What is the Purpose of this part of the Pit??

I'm just curious, I stopped coming here on the old pit because I found that people seem to get banned for voicing views or getting annoyed at others views or responses to their views...but the issues brought up here ARE emotional by nature and people feel passionately about them and this cause a rise in raw emotion, so my question is...why have this avaiable to people if they cant get pissed off at others on topics they feel strongly about??
TBH I don't mind, as I say I dont come here anymore but I know people I would call friends get banned from here and I would hazard a guess that there have been more people banned from here than all other parts of the board combined.
Just curious :twisted:
TBH I don't mind, as I say I dont come here anymore but I know people I would call friends get banned from here and I would hazard a guess that there have been more people banned from here than all other parts of the board combined.
Just curious :twisted:

I need a coffee!
Post edited by Unknown User on
were your friends got banned for being passionate or inappropriate...? discussing something rationally is different from telling someone to f off because they don't care for there views....
this forum is what it is, mostly politically charged discussion...if someone can't discuss something without getting pissed off, then perhaps this is not the place for them...
just my
btw - hi al!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
ahhhhhhh...lucky woman, that daystar. a man quoting peter gabriel. *swoons*
and, certainly....WELL stated!
(btw - my kitty's name comes from that song)
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
and since they don't have people to talk to in real life due to how they interact with others
they come here
good to see you around Irish Al!!
and THAT could be said for every forum here. :P
tybird.....i was leaving you guessing.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Has a thread even been locked yet???!!!???
and you bet...i KNOW you're BOTH lucky.
vinny, thus far...sure seems more tame. i do think a thread or 2 in MT, AET and the porch, each, has been locked.....but sure, people do seem, overall, to be 'playing nice.'
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i think what those threads devolved into has always been taboo.....and the fact that they started out about the alterna-board really has nothing to do with it. but then again, wtf would i know? :P
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You're right to roll your eyes, it's so pathetic to come here and talk politics. Now hitting on every young woman in the AET with a cute photo and trying to one-up everyone else with witty one-liners like a high school lunch table... there's a worthy posting goal! And no way do those people come here because their lame come-ons have never gotten them laid in real life... it's the Moving Train folks that have socialization issues.
My thoughts exactly. I've picked up so many great sites from this place.
I managed to get a thread locked on the first day. But that was on the AET.
haha, EPIC
i come on MT for different perspectives, different views, to challenge others' opinions and challenge my own.
I may be one of those. To be honest I was warned about some of the things I said because they didn't fit along the lines of the majority. That is why I'm not going to update my username for fear of retaliation, now they can put a username to a member number. No thanks! I love that low member number like a member of my family.
Thanks a mil for all the different opinions...good to see you lot too :twisted:
Soulsinging..never forget "you cant be neutral on a moving train"
if someone is too 'frustrated' to even consider their typed words before they hit submit, i think getting a little time-out from a rock band's message board should be the least of their concerns. :P
and one may not be able to remain neutral on a moving train, but there's no direct correlation that states one must become an asshole while avoiding said neutrality either.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
hehe, its very easy to get suckered into arguing a point repeatedly with someone who just flat out disagrees with you, or hits a nerve with what they say. its an education in knowing what causes you really support, and why you do. and how far across a line you're willing to go with opinions if they offend people. more often than not most people in a thread are in the middle ground while others argue from 2 ends of an extreme.
There's also no direct correlation that states that one who adopts a pompous tone, and a holier-than-thou, sanctimonious attitude, actually possesses a superior perspective on, or knowledge of, anything.
pot kettle black
HEYYOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only joking, but you get my point. what use would the MT be if people didnt oppose you? ....or was yours an ironic post and you wre just demonstrating that??
When do I use a pompous tone, and a holier-than-thou, sanctimonious attitude? Never. I can be aggressive and obstinate, but pompous? There's only one issue I get on my high horse about and I'm right about it. Period. I have the knowledge/facts about the issue at hand to prove that I'm right about it. Pomposity and sanctimony don't come into it. But then maybe you're confused about the dictionary definition of these words.
uhm, chill out?? i said i was joking.
i tend to use fairly sarcastic comments on this section sometimes. but, im in a good mood so ill even explain the joke for you if you want:
it wasnt a swipe at you at all, but in fact at everyone one here, myself included. it was meant to highlight the fact that the MT is about debate, so you need people to challenge you, and people take things personally that they shouldnt. if i had made that same post quoting other people, they could have reacted in the spirit of the post, and laughed it off.
so, now your above post now actually does seem pompous.....do you think id care enough about you to base that joke solely around you?
as for the pompous bit, i direct your attention to Exhibit A :
"But then maybe you're confused about the dictionary definition of these words"
thanks for demonstrating my point though
Even that sentence you quoted wouldn't point to pomposity though. Arrogance maybe, but not pomposity.
i love the word pomposity. it almost sounds made up.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
this is what is what my thesaurus says:
Main Entry: pompous
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: arrogant, egotistic
and pomposity is a great word....... pontifical is a good one too. too many to choose from