I saw a film last night Oh Boy!!!

Let me first tell you something, people are fuckin' assholes. Yes I know I should be in better spirits this time of year but allow me to vent what I consider to be a serious social issue in America.
Last night I went by myself to see the new National Treasure movie, then head out to the bars to meet up with some friends for a night of drinkin'.
So I buy my ticket, and I'm in this huge type lobby/mall area. So I see this really hott blonde girl (I have a thing for blondes by the way) as I'm walkin' around killing time before the movie I see the girl with two of her friends and I notice the blonde and she has this like crown on her head like a tiara or whatever they're called. So I glanced at her passing and I thought to myself "Man thats what I'd like for Christmas, a nice hot blonde with a crown on her head."
So a little while later I pass this girl and her two friends and I'm thinkin' "Oh nice!" And as they pass me I wait a few seconds to turn my head for one last look, and to my surprise I see this fuckin' blonde cunt making fun of me. Now you may be asking yourself, how was she making fun of you if you never said anything. Well I have a mild case of cp (cerbrial palsy) and this sorry excuse for a cum dumpster is makin' fun of me while her two friends are laughin' they caught me lookin' but that really pissed me off.
Its like why the fuck do you have to do that to me. You don't even know me, but you gotta be whore and discriminate against someone you don't even know. But that whole thing killed my confidence at the bar later on. My friends were like "Jesus you were surronded by beautiful women in there and you didn't say one word to any of them." I just wasn't up for getting to know anyone after that. I guess I just had to get that off my chest cause I didn't tell anyone about that.
Last night I went by myself to see the new National Treasure movie, then head out to the bars to meet up with some friends for a night of drinkin'.
So I buy my ticket, and I'm in this huge type lobby/mall area. So I see this really hott blonde girl (I have a thing for blondes by the way) as I'm walkin' around killing time before the movie I see the girl with two of her friends and I notice the blonde and she has this like crown on her head like a tiara or whatever they're called. So I glanced at her passing and I thought to myself "Man thats what I'd like for Christmas, a nice hot blonde with a crown on her head."
So a little while later I pass this girl and her two friends and I'm thinkin' "Oh nice!" And as they pass me I wait a few seconds to turn my head for one last look, and to my surprise I see this fuckin' blonde cunt making fun of me. Now you may be asking yourself, how was she making fun of you if you never said anything. Well I have a mild case of cp (cerbrial palsy) and this sorry excuse for a cum dumpster is makin' fun of me while her two friends are laughin' they caught me lookin' but that really pissed me off.
Its like why the fuck do you have to do that to me. You don't even know me, but you gotta be whore and discriminate against someone you don't even know. But that whole thing killed my confidence at the bar later on. My friends were like "Jesus you were surronded by beautiful women in there and you didn't say one word to any of them." I just wasn't up for getting to know anyone after that. I guess I just had to get that off my chest cause I didn't tell anyone about that.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I am sorry to hear that.
There is just no excuse for behavior like that.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
'Cum dumpster?'
So I don't get it, who was the one being disrespectful? What's wrong with America again?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
It's a shame that people can't keep their prejudices to themselves, and it sucks that you had to experience it.
Not everyone is so rude and unthinking, I hope you have more fun next time you go out.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
Yeah, I've probably had my moments too. It sucks that they're making fun.
But I just don't like to fight fire with fire. My advice to you guy is to not sink to their level. Shrug it off and move on. You go from saying 'I have a thing about blondes' to 'that fucking blonde cunt'.. Just thought it was a bit morally ambiguous, and they'll carry on looking if you're bitter about it.
You've gotta educate these ignorant people.
Anyway, carry on... that's my two cents.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
This girl obviously hasn't grown up. You can do better, I'm sure.
Forget the f****** tiara. She obviously has no immagination and likes to draw attention to herself. IMO.
I say he went too easy on her.
I think I'd have known that the second I saw the fuckin tiara. I mean who wears a tiara to the cinema anyway?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Stupid girls with no personality.
I'm sure he's a perfectly awesome guy; he must be, he's on the Pit, isn't he.
But I have Spina Bifida and am in a wheelchair. I understand prejudice. Really. But seriously, if I had a pound for every time I could've shot my mouth off and called everyone a cunt or a ho bag who stared at me for it, I'd be richer than Richard Branson. You've gotta just ignore the ignorant. Move on.
My advice is simple: Don't date blondes who wear tiaras and giggle all the time. They probably couldn't spell 'discrimination'.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
It's essentially like openly advertising how fucked up they are imo...
your observations seem to confirm this.
I'd like to make some suggestions, but they'd only be lewd and degrading and involve some rope...hehe
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
And "whore."
It's a fucked up story and it shouldn't have happened. People suck and that's about the size of that. Sorry.
However....DUDE.....You're post SCREAMS misogyny.
Ow. I found it hard to read. And I'm not particularly hyper sensitive about this kind of thing. You didn't hate them because they were assholes, morons, freaks, fucking losers, jackass fuck heads etc....Instead you used EXTREMELY derogatory anti-female language to describe them and I think that is REALLY uncool.
They'll listen to you. Just watch. They'll be all over this post like a bed of roses.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
It's OK dude, you're disabled, you're excused. We all are.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
Unwise maybe...but we've all done it.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
I've said as much in a previous post. I'm sure the thread starter is a nice guy. I was just giving him my advice.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
She 'possibly' DESERVES this language. C'mon! She acted like a bitch, although she was prolly very young.
It has nothing to do with disability. Some people are just shallow assholes! Looking for exceptance from her friends by picking on someone who SHE thought was an easy target because SHE'S stupid and immature!
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
People have listened to you plenty of times.
Give the kid a break.
Doesn't matter what his issue is...he wanted to vent.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I don't get it, when have I been in the slightest bit disrespectful to the thread starter? I haven't, have I? Give the kid a break? Wtf, am I bullying him? No, I'm not.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I don't believe in violence against women. Nor would I ever lay a hand on that woman or any woman. But if some bitch chooses to do that to me, guess what gloves are comin' off I put up with enough of that shit in grade school, this is the real world now. I won't lay a hand on a woman but for makin fun of me like htat but I'll tell them I hope they fuckin get raped and there parents die in a fire cause they are the scum of America in sheeps clothing. Yes that may sound shocking comming from someone like me, but I refuse, I refuse to subject myself to the cruelties of women like that. People like that need to be told where to go and fast cause if they're parents are too fucked up to do it hten someone needs to fix it.
L.. O.. FUCKIN.. L
Mate I don't care how disabled you are, you're sounding like a stupid jock, I'd suggest qutting while you're ahead.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
You don't think referring to a female as a cum dumpster is insulting to ALL FEMALES?
Not questioning that the chick was obviously a piece of shit. But cunt, whore and cum dumpster? "This little piece of shit, fucking asshole chick..." get's the point across without using words that would get you a NICE EXTRA CHARGE if involved in a crime. They are hate words. Like if you say all that while committing a crime it then becomes a HATE crime.
It's just really nasty shit. That's all.
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
Fuck it, I'm just gonna quote the whole thing because you sound like a pure, unadulterated asshole.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Relax man. Don't get yourself all worked up. We're talking about some stupid ignorant bitch with a fucking crown on her head. Learn to laugh and shake your head at people like that and then just forget about them.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self