Is it to early to say i told you so about Obama?



  • Pats54Pats54 Posts: 276
    Questions to all of these peple who are saying give him a chance he should get at least 100 days. Were you saying the same thing in 2001 when Bush won or would you be saying the same thing if McCain had won. After a year or two when things haven't gone as planned for this Administration (b/c they have set such lofty goals almost unattainable goals) we will hear how he inherited the wost economy since the Depression, which is total b/s because the Carter Admin really fucked up this country. The other scary thing is the media is totally in the bag for this guy. So you can forget any objective reporting. T
  • BinFrogBinFrog MA Posts: 7,309
    Pats54 wrote:
    Questions to all of these peple who are saying give him a chance he should get at least 100 days. Were you saying the same thing in 2001 when Bush won or would you be saying the same thing if McCain had won. After a year or two when things haven't gone as planned for this Administration (b/c they have set such lofty goals almost unattainable goals) we will hear how he inherited the wost economy since the Depression, which is total b/s because the Carter Admin really fucked up this country. The other scary thing is the media is totally in the bag for this guy. So you can forget any objective reporting. T

    No, I did not give Bush a chance in 01. He didn't win the election so he didn't deserve my respect.

    I did however give him a chance for 2-3 months after 9/11...until he showed his true colors.
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Pats54 wrote:
    Questions to all of these peple who are saying give him a chance he should get at least 100 days. Were you saying the same thing in 2001 when Bush won or would you be saying the same thing if McCain had won. After a year or two when things haven't gone as planned for this Administration (b/c they have set such lofty goals almost unattainable goals) we will hear how he inherited the wost economy since the Depression, which is total b/s because the Carter Admin really fucked up this country. The other scary thing is the media is totally in the bag for this guy. So you can forget any objective reporting. T
    Yes, because I voted for Bush in 2000...Gore was a complete tool...and still is despite his work in the environmental movement that he supposedly created. :roll:
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • I gave him a chance after 9-11 too..But after both of the elections, forget it. I'm in Florida. We all know Jeb helped him cheat.

    You know what really gets under my skin...All this crap about you did it, your votes counted, your voices counted, and the whole get out the vote campaign. People wake up, your vote didn't count for shit. That campaign was a massive waste of time, money, ink, and paper.

    And I agree, media will make up excuses for his fuck ups.
    Gore is specifically a screwdriver, he's screwing everyone over.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Pats54 wrote:
    Questions to all of these peple who are saying give him a chance he should get at least 100 days. Were you saying the same thing in 2001 when Bush won or would you be saying the same thing if McCain had won. After a year or two when things haven't gone as planned for this Administration (b/c they have set such lofty goals almost unattainable goals) we will hear how he inherited the wost economy since the Depression, which is total b/s because the Carter Admin really fucked up this country. The other scary thing is the media is totally in the bag for this guy. So you can forget any objective reporting. T
    I can only speak for myself... so, to answer your question.... 'Yes, I did'.
    I voted for Gore in 2000, not because I wanted him, but because in my personal opinion, Gore was the Lesser Evil. Why? Because I felt in 2000 that there would definately be one, possibly two and maybe even three vacancies in the Supreme Court in the 2000-2004 period. I voted against Bush because of his close ties to the Religious Right (Falwell/Robertson types) and would seat judges based upon political favors, rather than the Constitution. I personally feel that this country would be better suited to rule on legal matters based upon the Constitution, rather than the King James/American Standard Bible.
    And after the attacks of September 11, 2001... I fully supported Bush and the actions in Afghanistan against Al Qaeda and their Taliban hosts. I worried about our alliance with Afghan Opium Warlords and hoped we'd rely more on the worldwide support, specifically from our NATO Allies, on that front.
    Bush lost me when he turned his attention away from the Al Qaeda global network and focused on the Iraqi regional target. The blunders in the short period ensuing the Iraq action turned me away from Bush and his incompetent administration. I personally feel that war is a necessary action against aggression and NOT something to be taken on as a choice. We went from being against every aspect of the former Soviet Union to adopting those same Soviet tactics under Bush.
    After the 2004 election there was no '100 Days' because it was not a transition, rather a continuation of failed foriegn policy and gross misuse of our military personel. As for McCain... would it be a transitional changeover... or a continued policy set forth by the Bush Administration?
    Also, regarding McCain. If the McCain from 2000 ran in 2008, I would have been torn between the 2 candidates. The McCain of 2000 was against the Religious Right's desire to turn us towards a Christian Theocracy, rather than a Secular Democracy. The McCain of 2008 was a carbon copy of what the Neo-Republican Party wants as a leader. McCain's selection of Gov. Sarah Palin was the death blow. A political gimmick in order to appease the Religious 'Family Values for Your Family, Not Mine' Fundamentalist (Falwell/Robertson types) is not my opinion of what Conservatism in America is about.
    I hope this answers your question. at least, from this American's point of view.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • pjalive21 wrote:
    yes the man is allowed his 100 days but when are people going to question Obama's DECISION MAKING!!!! He appoints two people to his office Bill Richardson and Geithner who end up when other people do background checks on these guys are frauds, then Obama comes out AFTERWARD and says "its an embarassment"...for who exactly President Obama? i would say more an embarassment to him for being clueless on who he is electing and officials
    can you name me a president that hasnt had appointees come back as frauds.
  • Pats54 wrote:
    After a year or two when things haven't gone as planned for this Administration (b/c they have set such lofty goals almost unattainable goals) we will hear how he inherited the wost economy since the Depression, which is total b/s because the Carter Admin really fucked up this country. The other scary thing is the media is totally in the bag for this guy. So you can forget any objective reporting. T
    yea Ronald Reagan didnt triple the deficit in 8 years :rolleyes: it was Carter.

    Ronald Reagan was the worst president in fiscal responsibility until current bush came along.

    educated voters did their homework.

    He's in office now because of it.
  • RM291946 wrote:
    I'm sorry I find it hard to believe they didn't check a man's financial background before electing him to be treasurer...

    I voted Nader..McCain is just another typical politician.
    you're really reaching. ever president has appointee fuckups, if you want me to list them please reply.
  • SF60102 wrote:
    RM291946 wrote:
    I'm sorry I find it hard to believe they didn't check a man's financial background before electing him to be treasurer...

    I voted Nader..McCain is just another typical politician.
    you're really reaching. ever president has appointee fuckups, if you want me to list them please reply.

    I haven't liked every president. The only one I did like was Clinton, and that was stupid cos I based it on his being Gypsy. I'm ashamed he's one of us now.

    All presidents in recent history sucked with the exception of Gerald Ford..I know he was portrayed as a dunce, but he was actually quite brilliant. I like the quiet ones, they do the job instead of going around showboating like someone is doing right now, suttley likening himself to Lincoln..

    Nixon sucked, but so did Carter. Carter is why we have religious extremism in the Middle East, thanks to his incessant meddling, naivete, and continuously making a global embarrassment of Iran.

    And Bush was fuckin awful, but we can't entirely blame him regarding the housing market crash..Clinton set him up to fail with that one.

    I still think checking the financial background before nominating someone for treasurer is stupid common sense.
  • BinFrog wrote:
    pjalive21 wrote:
    yes the man is allowed his 100 days but when are people going to question Obama's DECISION MAKING!!!! He appoints two people to his office Bill Richardson and Geithner who end up when other people do background checks on these guys are frauds, then Obama comes out AFTERWARD and says "its an embarassment"...for who exactly President Obama? i would say more an embarassment to him for being clueless on who he is electing and officials

    He is not clueless on who he is electing. He is trying to pick the most qualified individuals, and people who will bring something more than just the status quo. They do background checks on all candidates. That's not to say they scour everyone's redords and find every single thing. Every administration has made mistakes or has had lapses in judgement while choosing cabinet members. Everyone in politics, as in live in general, has skeletons in their closets. These hiccups don't bother me, yet. Do you honestly think you can pin all the blame on Obama? You think he has direct access to the background checks? He has his team who do the dirty work. They missed or overlooked a few things. They are not frauds. They had indiscretions that came back to bite them. It's politics: it happens. It says nothing about Obama as a future president or as a person.
    A few hiccup's? I guess your just quoting harry Reid? Its okay when The messiah makes a mistake but when Bush made one he was an idiot.typical left wing bias
  • BinFrog wrote:
    Pats54 wrote:
    Questions to all of these peple who are saying give him a chance he should get at least 100 days. Were you saying the same thing in 2001 when Bush won or would you be saying the same thing if McCain had won. After a year or two when things haven't gone as planned for this Administration (b/c they have set such lofty goals almost unattainable goals) we will hear how he inherited the wost economy since the Depression, which is total b/s because the Carter Admin really fucked up this country. The other scary thing is the media is totally in the bag for this guy. So you can forget any objective reporting. T

    No, I did not give Bush a chance in 01. He didn't win the election so he didn't deserve my respect.

    I did however give him a chance for 2-3 months after 9/11...until he showed his true colors.
    Obviously you been licking too many toads. Do you not remember the recount? I'm glad He showed His true colors because if he didn't we would have gotten attacked again.Like him or not He kept this country safe.I lost friends on 911 I will never forget that day.
  • gvn2fly74 wrote:
    Obviously you been licking too many toads. Do you not remember the recount? I'm glad He showed His true colors because if he didn't we would have gotten attacked again.Like him or not He kept this country safe.I lost friends on 911 I will never forget that day.

    I remember the recount painfully too well, myself. I also remember the reports that a large number of dem votes mysteriously vanished during that recount. hmmmm

    Tho I will say it was a dem that is responsible for 9-11. Carter gutted the CIA..
  • RM291946 wrote:
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    Obviously you been licking too many toads. Do you not remember the recount? I'm glad He showed His true colors because if he didn't we would have gotten attacked again.Like him or not He kept this country safe.I lost friends on 911 I will never forget that day.

    I remember the recount painfully too well, myself. I also remember the reports that a large number of dem votes mysteriously vanished during that recount. hmmmm

    Tho I will say it was a dem that is responsible for 9-11. Carter gutted the CIA..
    Maybe, but Clinton had several chances to get Bin Laden and didn't.
  • pateljampateljam Posts: 340
    pjalive21 wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    pjalive21 wrote:
    let me make it clear i dont think McCain was the answer either so im with you on that one
    Wait... so, you lambast people who voted for Obama... because they 'didn't do their research' on him before the election... and you didn't and don't support McCain, right?
    Who did you vote for... Ralph Nader or Stephen Colbert?

    I voted for McCain because of the two choices, well more if you count independents, because i thought he was better for the protection of this country as well as having plenty of experience compared to the enormous list of things about Obama which are right in front of people faces that they ignored because they wanted to be "a part of history"

    McCain's economic policy wasnt good but if he surrounded himself with good appointees he could have been find, as we are finding about Obama the people he is surrounding himself with are frauds

    Ok you may not want to hear the Palin crap anymore, but don't you think that choice just proves how shitty his appointees would have been
    2000-10-28 San Bernardino
    2003-06-02 Irvine
    2003-10-26 Mountain View-Bridge School
    2006-07-09 Los Angeles
    2006-07-10 Los Angeles
    2006-10-22 Mountain View- Bridge School
    2008-07-19 UCLA-Who Rock Honors
    2009-10-1 Los Angeles-2
    2009-10-9 San Diego
  • gvn2fly74 wrote:
    RM291946 wrote:
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    Obviously you been licking too many toads. Do you not remember the recount? I'm glad He showed His true colors because if he didn't we would have gotten attacked again.Like him or not He kept this country safe.I lost friends on 911 I will never forget that day.

    I remember the recount painfully too well, myself. I also remember the reports that a large number of dem votes mysteriously vanished during that recount. hmmmm

    Tho I will say it was a dem that is responsible for 9-11. Carter gutted the CIA..
    Maybe, but Clinton had several chances to get Bin Laden and didn't.
    Yea but I figure if I put too many dems in the line of fire I'd be accused of being a Bush lover again..Which I am...Like Gavin's solo release too ;)
  • DD164485DD164485 Posts: 149
    Ye Gods!!
    The man is an hour away from getting sworn in and you're already flunking his ass like a depraved, bitter 3rd grade teacher.

    Save the sour grapes for the $2.00 bottles of wine.

    Let the world spin around a little bit.

    Let's have some hope and encouragement for a CHANGE.

    Let's concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other and give our new leader a chance to point us in the right direction.

    At the very least....give the poor fucker a chance to sit behind his desk at the oval (oral) office before you start calling him a failure.

    It's a good day
    The moving van is packing up Bush's cowboy boots and 10 gallon hats.

    The cleaning ladies are frantically wiping the floors and cleaning the sheets

    All reminents of this tragic 8-year Republican toga party will finally be behind us

    Somewhere Ron Paul and Ralph Nader are engaged in an intense game of chess.
    Somewhere Sarah Palin has blood on her teeth.

    Only 3 things are certain today

    The sun will set
    The moon will rise
    And tommorow will be a new day.

    In between...I suggest you

    Drink Fine Wine and Screw Long.

    Enjoy yourself
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    I can guarantee everyone this...
    I will remain as harsh on Obama as I have been on Bush, if he makes the same types of poor decisions the former President and his Administration made. I will NOT give him the unconditional support and offer up excuses that some gave Bush, rather I will spew the same venomous bile I ranted about Bush, if Obama makes the same types of mistakes. I will do this BEACUSE I voted for him and am willing to assume some responsibility for my actions at the voting booth.
    I hope Obama leads this nation back to the foundations of this country and the principles it was founded upon... but, I will remain steadfast in my opposition to any decision by our leaders if their decisions lead us down the same road. My alligence is to this country and our liberties guaranteed us in our Constuitution... and NOT a political party or a politician.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • stickfig13stickfig13 Posts: 1,532
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can guarantee everyone this...
    I will remain as harsh on Obama as I have been on Bush, if he makes the same types of poor decisions the former President and his Administration made. I will NOT give him the unconditional support and offer up excuses that some gave Bush, rather I will spew the same venomous bile I ranted about Bush, if Obama makes the same types of mistakes. I will do this BEACUSE I voted for him and am willing to assume some responsibility for my actions at the voting booth.
    I hope Obama leads this nation back to the foundations of this country and the principles it was founded upon... but, I will remain steadfast in my opposition to any decision by our leaders if their decisions lead us down the same road. My alligence is to this country and our liberties guaranteed us in our Constuitution... and NOT a political party or a politician.

    Cheers to that! I don't think I have ever agreed with you more....or ever for that matter ;)
    Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,444
    stickfig13 wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can guarantee everyone this...
    I will remain as harsh on Obama as I have been on Bush, if he makes the same types of poor decisions the former President and his Administration made. I will NOT give him the unconditional support and offer up excuses that some gave Bush, rather I will spew the same venomous bile I ranted about Bush, if Obama makes the same types of mistakes. I will do this BEACUSE I voted for him and am willing to assume some responsibility for my actions at the voting booth.
    I hope Obama leads this nation back to the foundations of this country and the principles it was founded upon... but, I will remain steadfast in my opposition to any decision by our leaders if their decisions lead us down the same road. My alligence is to this country and our liberties guaranteed us in our Constuitution... and NOT a political party or a politician.

    Cheers to that! I don't think I have ever agreed with you more....or ever for that matter ;)

    Not agreeing with Cosmo is just....wrong.
  • Cosmo wrote:
    I can guarantee everyone this...
    I will remain as harsh on Obama as I have been on Bush, if he makes the same types of poor decisions the former President and his Administration made. I will NOT give him the unconditional support and offer up excuses that some gave Bush, rather I will spew the same venomous bile I ranted about Bush, if Obama makes the same types of mistakes. I will do this BEACUSE I voted for him and am willing to assume some responsibility for my actions at the voting booth.
    I hope Obama leads this nation back to the foundations of this country and the principles it was founded upon... but, I will remain steadfast in my opposition to any decision by our leaders if their decisions lead us down the same road. My alligence is to this country and our liberties guaranteed us in our Constuitution... and NOT a political party or a politician.

    Don't you know..we're supposed to let him slide on everything cos Oprah decided he's the messiah. :|
  • RM291946 wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can guarantee everyone this...
    I will remain as harsh on Obama as I have been on Bush, if he makes the same types of poor decisions the former President and his Administration made. I will NOT give him the unconditional support and offer up excuses that some gave Bush, rather I will spew the same venomous bile I ranted about Bush, if Obama makes the same types of mistakes. I will do this BEACUSE I voted for him and am willing to assume some responsibility for my actions at the voting booth.
    I hope Obama leads this nation back to the foundations of this country and the principles it was founded upon... but, I will remain steadfast in my opposition to any decision by our leaders if their decisions lead us down the same road. My alligence is to this country and our liberties guaranteed us in our Constuitution... and NOT a political party or a politician.

    Don't you know..we're supposed to let him slide on everything cos Oprah decided he's the messiah. :|
    along with every one else in Hollywood
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    RM291946 wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can guarantee everyone this...
    I will remain as harsh on Obama as I have been on Bush, if he makes the same types of poor decisions the former President and his Administration made. I will NOT give him the unconditional support and offer up excuses that some gave Bush, rather I will spew the same venomous bile I ranted about Bush, if Obama makes the same types of mistakes. I will do this BEACUSE I voted for him and am willing to assume some responsibility for my actions at the voting booth.
    I hope Obama leads this nation back to the foundations of this country and the principles it was founded upon... but, I will remain steadfast in my opposition to any decision by our leaders if their decisions lead us down the same road. My alligence is to this country and our liberties guaranteed us in our Constuitution... and NOT a political party or a politician.

    Don't you know..we're supposed to let him slide on everything cos Oprah decided he's the messiah. :|
    along with every one else in Hollywood
    I know exactly what you mean. They are the other side of the same cum soaked tampon as those Bush douches that supported him on every one of his mistakes. They all suck on that same rag.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • lmfao...
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    he said everything i wanted to hear......he received my vote.

    currently i regret casting the vote.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • whoyouare72whoyouare72 Chicago IL Posts: 2,157
    RM291946 wrote:
    If he wants to do something right he would do a one time bailout....for the homeowners, not the banks. Pay off the homes that are behind and/or going into foreclosure. Not fair to those who have to continue paying their mortgages, but it's a means to an end. The banks get their money, we have extra money to start spending again, and even more bailouts in the future won't be necessary.

    Are you insane?????
  • RM291946 wrote:
    If he wants to do something right he would do a one time bailout....for the homeowners, not the banks. Pay off the homes that are behind and/or going into foreclosure. Not fair to those who have to continue paying their mortgages, but it's a means to an end. The banks get their money, we have extra money to start spending again, and even more bailouts in the future won't be necessary.

    Are you insane?????

    yes crazy.gif
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    He has also just sold out the auto industry by not having federal standards on emissions. How are the manufacturers supposed to meet so many possibly different standards?
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    RM291946 wrote:
    If he wants to do something right he would do a one time bailout....for the homeowners, not the banks. Pay off the homes that are behind and/or going into foreclosure.

    Worst idea I've seen. Bail out those that spent more than they could afford? Bail out the people that caused this mess? Reward them for not paying their bills? Laughable. Obviously you don't own shit, or you aren't paying your bills.
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can guarantee everyone this...
    I will remain as harsh on Obama as I have been on Bush, if he makes the same types of poor decisions the former President and his Administration made. I will NOT give him the unconditional support and offer up excuses that some gave Bush, rather I will spew the same venomous bile I ranted about Bush, if Obama makes the same types of mistakes. I will do this BEACUSE I voted for him and am willing to assume some responsibility for my actions at the voting booth.
    I hope Obama leads this nation back to the foundations of this country and the principles it was founded upon... but, I will remain steadfast in my opposition to any decision by our leaders if their decisions lead us down the same road. My alligence is to this country and our liberties guaranteed us in our Constuitution... and NOT a political party or a politician.
    Amen, Brother Cosmo....amen....just keep bringing it!!!
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    JB811 wrote:
    He has also just sold out the auto industry by not having federal standards on emissions. How are the manufacturers supposed to meet so many possibly different standards?
    That's for States to decide.
    For example, here in California, we pay a California Emmissions Control Standards surcharge on new vehicles sold in this state. This is because Californians want cleaner running cars. This is what we want and our leaders, whom we elect, to propose. The surcharge is for this state and new car buyers have to pay it to the manufacturers. Yet, there are still hundreds of thousands of new cars bought here. And cars coming into the state from other regions without these emmission controls have to meet our state's requirements in order to operate here. It is a small price we pay to live here.
    If you are okay with filling your lungs, and the lungs of your children, with pollution from the cars you drive... then, the solution is an easy one... don't move to California.
    And if there is no requirement for auto makers (from around the globe) to manufacture cars that burn fuel more efficiently, with lower emmissions, do you think they will take it up themselves?
    G.M. and Chrysler got themselves into the mess they are in by gross mis-management and continually producing crappy products with built-in obsolescence. They expect us to bail them out for their fuck ups. Fuck them. Maybe China can buy G.M. and get into the auto manufacturing business.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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