I tripped acid with one of my best friends on thanksgiving (his first time) and he kicked cigs for good. He said he just came to the realization that he didn't want to do it anymore and now has no desire for them.
Nothing wrong with acid if you use it moderatly and responsibly. And if this individual is someone who has experience with the drug and enjoys it then it's good advice. Certainly not for everyone though.
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Well I can tell you I wont use acid to quit. Last time I tripped was a loooong time ago and smoked about 3 packs that night. Iam to old for that shit anyways. Plus my poor dog got a horrible hair cut.(long story) I have a great reason to stop. My wife and I are trying to have a baby. As for the Chantix being a problem physically, I figure it better to take that for a month or 2 and have it help than to keep puffin for many years. My wife has weird dream on it but she kinda looks forward to them lol. I have a reward system already in place. The $200 a month I'll save is going towards a vacation to Europe my wife and I have been planning. I reckon I can do it. I'll probably be a bit of a pill for a month or 2 but what the hay. Thank for all the suggestions and encouragement.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
I tripped acid with one of my best friends on thanksgiving (his first time) and he kicked cigs for good. He said he just came to the realization that he didn't want to do it anymore and now has no desire for them.
Try using LSD if you're comfortable with it.
lol. thats the best thing i have read all week.
if i could get acid around these parts id give it a shot
its been like 10 years since ive seen acid around here. the last time i did it was at boston# 2 in 04. got it from some hippie and it was shite.
damn hippies
Just, not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
lol. thats the best thing i have read all week.
if i could get acid around these parts id give it a shot
its been like 10 years since ive seen acid around here. the last time i did it was at boston# 2 in 04. got it from some hippie and it was shite.
damn hippies
I live in Asheville, NC and attend UNCA sooo... lets just say it's within five minutes of me if I would ever choose to take advantage
It's all in your mind.....Winter is a good time to kick the habit...too cold to go outside to light up....usually some holiday sweets laying around to help your cravings. You can do it....there's no luck involved....you either do it or you don't
The first few weeks are the hardest but it can be overcome. The idea is to make a decision to stop. Then stop. My best advise is in your head never say " this is my last cigarette ever"!! Just smoke it and then forget about smoking! Most of the first two weeks you are going to believe you can't do it...but you can. If I did it anyone can because I am like the weakest willed person on the planet!
I have smoking dreams all the time and I love them. In my dream I feel like I am actually smoking and when I wake up I have to remind myself it was just a dream, but the "feeling" of smoking was physically felt! Strange but true.
Not that I am preaching...I smoke about two small cigars a year. I enjoy them. I know they are bad, but I can get hit by a bus tomorrow right?
Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Break a rib, one of the surest routes to immediatly giving up, feels like your on a single lung as it is so you don't get the urge.
I still went back to smoking however, when I have a drink I like a ciggie.
So I smoke, but I want to stop but I also find them to be an emotional crutch, sounds pathetic really.
LoL I did actually break 2 about 3 years ago. I didnt smoke for about 4 weeks but as soon as I was able to I started back up. Its not so pathetic about emotional crutch. Anyone who smokes can probably lay claim to that.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
i'm using the patch now. it's been about three weeks, the day before thanksgiving actually. i found the best way is to tell everyone you know that you have already quit. the next time they see you with a cigerette, they'll either ript it out of your mouth or yell at you... a lot. I have a lot of friends and family who smoke or have smoked so they all know how tough it is.
7 years a pack a day to none a day with a slip while drinking. i don't think it's that bad at all!
shut the fuck up donny
u are who who u are
i used to treat you like a lady
now you're my substitute teacher
You also might want to get a Nicotrol Inhaler......When I quit is saved me, I also was on Zyban or Welbutrin, one of those pills. Anyway, it is rough....I pretty much had to disappear from everyone for sometime. It was so hard to drink and not smoke, instead of a beer and a cig, it was a beer and a BEER. I unknowingly became extremely drunk several times before I realized I needed to stay away from booze for a while as well. The inhaler satisfied my physical need for the act of smoking, I mean moving my hand to the mouth repeatedly. It will take a long time before you will comfortable around smokers, my advice is to stay away from them for a LONG time....
I smoked for about 14 years. Last year I ended up with a horrible smokers cough at 29 years old. I was disgusted by myself. I quit cold turkey and haven't had a cigarette for 1 year, 4 months and I feel great. Every once in a while I get a craving but I feel so much better when I get past the craving and beat it. My husband was suppose to quit when I did with no success so I nag at him constantly. Good luck and hope it works out for you.
