I don't think it matters....the poor kid was duped and dumped. Love knows no boundries and he was in love with her when they married.
You will land on your feet and learn from this. Just try not to be a bitter person and close your heart to everyone. The only way to truly feel love and be loved is to open your heart and take a chance.
I think it totally matters. Well, ok...maybe it doesn't. But, it would explain it.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I'm really sad for your situation. How long did you know this chick before you married her?
Over a year, and we didn't have so much as a spat until we were married and living with her twin sister and her twin sister's husband. It was like magic the whole time. I figured, "there's no way I'm going to screw this up, and there's no way she's going to just leave me, so we're set."
Austin - Sep 16, 1995, Dallas - Jul 05, 1998, San Francisco - Jul 15, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 16, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 18, 2006, Portland - Jul 20, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 22, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 23, 2006, Seattle - Sep 21, 2009, Seattle - Sep 22, 2009, Portland - Sep 26, 2009, Philadelphia - Oct 31, 2009
Ok, i was sitting here drinking beer and had an idea.
Call a landlord. Not some corporate type shit but someone who is just trying to rent out a few houses or apts or something. Tell him your story, and ask him if you can pay him your first pay check. I have done this, (not to brag but I believe in situations like this I am extremely personable) , plead with him and let him know you will literally be HOMELESS...where a nice outfit or something and just assure him you will not bail on him.
Do you have anything he could hold onto for collateral? I will even go as far as saying if you give me a number I will call them and ask for you.
That really could work. With the job coming up and everything you are rebuilding, not just jobless mooching.
Maybe the guy you talk to has a story where his wife left him or something like that.
You have nothing to lose by trying. I am confident you could do this. Good Luck. If you need like twenty or something I could give you that. Fuck if you want to tell the landlord you will give him like 50 i'd spot you 50.
Ok, i was sitting here drinking beer and had an idea.
Call a landlord. Not some corporate type shit but someone who is just trying to rent out a few houses or apts or something. Tell him your story, and ask him if you can pay him your first pay check. I have done this, (not to brag but I believe in situations like this I am extremely personable) , plead with him and let him know you will literally be HOMELESS...where a nice outfit or something and just assure him you will not bail on him.
Do you have anything he could hold onto for collateral? I will even go as far as saying if you give me a number I will call them and ask for you.
That really could work. With the job coming up and everything you are rebuilding, not just jobless mooching.
Maybe the guy you talk to has a story where his wife left him or something like that.
You have nothing to lose by trying. I am confident you could do this. Good Luck. If you need like twenty or something I could give you that. Fuck if you want to tell the landlord you will give him like 50 i'd spot you 50.
That might just work. Try Craigslist...and if worst comes to worst could you use your laptop as collatoral??
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Ok, i was sitting here drinking beer and had an idea.
Call a landlord. Not some corporate type shit but someone who is just trying to rent out a few houses or apts or something. Tell him your story, and ask him if you can pay him your first pay check. I have done this, (not to brag but I believe in situations like this I am extremely personable) , plead with him and let him know you will literally be HOMELESS...where a nice outfit or something and just assure him you will not bail on him.
Do you have anything he could hold onto for collateral? I will even go as far as saying if you give me a number I will call them and ask for you.
That really could work. With the job coming up and everything you are rebuilding, not just jobless mooching.
Maybe the guy you talk to has a story where his wife left him or something like that.
You have nothing to lose by trying. I am confident you could do this. Good Luck. If you need like twenty or something I could give you that. Fuck if you want to tell the landlord you will give him like 50 i'd spot you 50.
You are the ultimate of cool for offering anything to help, and I need not exclude anyone who is posting in the forum, offering to help in any kind of way. THANK YOU for caring.
This is a really good idea, and it may prove very useful.
I have just emailed 6 or 7 local churches, and I intend to go to each of them tomorrow to see if anyone can help.
Like I said, I hate this situation. I never thought I'd end up here, but I feel more hopeful when there are people out there who care. Thank you for caring. It reminds me that the world is not made up of people who don't care.
It's been so hard to go through this. I've never had a situation that actually brought me to physical illness. I've been throwing up and dry heaving just worrying about it. But I know Pearl Jam fans. For you to like and understand Pearl Jam as much as I do, means that you are probably really good people, and although I'm absolutely embarrassed by this thread, as well as my situation, I just hope I can give an update, a month from now, and tell you all that I have triumphed over everything.
Not to be a wuss or anything, but I cry to know that you guys care. Thank you, and please keep the suggestions coming. Anything will help.
A fellow human being,
Austin - Sep 16, 1995, Dallas - Jul 05, 1998, San Francisco - Jul 15, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 16, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 18, 2006, Portland - Jul 20, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 22, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 23, 2006, Seattle - Sep 21, 2009, Seattle - Sep 22, 2009, Portland - Sep 26, 2009, Philadelphia - Oct 31, 2009
An update... I went a church today, one of the ones I emailed last night, and met with the pastor. I explained my situation, and he seems sympathetic. He asked for some references, (which I totally understand, as I could be a total mental case for all he knows,) and said that they may be able to help as soon as the second or third of the month. They can basically pay the first month's rent here, providing that they can verify that I have a job, which they can.
So if they can help, I'll be staying where I'm at, and taking over this guy's lease for him. I hope so much that they can help.
I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again for your care.
Austin - Sep 16, 1995, Dallas - Jul 05, 1998, San Francisco - Jul 15, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 16, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 18, 2006, Portland - Jul 20, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 22, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 23, 2006, Seattle - Sep 21, 2009, Seattle - Sep 22, 2009, Portland - Sep 26, 2009, Philadelphia - Oct 31, 2009
An update... I went a church today, one of the ones I emailed last night, and met with the pastor. I explained my situation, and he seems sympathetic. He asked for some references, (which I totally understand, as I could be a total mental case for all he knows,) and said that they may be able to help as soon as the second or third of the month. They can basically pay the first month's rent here, providing that they can verify that I have a job, which they can.
So if they can help, I'll be staying where I'm at, and taking over this guy's lease for him. I hope so much that they can help.
I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again for your care.
That's great news!!! So glad that you found someone to help you out!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
An update... I went a church today, one of the ones I emailed last night, and met with the pastor. I explained my situation, and he seems sympathetic. He asked for some references, (which I totally understand, as I could be a total mental case for all he knows,) and said that they may be able to help as soon as the second or third of the month. They can basically pay the first month's rent here, providing that they can verify that I have a job, which they can.
So if they can help, I'll be staying where I'm at, and taking over this guy's lease for him. I hope so much that they can help.
I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again for your care.
that is good news.......take care and be safe.
also....would you be willing to explain to your new boss what your situation is? he/she may be willing to help....you never know.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
I just read your post, and I gotta say, I'm sorry. Keep strong and try not to get too bitter. I live in the u-district, and while I don't have a couch you could crash on, I'd like to help you out. PM me if you need anything
deep, deep blue of the morning
gets to me every time
I think it totally matters. Well, ok...maybe it doesn't. But, it would explain it.
I agree, might not "matter" in terms of being statistically significant, but it could explain a lot...1 year isn't very long...I think I'd need AT LEAST 2-3 years.
I agree, might not "matter" in terms of being statistically significant, but it could explain a lot...1 year isn't very long...I think I'd need AT LEAST 2-3 years.
Funny how a fella in need starts a thread out of desparation, and it turns into people doing an analysis of his relationship!
I talked to her lawyer, and even he said, "I've known this family for years, and Les, she wasn't ready. You probably didn't do anything wrong."
I would inform that lawyer that she was an adult that entered into a legal agreement with you. If she did that out of personal error, then she should be responsible to you for severely putting a damper on your life situation. Basically, the bitch should be paying you for being a snot nosed little bitch.
I would inform that lawyer that she was an adult that entered into a legal agreement with you. If she did that out of personal error, then she should be responsible to you for severely putting a damper on your life situation. Basically, the bitch should be paying you for being a snot nosed little bitch.
If I could pick the outcome, it would be no divorce, and we would get on with our lives. I can't stand that she's done this.
Austin - Sep 16, 1995, Dallas - Jul 05, 1998, San Francisco - Jul 15, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 16, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 18, 2006, Portland - Jul 20, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 22, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 23, 2006, Seattle - Sep 21, 2009, Seattle - Sep 22, 2009, Portland - Sep 26, 2009, Philadelphia - Oct 31, 2009
I just read your post, and I gotta say, I'm sorry. Keep strong and try not to get too bitter. I live in the u-district, and while I don't have a couch you could crash on, I'd like to help you out. PM me if you need anything
Dude, I'll PM you. I don't really need much other than someone to be around. One of the hardest parts of this situation has been that I've been completely fucking alone.
I'm not going to sit around and whine about the whole thing. I just think it would be really cool if I had some people to be around at this point.
Austin - Sep 16, 1995, Dallas - Jul 05, 1998, San Francisco - Jul 15, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 16, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 18, 2006, Portland - Jul 20, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 22, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 23, 2006, Seattle - Sep 21, 2009, Seattle - Sep 22, 2009, Portland - Sep 26, 2009, Philadelphia - Oct 31, 2009
I don't get this "friend" person, who tells someone they can move in with them and then disappears?
maybe she had an accident? have you checked the hospitals?
I think she's fine. If it was something like that, her stepdad would have returned a phone call to my One thing she said to me on the phone was that she had just gotten out of a 1 and a half year relationship herself. I have a suspicion that she got back with her ex, and doesn't want to be tied to me.
She obviously isn't much of a friend for doing this.
Austin - Sep 16, 1995, Dallas - Jul 05, 1998, San Francisco - Jul 15, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 16, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 18, 2006, Portland - Jul 20, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 22, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 23, 2006, Seattle - Sep 21, 2009, Seattle - Sep 22, 2009, Portland - Sep 26, 2009, Philadelphia - Oct 31, 2009
First of all, I have been there...homeless...with my husband and ten year old daughter...no real help in sight...slept in the car...and I have a degree!
The Catholic church is excellent about helping people regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof. (I'm Catholic...it is part of what we believe!)
The job is great news, for some landlords that is enough. If that church will help you establish a housing situation, that is the best news. We now live in Woodland....south on I-5 about two hours or so, you can't miss it...if you need local friends, I mean I know we are a good bit south of you but we are friendly. My husband and I have befriended hundreds, we have opened our home to dozens, for the night up to a year.
Personally, I am ashamed that not one person on here offered you a couch. If you had been here, you'd have been offered a room! I really expected more of my fellow PJamily.
Best wishes. Trujeeper (Margie)
Donate to Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness today.
First of all, I have been there...homeless...with my husband and ten year old daughter...no real help in sight...slept in the car...and I have a degree!
The Catholic church is excellent about helping people regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof. (I'm Catholic...it is part of what we believe!)
The job is great news, for some landlords that is enough. If that church will help you establish a housing situation, that is the best news. We now live in Woodland....south on I-5 about two hours or so, you can't miss it...if you need local friends, I mean I know we are a good bit south of you but we are friendly. My husband and I have befriended hundreds, we have opened our home to dozens, for the night up to a year.
Personally, I am ashamed that not one person on here offered you a couch. If you had been here, you'd have been offered a room! I really expected more of my fellow PJamily.
Best wishes. Trujeeper (Margie)
Well, I understand that people have their own lives, and their own problems. It's the fact that people care enough to say something that gives me hope. As I wait to find out what the church is going to do, my main concern is not being alone. Being alone definitely doesn't help.
I appreciate your kindness greatly, and I hope we can meet sometime. Woodland seems like a beautiful place.
Austin - Sep 16, 1995, Dallas - Jul 05, 1998, San Francisco - Jul 15, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 16, 2006, San Francisco - Jul 18, 2006, Portland - Jul 20, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 22, 2006, The Gorge - Jul 23, 2006, Seattle - Sep 21, 2009, Seattle - Sep 22, 2009, Portland - Sep 26, 2009, Philadelphia - Oct 31, 2009
also....would you be willing to explain to your new boss what your situation is? he/she may be willing to help....you never know.
yep, this is excellent news. I used to work in a HR department in a hotel... and people get 'subs' more often than you'd believe... even people just starting work. I understand it's the last thing you wanna say to your new boss but if it comes to it, it's worth a try!
Things are starting to look up for ya though. It may not seem like a good thing right now... but you've been shoved into a brand new fresh start in life. It's just hard in the beginning but it can be quite exciting if you think of it that way. You've already got a couple of people willing to meet you too.
Trujeeper... not many people are in a position to offer a couch. If you're living at home or sharing a house, it's not a decision for you to make at all .
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I think it totally matters. Well, ok...maybe it doesn't. But, it would explain it.
Over a year, and we didn't have so much as a spat until we were married and living with her twin sister and her twin sister's husband. It was like magic the whole time. I figured, "there's no way I'm going to screw this up, and there's no way she's going to just leave me, so we're set."
Call a landlord. Not some corporate type shit but someone who is just trying to rent out a few houses or apts or something. Tell him your story, and ask him if you can pay him your first pay check. I have done this, (not to brag but I believe in situations like this I am extremely personable) , plead with him and let him know you will literally be HOMELESS...where a nice outfit or something and just assure him you will not bail on him.
Do you have anything he could hold onto for collateral? I will even go as far as saying if you give me a number I will call them and ask for you.
That really could work. With the job coming up and everything you are rebuilding, not just jobless mooching.
Maybe the guy you talk to has a story where his wife left him or something like that.
You have nothing to lose by trying. I am confident you could do this. Good Luck. If you need like twenty or something I could give you that. Fuck if you want to tell the landlord you will give him like 50 i'd spot you 50.
That might just work. Try Craigslist...and if worst comes to worst could you use your laptop as collatoral??
You are the ultimate of cool for offering anything to help, and I need not exclude anyone who is posting in the forum, offering to help in any kind of way. THANK YOU for caring.
This is a really good idea, and it may prove very useful.
I have just emailed 6 or 7 local churches, and I intend to go to each of them tomorrow to see if anyone can help.
Like I said, I hate this situation. I never thought I'd end up here, but I feel more hopeful when there are people out there who care. Thank you for caring. It reminds me that the world is not made up of people who don't care.
It's been so hard to go through this. I've never had a situation that actually brought me to physical illness. I've been throwing up and dry heaving just worrying about it. But I know Pearl Jam fans. For you to like and understand Pearl Jam as much as I do, means that you are probably really good people, and although I'm absolutely embarrassed by this thread, as well as my situation, I just hope I can give an update, a month from now, and tell you all that I have triumphed over everything.
Not to be a wuss or anything, but I cry to know that you guys care. Thank you, and please keep the suggestions coming. Anything will help.
A fellow human being,
So if they can help, I'll be staying where I'm at, and taking over this guy's lease for him. I hope so much that they can help.
I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again for your care.
That's great news!!!
also....would you be willing to explain to your new boss what your situation is? he/she may be willing to help....you never know.
gets to me every time
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
maybe she had an accident? have you checked the hospitals?
i thought the same thing.
people just assume they got the shaft and that their friend won't get back with them.
but speaking from personal experience, consider that something else could have happened.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
I agree, might not "matter" in terms of being statistically significant, but it could explain a lot...1 year isn't very long...I think I'd need AT LEAST 2-3 years.
Funny how a fella in need starts a thread out of desparation, and it turns into people doing an analysis of his relationship!
If I could pick the outcome, it would be no divorce, and we would get on with our lives. I can't stand that she's done this.
I'm not going to sit around and whine about the whole thing. I just think it would be really cool if I had some people to be around at this point.
I think she's fine. If it was something like that, her stepdad would have returned a phone call to my One thing she said to me on the phone was that she had just gotten out of a 1 and a half year relationship herself. I have a suspicion that she got back with her ex, and doesn't want to be tied to me.
She obviously isn't much of a friend for doing this.
The Catholic church is excellent about helping people regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof. (I'm Catholic...it is part of what we believe!)
The job is great news, for some landlords that is enough. If that church will help you establish a housing situation, that is the best news. We now live in Woodland....south on I-5 about two hours or so, you can't miss it...if you need local friends, I mean I know we are a good bit south of you but we are friendly. My husband and I have befriended hundreds, we have opened our home to dozens, for the night up to a year.
Personally, I am ashamed that not one person on here offered you a couch. If you had been here, you'd have been offered a room! I really expected more of my fellow PJamily.
Best wishes. Trujeeper (Margie)
Well, I understand that people have their own lives, and their own problems. It's the fact that people care enough to say something that gives me hope. As I wait to find out what the church is going to do, my main concern is not being alone. Being alone definitely doesn't help.
I appreciate your kindness greatly, and I hope we can meet sometime. Woodland seems like a beautiful place.
I'm from the east coast. When we moved out here in mid-'06, we slept in the car. The dog kept us safe.
Life should not be so hard.
PM me if you want. I'm not on here that often.
Things are starting to look up for ya though. It may not seem like a good thing right now... but you've been shoved into a brand new fresh start in life. It's just hard in the beginning but it can be quite exciting if you think of it that way. You've already got a couple of people willing to meet you too.
Trujeeper... not many people are in a position to offer a couch. If you're living at home or sharing a house, it's not a decision for you to make at all
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
gets to me every time