how to deal with difficult friends?

sorry, this turned out to be much longer than I expected.
so one of my best friends from way back is just so difficult to deal with for so many reasons. first of all if the whole group is making plans to do something, she bitches until the plans meet her schedule and we change them to be what *she* wants to do. After 12 years, we've come to expect this. But she also just has NO FILTER, bitches about EVERYTHING, and tries to "one up" everyone she meets. Now, she's come to bragging about how much money she has and how she has no debt on a regular basis (in a tone that she's better than the rest of us).She's very much like a spoiled little kid. For example, she was coming out to meet us and we had just gone into this bar because all the other ones were too crowded. it wasn't our first choice bar, but we figured we'd hang out there for a while. when we call her she starts bitching about how much she HATES that place. Then when she gets there she's like "I HATE THIS PLACE. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MADE ME COME HERE." Seriously, it's a bar. we were there for about 20 minutes. get over it. then later on we were at this place having some food, and she all of a sudden starts FREAKING OUT that the waitress won't bring the check. I mean FREAKING OUT (she was like a little kid that starts having a tantrum when they decide they are uncomfortable somewhere). She starts bitching about how she has to work tomorrow. this other guy was like "relax, I have to work tomorrow too." and she's like "well how many HOURS do you have to work? I bet I have more." (that's her big thing, she loves to talk about how her job is harder and more important than everyone else's.)
anyway, you get the idea. the thing is that we've always dealt with her by just ignoring her. I think I was actually the one to institute this practice. but lately I've been thinking that when you ignore her it just makes her think it's ok, and she just offends and annoys everyone more loudly. I've always been one to veer away from stirring the pot, but I think I'm gonna start saying something to her. I already did the other night when she starting bragging about how much money she has. I think it gave her a clue that the world does not revolve around her.
So the question is, should I keep ignoring her and trying to make her happy so she doesn't have tantrums, or do I start being firmer and saying something to her? I have to hang out with this person ALL the time. help me!
so one of my best friends from way back is just so difficult to deal with for so many reasons. first of all if the whole group is making plans to do something, she bitches until the plans meet her schedule and we change them to be what *she* wants to do. After 12 years, we've come to expect this. But she also just has NO FILTER, bitches about EVERYTHING, and tries to "one up" everyone she meets. Now, she's come to bragging about how much money she has and how she has no debt on a regular basis (in a tone that she's better than the rest of us).She's very much like a spoiled little kid. For example, she was coming out to meet us and we had just gone into this bar because all the other ones were too crowded. it wasn't our first choice bar, but we figured we'd hang out there for a while. when we call her she starts bitching about how much she HATES that place. Then when she gets there she's like "I HATE THIS PLACE. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MADE ME COME HERE." Seriously, it's a bar. we were there for about 20 minutes. get over it. then later on we were at this place having some food, and she all of a sudden starts FREAKING OUT that the waitress won't bring the check. I mean FREAKING OUT (she was like a little kid that starts having a tantrum when they decide they are uncomfortable somewhere). She starts bitching about how she has to work tomorrow. this other guy was like "relax, I have to work tomorrow too." and she's like "well how many HOURS do you have to work? I bet I have more." (that's her big thing, she loves to talk about how her job is harder and more important than everyone else's.)
anyway, you get the idea. the thing is that we've always dealt with her by just ignoring her. I think I was actually the one to institute this practice. but lately I've been thinking that when you ignore her it just makes her think it's ok, and she just offends and annoys everyone more loudly. I've always been one to veer away from stirring the pot, but I think I'm gonna start saying something to her. I already did the other night when she starting bragging about how much money she has. I think it gave her a clue that the world does not revolve around her.
So the question is, should I keep ignoring her and trying to make her happy so she doesn't have tantrums, or do I start being firmer and saying something to her? I have to hang out with this person ALL the time. help me!
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dreamer in my dream
we got the guns
i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
SHUT THE FUCK UP and act like an adult?????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
no, this is the problem, I am starting to believe.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
we've all been trying to ignore it for 12 years. I realize it's sort of just like, her personality, but I honestly just can't listen to it anymore. it's like the way she behaves is so unusual that you just don't know what to say. like when she was going off on how she hated the bar we were at and obviously very mad at us for going there (and how were we supposed to know she hated it ahead of time?), like how do you even respond to that? we just don't.
is that you and your friends have allowed her to get away with acting in this immature selfish way for a long time.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Katowice 2007
London 2007
I agree. absolutely.
I always wonder if she behaves like this with other people. she has a boyfriend, but I haven't hung out with him. I wonder if she acts like this with him or her other friends, and god forbid coworkers.
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do as it's hard to articulate exactly what the problem is. I think I might need to just tell her when she says something inappropriate.
That's crazy and so immature. I don't deal well with that.
I assume she must have redeeming qualities, or you wouldn't put up with it. Hopefully, if you present the issue in the right way, you'll get through to her and she'll start to shape up.
I agree that she is probably continuing to do this because you've all put up with it for so long, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she can't change.
However, I think you also have to accept that it might just be who she is...and sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. I have always had trouble with that, but I'm trying really hard to be more accepting of people's negative traits, and not letting the bad overshadow the good. In the past, I've been too quick to just put up with the bullshit for so long, not say anything and then eventually just cut ties with the person when I reach the boiling point. There's nothing productive about that, though.
Yeah, when it happens, I think you just need to say "when you say things like ______ , it makes us feel ________". I think that's the best and most clear way to explain what's going on.
yes, that's the thing, I've always been very accepting of people's negative traits. (trust me, in this group of friends, there are a LOT of them. it is a very bizarre group.) But I just don't want to hear anymore how my job can't possibly be as important as her's. that my schedule isn't as important as her's. that we have to leave somewhere at the moment she decides she wants to. honestly, when someone says they are making plans for their birthday, she immediately tells you when you can do it based on what days she has off. I really think this is what parenting might be like (if you have a brat
right like dealing with a kid! this is what I've been thinking.
I've had friends like this in the past, and honestly, as I said in the previous post...I cut ties with them. But I really am trying to be more forgiving about these things.
Maybe it's how she was raised. Some people are just babied their entire lives, and then expect to be treated the same way once they're out in the real world. I was definitely spoiled, but was smart enough to understand that it was a temporary thing.
yes, exactly. Just explaining it in the most basic and matter-of-fact way seems like the only chance you have of getting through to her.
I almost lost it last night when she tried to one-up the guy in terms of how many hours she had to work today (she does that to me all the time). instead we both just ignored her and I turned to the guy and started asking him questions about his job.
that's when i would go sarcastic on her...
"oohh good for you! i guess you win!"
this will piss her off but maybe then she'll begin to realize she's being an ass
btw, does she have any good qualities? i mean, why are you still friends with her?
well, all our group from school is still friends. she seems to care about her friends even if she doesn't always show it right out (to me that's a redeeming enough quality). I don't know quite how I *became* friends with her in the first place, other than circumstance. But friends are friends you know? you don't drop people unless there's a really good reason, at least that's how I've always felt. Sometimes yes, you may hang out with them less as you start to lose commonalities, etc, but I've actually been hanging out with her MORE lately because after I moved here I don't know many people in the area (and like me, she's always up for doing something). It's just one of those things, I don't know how to explain it.
I do like that sarcastic approach, it's not very "me" though (and would probably just make things more awkward than they already are).
Why don't you just ditch her? You basicly told us you don't like her. (You're friends through circumstance and she's annoying). Being shunned will give her a hint that she's annoying and selfish. She might change her ways. Ditching her is better than complaining about her on a public message board.
I'm not really complaining about her, I'm asking for advice on how to deal with behavior that has become a problem to deal with. It not even just a matter of annoyance or even awkwardness and discomfort, but you really have to make a lot of concessions to please her, and you have to take a lot of insulting comments.
Yeah....I just don't hang out with people like that.
That is how I would deal with her.
My 2 cents.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
i understand what you're saying....i had a friend like this....knew him since we were in 4th grade.....obnoxious and annoying but at times could be a great guy and fun to be around....flash forward to adulthood and he hasn't changed a bit....i assumed he would grow out of it but he didn't so we slowly spent less and less time together especially after he got he may have changed in the past few years but i doubt it.....
now your situation you can't do this....j lo's approach is the to her when you alone with her and she's in a good mood.....hopefully she won't take offense (although i have a feeling she will
...If you really care, you should tell her that she acts selfish, otherwise, just don't bother with her.
Here's my take:
If you really cared about her these things wouldn't bother you. I don't think you're a true friend. I think that you are actually jealous of her.
There's nothing wrong with being excited about being out of debt and making good money. If she can't talk about that with her friends, then who can she talk about it with?! She's proud of herself for working hard, long hours and deserves respect. Also, she has taste: she doesn't want to go to the crummy bar and she expects good service in a restaurant.
Obviously, I don't know you or your friends, but this is my initial reaction to your story.
um, no, not jealous.
there's a difference between being "proud" and being completely inconsiderate and selfish.
and honestly, if an ADULT is unhappy with restaurant service or the choice of location her friends happen to be in, he or she does not throw a hissy fit tantrum. Again, inconsideration.
and I think a lot if it is jot NOT THINKING. Not thinking that gee, maybe other people have different circumstances in their lives. not thinking that maybe other people want to do things that maybe I don't want to do. not thinking that maybe my schedule is not the schedule that will work for the other 6 people involved. So maybe there is a better way to react to this than I have been. A way that will not cause too many problems.
Didn't want to post.
My thoughts exactly.