these dreams are driving me nuts. any insights?

7 or 8 years ago I stopped hanging out with a really close friend for some weird reasons that I don't think either of us really understood (I ran into him about 3 years ago and we kind of joked about it, but that's the only time I've seen him since). So anyway, for all this time, I've dreamed about him fairly regularly but haven't thought much of it because I ALWAYS dream about weird people from my past, some people who I barely even knew, going back to elementary school. But in the past like year, this guy has become more and more often and more and more the center of my dreams, and disturbingly, more and more romantic themes have been popping up around him (our friendship was 99% platonic). So every time I dream about him, I wake up in a fog, like I can barely wake up at all, and the whole time i'm in this fog I'm just regretting decisions I made like 8 years ago that led to the downfall of our friendship, etc. and I don't get why I am all of a sudden having all these dreams, because it's not like I think about him during my waking hours at all. But the effect they have on me after I wake up is really annoying! Has anyone had this before? How do I stop the dreams?
Post edited by Unknown User on
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
? huh. I'm not developing feelings for him, I haven't seen him in 3 years, and it was like 3 or 4 years before that.
The subconscious mind does some funny stuff.... you used to be close, right? 3 or 4 years isn't very long for the brain.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I like maybe my subconscious mind is just now figuring out that I had feelings for this person like 7 years ago?
is there a way to stop the dreams?
Yeah, I'm guessing so.. even if you wouldn't pursue anything, your mind is probably wondering whether you should have done.. even if you can't tell.
Only way to stop the dreams is to see how he's doing, I'm guessing... either he feels something, or he doesn't; maybe he's with someone... Then your mind can be at rest and you can sleep.
Dreams usually happen when the brain has unfinished business.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
yep, but you have to see the guy first...
eh, I'd actually love to get in touch and find out how he's doing, and I've tried in the past-to send christmas cards and stuff. but I can't find him. last time I saw him was right before I moved, and he was thinking of moving too. I tried googling him and stuff not too long ago, to no avail (of course, after a dream). I'm screwed if getting in touch is the only way to stop them!
and I think he is with someone. he could actually be married.
Well if you can find that out and see them together, the dreams will stop....
Incidentally, my sister couldn't stand the sight of her husband when they first met. Now she's madly in love with him. I don't she even found him good looking at first.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Well I saw them together the last time. they weren't married though. I really liked her.
That's nice for your sister...but I'm missing the point?
Sorry.. my only point is that our mind can play funny tricks on us. You think you feel one way, and then WHAMMMO..
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
well I mean at the time there were moments (moments) where I was a bit torn, that's why I said we were 99% it's not really a surprise thing. I just want the dreams to stop. it was 7 years ago and the dreams make me all foggy all morning!
dr. c has spoken.
haha I am the least sexually and romantically frustrated I have been in my whole life! I don't want a guy at all!
infact, these dreams started to pick up intensity about a year ago, and for 9 months out of that year I had a boyfriend.
That's why I think I'm on the money with this one...
Smug face :cool: can you see my smugface?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
on the money on what point?
sorry just trying to get everything.
Haha... that this is about feelings and not sex.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
haha ok. well I could have told you that!
Yep, he's a neo-Freudian.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
nah, i'm just messing about. i don't believe dreams mean anything. i had a period a little while back where i dreamed about my ex almost every night for a month. it was a bit off-putting the first time, but whatever, it's just a dream. eventually, it went away. the more you think about them, the more you will have them. if you place some huge significance upon a dream, it's just going to make it more likely to occur again.
I agree. this morning it just severely messed me up though, as they often do. it's like I'm trapped in them even after I am physically awake. makes me late for work and whatnot.
I think harmless has a point that me and this guy have some unresolved issues that I've really just pushed back for a long time and now maybe they are trying to come forward. I don't know if the romantic parts of the dreams really means anything. I think it's just how our relationship just ended and everything was unresolved and weird between us. When it comes down to it, I think I just miss the guy...he was like a brother to me for a long time.
I would like the dreams to stop though. as I said, except for just after they happen, I don't think about them or him all that much, but they still seem to happen a few times a week.
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be all spiritual here. Dreams are pretty scientific. Dreams are your brain's information filing system. No hocus pocus.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
if you say so. there is no rhyme or reason to my dreams. like harmless just mentioned, dreams are kind of like rebooting for the brain. rounding up stray thoughts and images and filing them away. it could be any number of things. you posted about how you wanted a boyfriend and felt left out at the xmas party... so you've got a bit of romantic dissatisfaction going and you remembered you hadn't talked to that friend in a while a few hours earlier. then suddenly you're having a dream where you're on the altar with the dude. doesn't mean anything.
probably true. I just want to clarify though that the whole xmas party thing wasn't really about romantic dissatisfaction. I don't really want a boyfriend, I just want these things to be more equal for those that don't have one.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Seriously, I wonder whether that's you finding the end of these dreams. Maybe the rat was the annoying dream.
I wonder if you'll get any more.....
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
animals can be easily looked up online. I think google "dream dictionary" or something and you can look up rats. I dream of animals constantly- deer, bears, snakes, and black dogs. supposedly it's all symbolism. I also dream of trying to pack and not being able to finish in time. According to the dream dictionary that's symbolism for my life is an utter mess. yeah, I dream pretty much every night. Last night I dreamt of a girl I haven't talked to since first grade who was running some sort of "The Bachelor"-like event, trying to marry people up.
"A rat, or rats, in your dream points up the fact that someone is very jealous of you and/or your accomplishments and will work against you in any way possible, it is a dream of warning to be on the alert for enemy attack, (the backbiting kind). If you see a white rat it means the same but you will have help from unknown forces. To hear rats running, or gnawing in the walls, shows that you have been wasting your time and should move on to greener pastures."
And I did eventually catch it:
"To catch rats means you will scorn the baseness of others and worthily outstrip your enemies."
That's freaky freaky freaky!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Wise fox? Well it obviously wasn't the superfluous fox from the last Narnia film then, who was pointless to the story and didn't say anything helpful at all.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison