I'm fighting some really fucking bad thoughts right now.

It's 4.30am, I haven't slept, and I can't see the way forward. I'm sorry. I know I've been a downer on here lately but I have to let it out. Thanks.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Post edited by Unknown User on
go make yourself some warm milk and put a little PJ tune on and see if you can't fall asleep. you're not going to be thinking very positively if you're overtired.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
you sound like your having a shitstorm of a life right now too.
all we can do is ride it out bro.
and btw, dont apologize about being a downer, not here, not to us.
hope things get better for you.
sending good vibes.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
The job thing still. I'm going to quit but I'm not sure I can even stand another month in that place. I'd rather they fired me to be honest, then I can be gone this weekend.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Oscar Wilde was right - "Work is the curse of the drinking classes"
be careful , thats what i did back in oct. of 07, i wanted to quit, but i just got so pissed, that they "asked" me to leave. and i have not been able to find anything since. and im BROKE! the job market sucks right now. and i wish every day that i had stayed where i was at.
it will all work it .
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Actually, that's really good advice.
When I resigned from my last job that's what I did.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
And it's what I might do. I can't think of another option. I can't go back to work. I now distrust them to my very core. They're supposed to be a charity but they're nothing but corporate fatcats, the lot of them.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Y'know i was up till about the same time last night worrying about my job too. TODAY if you do nothing else you need to get your CV up to date and printed off. Try looking on websites like monster.com and post your CV and see what's available in your area.
Tomorrow (if it's open) get to the job center and any agencies. If you have any holidays you can take with work, book them and spend that week looking for employment. Write out your job searching plan for the week, stick to it and cross each task off as you do it. That's what i'm gonna do too. Try and stay with your job as long as you can while your looking but if you have too, leave. Keep your dignity and self respect in whatever you do.
Katowice 2007
London 2007
Well then that's what you should definitely do. It'll get you out of there instantly, and it will give you a chance to find something else while still getting paid for your last month.
thats fucked up dude. and very close to why i "left" my job. not a charity, but a pharmacutical company, that i thought was really hurting people that needed certain drugs, but thought only about the almighty dollar.
kinda scary.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
For my job, the almighty dollar = funding. And that only exists to meet targets and goals. And because extra support for disabled employees isn't one of our targets (disabled people aren't our demographic, we help 'homeless people') there's no money available for me. *shrug*
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
that sucks. im sorry you are having to deal with this.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I just wish they'd fire me. They finished the meeting without firing me, and I wish they'd had the fucking backbone to do so. I know why they didn't though; they didn't because if they had done, I'd have had grounds to go back and get them punished for it.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Well, I don't know what you should do hlf, but I can say that I was in such a mess going to work every day that last few months that I would physically tremble and shake and cry each morning on the way in and again each night when I left and being there during the day was truly torturous. When I finally decided the time had come to leave, I packed up all my stuff very quietly and left the building and promised myself I would never return. My doctor, when I explained just how revolting the past few months had been, wrote me out a certificate for stress leave on the spot and I contacted my boss the next day and informed them I was resigning and that I had a doctor's certificate and wouldn't be back. Looking back on it now, I cannot say that I have even the smallest pang of regret for doing it that way. I'm not normally the kind of person that wouldn't work out my notice but there was no way I could go back into that building. I really think you should consider it a valid option to get yourself out. It's not worth the angst trying to keep going when it's affecting you so badly.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
The problem is tho you have to explain to your previous employees why you where fired and that can be tricky.
Katowice 2007
London 2007
Jeanie, thankyou.
This is exactly my experience for weeks, months now. I've cried in front of my boss at three supervision meetings now and she still just looks at me with dollar signs in her eyes. I just cannot do it anymore. I'll look into this option, thankyou again.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
You know if they are pushing you into a corner whereby it is so awful, you may have grounds to sue them anyway. I forget what the technical term for it is.......
Thanks. Tbh I don't feel any need to sue them. I just need to see the back of them.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
i mean yeah, i would have a note from my dr. saying i needed time off, but i wouldnt get paid, and they could still let me go if they wanted to.
so how does that help anything? wouldnt it be better or the same thing to just quit?
maybe things are different there for you guys. but im not following this.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I totally understand that mate. Hope it all works out ok for you.
You're welcome my friend.
I'm really sorry that it's happening to you, it's such an awful situation to be in but just not worth your health and happiness.
I promise, I really NEVER have regretted it. And I worked there for 13 years! :eek:
I cannot tell you what a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I finally made the decision. I didn't care what happened to me, I just knew I would never step foot in that building again. I was more frightened of what would become of me if I stayed than if I left. I think you'll find it that way too. Fingers crossed and good luck for a speedy, and happy resolution. You can do it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Most people get paid if they are off sick over here in the UK, and stress counts as illness.
To be honest I don't know about any of this stuff, no matter what side of the pond. I know my employers. They'll just fire my arse if I send em a note, whether they're 'allowed' to or not.
But I also don't know how 'quitting' works. If you quit, are you not still obligated to stay another month? I just need any way I can find to not do that. Maybe a Chris McCandless is in order.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Katowice 2007
London 2007
wait a min. im being taken to school here on how different things are here and there.
what do you mean that even if you quit, you would be obligated to stay another month?
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel