NASCAR Doesn't Count



  • pjhawks wrote:
    I enjoy how NASCAR fans love to tell you how popular it is. Like how 150,000 go every week which is all well and good but it is one event once a week. Baseball as boring as it may be draws over 300,000 EVERY night during the season across the country for the major leagues (if every team is playing thats 16 games average around 20,000 per game). 150,000 once a week really isn't all that great, hell the NHL draws even more than that on a full schedule night. just saying...
    And if NFL teams played three games back-to-back in the same stadium the NFL would have much larger attendance numbers...makes sense. If there were three Nascar races on consecutive days in a given city there would be 150,000 at each one......don't underestimate the popularity of something strictly because you don't like it and don't get it.
    Meanwhile, the NHL can't get a tv contract worth a shit.....
    There may only be 90,000 at an LSU football game, for example, but if they had a stadium that held 200,000 it would be filled up....same as Tennesseee, Ohio State, Michigan....
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
    I can see how people dig Nascar, but can anyone tell me what is exciting about the first 450 miles of a race? A crash?, a fast pit stop?

    Baseball has grandslams, basketball has dunks and football has interceptions returned for touchdowns. All of these are exciting, even in the beginning or middle of a game.

    What is the NASCAR equivalent?
  • JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I can see how people dig Nascar, but can anyone tell me what is exciting about the first 450 miles of a race? A crash?, a fast pit stop?

    Baseball has grandslams, basketball has dunks and football has interceptions returned for touchdowns. All of these are exciting, even in the beginning or middle of a game.

    What is the NASCAR equivalent?
    It is a different animal for sure, but the folks who love it the most do get excited about pit stops and the regular happenings in a race....a little bump drafting here and little nudge out of the way there. Wrecks, however, are the most interesting thing about the first 450 miles to me....but now I don't really even watch the latter part of the race...just lost interest really plus I watch the Sox on Sunday afternoon.
    A few years back, though, I would watch every single lap and enjoy the hell out of it
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    It is a different animal for sure, but the folks who love it the most do get excited about pit stops and the regular happenings in a race....a little bump drafting here and little nudge out of the way there. Wrecks, however, are the most interesting thing about the first 450 miles to me....but now I don't really even watch the latter part of the race...just lost interest really plus I watch the Sox on Sunday afternoon.
    A few years back, though, I would watch every single lap and enjoy the hell out of it

    Same here..lost interest as of late but when Rusty was racing would watch every single lap..and to add to the is exciting to root for your driver..from where he qualified, to how the car is initially handling, to how he is coping with it and the conditions(accident, blown tires, mistake etc.), to what adjustments will be made at pit stops etc etc..everything has to work perfectly together because .001 of a second per lap slower could be the difference between finishing 1st and 20th...
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • I don't like Nascar, but I also don't like a lot of things other people like. Get over yourself people. It obviously counts to many seeing as its a thriving business.
  • It counts...just nowhere near F1...just scratches the surface
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    Here is a clip of my boy Rusty spinning out Gordon at Richmond back in 98 (wow I can't believe it's been 10 years, seems like only yesterday I used to watch this stuff)..Anyway, this was in the middle/later stages of the race but it was always exciting when these two raced side by side due to their rivalry and pure hate for one another....I remember cheering as did everyone else in attendance being that Gordon was one of the most hated drivers back then..Anyway, just to further answer Joe's question as to what may be interesting in the middle of the race..lots of shit going on, but if you are unaware of certain things I can definitely see how it could totally blow:
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • bump and run, baby. ;)
    sometimes life don't leave you alone
    I am not a huge fan, but I can see how NASCAR would attract a huge following because they usually have other events leading up the actual race.

    Seems like every race event is also a fanfest/lifestyle event, with lots of activities including big-name concerts (Chris Cornell played at the most recent NASCAR event in Fontana last week).
  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902
    I'm not a fan of the sport at all. But I see no reason to whine about the fact that millions of people love it. And because of the sheer volume of people who enjoy and participate in the events, I'm gonna have to say yeah, it does count.
  • Rubbing is racing...

    --Dale Jr.

    sometimes life don't leave you alone
  • I'm all about racing but can anyone honestly say that F1 is more exciting than NASCAR? In all honesty, in an F1 race, how the field falls after the green flag drops is usually how the race ends unless someone experiences catastrophic failure or a crash. If there are any position changes, it's usually when another car pits and maybe sits a second longer and comes out behind.

    In NASCAR you got bumping, rubbing, rivalries, fist fights and position changes just about every lap.

    If that's not enough for you, ask yourself why Juan Pablo Montoya left F1 for NASCAR.
    "I am ahead, I am advanced, I am the
    first man to buy all of Stones
    underpants" E.V. during DTE 7-9-03
  • The Champ wrote:
    Here is a clip of my boy Rusty spinning out Gordon at Richmond back in 98 (wow I can't believe it's been 10 years, seems like only yesterday I used to watch this stuff)..Anyway, this was in the middle/later stages of the race but it was always exciting when these two raced side by side due to their rivalry and pure hate for one another....I remember cheering as did everyone else in attendance being that Gordon was one of the most hated drivers back then..Anyway, just to further answer Joe's question as to what may be interesting in the middle of the race..lots of shit going on, but if you are unaware of certain things I can definitely see how it could totally blow:


    (I liked the Go speed racer ads...ahahhaaha)
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