Why are posters so valuable?

stevehomeairstevehomeair Posts: 318
edited February 2009 in The Porch
I really do not get it....I have forty and am willing to part with all but about 15 the ones i bought from the fan club...NO RESALE!!!!!!!!!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • It seems a lot of fans are asking that question. Check out the EBAY listings for PJ posters. Prices are down and bids are few. Has the "poster balloon" burst?
    Time to sit back and appreciate posters for their art and the memories they evoke.
    Hold On
  • PJRock75PJRock75 Posts: 869
    It's at a low right now, but that is because of the economic crisis that we are all in. It will bounce back because of the strong fan base for the band and simply from the fans of rock art in general. Look at some of the old '60's posters for bands like Jimi Hendrix or the Dead still going for 5, 10,even 15 thousand dollars :shock:

    Best time to buy is right now if your just starting out in collecting.
    "If you want a friend, feed any animal." - JA
    "Don't let it get you down, you know, still give your love, just give it away...I love singin' that part." - EV
  • OkOk Posts: 2,144
    No doubt its a reflection of the overall economy. And I agree that its a great time to be buying at what are low prices.
  • Steve, what are you looking to unload? Shoot me a PM.
    "Fuck the talkin', let's start rocking." - E.V. 9-5-00

    8/25/98, 8/21/00, 9/5/00, 4/26/03, 5/3/03, 6/24/03, 9/28/05, 10/03/05, 5/20/06, 6/23/06, EV 8/16/08, EV 6/18/09, 5/20/10, 9/15/11, 10/11/13, 10/27/13, 10/1/14, 8/20/16, 8/22/16, TOTD 11/7/16, 8/18/18, 9/2/18, 9/4/18, 9/11/22, 9/14/22, 8/26/24, 9/12/24, 9/27/24, 9/29/24
  • I won the Vancouver '05 poster yesterday on Ebay for 15 bucks. I was the only person to bid in over 24 hours. I know it's not a big item but still, I expected more. I just started out collecting this year actually. So the cheaper I can get them the better! :D
  • I really do not get it....I have forty and am willing to part with all but about 15 the ones i bought from the fan club...NO RESALE!!!!!!!!!!!
    they are not as valuable as you think....

    seems to me they top out 1-2 weeks after they first become available.....people who were not at a certain show will pay silly prices for a poster......

    then after 2 weeks they plummett back to their original sale price or slightly higher.....then of course there are a few exceptions (recentley dusseldorf and hawaii) .....posters that actually seem bring in a fair amount of money ($150-$500)....

    being banned from the board for 6 months gave me a lot of time to do some research over at expresso beans(which i refer to as FLIPPER HEAVEN)......and from what i have gathered....

    most of the pearl jam flippers who havent already flipped there posters for a profit are going do be very dissapointed.....because most of these recently released posters (05-06-08) are barely worth their original price.....again their are exceptions....(check ebay listings to see how many posters go unsold)

    at least that is what i believe to be true.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • I really do not get it....I have forty and am willing to part with all but about 15 the ones i bought from the fan club...NO RESALE!!!!!!!!!!!
    "NO RESALE????"

    i really wouldnt worry about the NO RESALE clause when you purchase a poster from the 10club...

    it doesnt seem to me that they care that much.....and obviously their so called "real fans" dont give a rats ass about the "no resale" clause....because i could bump up 5,853 poster sale threads that have been started in the last month alone.

    so go right ahead and join your fellow flippers in the "reselling" of pearl jam merchandise for a profit.....ITS THE IN THING!!!!

    FLIP FLIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • I really do not get it....I have forty and am willing to part with all but about 15 the ones i bought from the fan club...NO RESALE!!!!!!!!!!!
    being banned from the board for 6 months gave me a lot of time to do some research over at expresso beans(which i refer to as FLIPPER HEAVEN).......

    this made me laugh, thanks for the chuckle.
  • I really do not get it....I have forty and am willing to part with all but about 15 the ones i bought from the fan club...NO RESALE!!!!!!!!!!!
    being banned from the board for 6 months gave me a lot of time to do some research over at expresso beans(which i refer to as FLIPPER HEAVEN).......

    this made me laugh, thanks for the chuckle.
    it is flipper heaven!!!!!

    they take the art of flipping to a whole new level......
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Do you think they'd flip a flipper poster??


    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • Lizard wrote:
    Do you think they'd flip a flipper poster??


    they would .......but the TRUE ART OF FLIPPING ......takes a full year....

    first you must buy the poster....

    then you must say "this pearl jam poster will always remind me of a special time in my life" "i will NEVER EVER part with it"

    then a month or 2 later you must say.....

    "i only buy posters from the concerts i attend".... "i would never sell a poster for profit".... "anyone who does this is not a TRUE FAN"

    then a month or 2 later you say...

    "i would never sell a poster for profit!!!!" "how dare you even accuse me of such a thing!!!!"

    then a few weeks later you say....."how much did that poster sell for on ebay????"

    then a few weeks later you say....."when is brad klausen having his sale on his website????"

    then a few weeks later you say...."hey everyone check out my cool framed posters!!!!!!"

    then a month or 2 later you finally make........... "THE POST!!!!!!"

    "HEY EVERYONE I AM SELLING MY ENTIRE PEARL JAM POSTER COLLECTION!!!!!! (of course you come up with some bullshit excuse as to why you have to sell them......and how DIFFICULT it is for you to part with them)

    and there you have it.........
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    I only buy the ones of shows I went to- that way they always hold their value to me
  • thunderDAN wrote:
    I only buy the ones of shows I went to- that way they always hold their value to me

    read my previous post....

    TOO FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    thunderDAN wrote:
    I only buy the ones of shows I went to- that way they always hold their value to me

    read my previous post....

    TOO FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been to about 300 shows and as much as it pains me I have to unload some of them to pay for my mounting bills.
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    although just looking at this board each week all you see if people flipping posters. I wonder if it's the economy- but I really think it's people not knowing the value of money. Maybe the reason you are so broke and desperate for an extra $250 is because you spent $40 on a poster you didn't even need or want in the first place. I made this mistake once, I bought the Copenhagen poster last year and when I got it I thought to myself 'what the fuck am I doing with this? I didn't go to the show, and I've never even been to Denmark (or Europe)- why did I spend $32 on this?' so I sold it for $25 to someone on here who went to the show. I now own 6 posters, all of shows I went to in which I also liked the poster. Money is too hard to come by to just throw $25 out there for every poster that goes on sale, and the people that do that are the same people that end up broke and desperate for money.
  • thunderDAN wrote:
    thunderDAN wrote:
    I only buy the ones of shows I went to- that way they always hold their value to me

    read my previous post....

    TOO FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been to about 300 shows and as much as it pains me I have to unload some of them to pay for my mounting bills.
    you can afford to travel all over the world and go to 300 shows????

    but now you are having trouble paying your bills????

    and i apologize now ....if these are medical bills....or a tragedyy has struck you and your family...then by all means i wish you the best and i hope you make MILLIONS of DOLLARS selling your posters.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    you can afford to travel all over the world and go to 300 shows????

    but now you are having trouble paying your bills????

    and i apologize now ....if these are medical bills....or a tragedyy has struck you and your family...then by all means i wish you the best and i hope you make MILLIONS of DOLLARS selling your posters.....

    I traveled all over the world and bought all these poster on my Visa card and it's weird, now they want me to pay them for it- so I waited for the posters to mature a little and gain a little value so I can really cash in. I hope the band tours in 2009 because I plan to do it all over again on mister Master Card.
  • thunderDAN wrote:
    you can afford to travel all over the world and go to 300 shows????

    but now you are having trouble paying your bills????

    and i apologize now ....if these are medical bills....or a tragedyy has struck you and your family...then by all means i wish you the best and i hope you make MILLIONS of DOLLARS selling your posters.....

    I traveled all over the world and bought all these poster on my Visa card and it's weird, now they want me to pay them for it- so I waited for the posters to mature a little and gain a little value so I can really cash in. I hope the band tours in 2009 because I plan to do it all over again on mister Master Card.
    cool.....so you buy the posters strictly to profit off of pearl jam merchandise....ignoring the "NO RESALE" clause the 10club has asked everyone to kindly follow.

    and you plan on touring again this summer just so you can purchase more posters and sell them for a profit....

    you my friend are a FLIPPER in every sense of the word.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    thunderDAN wrote:
    you can afford to travel all over the world and go to 300 shows????

    but now you are having trouble paying your bills????

    and i apologize now ....if these are medical bills....or a tragedyy has struck you and your family...then by all means i wish you the best and i hope you make MILLIONS of DOLLARS selling your posters.....

    I traveled all over the world and bought all these poster on my Visa card and it's weird, now they want me to pay them for it- so I waited for the posters to mature a little and gain a little value so I can really cash in. I hope the band tours in 2009 because I plan to do it all over again on mister Master Card.
    cool.....so you buy the posters strictly to profit off of pearl jam merchandise....ignoring the "NO RESALE" clause the 10club has asked everyone to kindly follow.

    and you plan on touring again this summer just so you can purchase more posters and sell them for a profit....

    you my friend are a FLIPPER in every sense of the word.....

    well I buy all the posters so I can fit in with all the other people that buy them and talk about them on here. I want to build a great collection, but then I realize that I have no money so I come on here and totally ignore the no resale thing and claim all of them came from the shows
  • pjtradekingpjtradeking Posts: 4,045
    I am proud to say that I have NEVER paid more than face for ANY of the 150+ PJ posters I have. SPEEDY is right...MOST will pay crazy prices for posters right after they are resleased cause they figure they cant get them ever again. I am of the opinion(and so far am 100% right) that if you wait....watch...or get to know the right people or are in the right place at the right time, you can get anything you want for the price you want....Sometimes, really cool people will give them to you cause they know what it means for you to have them.....Now, if I can just get them all up on the walls...Have taken a loooong break...I think it is time to put a few more up on the walls to display in all their glory!!
    Never, ever, flipping forget
    "Free Shipping" SPEEDY MCCREADY

