hartamh wrote: True (if there were men there) TPBM should maybe thinking of going to the gym
hartamh wrote: False TPBM busted 3 buttons on dress before (R Rated)
hartamh wrote: False TPBM is it from laughing so much or are you multi tasking and talking too
hartamh wrote: False TPBM is eating chips and drinking pepsi for lunch
pearljamjen wrote: :eek: you should eat a sandwich! chips won't keep you full tpbm has too many appointments today
Black Diamond wrote: False TPBM is amazed (but shouldn't be) at how politics are playing into the markets
hartamh wrote: true I don't have very good eating habbits tpbm sounds like they're going to be very busy
pearljamjen wrote: finally! summer was a snoozer but now the students are back :eek: tpbm is toasty by their space heater
Black Diamond wrote: :eek: Although I am cold for a change TPBM is going to tie one on tonight
hartamh wrote: true it's getting to cold to cook naked tpbm busy hands are happy hands and that makes the day go by faster :eek:
pearljamjen wrote: er...what does that mean again? tpbm now has pink floyd in their head :eek: (by the way that's kathleen's favorite band)
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE!! (those little kids and their dark sarcasm and you know what Kathleen's favorite band is?!? NICE!!) TPBM should make a mixed tape for TNI
pearljamjen wrote: tpbm was told by someone last night to ask TNI on a date :eek: (wishful thinking though) :(
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE!! (Not me but ..) TPBM should just ask TNI out for some Tea after workout and see where it goes
hartamh wrote: OK I'm totally lost :rolleyes: tbpm is going to a concert tonight right
pearljamjen wrote: I wish! I know someone who is though, lucky duck! tpbm is always two posts behind
Black Diamond wrote: False (And Great Idea with Classes) TPBM is going to wind up taking a course steroid body building
pearljamjen wrote: HAHA OMG :eek: you and Ahnie can hang out tpbm is resisting the quiche :eek:
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE TPBM can not resist the Salad Sandwich :eek:
pearljamjen wrote: false tpbm is SOOOO tempted!! :eek:
Black Diamond wrote: HANG IN THERE!! THINK WHAT IS HAPPENING IN NOV! TPBM needs to drink tea and honey instead of eating quiche
pearljamjen wrote: maybe later tpbm is using their break to go on a walk instead of getting food from downstairs
hartamh wrote: false tpbm needs more than chips for lunch
Black Diamond wrote: F_A_L_S_E (Two bags of doritos later) TPBM has to pee :eek:
pearljamjen wrote: false and BD nothing is going to happen in November in terms of what you are implying but not buying food saves me money for the trip! tpbm hates seeing the sign downstairs to buy any macbook and get a free iPod touch :( I want one!
Black Diamond wrote: Me too! (And I was inferring the money savings ) TPBM B-day is coming up and needs a new iPod (Hint!)
pearljamjen wrote: no you weren't ha false you should buy one though! and one for me tpbm doesn't know what to do for their 11 am appointment :eek:
Black Diamond wrote: False (How about making them buy you quiche ) TPBM is panicking because they agreed to do speech, forgot and did not prepare :eek:
pearljamjen wrote: no no quiche! I'll eat some yogurt after my appointment though false that sucks! tpbm is searching for cheap superhero toys
:eek: You can't make me!!
TPBM is going to apply for santa job at department store because they can fit into costume
HAHA False!
TPBM has lost their voice
TPBM sounds like a wounded cow
:eek: you should eat a sandwich! chips won't keep you full
tpbm has too many appointments today
TPBM is amazed (but shouldn't be) at how politics are playing into the markets
TPBM is waiting for some cake from OZ
finally! summer was a snoozer but now the students are back :eek:
tpbm is toasty by their space heater
edit: I thought you always cooked naked
TPBM is going to tie one on tonight
er...what does that mean again?
tpbm now has pink floyd in their head :eek:
(by the way that's kathleen's favorite band)
2 posts behind hartamh
tpbm is almost done with their coffee :(
TRUE!! (those little kids and their dark sarcasm and you know what Kathleen's favorite band is?!? NICE!!)
TPBM should make a mixed tape for TNI
tpbm was told by someone last night to ask TNI on a date :eek:
(wishful thinking though) :(
TRUE!! (Not me but ..)
TPBM should just ask TNI out for some Tea after workout and see where it goes
lol hmmm :eek:
tpbm might just take all of TNI's classes this quarter and see what happens
TPBM shouldnt get jammed
I wish! I know someone who is though, lucky duck!
tpbm is always two posts behind
False (And Great Idea with Classes)
TPBM is going to wind up taking a course steroid body building
HAHA OMG :eek: you and Ahnie can hang out
tpbm is resisting the quiche :eek:
TPBM can not resist the Salad Sandwich :eek:
tpbm is SOOOO tempted!! :eek:
TPBM needs to drink tea and honey instead of eating quiche
maybe later
tpbm is using their break to go on a walk instead of getting food from downstairs
Awesome and False (Only place to get anything edible)
TPBM cafateria's food is inedible
F_A_L_S_E (Two bags of doritos later)
TPBM has to pee :eek:
and BD nothing is going to happen in November in terms of what you are implying
tpbm hates seeing the sign downstairs to buy any macbook and get a free iPod touch :( I want one!
Me too! (And I was inferring the money savings
TPBM B-day is coming up and needs a new iPod (Hint!)
no you weren't ha
false you should buy one though! and one for me
tpbm doesn't know what to do for their 11 am appointment :eek:
False (How about making them buy you quiche
TPBM is panicking because they agreed to do speech, forgot and did not prepare :eek:
no no quiche! I'll eat some yogurt after my appointment though
false that sucks!
tpbm is searching for cheap superhero toys
True (Always - 2 Boys = Toys R US)
TPBM is happy that snack machine was filled (I was stuck with Granola Bars< ugh)