and gloom to sell your policies is a page right out of the Bush playbook.
He mentions "healthy debate"....How is less than a month to decide whether or not to spend a trillion dollars too much time for debate?
Because it could turn in to a "catastrophe" in a month.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Shockingly similar to a certain country in the Middle East that was locked and loaded
It's funny how things have stayed the same. Using doom and gloom to sell your policies is a page right out of the Bush playbook.
He mentions "healthy debate"....How is less than a month to decide whether or not to spend a trillion dollars too much time for debate?[/quote]
He is back on the campaign trail. Instead of Hope and Change we are getting FEAR. Wasn't he addressing Dems who were away at some spa weekend retreat in VA. Just wondering how that is different from the bailout recipients planning getaways. Both funded by taxpayer . Just a thought
shhhhh no one is supposed to know that...
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
I love how there is never any responsibility tied to the past 8 years.. it's all 'Just Deal With It'.
I always felt that Personal Responsibility was a pretty important Character Trait... I guess it's not with everyone.
Hail, Hail!!!
Huh? Are you saying that pointing the finger at the Bush years is what should happen and then saying that personal responsibility is important? Not sure I understand where you're coming from..??
What I'm saying is...
None of the Bush Supporters ever want to lay any responsibility on those decisions. They either make up excuses... more likely, regurgitate the same "official" excuses given by Administration spokesmen... or simply say shit like, "It doesn't matter how we got here... it's a matter of how do we get out of this mess". This shirks the responsibility of getting us in this shit in the first place.
It'd be like if I went into your home and fucked up your plumbing and electrical and said, "It doesn't matter how the stuff got fucked up... how are your going to get the power and water back? Oh.. by the way... I'm outta here." And they'd be perfectly fine with that.
They are either idiots or lack the Assuming Personal Responsibility for Their Actions... and holding others to be responsibie for their actions trait.
Let me add... i will hold Obama Responsible for his actions, mainly because I assume the responsibility for putting him in office with my vote... That is called 'Personal Responsibility'. I am 100% sure that the Bush supporters will not be making excuses for Obama or let him escape any responsibility like they did with Bush.
Hail, Hail!!!
Huh? Are you saying that pointing the finger at the Bush years is what should happen and then saying that personal responsibility is important? Not sure I understand where you're coming from..??[/quote]
What I'm saying is...
None of the Bush Supporters ever want to lay any responsibility on those decisions. They either make up excuses... more likely, regurgitate the same "official" excuses given by Administration spokesmen... or simply say shit like, "It doesn't matter how we got here... it's a matter of how do we get out of this mess". This shirks the responsibility of getting us in this shit in the first place.
It'd be like if I went into your home and fucked up your plumbing and electrical and said, "It doesn't matter how the stuff got fucked up... how are your going to get the power and water back? Oh.. by the way... I'm outta here." And they'd be perfectly fine with that.
They are either idiots or lack the Assuming Personal Responsibility for Their Actions... and holding others to be responsibie for their actions trait.
Let me add... i will hold Obama Responsible for his actions, mainly because I assume the responsibility for putting him in office with my vote... That is called 'Personal Responsibility'. I am 100% sure that the Bush supporters will not be making excuses for Obama or let him escape any responsibility like they did with Bush.[/quote]
I see where you're coming from, but people always hold "their guy" to a double standard. If Obama screws up there will be plenty of Obama appologists. Just because you choose to be "personally responsible" doesn't mean others will share your moral fortitude.
The double standard will continue far past Obama. No matter what there will always be blind allegiance because some people just can't think for themselves.
And yeah...We do need to fix the past in the present. It is a matter of "how we get out of this mess"....
It does zero good at this point to contiue to beat the dead horse. If the plumber fucked up you get another to fix their mistakes.
I'm not Republican first off
I was asking Cosmo if that is what he meant. He clarified it for me.
He is saying that as an Obama supporter, he will stick by his guy through the good and bad. As a matter of "personal responsibility". Bush people did not do that.
I then said that he is crazy to think that all Obama people would continue to drink the Kool Aid after he fucks up....They will do the same as the Bush people. Deny... Deflect...You know the drill.
I know. I am saying if you DO that... support the guy in power just because he is in your Political Party... you are either a Donkey Cock Suker or an Elephant Cock Sucker. I am neither. I hold my leaders responsible for their actions, whether I voted for them or not. I am not saying anything other than I refuse to Suck Cock.
I will hold Obama responsible for his bad decisions and never make apologies for his actions that lead us in worse conditions. That's just me.. and i don't expect anyone to do as i say or do. If they want to play partisan political party bullshit... they are welcome to. I will hold them responsible for their bullshit partisan political party bullshit.
As for the Plumber that fucked up your place... he holds absolutely NO Responsibility? I can't believe that. If the cost of repairs is $3,000.00, you are going to just pay them? I just find it extremely difficult to see that happening.
Hail, Hail!!!
Just want to clarify this point:
'He is saying that as an Obama supporter, he will stick by his guy through the good and bad. As a matter of "personal responsibility". '
I will not support him if his decisions and actions are not in the best interests of this country. I will be the same, venom spewing madman as i was with Bush and his bad decisions. I will NOT support or make excuses for Obama if he screws up. If he does... he's getting the same shit I gave Bush.
Hail, Hail!!!
I see...I see... By no means am I a cocksucker either!
Well maybe the plumber isn't the best comparison. All I was saying is that you can hate the choices of the past, but to dwell does no good.
Rage....Accept....Move on....Find a solution to the fucked-up-ness. Rage again....
Fuck it....Just RAGE ALL THE TIME! FUCK THE MAN! :twisted:
I agree. But to me, in order to really fix a problem... you need to know the causes of the current effect... so you do not repeat them in the future.
I am all for addressing the problem to find a long term resolution. A short term quick fix... including plumbing repairs... requires a reasoned, thought out approach. Like, if you patch this pipe, will a leak spring up at another point? Replacing on valve... will it cause the seals on another to burst?
The quick action is to attack the worst issuues first... to basically stop the bleeding. But, the quick fit is not the final solution. That will only come when you assess the overall system and look at all of the possible points of failure. And you have to come up with several scenarios... because sometimes... the entire house needs new plumbing.
Hail, Hail!!!
Are people serious with this?! We're about a couple months away from double digit unemployment. Thats not a "fear tactic", its fuckin' scary!
Stupid point #2: "Obama's statements about the economic crisis are comparable to W's war in Iraq".
Wow. That is laughably ridiculous. Wow.
Stupid point # 3:" Bush messed shit up. Get over it."
Seriously? The point is Bush and his band of idiots got us neck deep in this shit and republicans are insisting on the SAME POLICIES! Look, your candidate, whoever it was, lost. Get over THAT.
Stupid point #1: 1 out of every 10 people unemployed scares you?
Stupid Point # 2: Nobody is comparing the two. They just seem very similar to the tactics used in the build up to the Iraq war. The end is near type stuff.
Stupid Point # 3: I think people are looking at it a little less black and white. Personally I don't care if George Jetson is the President. I think more taxpayer money in the hands of government is a bad idea.
Um... yeah. 1 in every ten people unemployed is pretty scary. Thats a lot of people with a lot of kids without jobs. In a country as wealthy as this one its not only scary, its downright sad.
All good statements.
Economic disaster is emminent if nothing is done to stop it. Even Reg'lur Joe can see it because Reg'lur Joe is getting layoff notices. And even if you aren't getting layed off... you can SEE your fellow citizens losing their jobs. It IS fucking scary.
Hail, Hail!!!
I see where you at with this.... I'm single with no kids so my situation is a little more flexible.
With that said, I think it sets an ugly precedent for the future to allow government to "stimulate" the economy through government operated channels.
What channels would you suggest?
I'm not suggesting anything specific...All I'm saying is that traditionally it's not the best use of money to let government run anything. Money in the hands of ordinary people will go a long way. I wish this mess was that easy.
Aren't 'Ordinary People' the problem? The Problem with Government Programs is that American Citizens cannot be trusted with money. Look at all of the Government Programs... they get into trouble because people needing Katrina Relief help have people who don't need it grabbing a check... or Welfare for poor and hungry people are cheated by people cheating the system. And it not just poor people... rich lawyers and doctors cheat the medicare system... bankers and corporate CEOs grab the bailout money for themselves... construction contractors steal from infrastructure projects.
Bottom line... Americans cannot be trusted.
Hail, Hail!!!
That's the problem as i see it. "ordinary people" have no money in their hands.
Absolutely. i don't disagree. Of course, that bill would have less than a snowball's chance of EVER passing.