That's good. I'd do something similar, but I believe you need qualifications of some sort. Heck, the Ontario government never even called me about my mailroom job application. It seems that if you have motivation you can get anywhere, or if you have a disability jobs are handed to you, but if you lack motivation, as I do, then your fucked. I spend some time visiting veterans and helping them to get the things they need, handrails for their bathtubs, comfortable chairs, hospital beds, scooters, etc... but I've always lacked a real physical motivation to do anything and I feel much more capable of discussion, hopefully to motivate others who have the capacity to take action.
well, i can tell you, i have and use that capacity in the best way i can.
skilled i am.....;)
Maybe you wouldn't be so flipant, rude and superior around here if you had something esle to occupy your thoughts.
Get a job, stop being so lazy.
I'm actually at work right now. All three of the catagories you put me in are subjective value judgements. Personally I find many things rude which you probably would not. I find the Modano thread to meet all three of those terms, but I expect you probably don't.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'm actually at work right now. All three of the catagories you put me in are subjective value judgements. Personally I find many things rude which you probably would not. I find the Modano thread to meet all three of those terms, but I expect you probably don't.
OK, that's rude and presumtious
It's like this my friend, if someone wants to discuss something here then that's up to them, if I'm not interested I don't get involved. I don't even know who, or what Modano is, I have no desire to. I do however take exception when someone behaves in an impertenent manner towards me for no apparent reason.
I mean, live and let live. There's no point in going out of your own way to be mean to someone, no matter how natural and easy it may come to you, there really is no need. You should always consider other peoples feelings before you subject them to your thoughts, fair enough if someone causes you upset, then tell them what you think, don't hold back. But, at the same time, don't go around making snide remarks to complete strangers just because you feel you are able to do so (superiority). I may share a lot of your thoughts and beliefs as far as you know, but you didn't stop to find out, and that's what I considered rude. And if you are at work now, then you're obviously not being as productive as you could be.
Peace and love.
OK, that's rude and presumtious
It's like this my friend, if someone wants to discuss something here then that's up to them, if I'm not interested I don't get involved. I don't even know who, or what Modano is, I have no desire to. I do however take exception when someone behaves in an impertenent manner towards me for no apparent reason.
I mean, live and let live. There's no point in going out of your own way to be mean to someone, no matter how natural and easy it may come to you, there really is no need. You should always consider other peoples feelings before you subject them to your thoughts, fair enough if someone causes you upset, then tell them what you think, don't hold back. But, at the same time, don't go around making snide remarks to complete strangers just because you feel you are able to do so (superiority). I may share a lot of your thoughts and beliefs as far as you know, but you didn't stop to find out, and that's what I considered rude. And if you are at work now, then you're obviously not being as productive as you could be.
Peace and love.
Some of the most hipocrtical shit I've ever read. You call me presumptious and rude, but then assume that I could be more productive in my job, which I can't, because my duties amount to 3 minutes of work every 30 minutes and my contract states I'm not to do anything else. And wasn't it you who said that I am rude, flipant and act superior? Maybe I'm not acting superior, but expressing a difference of opinion, maybe the negative qualities you infer from my speech are merely incidences of observer bias.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Some of the most hipocrtical shit I've ever read. You call me presumptious and rude, but then assume that I could be more productive in my job, which I can't, because my duties amount to 3 minutes of work every 30 minutes and my contract states I'm not to do anything else. And wasn't it you who said that I am rude, flipant and act superior? Maybe I'm not acting superior, but expressing a difference of opinion, maybe the negative qualities you infer from my speech are merely incidences of observer bias.
You were rude buddy, spew out all night long if you wish to, you were bloody rude. It's a fact, handle it. I've no desire to be caught up in this thing with you, I was merely pointing out your rude behaviour, if you can't/don't want to accept it then fine. And I'm really not for being fished by someone who has 54 minutes to spare out of every hour they're in work, I mean good luck to you, but don't involve me, or at least don't try and involve me....go find another stretch of river.
You were rude buddy, spew out all night long if you wish to, you were bloody rude. It's a fact, handle it. I've no desire to be caught up in this thing with you, I was merely pointing out your rude behaviour, if you can't/don't want to accept it then fine. And I'm really not for being fished by someone who has 54 minutes to spare out of every hour they're in work, I mean good luck to you, but don't involve me, or at least don't try and involve me....go find another stretch of river.
Rudeness is the (apparent) disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behavior. To be unable to align one's behavior with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable would be considered rude.