    My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
  • LukinFanLukinFan Florida Posts: 29,079
    I am proud to say that I have NEVER paid more than face for ANY of the 150+ PJ posters I have. SPEEDY is right...MOST will pay crazy prices for posters right after they are resleased cause they figure they cant get them ever again. I am of the opinion(and so far am 100% right) that if you wait....watch...or get to know the right people or are in the right place at the right time, you can get anything you want for the price you want....Sometimes, really cool people will give them to you cause they know what it means for you to have them.....Now, if I can just get them all up on the walls...Have taken a loooong break...I think it is time to put a few more up on the walls to display in all their glory!!
    Hey King- long time!

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
    2024: Baltimore

    Upcoming: 2025 Hollywood, FL Night 2
  • BeerBaronBeerBaron Toronto-ish Posts: 4,097
    thunderDAN wrote:
    I hope the band tours in 2009 because I plan to do it all over again on mister Master Card.
    It surprises me how many people live like this.
    1996: Toronto 1998: Barrie 2000: Saratoga Springs 2003: Buffalo, Toronto 2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto 2006: Toronto x2, Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Gorge #1 2007: London, Dusseldorf, Vic, Lolla 2008: WPB, Tampa, DC, MSG x2, Hartford, Boston x2, Beacon 2009: Toronto, Chicago x2, Seattle x2, LA #3&4, San Diego, Philly x4 2010: Cleveland, Buffalo, Hartford 2011: Montreal, Toronto x2, Hamilton 2012: Missoula 2013: London, Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Hartford, Dallas, OKC
  • "Value" is relative, isn't it? I have the ugliest pj poster ever made proudly displayed in my recroom. It was my first show so to me, it's quite valualbe.

    I try to frame all the posters i get...just so i won't be tempted to EVER resell them.

    I really don't understand selling framed posters. It seems like such a hassle to me. I sent a poster (in a tube) to oregon and it got crushed so the thought of sending GLASS through the mail just seems silly.
  • thunderDAN, you crack me up. :lol:

    Do people not understand sarcasm anymore?
    Everything has chains...Absolutely nothing's changed. - PJ

    “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
  • thunderDAN, you crack me up. :lol:

    Do people not understand sarcasm anymore?

    I was just thinking the same thing.
    2006- Boston I
    2008- Boston I+II
    2009- Toronto, Philly III+IV
    2010- Bristow, Hartford, Boston, Newark
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,101
    Lizard wrote:
    Do you think they'd flip a flipper poster??


    they would .......but the TRUE ART OF FLIPPING ......takes a full year....

    first you must buy the poster....

    then you must say "this pearl jam poster will always remind me of a special time in my life" "i will NEVER EVER part with it"

    then a month or 2 later you must say.....

    "i only buy posters from the concerts i attend".... "i would never sell a poster for profit".... "anyone who does this is not a TRUE FAN"

    then a month or 2 later you say...

    "i would never sell a poster for profit!!!!" "how dare you even accuse me of such a thing!!!!"

    then a few weeks later you say....."how much did that poster sell for on ebay????"

    then a few weeks later you say....."when is brad klausen having his sale on his website????"

    then a few weeks later you say...."hey everyone check out my cool framed posters!!!!!!"

    then a month or 2 later you finally make........... "THE POST!!!!!!"

    "HEY EVERYONE I AM SELLING MY ENTIRE PEARL JAM POSTER COLLECTION!!!!!! (of course you come up with some bullshit excuse as to why you have to sell them......and how DIFFICULT it is for you to part with them)

    and there you have it.........

  • release30release30 Posts: 2,051
    So are we selling posters in here or what??? :lol:
    Conversations getting dull
    There's a constant ringing in my ears
    Sense of humor's void and numb
    And I'm bored to tears.......
  • pjtradekingpjtradeking Posts: 4,045
    LukinFan wrote:
    I am proud to say that I have NEVER paid more than face for ANY of the 150+ PJ posters I have. SPEEDY is right...MOST will pay crazy prices for posters right after they are resleased cause they figure they cant get them ever again. I am of the opinion(and so far am 100% right) that if you wait....watch...or get to know the right people or are in the right place at the right time, you can get anything you want for the price you want....Sometimes, really cool people will give them to you cause they know what it means for you to have them.....Now, if I can just get them all up on the walls...Have taken a loooong break...I think it is time to put a few more up on the walls to display in all their glory!!
    Hey King- long time!

    How are you my friend?? Yeah, I have been trying to find my bearings here....>Different to say the least. Trying to find everyone from the old board and just am not sure who is who and dont know my way around to well yet. Not that I have taken the time to do it, but it is what it is! Glad to see you are here!! Talk soon! :)
    Never, ever, flipping forget
    "Free Shipping" SPEEDY MCCREADY

    My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
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