Not everyone is like that Jamie... I don't spend my money on any of these things.... well maybe the odd bottle of beer
Hey, I never said you were.
There is undeniably a problem in this country with people who not only don't work, but who have no intention of ever working....I see it everyday, I see people who've had kids and not worked, then their kids have's become somekind of birthright to some people.
I never said anything bad about decent folks, the welfare is there to help, it's indicitive of a decent society, but it's being abused. Abused, and people are afraid to say so when they shouldn't be. How many times have you heard some idiot moaning about 'foreigners'? When all the way down the line, it's the indiginous lazy population that is to blame for high taxes and the like.
It's time here that people were given a short sharp lesson I'm afraid, there's no bottomless pit of welfare's only there because working people pay into it, it's not magic.
I agree that overpopulation is a problem. That is why my wife and I decided to only have two children. However, you generalized the Spartan code. The Spartan's only euthanized male babies they believed could not be raised to be soldiers. That is, they believed the babies would not meet the physical code necessary to form a phalanx. Remember, there was one set of parents who spared their child. When Lionitus met him, he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. However, he wanted to fight with the 300. Lionitus asked him to raise his shield arm. Of course, because of his deformity, he could not raise it to the proper height to form the phalanx. Lionitus did not kill him on sight for his deformity. He offered to let him bring water or offer some other service to the troops. Lionitus was correct to not let him join the battle, because the hole in the phalanx would jeopardize the safety of all the men. Frankly, why single out this type of handicap? I have an I.Q of 150. Why not develop a gene test that would be an indicator of I.Q., and eliminate all fetuses with an I.Q. of 140 or less. I certainly feel from an economic point of people of less intelligence cost me way more than physically handicapped people. Why bother educating people who will never be able learn very well? Also, old people cost the medical system way more when doctors go to enormous lengths to preserve a life for another week. Unfortunately, this is the way the Nazis rationalized genocide, except they used racial inferiority, which is a blanket term for all these types of dividers. I think we are all in this together, and we all sink or rise together. We are all dependent on each other as well. Only modern society give us the illusion that we are islands and self sufficient. You depend on many people to provide you with the things you need to survive. What if one day they all decided that you were no longer worthy of their services? I do think overpopulation is a problem, a serious problem, but it is not one that can really be fixed by quick solutions that ultimately degrade us all. Like I said, after two kids, my wife and I made sure we would not have any more. Also, euthanizing weak babies may be a quick fix, but it does nothing to address the ignorance that leads to overpopulation in the first place, nor does it address the social inequalities that underly how we care for everyone in a society. Just my .02.
A very valuable $0.02c it is too pie.
Very nicely said.
A very valuable $0.02c it is too pie.
Very nicely said.
Thank you my pie friend.
To pie I will reply
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
to the original poster... what the fuck?
Euthanasia is justifiable because it is the choice of the person dying. None of us has the right to "cleanse" those we consider less "relevant" or useful people. That really is a hitlerian opinion. You know the best way to curb population growth in your country? Educate the illiterate kids who are getting 6 buns cooked in their little oven by daddy before they even reach the age of consent, and get daddy to wrap his little chappie before he gets started. Don't start professing that because some poor sod got his neck snapped in a bike crash, you can decide how valuable his life is. That's his choice. Dr Kevorkian's beliefs are substantially different to yours.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Watch that equation play out in the upcoming years in lesser countries as food prices make life prohibitively expensive.
It is astonishing to witness absolutely dirt poor people in third world areas have 7+ kids with zero money to raise them.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
You want a solution? Stop with this "abstinence only, god only, make the pledge to have no sex!" bullshit that DOES NOT FUCKING WORK and start teaching kids sexual education. And make it where parents cannot opt their kid out of it unless they give undeniable proof that their kids know about contraceptives, safe sex, and the consequences of their actions.
But the spartan way will probably happen before that.
Hey, I never said you were.
There is undeniably a problem in this country with people who not only don't work, but who have no intention of ever working....I see it everyday, I see people who've had kids and not worked, then their kids have's become somekind of birthright to some people.
I never said anything bad about decent folks, the welfare is there to help, it's indicitive of a decent society, but it's being abused. Abused, and people are afraid to say so when they shouldn't be. How many times have you heard some idiot moaning about 'foreigners'? When all the way down the line, it's the indiginous lazy population that is to blame for high taxes and the like.
It's time here that people were given a short sharp lesson I'm afraid, there's no bottomless pit of welfare's only there because working people pay into it, it's not magic.
A very valuable $0.02c it is too pie.
Very nicely said.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
to the original poster... what the fuck?
Euthanasia is justifiable because it is the choice of the person dying. None of us has the right to "cleanse" those we consider less "relevant" or useful people. That really is a hitlerian opinion. You know the best way to curb population growth in your country? Educate the illiterate kids who are getting 6 buns cooked in their little oven by daddy before they even reach the age of consent, and get daddy to wrap his little chappie before he gets started. Don't start professing that because some poor sod got his neck snapped in a bike crash, you can decide how valuable his life is. That's his choice. Dr Kevorkian's beliefs are substantially different to yours.
Watch that equation play out in the upcoming years in lesser countries as food prices make life prohibitively expensive.
It is astonishing to witness absolutely dirt poor people in third world areas have 7+ kids with zero money to raise them.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
But the spartan way will probably happen before that.