I would agree with this wikipedia definition and add that this is an appeal to the majority, or common sense, which can only be determined by the values of the one using the statement, and therefor, what is rude, and who or who isn't rude, is determined solely by the values of the one using the term and has no basis in reality. Furthermore a determination of what is and isn't rude relies on a subjective interpretation of the implicit intention of the original speaker. A feat which could be easily obscured by any number of biases or logical fallacies.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Rudeness is the (apparent) disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behavior. To be unable to align one's behavior with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable would be considered rude.
I would agree with this wikipedia definition and add that this is an appeal to the majority, or common sense, which can only be determined by the values of the one using the statement, and therefor, what is rude, and who or who isn't rude, is determined solely by the values of the one using the term and has no basis in reality. Furthermore a determination of what is and isn't rude relies on a subjective interpretation of the implicit intention of the original speaker. A feat which could be easily obscured by any number of biases or logical fallacies.
Hey, looks like you are gonna spew all night.
I took the remark as offensive, I felt it was rude, and if you stop your waffling for a minute and be honest,..then you can't deny it, it was rude, it was rude, childish and born out of a feeling of superiority. You can rattle on all you like my friend, but I'm talking man to man here, not book to book. Anyway, I really do have something much better to occupy me before bed time than you...I really do, so sorry and all that old chap, maybe you can give me stick some other time......I may even enjoy it if I'm in the right mood. Bye bye.
peace and love to Ontario.
Rudeness is the (apparent) disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behavior. To be unable to align one's behavior with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable would be considered rude.
I would agree with this wikipedia definition and add that this is an appeal to the majority, or common sense, which can only be determined by the values of the one using the statement, and therefor, what is rude, and who or who isn't rude, is determined solely by the values of the one using the term and has no basis in reality. Furthermore a determination of what is and isn't rude relies on a subjective interpretation of the implicit intention of the original speaker. A feat which could be easily obscured by any number of biases or logical fallacies.
You're right! Now shut up and have a laugh!
P.S. You DO act as though you think you're superior. You can surely see why this would upset some people.
P.S. You DO act as though you think you're superior. You can surely see why this would upset some people.
Please refer back to my last post.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Some of us have opinions without having to look everything up.
I agree with a lot of what you say but I too, feel like you think you are better than everyone else.
If you are so strongly opinionated, why do you like Pearl Jam - they're not perfect.
You sound like a teenager. - Kelly
I like their music. I can't even name everyone in the band. I'm not better than everyone. But I try to acknowledge things for what they are. I know my smoking addiction is an addiction and I don't advocate the use of tobacco by talking about how rad it was that I smoked so much I puked.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'd stop to play, I think I qualify on account I'm not really awake , but now I see I gots to go get me one of them jobs the government is handing out to people with disabilities that I never knew about. :rolleyes:
Ryan, if you're bored and reading back, it would appear that you are, stop stalking the poor bastards on AET that are just doing their thing and pull your finger out and get a good debate happening on the Train.
And don't go getting poo pants with me either. I'm just saying. You should be able to cope with that.
I'd stop to play, I think I qualify on account I'm not really awake , but now I see I gots to go get me one of them jobs the government is handing out to people with disabilities that I never knew about. :rolleyes:
Ryan, if you're bored and reading back, it would appear that you are, stop stalking the poor bastards on AET that are just doing their thing and pull your finger out and get a good debate happening on the Train.
And don't go getting poo pants with me either. I'm just saying. You should be able to cope with that.
Anyhoo, g'morning all!
Standby for pm's.
The train isn't going anywhere today, it's on hiatus, getting drunk I presume. I'd much prefer to be there.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
The train isn't going anywhere today, it's on hiatus, getting drunk I presume. I'd much prefer to be there.
Well I knew that without even having to look, on account everywhere I did look on AET there you were!
Now I've given you a lovely reason to go anihilate me on your poppies thread why don't ya go give it your best shot? (it's not much I know but I'm trying to help you out ) And stop freaking people out with your serious stuff over here on the trip? Unless of course you'd like lessons in how to be fun?
Good grief!
Ryan, if you're bored and reading back, it would appear that you are, stop stalking the poor bastards on AET that are just doing their thing
Anyhoo, g'morning all!
Standby for pm's.
Thanks Jeanie, but I think we just about handled the pompous windbag by ourselves, he's not much for talk, he's all for quoting books, but then with time like that on your hands what else would you do?
Thanks Jeanie, but I think we just about handled the pompous windbag by ourselves, he's not much for talk, he's all for quoting books, but then with time like that on your hands what else would you do?
Now James, be nice, it's all just different communicating styles.
I can usually tell when Ahnimus is bored, and he has a different way of communicating than most people. That's cool. We're all different right?
I mean otherwise the whole world would be beige! I mean who wants shades of beige???
Always reminds me of The Twelfth Man (Billy Birmingham) and his Richie Benaud impersonation,
"Now what should I wear? The beige? The off white? The cream?
Read back sis, I was never anything less than polite, it's how I've been brought up. Which is more than can be said for the other fella. I just took exception to is manner.
Read back sis, I was never anything less than polite, it's how I've been brought up. Which is more than can be said for the other fella. I just took exception to is manner.
Well it's obvious you took exception but it's a complete waste of energy as far as I can see. People just have different styles is all.
Now how bout a group hug? This stuff is getting WAY too serious for the Trip.
Well it's obvious you took exception but it's a complete waste of energy as far as I can see. People just have different styles is all.
Now how bout a group hug? This stuff is getting WAY too serious for the Trip.
Sorry Jeanie, but the guy was out of order, he was picking a fight, and if it had been some of the other guys not me, he'd have gotten it. I'm not saying he's a rude person, just that he was rude to me and the others here. And I make absolutely no apologies for anything I said to him. And I'm sure he doesn't give a shit either, so you stop worrying already.
good night.
Read back sis, I was never anything less than polite, it's how I've been brought up. Which is more than can be said for the other fella. I just took exception to is manner.
I just read the whole thread again.
My first post was about talking to myself, then I said I was dancing to the theme from the bugaloos, then someone said my thread on poppies "sucks ass", and I sarcastically said this thread was much better, you said something about me ruining your thread, I said I'm on a different page go back to talking about peanuts and you called me flipant, rude and superior.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
My first post was about talking to myself, then I said I was dancing to the theme from the bugaloos, then someone said my thread on poppies "sucks ass", and I sarcastically said this thread was much better, you said something about me ruining your thread, I said I'm on a different page go back to talking about peanuts and you called me flipant, rude and superior.
OK, I didn't say shit to you. I may have alluded to the fact that you'd completely 'serioused out' a fun thread, but I never said anything bad, or mean, and I certainly had a point....then you insulted me with the flipant comment. I told you quite politely how I viewed it, but you seemed hell bent on forcing some sort of 'book found order' down my gullet. I'm not interested...get the news.
Anyway, piss off...there that's all you've been wanting me to say isn't it?
Can we leave it now Einstein?
OK, I didn't say shit to you. I may have alluded to the fact that you'd completely 'serioused out' a fun thread, but I never said anything bad, or mean, and I certainly had a point....then you insulted me with the flipant comment. I told you quite politely how I viewed it, but you seemed hell bent on forcing some sort of 'book found order' down my gullet. I'm not interested...get the news.
Anyway, piss off...there that's all you've been wanting me to say isn't it?
Can we leave it now Einstein?
I don't know what comment you are talking about. All I know is that you seriously misinterpret me. The result being you are offended and offensive. But I don't take offense, because I'm used to it.
Peanuts, Mike Modano, Scrubs, Beer, Pearl Jam.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
My first post was about talking to myself, then I said I was dancing to the theme from the bugaloos, then someone said my thread on poppies "sucks ass", and I sarcastically said this thread was much better, you said something about me ruining your thread, I said I'm on a different page go back to talking about peanuts and you called me flipant, rude and superior.
That was my fault.
Different ways of comunicating:
You were being sarcastic.
I was being silly. I've spent too much time reading the guys posts on here. Some of the language is starting to rub off. It doesn't suit me, I know.
well, i can tell you, i have and use that capacity in the best way i can.
skilled i am.....;)
Maybe you wouldn't be so flipant, rude and superior around here if you had something esle to occupy your thoughts.
Get a job, stop being so lazy.
I'm actually at work right now. All three of the catagories you put me in are subjective value judgements. Personally I find many things rude which you probably would not. I find the Modano thread to meet all three of those terms, but I expect you probably don't.
OK, that's rude and presumtious
It's like this my friend, if someone wants to discuss something here then that's up to them, if I'm not interested I don't get involved. I don't even know who, or what Modano is, I have no desire to. I do however take exception when someone behaves in an impertenent manner towards me for no apparent reason.
I mean, live and let live. There's no point in going out of your own way to be mean to someone, no matter how natural and easy it may come to you, there really is no need. You should always consider other peoples feelings before you subject them to your thoughts, fair enough if someone causes you upset, then tell them what you think, don't hold back. But, at the same time, don't go around making snide remarks to complete strangers just because you feel you are able to do so (superiority). I may share a lot of your thoughts and beliefs as far as you know, but you didn't stop to find out, and that's what I considered rude. And if you are at work now, then you're obviously not being as productive as you could be.
