The Person Below Me Game (Revisited)



  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539

    tpbm is sore today
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    No, haven't been active enough to be sore. Been a slug lately.

    TPBM has resolved to resume running, starting this weekend.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • Yikes! No...I hate to run. Running is no fun at all.

    tpbm could join me in a nice 12 mile, or so, hike though.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    Possibly true, I could probably do that.

    TPBM has never found the perfect hiking shoe, despite a search spanning several decades.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539
    true, but I haven't been looking for decades

    tpbm is wondering when the first snowfall will hit
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    True, I'm betting within two weeks here. I think I've read somewhere that you've already had some up your way.

    Think I can fit all my weekend stuff into a backpack?
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539
    yes, if you pack smartly and efficiently

    tpbm was crusty at work today
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    I don't think so and I'm not really sure what that means. :?

    TPBM will tell me if it's synonymous with "cranky" which I was not, despite a meeting from hell that ended with hurt feelings and tears. (Not mine, I just sat there and thought, "my God these people are insane.")
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • ummmm, no. :? I packed a whole months worth of stuff in a backpack. I think you can do a weekend.

    tpbm is anxiously awaiting the first snow fall.
  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539
    false, anxiously is too strong of a word

    tpbm sees x-mas lights on someone's balcony
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • Already? Do you think they stay up all year or are they getting a jump on the season? We had some snow flurries here in TN today. Supposed to get some more over night. Nothing major though.

    tpbm gets out and plays in the snow when it comes.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    Oh yes, the dogs go crazy in the first snow!

    TPBM will give me some packing tips. (A month's worth of stuff in a backpack? This I need to know!!!)
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • It was actually five weeks we were gone and we went to Europe and we only wanted to take a carry on. So we packed light and packed washable and quick dry clothes. It helped that it was warm weather, too. No heavy clothes needed.

    tpbm has big plans for the weekend they will share?
  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539
    false, not really, going to visit my folks, my brother and my neice

    tpbm is chewing some gum
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • no, I chewed some the other day and it gave me a migraine. I guess my jaw muscles need a work out more often.

    tpbm likes to chew bubble gum and blow bubbles.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    Nope not a fan of gum chewing.

    TPBM gives people The Look when they chew with their mouth open.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • No, I try not to look.

    Tpbm can't sleep with the closet door open.
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    True! (How did you know?!?)

    TPBM wears contact lenses.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Nope, just reading glasses.

    tpbm keeps putting their glasses on then the glass falls out of one side
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    False! Why is the glass falling out?

    TPBM is sorry they left their glasses in the duffel bag in the car because at the moment their contact lenses feel like two potato chips under their eyelids.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539

    tpbm is taking a break from studying
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • True

    Tpbm is getting ready for the weekly poker game with the guys, complete with root beer and cheese puffs.
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539

    tpbm hates how much poker is on tv
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • false, I just don't watch those channels.

    --I also must have my closet doors closed--I thought I was the only one. :oops: :oops:

    tpbm has a nighttime ritual they have to go through before they can go to bed.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Posts: 12,553
    True: wash face, moisturize, floss & brush teeth. One milk bone for each dog, a little reading or Scrabble app or PJ site checking. Goodnight!

    Tpbm thinks that's normal.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • smarcheesmarchee Posts: 14,539

    tpbm is going to the gym
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • na, it's the weekend. Time to relax, no regimented activity on the weekend. Only enjoyable--

    tpbm should go if that is what they enjoy, though.
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993

    tpbm ~ is feeling under the weather today

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • part way true. I have been a slug today. I got out of bed three different times and back into bed three different times. Once at 7 am then at 10 am then at 1pm. I tried to stay up each time but the bed kept calling me back so I figured I needed the sleep.

    tpbm has those days they just want to do nothing but sleep and sleep and sleep.
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993

    tpbm ~ has a craven for some Chinese food

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
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