I think its required that all nurses smoke....seems like the majority of them do where I work.
Yep, it's a nasty habit I picked up in nursing school. Ty hates it and I'm trying hard to quit (I've at least cut way, way back)...so let me know how this works...I gotta do something that won't involve gaining 20 pounds.
The Daystar
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
Yep, it's a nasty habit I picked up in nursing school. Ty hates it and I'm trying hard to quit (I've at least cut way, way back)...so let me know how this works...I gotta do something that won't involve gaining 20 pounds.
i did atkins/low carb BEFORE i quit, simply to get myself to regulate my food - and to work off the pounds i'd gained over the years between age/depression/various failed quit attempts, etc. however, i STILL went on to gain weight after quitting. i've read time and again it is FAR healthier to accept the inevitable weightgain with quitting and tackle it later if it indeed does occur. a couple extra pounds, even 20...as opposed to smoking, is healthier. don't use the fear of weight gain as a crutch or to scare you off quitting. deal with one thing at a time. good luck.
for the record - i quit using wellbutrin and the nicoderm patch.....BESt combo for me. family/friends didn't even realize i quit, which is testament to the fact that this combo saved me from becoming the raving bitch i usually did when i tried to quit in the past. i truly WANTED to quit though, and that to me is the real secret to success; the utmost desire to quit. i also lost 30? pounds i think, simultaneously.....got down to my wedding weight....but yea, took the next year or so and proceeded to put it back on. still working on that, however....4 years smoke free. i'll take it, i am happier about being a non-smoker, and working on getting myself back....but sure, it's still all good too.
some great healthy advice there......
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
:( sorry
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Love ya Punkinfur
if i could get acid around these parts id give it a shot
its been like 10 years since ive seen acid around here. the last time i did it was at boston# 2 in 04. got it from some hippie and it was shite.
damn hippies
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
smoke 'em if you've got 'em.......
I live in Asheville, NC and attend UNCA sooo... lets just say it's within five minutes of me if I would ever choose to take advantage
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
The first few weeks are the hardest but it can be overcome. The idea is to make a decision to stop. Then stop. My best advise is in your head never say " this is my last cigarette ever"!! Just smoke it and then forget about smoking! Most of the first two weeks you are going to believe you can't do it...but you can. If I did it anyone can because I am like the weakest willed person on the planet!
I have smoking dreams all the time and I love them. In my dream I feel like I am actually smoking and when I wake up I have to remind myself it was just a dream, but the "feeling" of smoking was physically felt! Strange but true.
Not that I am preaching...I smoke about two small cigars a year. I enjoy them. I know they are bad, but I can get hit by a bus tomorrow right?
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
I still went back to smoking however, when I have a drink I like a ciggie.
So I smoke, but I want to stop but I also find them to be an emotional crutch, sounds pathetic really.
LoL I did actually break 2 about 3 years ago. I didnt smoke for about 4 weeks but as soon as I was able to I started back up. Its not so pathetic about emotional crutch. Anyone who smokes can probably lay claim to that.
Love ya Punkinfur
7 years a pack a day to none a day with a slip while drinking. i don't think it's that bad at all!
u are who who u are
i used to treat you like a lady
now you're my substitute teacher
Good luck.....
Yep, it's a nasty habit I picked up in nursing school. Ty hates it and I'm trying hard to quit (I've at least cut way, way back)...so let me know how this works...I gotta do something that won't involve gaining 20 pounds.
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
i did atkins/low carb BEFORE i quit, simply to get myself to regulate my food - and to work off the pounds i'd gained over the years between age/depression/various failed quit attempts, etc. however, i STILL went on to gain weight after quitting. i've read time and again it is FAR healthier to accept the inevitable weightgain with quitting and tackle it later if it indeed does occur. a couple extra pounds, even 20...as opposed to smoking, is healthier. don't use the fear of weight gain as a crutch or to scare you off quitting. deal with one thing at a time.
for the record - i quit using wellbutrin and the nicoderm patch.....BESt combo for me. family/friends didn't even realize i quit, which is testament to the fact that this combo saved me from becoming the raving bitch i usually did when i tried to quit in the past. i truly WANTED to quit though, and that to me is the real secret to success; the utmost desire to quit. i also lost 30? pounds i think, simultaneously.....got down to my wedding weight....but yea, took the next year or so and proceeded to put it back on. still working on that, however....4 years smoke free. i'll take it, i am happier about being a non-smoker, and working on getting myself back....but sure, it's still all good too.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow