We're big kids now...

CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
edited January 2009 in All Encompassing Trip
There comes a time in our lives when we realize that we've actually reached adulthood. For some it's something major... For others it's the simplest things that hit us in daily life. What reminds you that you're an adult? What was your first realization?

For me it was the first time I cleaned my own independent home and realized that I wasn't just doing household chores for mom anymore... I was doing chores for my own benefit! What reminds me each day? Little things, like friends coming over and constantly complimenting me for having a well put together household and a hospitable attitude towards guests. Apparently I'm the "go to" person because I live on my own :D

So let's hear it kids... Or um... Adults, rather...
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • i have friends of mine who are in their 40's......

    who still havent matured beyond childhood/puberty......

    they never have......or never will understand what it means to be a responsible adult....

    every day of their life is just a struggle.....and its sad

    they never hold down jobs for a long period of time
    save money
    look ahead to the future.....

    its just always a constant struggle..................
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
    i have friends of mine who are in their 40's......

    who still havent matured beyond childhood/puberty......

    they never have......or never will understand what it means to be a responsible adult....

    every day of their life is just a struggle.....and its sad

    they never hold down jobs for a long period of time
    save money
    look ahead to the future.....

    its just always a constant struggle..................

    Maybe they're just waiting for you to cook some pot roast for them and clean their living establishments. I hear you're quite good at that ;)

    Seriously though... I know a lot of my friends will never mature. Some people just don't have it in them to grow up. There's nothing wrong with keeping a young spirit for your whole life. I fully support that and hope to have it that way... But some people just can't live life correctly because they are stuck in an unhealthy past. Sometimes you just want to give them a kick!
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    i think my first realization was when i had to go shopping for pots and pans, when i moved out. i was 20. but i dunno, i always had to be the adult in the house growing up, even as a kid, so it wasn't such a weird transition for me.

    it is definitely good to have a youthful spirit, but temper it with responsibility. i don't feel as old as i am, but i'm proud of my independence :)

    there are people who never 'get it'. it's too bad.
  • i think my first realization was when i had to go shopping for pots and pans, when i moved out. i was 20. but i dunno, i always had to be the adult in the house growing up, even as a kid, so it wasn't such a weird transition for me.

    it is definitely good to have a youthful spirit, but temper it with responsibility. i don't feel as old as i am, but i'm proud of my independence :)

    there are people who never 'get it'. it's too bad.
    nothing at all wrong with trying to stay young....

    both you and cateeto have met me......i OBVIOUSLY am all about acting young!!!!! hehehehe

    but when it comes to life in general....and being responsible for your own actions....and just being an adult......and working hard...and supporting your family...and trying your best to make sure your children are given the best chance at an education that you can provide.....and saving for their college...and saving for your retirement.....blah blah blah

    for some reason a bunch of my friends just cant grasp that......they act the same fucking way they did when they were 18 years old......
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    i think my first realization was when i had to go shopping for pots and pans, when i moved out. i was 20. but i dunno, i always had to be the adult in the house growing up, even as a kid, so it wasn't such a weird transition for me.

    it is definitely good to have a youthful spirit, but temper it with responsibility. i don't feel as old as i am, but i'm proud of my independence :)

    there are people who never 'get it'. it's too bad.
    nothing at all wrong with trying to stay young....

    both you and cateeto have met me......i OBVIOUSLY am all about acting young!!!!! hehehehe

    but when it comes to life in general....and being responsible for your own actions....and just being an adult......and working hard...and supporting your family...and trying your best to make sure your children are given the best chance at an education that you can provide.....and saving for their college...and saving for your retirement.....blah blah blah

    for some reason a bunch of my friends just cant grasp that......they act the same fucking way they did when they were 18 years old......
    haha yeah you got the youthful spirit down, no doubt :D love it too!

    i dunno why some people are afraid of responsibility. it doesn't mean the fun in your life is completely over, but just a matter of balance. i'm fortunate that my friends are on teh same page in terms of being responsible hard working folks. especially the people i grew up with, we were never spoiled when we were young so earning stuff was the only way we knew.
  • nothing wrong with having fun.....hell im the FIRST guy to go to a party and put the lampshade on his head.....

    but you have to know there is a time for having fun...and a time for being a responsible adult.....

    a few of my friends biggest problem....and they dont realize it....

    is the fact that they are now in their 40's and never worked on a career....or worked on getting skills that are needed in the work force.......they have nothing to offer when it comes to getting a job....they have no solid work history......

    and they wonder why nobody calls them when they go and fill out applications....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    nothing wrong with having fun.....hell im the FIRST guy to go to a party and put the lampshade on his head.....

    but you have to know there is a time for having fun...and a time for being a responsible adult.....

    a few of my friends biggest problem....and they dont realize it....

    is the fact that they are now in their 40's and never worked on a career....or worked on getting skills that are needed in the work force.......they have nothing to offer when it comes to getting a job....they have no solid work history......

    and they wonder why nobody calls them when they go and fill out applications....
    damn, that is sad! how do they get by?
  • nothing wrong with having fun.....hell im the FIRST guy to go to a party and put the lampshade on his head.....

    but you have to know there is a time for having fun...and a time for being a responsible adult.....

    a few of my friends biggest problem....and they dont realize it....

    is the fact that they are now in their 40's and never worked on a career....or worked on getting skills that are needed in the work force.......they have nothing to offer when it comes to getting a job....they have no solid work history......

    and they wonder why nobody calls them when they go and fill out applications....
    damn, that is sad! how do they get by?
    they struggle week to week...month to month....year to year....

    and i have learned...that i need to distance myself from them...not keep them out of my life completely....but we only get together every few months.....

    because every time i see them...its like a broken fucking record....."work sucks" "were behind on the rent" "lost my job" "kids are out of control" blah blah blah.....

    it never gets better for them.....there is never light at the end of the tunnel....

    i just couldnt imagine living like that.....especially in my 40's.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    nothing wrong with having fun.....hell im the FIRST guy to go to a party and put the lampshade on his head.....

    but you have to know there is a time for having fun...and a time for being a responsible adult.....

    a few of my friends biggest problem....and they dont realize it....

    is the fact that they are now in their 40's and never worked on a career....or worked on getting skills that are needed in the work force.......they have nothing to offer when it comes to getting a job....they have no solid work history......

    and they wonder why nobody calls them when they go and fill out applications....
    damn, that is sad! how do they get by?
    they struggle week to week...month to month....year to year....

    and i have learned...that i need to distance myself from them...not keep them out of my life completely....but we only get together every few months.....

    because every time i see them...its like a broken fucking record....."work sucks" "were behind on the rent" "lost my job" "kids are out of control" blah blah blah.....

    it never gets better for them.....there is never light at the end of the tunnel....

    i just couldnt imagine living like that.....especially in my 40's.....
    yeah it's depressing for sure to see that. doesn't help with the economy nowadays too...even people who have skills and an education are having a rough go of it :( hell i'll be happy to keep my job at the rate research funding is going, ugh!
  • and its sad when we get together with them ...because when they ask us "whats new" ......

    kathy and i feel uneasy telling them anything good thats going on in our lives....because there is never ever anything good going on in their lives...hahahahahaha

    and we shouldnt have to feel that way......

    and the fucking sad thing about it is......they could change their lives in 6 months to a year....

    but that goes back to acting like an adult and taking control of your life and making smart decisions.....

    and i have spent way too much time being serious tonight...........hahahahahahahahahaha
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    and its sad when we get together with them ...because when they ask us "whats new" ......

    kathy and i feel uneasy telling them anything good thats going on in our lives....because there is never ever anything good going on in their lives...hahahahahaha

    and we shouldnt have to feel that way......

    and the fucking sad thing about it is......they could change their lives in 6 months to a year....

    but that goes back to acting like an adult and taking control of your life and making smart decisions.....

    and i have spent way too much time being serious tonight...........hahahahahahahahahaha
    no shit, you're scaring meeeeee :cry: WAH


    but yeah, i know what you mean. i've had a few friends like that that actually made me feel guilty for even sharing anything positive in my own life. it's frustrating to see. what can you do though, they're grown, they need to figure it out for themselves. or quit their bitchin lol
  • and its sad when we get together with them ...because when they ask us "whats new" ......

    kathy and i feel uneasy telling them anything good thats going on in our lives....because there is never ever anything good going on in their lives...hahahahahaha

    and we shouldnt have to feel that way......

    and the fucking sad thing about it is......they could change their lives in 6 months to a year....

    but that goes back to acting like an adult and taking control of your life and making smart decisions.....

    and i have spent way too much time being serious tonight...........hahahahahahahahahaha
    no shit, you're scaring meeeeee :cry: WAH


    but yeah, i know what you mean. i've had a few friends like that that actually made me feel guilty for even sharing anything positive in my own life. it's frustrating to see. what can you do though, they're grown, they need to figure it out for themselves. or quit their bitchin lol
    the way i see it is.....yeah they are grown......and if they havent figured it out by now.......they never will...

    and bitching and moaning and crying about it is the only thing they know......exactly what a child will do when he doesnt get what he wants.....right???