Peace and love.
Some of the most hipocrtical shit I've ever read. You call me presumptious and rude, but then assume that I could be more productive in my job, which I can't, because my duties amount to 3 minutes of work every 30 minutes and my contract states I'm not to do anything else. And wasn't it you who said that I am rude, flipant and act superior? Maybe I'm not acting superior, but expressing a difference of opinion, maybe the negative qualities you infer from my speech are merely incidences of observer bias.
Haha. Aaww bless. Phew.
Rudeness is the (apparent) disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behavior. To be unable to align one's behavior with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable would be considered rude.
I would agree with this wikipedia definition and add that this is an appeal to the majority, or common sense, which can only be determined by the values of the one using the statement, and therefor, what is rude, and who or who isn't rude, is determined solely by the values of the one using the term and has no basis in reality. Furthermore a determination of what is and isn't rude relies on a subjective interpretation of the implicit intention of the original speaker. A feat which could be easily obscured by any number of biases or logical fallacies.
Hey, looks like you are gonna spew all night.
I took the remark as offensive, I felt it was rude, and if you stop your waffling for a minute and be honest,..then you can't deny it, it was rude, it was rude, childish and born out of a feeling of superiority. You can rattle on all you like my friend, but I'm talking man to man here, not book to book. Anyway, I really do have something much better to occupy me before bed time than you...I really do, so sorry and all that old chap, maybe you can give me stick some other time......I may even enjoy it if I'm in the right mood. Bye bye.
peace and love to Ontario.
You're right! Now shut up and have a laugh!
P.S. You DO act as though you think you're superior. You can surely see why this would upset some people.
Please refer back to my last post.
I prefer cashews.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Some of us have opinions without having to look everything up.
I agree with a lot of what you say but I too, feel like you think you are better than everyone else.
If you are so strongly opinionated, why do you like Pearl Jam - they're not perfect.
You sound like a teenager. - Kelly
I like their music. I can't even name everyone in the band. I'm not better than everyone. But I try to acknowledge things for what they are. I know my smoking addiction is an addiction and I don't advocate the use of tobacco by talking about how rad it was that I smoked so much I puked.
I'd stop to play, I think I qualify on account I'm not really awake
Ryan, if you're bored and reading back, it would appear that you are, stop stalking the poor bastards on AET that are just doing their thing and pull your finger out and get a good debate happening on the Train.
And don't go getting poo pants with me either. I'm just saying. You should be able to cope with that.
Anyhoo, g'morning all!
Standby for pm's.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
The train isn't going anywhere today, it's on hiatus, getting drunk I presume. I'd much prefer to be there.
Well I knew that without even having to look, on account everywhere I did look on AET there you were!
Now I've given you a lovely reason to go anihilate me on your poppies thread why don't ya go give it your best shot? (it's not much I know but I'm trying to help you out
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Now James, be nice, it's all just different communicating styles.
I can usually tell when Ahnimus is bored, and he has a different way of communicating than most people. That's cool. We're all different right?
I mean otherwise the whole world would be beige! I mean who wants shades of beige???
Always reminds me of The Twelfth Man (Billy Birmingham) and his Richie Benaud impersonation,
"Now what should I wear? The beige? The off white? The cream?
Marvelous that!
Now everybody kiss and make up quick, or I'll be forced to bang heads!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well it's obvious you took exception but it's a complete waste of energy as far as I can see. People just have different styles is all.
Now how bout a group hug? This stuff is getting WAY too serious for the Trip.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
good night.
I just read the whole thread again.
My first post was about talking to myself, then I said I was dancing to the theme from the bugaloos, then someone said my thread on poppies "sucks ass", and I sarcastically said this thread was much better, you said something about me ruining your thread, I said I'm on a different page go back to talking about peanuts and you called me flipant, rude and superior.
Anyway, piss off...there that's all you've been wanting me to say isn't it?
Can we leave it now Einstein?
I don't know what comment you are talking about. All I know is that you seriously misinterpret me. The result being you are offended and offensive. But I don't take offense, because I'm used to it.
Peanuts, Mike Modano, Scrubs, Beer, Pearl Jam.
Now let's all kiss and make up!
And just for all the silliness, I'm forced to play you this!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
That was my fault.
Different ways of comunicating:
You were being sarcastic.
I was being silly. I've spent too much time reading the guys posts on here. Some of the language is starting to rub off. It doesn't suit me, I know.