the 1st thing i will try will be speedy's suggestion if that doesn't help i will try switchin my diet a bit ,if that doen't work i would try the thermal watchit macallit ,if that doesn't work i could try the shots of what ever it is they shoot you up with ,and last i would have my sweat glands removed i think this covers all the suggestions from everyone thanks :eek:....:)
the 1st thing i will try will be speedy's suggestion if that doesn't help i will try switchin my diet a bit ,if that doen't work i would try the thermal watchit macallit ,if that doesn't work i could try the shots of what ever it is they shoot you up with ,and last i would have my sweat glands removed i think this covers all the suggestions from everyone thanks :eek:....:)
You could try eating more "clean...."
But maybe it's what you're thinking that is dirty...hence the extreme sweating...huh?
I don't know what it is, but I love a lady in scrubs.
yeah me too hence i married a nurse ,but i do like the nurses in the classic white uniform also but in scrubs alot can be seen when they wear those... nice
this is what the doctor recommended for me years ago.....
i havent had a problem since....
I first used this stuff about 13-14 years ago... it's fantastic. I used to sweat really bad under my arms and hated it.
I haven't used the CertainDri stuff in probably 8 years now. I just use regular deodorant/anti-perspirant and I don't sweat at all under my arms. I'm sure it destroyed the sweat glands but I don't give a shit... I ain't pittin' out my shirts after half an hour anymore, so screw it.
You could try eating more "clean...."
But maybe it's what you're thinking that is dirty...hence the extreme sweating...huh?
What ya think of that, my friend?
i did that way back when it was the in thing to do like in 85" ...
well i do work with alot of nurses and you know well uhmmm just yeah ....;)
I don't know what it is, but I love a lady in scrubs.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
yeah me too hence i married a nurse ,but i do like the nurses in the classic white uniform also but in scrubs alot can be seen when they wear those... nice
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
he he he
Your top? WTF?!? After I saw the pic I had to change my pants, but my top is fine. You really do have problems!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
hehehehe.......just got back from the dentist and i will concur.....scrubs are very hot....:)
they are you can def tell when a female nurse is wearing a thong ...:D
yeah i do very uncomfortable ....
Oh jeez. What did I start?
Dirty, dirty boys.
heh. my favorite type.
who meeee
I first used this stuff about 13-14 years ago... it's fantastic. I used to sweat really bad under my arms and hated it.
I haven't used the CertainDri stuff in probably 8 years now. I just use regular deodorant/anti-perspirant and I don't sweat at all under my arms. I'm sure it destroyed the sweat glands but I don't give a shit... I ain't pittin' out my shirts after half an hour anymore, so screw it.