~The Person Below Me~ Game



  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hell yes i'm always happy to see pants :D

    tpbm just had dinner



    tpbm is wearing spongebob's pants.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rival wrote:

    tpbm is wearing spongebob's pants.

    true don't tell him ;)

    tpbm has a crush on Patrick Star
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    true don't tell him ;)

    tpbm has a crush on Patrick Star


    tpbm thinks plankton is cool.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rival wrote:

    tpbm thinks plankton is cool.

    true, too cool for school

    tpbm feels faint
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    true, too cool for school

    tpbm feels faint

    false...are you feelin' okay?

    tpbm is hoping that the spiders are still in pants' room.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rival wrote:
    false...are you feelin' okay?

    tpbm is hoping that the spiders are still in pants' room.

    true :eek:

    tpbm has a healthy respect for arachnids
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    true :eek:

    tpbm has a healthy respect for arachnids


    tpbm even eats spiders.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rival wrote:

    tpbm even eats spiders.

    none that i know of ;)

    tpbm is thirsty
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    none that i know of ;)

    tpbm is thirsty


    tpbm should drink the water in the toilet bowl.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rival wrote:

    tpbm should drink the water in the toilet bowl.

    true if i were a dog?

    tpbm has a cat :D
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    true if i were a dog?

    tpbm has a cat :D


    tpbm wishes that cats have beaks instead of having fangs.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rival wrote:

    tpbm wishes that cats have beaks instead of having fangs.

    Lol, sure why not!

    TPBM is getting psyched for tonight's activities :D
  • hartamh wrote:
    I hope you & the little BD's have a great time :)

    tpbm - has just woke up and is so happy to get some sleep ;)


    TPBM is freaked after reading article in WSJ :eek:
  • hartamh wrote:
    :eek: what's is say

    tpbm - is really hoping things get better

    I hope but it is not looking good, the story was talking about the demise of my market

    TPBM needs to learn a new skill
  • hartamh wrote:
    :( :eek: :(

    tpbm - will get through this

    I hope so

    TPBM is getting breakfast
  • hartamh wrote:
    no, just drinking coffee

    tpbm - will have a healthy breakfast ;)

    True - Special K

    TPBM had the best pancakes this weekend :D MMMMMMMMM
  • hartamh wrote:
    there is a diner close to where I live, it has a 50's theme & all the staff dress up in the 50"s, they play all 50's music, and they have the best pancakes and food, it's just awesome, I never can finish anything:D

    tpbm - just keep eating healthy;)


    TPBM is reading about the pirates in Somalia (I think I have found my next career choice)
  • hartamh wrote:
    :D:D I saw that and commented on it :D

    tpbm - will try their best to keep their sense of humor :D

    Always :D

    TPBM wants a puffy shirt
  • hartamh wrote:
    That would make a cute dress :D

    tpbm - loves the new pirate thread :D

    Who doesn't want to be a pirate

    TPBM thinks Disney may need to update the Pirates of the Carribean ride
  • hartamh wrote:

    tpbm - would make a really narly pirate ;)


    TPBM has an eye patch :eek:
  • hartamh wrote:
    I do!!! :D

    tpbm - is giving me a belly ache from laughing :D;)


    TPBM is going to get a parrot on his lunch break to put on his shoulder :D
  • hartamh wrote:
    :D I needed that {I'm really pissed}, and you came through again :D

    tpbm - should take a look at what made your day thread :)

    Awwww- That's nice :)

    TPBM just made my day :D
  • hartamh wrote:
    You are an awesome person BD :)

    tpbm - is a little nervous, has a big tree outside right over propane tank and it's already leaning and it's getting really windy :eek:

    :eek: False for me!

    TPBM may want to take a walk :eek:
  • hartamh wrote:
    I would, but I don't have a house key {I told you about that}

    tpbm - has had alot of trees come down in the past few years :rolleyes:

    So far False this year, but it is pretty common around me

    TPBM needs to make an extra set of keys
  • hartamh wrote:
    someone keeps hiding them, I've checked his pockets, he's hiding them :eek: it's called "Control" over me:(

    tpbm - is drinking pepsi and eating chips ;)

    False but going to buy now :D

    TPBM is aghast
  • hartamh wrote:
    yes I know he's an a**hole

    tpbm - should not have a pepsi :(

    True - I am having a plum-a-granite diet snapple :D

    TPBM is enjoying an early lunch ...
  • hartamh wrote:
    no I'm eating chips & pepsi :eek:

    tpbm - has the worst eating and sleeping habits :rolleyes:

    I have to say True

    TPBM has had to sleep in his daughter's bed for the past week and their back is a mess
  • True!

    "Does anyone remember laughter?"

    "Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"

    "If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."

    "Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
  • True!


    Cool! What did you do?

    TPBM is annoyed because they can't find any kids size AC/DC shirts before the concert
  • I went out with some of the most coolest people, we ate at Papa John's and played bowling which I sucked the living ass out off! :p And an improptu sing-along IN THE STREETS! (Thanks for asking :D)

    True, I would be definetly annoyed if I couldn't find a AC/DC shirt for my kid!! AND AWESOME YOUR GOING TO THE CONCERT?!?!

    tpbm is not only a PJ fan but a AC/DC fan, which means that we're destined for each other :p XD
    "Does anyone remember laughter?"

    "Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"

    "If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."

    "Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
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