whats even funnier is i'll end up doing them myself....some jeans i just refuse to let go....
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
indeed...i had quite a few in highschool that looked like quite a few of his...theyre probably in a bag somewhere....its like i think those nice lil elves that help the shoemaker are gonna come and make them wearable again lol.....
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
This is the part where you guys step in with the charm and flirtation!!!
ooops i missed my cue....daughter was upset at a toy....
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
i gave her a cd with the wrapper still on...that'll boggle her for a good while....
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
oops...wont make that mistake again rest assured...
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
i apologize for inadvertantly implying that you were old....which would would further imply that youre in no way capable of keeping up
ps sorry daughter was grumpy again....had to comfort her for a min....almost bedtime for the cutie....
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
You and Ed Vedder.
indeed...i had quite a few in highschool that looked like quite a few of his...theyre probably in a bag somewhere....its like i think those nice lil elves that help the shoemaker are gonna come and make them wearable again lol.....
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
Well I may need some help with it
This is the part where you guys step in with the charm and flirtation!!!
*goes back to looking innocent*
I meant the myspace, you turkey
I KNOW, you chicken!
ooops i missed my cue....daughter was upset at a toy....
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
I'll watch her...you go flirt.
pfft men and their timing :rolleyes:
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
Excuse me? Who are you calling chicken?
I KNOW! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! What IS it with that?
ahem :eek: "im standing right here"......lol
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
"well hello, sailor"
work it, girl, own it.
I have no idea
You feckin' crack me up
"howdy ma'am"
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
psst....we hate being called "maam"
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
hahaha.. too late we both already called you on it
We ladies are quick
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
*taps foot, awaiting apology*
I mean I can't hang around here ALL night I have to get home and watch the National and drink ginger ale what with me being a senior and all
I meant quick witted...I sort of thought it was implied
ps sorry daughter was grumpy again....had to comfort her for a min....almost bedtime for the cutie....
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me