hartamh wrote: True TPBM is seriously going to throw computer out of the window
illegal pants wrote: false tpbm is struggling
KosmicJelli wrote: true TPBM needs to start listening again... two way street
hartamh wrote: good news I hope tpbm needs to make a hot cup of tea
KosmicJelli wrote: false a Valium TPBM cant see TPAT is getting pissed....
hartamh wrote: False (are you ok?) TPBM is taking a nap pretty soon
illegal pants wrote: true.. BED TIME! TPBM does not floss enough
Black Diamond wrote: True (Don't tell my dentist) TPBM is chewing sugar-free gum
illegal pants wrote: LMAO false who does that before bed :eek: tpbm is OUT Byeeeeeeeeee
Black Diamond wrote: False (later!) TPBM is preparing a speech
dissidentman wrote: FALSE I don't give speeches, I make statements TPBM likes walnuts
hartamh wrote: True and almonds TPBM should maybe have some ice cream if throat is sore
Black Diamond wrote: A little early but TRUE!! TPBM is busting at the seems
pearljamjen wrote: false tpbm is happy to be at their desk drinking coffee, away from the crazy driver they encountered in the parking garage :eek:
hartamh wrote: false tpbm says they are all over the place
hartamh wrote: True TPBM is very giddy today
hartamh wrote: True I guess TPBM can't stop laughing because of somebody
pearljamjen wrote: BD!!!!! :mad: :eek:
Black Diamond wrote: WHAT DID I DO?
pearljamjen wrote: you skipped me false H lunch is ages away tpbm wishes they were going to a concert tonight!
hartamh wrote: Who's going to a concert tonight?? TPBM isn't going anywhere poo
Black Diamond wrote: See what made your day? False TPBM is eating and eating and ...
hartamh wrote: False TPBM can't go on the word game without laughing
pearljamjen wrote: false and you skipped me :( 3 minutes apart! tpbm is about to eat breakfast
hartamh wrote: tpbm still waiting for the old split in the back :eek:
pearljamjen wrote: lol poor BD i hope it doesn't come to that tpbm should try going to thursday night spin class
tpbm is struggling
TPBM needs to start listening again... two way street
tpbm has an amusing signature
Sorry! (Anything I can do?)
TPBM is reading the Wall Street Journal
false to all of the above
tpbm should really cut their nails
TPBM cant see TPAT is getting pissed....
tpbm needs to update their spyware
true.. BED TIME!
TPBM does not floss enough
True (Don't tell my dentist)
TPBM is chewing sugar-free gum
LMAO false
tpbm is OUT
False (later!)
TPBM is preparing a speech
FALSE I don't give speeches, I make statements
TPBM likes walnuts
ehh. take em or leave em
TPBM loves pistachios
A little early but TRUE!!
TPBM is busting at the seems
tpbm is happy to be at their desk drinking coffee, away from the crazy driver they encountered in the parking garage :eek:
:eek: (you ok?)
TPBM is missing their warm bed
I know it is annoying
tpbm is glad it is Wednesday
Great mood. I guess true
TPBM has new gray hairs growing on top of head
tpbm doesn't laugh in the morning
TPBM swallowed their gum :eek:
you skipped me
false H lunch is ages away
tpbm wishes they were going to a concert tonight!
True (and am!
TPBM wishes he could take everyone with them
See what made your day?
TPBM is eating and eating and ...
tpbm slept very well last night
false and you skipped me :( 3 minutes apart!
tpbm is about to eat breakfast
TPBM has popped a button on their shirt (Burp!)
lol poor BD i hope it doesn't come to that
tpbm should try going to thursday night spin class
TRUE although ...
TPBM just likes to watch