    and it makes me wonder....if they will forever be stuck in this child like excistence that they live in....

    by the looks of it...i would say yes they are.....

    holy fuck i need to get out of this thread.....i am now getting WAY TOO FUCKING SERIOUS HERE!!!!!!!!! hahahaha
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    the way i see it is.....yeah they are grown......and if they havent figured it out by now.......they never will...

    and bitching and moaning and crying about it is the only thing they know......exactly what a child will do when he doesnt get what he wants.....right???

    and it makes me wonder....if they will forever be stuck in this child like excistence that they live in....

    by the looks of it...i would say yes they are.....

    holy fuck i need to get out of this thread.....i am now getting WAY TOO FUCKING SERIOUS HERE!!!!!!!!! hahahaha
    yeah if you haven't gotten a clue by your 40s...eek

    and yes, they bitch and moan just like a petulant child. and all you can do is just ignore it, not indulge it.

    yeah i'm going to bed, this is too serious for my ass at this point, i'm too tired haha nite! :D
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    Cateeto wrote:
    What was your first realization?

    when i made my very first car payment.

    the first time i fixed a big holiday meal for my family.

    being the adult is not always the most fun,
    but eventually comes the responsibility of taking care of yourself.

    and it can be a very satisfying feeling.

    the general, overwhelming complacency amongst some really makes me nuts.
    sometimes you just have to step up and be the grown up, like it or not.

    i know 20 year olds that are more responsible and dependable
    than some 50 year olds. a sad commentary, isn't it?
    Nice shirt.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    edited January 2009
    there is a happy medium i think...

    i know some people who are too adult... always so serious. and that makes them boring kinda people... beige people.

    and i know some that are complete wasters... living on handouts and the likes... always blaming someone else for their problems.

    so i think we should just bomb all of them and just leave the "people who know their responsibilities but like to have fun crowd" alive... anyone with me on the carpet bombing of squares/idiots?
    Post edited by dunkman on
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • jamie ukjamie uk Posts: 3,812
    dunkman wrote:
    there is a happy medium i think...

    i know some people who are too adult... always so serious. and that makes them broing kinda people... beige people.

    and i know some that are complete wasters... living on handouts and the likes... always blaming someone else for their problems.

    so i think we should just bomb all of them and just leave the "people who know their responsibilities but like to have fun crowd" alive... anyone with me on the carpet bombing of squares/idiots?

    well, I'm with yo up to a point, tho you know I'm way too much of a hippy to go with the bombing...apart from scroungers and layabouts, they can be rounded up in a field and machine gunned if you like.
    I came, I saw, I concurred.....
  • mickeyratmickeyrat Posts: 42,130
    i know 20 year olds that are more responsible and dependable
    than some 50 year olds. a sad commentary, isn't it?

    Longterm it speaks to hope for the future. These will be the leaders of the not to distant future.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    mickeyrat wrote:
    i know 20 year olds that are more responsible and dependable
    than some 50 year olds. a sad commentary, isn't it?

    Longterm it speaks to hope for the future. These will be the leaders of the not to distant future.

    upbringing is so vital to the success of our youth.

    being taught good morals from day one and being held responsible
    for your actions will stay with you for a lifetime.

    the leaders will always be just that if it is instilled early on to have goals.
    there are far too many followers in the world.
    Nice shirt.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    jamie uk wrote:
    dunkman wrote:
    there is a happy medium i think...

    i know some people who are too adult... always so serious. and that makes them broing kinda people... beige people.

    and i know some that are complete wasters... living on handouts and the likes... always blaming someone else for their problems.

    so i think we should just bomb all of them and just leave the "people who know their responsibilities but like to have fun crowd" alive... anyone with me on the carpet bombing of squares/idiots?

    well, I'm with yo up to a point, tho you know I'm way too much of a hippy to go with the bombing...apart from scroungers and layabouts, they can be rounded up in a field and machine gunned if you like.

    ok.. i'm up for that.

    old style machine gun though.. i'll feed the bullets through and you do the swishing of the gun?
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • jamie ukjamie uk Posts: 3,812
    ...and you can walk among them with a large mallet afterwards, finish off any that have hidden from bullets through such things as holding their Sky TV remote in front of their heads.
    I came, I saw, I concurred.....
  • Riot_MacRiot_Mac Posts: 473
    I just went through a situation last week with someone who can't seem to get it together. We let my girlfriends friend live with us rent free because she got a job in the area and is trying to get back on her feet after breaking up with her long time boyfriend. Well it didn't start out good because she got a DUI a few days before she moved in! Her new job required a valid license, so needless to say she couldn't keep the DUI from them forever. She worked there for about two months and finally she had to come clean. They then asked her to resign. So now she was living at our house with no job, no license and she was not really looking for a new job. Even one close that she could walk to. She barely talked with her lawyer and never took control of her problems. Always why me shit. FInally I had to tell her to go home to her parents... three hours away. We are not her parents and should not be driving her around and supporting her financially. She was shocked and started crying. It was rough, but come on... pick yourself up and go get a job that is with in walking distance and then get a workers permit from the courts and get a real job. I guess she was content living for free while we pay the mortgage and all the bills and what not. I wasn't having it. She just seemed oblivious to why I didn't think that was OK. I said when you get your shit taken care of you can come back and we will help you look for an apartment. It was a rough situation, but it had to be done.
    "hear my name, take a good look, this could be the day."
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,534
    probably the day i changed my own diaper. big step forward for the jeagler...
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    probably the day i changed my own diaper. big step forward for the jeagler...
    The Jeagler still wears diapers!!!

    "Go ahead, show 'em how you do it Rocko!"
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    first time i truly felt like an adult - and it scared the bejeebus outta me :P - was when we bought our home. first few weeks coming home, unlocking the door...thinking, my gawd, we own this, we have a mortgage...responsibility....... :o :shock: :o . haha. granted, we both WANTED it, but really, was the first time i felt so 'responsible'....and i still really don't enjoy feeling responsible. ;) mind you, i traveled a great deal, on my own, married, went to grad school, etc...none of thos things made me feel *adult*....homeownership did it instantly. :oops: more 'adult responsibility'...now that we are getting older, considering changing our life insurance options, get insurance on our own rather than from our employers......so have a meeting tomorrow night. i dread it. more of that damn adult responsibility. :|
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • SomethingCreativeSomethingCreative Kazoo, MI Posts: 3,397

    I don't think I'm fully an adult...I hope I never am fully. I'll take responsibilities as they come but I'm content being a "Big Kid."
    "Well, I think this band is incapable of sucking."
    -my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
  • about a month ago someone on this board(the old board) mentioned how he was going to sell all his old posters.....because

    "it was time to move on from his "peter pan lifestyle" he was living.....

    i thought that statement was fucking brilliant......

    to bad i wasnt able to reply......hehehehehehe
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • nothing wrong with having fun.....hell im the FIRST guy to go to a party and put the lampshade on his head.....

    but you have to know there is a time for having fun...and a time for being a responsible adult.....

    a few of my friends biggest problem....and they dont realize it....

    is the fact that they are now in their 40's and never worked on a career....or worked on getting skills that are needed in the work force.......they have nothing to offer when it comes to getting a job....they have no solid work history......

    and they wonder why nobody calls them when they go and fill out applications....

    i have seen this speedy transformation in the flesh!!

    when we were all boozing after the Vic show having a great time I mentioned I wanted to catch the Cubs game... you stopped being an animal and gave me your number and said to call you in the morning and you would try to help... i appreciated it...


    i too realize that i've grown up by seeing how some of my friends haven't ... it's sad but it's not up to me to change someone
  • about a month ago someone on this board(the old board) mentioned how he was going to sell all his old posters.....because

    "it was time to move on from his "peter pan lifestyle" he was living.....

    i thought that statement was fucking brilliant......

    to bad i wasnt able to reply......hehehehehehe

    i need to sell my posters simply because i don't need a box in my basement filled with over $9K in posters ;)
  • Lucifer wrote:
    about a month ago someone on this board(the old board) mentioned how he was going to sell all his old posters.....because

    "it was time to move on from his "peter pan lifestyle" he was living.....

    i thought that statement was fucking brilliant......

    to bad i wasnt able to reply......hehehehehehe

    i need to sell my posters simply because i don't need a box in my basement filled with over $9K in posters ;)
    i have gone back 30 years in life and have decided to collect baseball cards again.....

    its kind of funny too...the baseball card market has followed everyone else and CRASHED!!!!

    i am getting some vintage cards for dirt cheap...i guess people just want to sell em and make some kind of money.....

    im actually having some fun doing this....

    my girlfriend thinks im an idiot...hehehehe but i had a 1967 mint ernie banks card arrive at my door yesterday......and i instantly thought of how you "poster people" feel when a poster tube arrives on your doorstep......
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • I guess it happened in different degrees...

    I moved out and started a job as soon as I was done with college, and I remember one day a few weeks into living on my own when I had to get groceries, clean my apartment and pay bills... I was sitting there that evening thinking that "wow... this is my place..."

    Fast forward 10 years, married with a son and a mortgage and I really feel old :)
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
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