tpbm should NOT be allowed to have a jar of honey at their desk
True (For many reasons)
TPBM is sceeved because their boss saw the Brazillian Swim Team Thread on the AET over his shoulder and wants him to email him the link to those pictures :eek:
TPBM is sceeved because their boss saw the Brazillian Swim Team Thread on the AET over his shoulder and wants him to email him the link to those pictures :eek:
you're lucky your boss isn't a woman (well if she is like me she would like them too but otherwise might get mad)
TPBM wants to hear more about this textboy/girl.
tpbm is heating up their food
(bad) as stella would say!
TPBM is blushing
tpbm is embarrassed but also laughing (and yes it STILL hurts to laugh) :eek:
False (Everything hurts at my age!)
TPBM is going to go through with the spin class tonight?
yes! it is so much fun!
tpbm is a bit of a masochist.
(although we'll see if I last the whole week with these classes)
TPBM has run a marathon
false but several family members have
tpbm wants to start running tomorrow morning (and still do the evening workouts)
I might not be able to get out of bed though
TPBM only activity when they get out bed is getting out of the bed
yes I HATE waking up! And I've told you that sometimes I fall back asleep sitting up in bed or even on the toilet lol
tpbm is loving their burrito
TPBM should have their wonderful, sexy wife make burrito's for her very happy and monogamus husband and their 3 adorable children
tpbm is getting a nasty fucking headache
gets to me every time
tpbm is watching someone play cards
TPBM wants to leave
tpbm skipped me
damn 50 second rule!
True (The skips can be great sometimes !!)
TPBM has thrown textboy off his scent
tpbm has a lot on their plate
gets to me every time
tpbm is cold
(lol you knew it was coming!)
tpbm just skipped someone else!
gets to me every time
FALSE ^100]
TPBM needs to change his shirt
tpbm will go outside in an hour to warm up
TPBM is having timing issues
:mad: :(
tpbm just made some hot tea
TPBM is chugging ice water and broke the one pee a day rule
lol false
tpbm should NOT be allowed to have a jar of honey at their desk
TPBM is sceeved because their boss saw the Brazillian Swim Team Thread on the AET over his shoulder and wants him to email him the link to those pictures :eek:
you're lucky your boss isn't a woman (well if she is like me she would like them too but otherwise might get mad)
tpbm is once again laughing at BD
TPBM is got 15 minutes until he if off to the Bus (But will continue to text although slowly)
false but lucky you!
tpbm still has an hour and 40 minutes :( :(
TPBM is now on the phone with Hong Kong.