how could I be such an idiot

for some reason I no longer know, I didn't get my ass out of bed this morning, which is a huge problem in my life that I am STRUGGLING to correct. I'm not entirely sure what the cause of it is, I think it has to do with my job where I do nothing and have no reason to exist. Anyway, I lie there rationalizing that I can go to the gym later, etc. So I thought "I'll just go to the gym this afternoon around lunch time, I can sneak out for a bit no problem." Then I come into the office and realize, I have to take some PhD candidate out to lunch today!!!! Seriously, sometimes I have no idea how I even get from day to day putting up with myself. god, I really just hate how stupid I am!
Post edited by Unknown User on
You slept in and forgot something, wow, how unique this problem is to you!
So they ban people for 'derailing' threads and yet this is considered acceptable behavior?
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
no I do it like almost every single day. I am the world's biggest fuck-up. I honestly do not deserve to live amongst the regular people. my psychologist is going to be PISSED at me. She says the absolute most important thing I need to do is get up and get to the gym. now I'm going to have to sit there for an hour and listen to her yell at me- i'm already yelling at myself! I know I was wrong! I know I'm an idiot!!!! I don't need to hear it from her too, I don't even like her.
god, why I can't I just be a good person??? I don't understand what goes through my head in the morning. this is not a choice I *have* to get up and work out. I'm destroying my own life!!!
I can't hit myself on the head hard enough with my hands, I hate that. but once I used a coffee mug and realized it was a big mistake.
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Your psychologist yells at you, and you don't like her, but you keep going back? How many different psychologists have you been too (this year)?
Do you have an alarm clock? Get one, if you don't. Or go to bed earlier so you don't sleep through it.
I used to sleep through mine when it would be howling a foot and a half away from my head.
u gotta go to bed earlier
Promoting depression and causing mass suicide?
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Whoa whoa whoa!! WHOA! Go easy on yourself!
Don't beat yourself up about it.....let your shrink do that.
an excuse? I'm not making an excuse. this is my fault, I hate myself for it.
they do?
Everyone fucks up, I do it everyday. You need to just get some perspective and move on.
I understand how you feel, I really do. For a long time I tortured myself because of things I had no control over. It's hard to get up and get going when you feel like shit.
I doubt you're a bad person, very few people really are. Stop beating yourself up over this. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
What's a schedule screw up every now and again...
@GTD - why does your psychologist yell at you?
I go to bed at 9:30-10, in the past I've gone to bed at 9, but I've realized it actually doesn't make a difference because I just don't go to sleep. I'm not really sleeping most of the time in the morning, I'm just not GETTING UP. I hid the remote to my alarm clock on the other side of the house, I don't use it anymore to snooze. I wake up at the proper time, but then I just lie there and get anxious about going to the gym and dread going to work.
Put it somewhere that you have to get out of bed to deal with.
If you're at this point might it be time to find another job?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I just starting going to one about a month ago when I started having anxiety attacks every day. I just had one before I wrote this, it's the first one I've had in several weeks.
honestly if this is all true
i would go to a dr. and get some happy pills
im not making a joke here neither , something has to change
and if it means taking a pill here and there to help u cope with life i think its the move to make
well the room is tiny, so even though it's on the other side of the room, it's still within reach. but I get up to go to the bathroom, I get up for a while and pace sometimes, but I just go back to bed.
Yes, they certainly do. Hmm, so to stay on topic..I'll agree with the original posters colorful description of herself
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm on "happy pills"
I completely lost it about a month ago-having anxiety attacks everyday, etc. and I went to 4 doctors. This is the first day since then that I've felt like this again. I can't live in this little office doing nothing all day and I can't live with myself for destroying my life!
It could just be some PMDD coming back. It is the last week of my cycle.
Don't feel bad GTD. At least you weren't a idiot for a 4 years straight like I was.
I think she mentioned she's already on pills for multiple reasons..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
she doesn't yell, but she gets mad and scolds me and tells me how important it is and how I have to do and how it's easy and I should just do it. I know already!!!
If I were her, I'd fire you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'