ure right, i do hate coffee. It's those iced nilla lattes that are my poison
oohhh ok
good thing they dont have any coffee in them
Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
I used to hate hot beverages...except hot chocolate Then I had my first chai latte.....mmmmmmmmm heaven I started drinking Wawa coffee with french vanilla creamer and now I'm an addict!
I like it, but I don't drink it. I've probably had less than 20 cups of coffee in my lifetime. It's just not my beverage of choice. However, since I love the taste, I enjoy coffee ice cream and some other coffee based desserts.
Not a coffee drinker myself but I have had a few cups in my lifetime. The Starbucks monopoly is out of control at my campus and all you see in the morning is Starbucks' cups and mugs everywhere. I'm more of a juice/tea man to get the morning started. A nice refreshing lager in the morning is good once in a while. Cheers.
"I sang "The Sound of Silence" in high school. It was a duet with this girl I had a crush on. And then she saw me at a party later on and I was really stoned, and she had nothing to do with me after that. Yeah, I guess I've always kind of crooned." - Matt Cameron on being asked about singing.
i DO NOT like coffee. I think its for "old" people!!!! I swore that the day i went to hawaii i would start to drink it but.....i couldnt do it. HOWEVER......i have hadd Jack Daniels coffee
i quit drinking coffee for years...with chai tea being my caffeine of choice but...when i went to hawaii a couple years ago, i would drink kona coffee with breakfast. it was the most delicious coffee ever...i think i drank about 3-4 cups every day i was there :eek: i had a ton of energy to go hiking through old volcano craters!!
yes...i do feel like a human. i do not feel like a tree.
I love the caffeine-high...but the crash afterward is harsh.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
i quit drinking coffee for years...with chai tea being my caffeine of choice but...when i went to hawaii a couple years ago, i would drink kona coffee with breakfast. it was the most delicious coffee ever...i think i drank about 3-4 cups every day i was there :eek: i had a ton of energy to go hiking through old volcano craters!!
Kona is by far the best coffee. Sadly it's like twice as expensive as even overpriced Starbucks.
I'm 31 and I've never had a cup of coffee. Kind of strange but I just never really had a craving to try it. Not a caffeine thing either because I drink soda.
"This is about as perfect a crowd as you can get. I hate to placate, I ain't placating...." - EV, 9/29/96
2000-10-28 San Bernardino
2003-06-02 Irvine
2003-10-26 Mountain View-Bridge School
2006-07-09 Los Angeles
2006-07-10 Los Angeles
2006-10-22 Mountain View- Bridge School
2008-07-19 UCLA-Who Rock Honors
2009-10-1 Los Angeles-2
2009-10-9 San Diego
I rise an hour earlier than I really have to every morning just so I can enjoy a big ol' stemming pot of cofee....black, thank you very much. I sit, watch Mike and Mike, drink my coffee, smoke cigarettes like a freight train....somewhere in there I take time to drop the kids off at the pool.
After that, the day can only go downhill
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Coffee is delicious. I love it. I never used to drink it, but when I started college my coffee-loving friend started me on sugary lattes, and eventually I just evolved into drinking regular coffee. But ironically enough I can't stand it if it doesn't have milk, cream, whatever in it. I prefer my coffee with half and half and a little sugar, and I can drink it without sugar but never without cream. Dunkin Donuts is the best reasonably priced coffee imo.
Only problem is that now that I'm addicted, it's beginning to show on my teeth, which is pretty nasty (well, the idea of it staining my teeth is nasty, but the appearance really isn't apparent without close mirror inspection). I gotta get some whitening moutwash or something though.
It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm 31 and I've never had a cup of coffee. Kind of strange but I just never really had a craving to try it. Not a caffeine thing either because I drink soda.
so does john mayer like coffee?
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Coffee is delicious. I love it. I never used to drink it, but when I started college my coffee-loving friend started me on sugary lattes, and eventually I just evolved into drinking regular coffee. But ironically enough I can't stand it if it doesn't have milk, cream, whatever in it. I prefer my coffee with half and half and a little sugar, and I can drink it without sugar but never without cream. Dunkin Donuts is the best reasonably priced coffee imo.
Only problem is that now that I'm addicted, it's beginning to show on my teeth, which is pretty nasty (well, the idea of it staining my teeth is nasty, but the appearance really isn't apparent without close mirror inspection). I gotta get some whitening moutwash or something though.
that mouthwash takes 3 months to work and that adds up $$$. it is cheaper to buy walmart's brand.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I loved regular ol' black coffee until I had surgery a a month and half ago. Now it has no appeal to me at all. But I do still like/drink espresso. Very weird.
i never could stand the taste of coffee...blech. but everyone in my family drank it or drinks it and now my kids do.
i'll drink flavored (not black) tea on occasion...and chai tea sometimes when i'm out at a resturant....mmm, yum...i could go for some chai tea right now
ure right, i do hate coffee. It's those iced nilla lattes that are my poison
good thing they dont have any coffee in them
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
(Shawn Smith's official website, but not Thee Shawn Smith)
I love the caffeine-high...but the crash afterward is harsh.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Kona is by far the best coffee. Sadly it's like twice as expensive as even overpriced Starbucks.
and...the crash of coffee is the worst!! but the intial running around w/ the energy to do a million things is the best.
cold and bitter
2003-06-02 Irvine
2003-10-26 Mountain View-Bridge School
2006-07-09 Los Angeles
2006-07-10 Los Angeles
2006-10-22 Mountain View- Bridge School
2008-07-19 UCLA-Who Rock Honors
2009-10-1 Los Angeles-2
2009-10-9 San Diego
After that, the day can only go downhill
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Only problem is that now that I'm addicted, it's beginning to show on my teeth, which is pretty nasty (well, the idea of it staining my teeth is nasty, but the appearance really isn't apparent without close mirror inspection). I gotta get some whitening moutwash or something though.
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
so does john mayer like coffee?
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
that mouthwash takes 3 months to work and that adds up $$$. it is cheaper to buy walmart's brand.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
2. Go to Starbucks, and buy a pound of Sumatra. Have them grind it for a French press
3. Enjoy the taste explosion
hate it, can't even stand the smell sometimes..
i'll drink flavored (not black) tea on occasion...and chai tea sometimes when i'm out at a resturant....mmm, yum...i could go for some chai tea right now
angels share laughter
I can't stand it. Don't like the taste or the smell.