I am worried about my liver :/

Alright I hope someone can help me out, cause I am freaking out and can't do any schoolwork because all I think about is my mistake and health.
I am a 20 year old college student. About last December I started using kratom which is a drug from Thailand very similar to opiates in effects(but weaker) and what it does. I think it is a sister plant.
kratom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitragyna_speciosa
I use it do homework because it makes me happy and stimulated to do it, and I use it to go to parties. I fucked up and it became a habit because I am ignorant and think nothing wrong can happen to me. I have cut down my doses by over 50% and my next step is to quit hopefully this weekend. The reason I still do it is to avoid the withdrawal which makes my body and joints ache, I get insomnia and I don't know what else because I have never quit. I think it would really fuck with my schoolwork if I were to withdraw during the week.
I also drank about 3 times a week for the past year while at school, I have really changed and it upsets me. I never even drank in high school and barely drank a year ago, now hear I am with and addiction and worrying about liver problems.
I don't know what symptoms would be for your liver but I might have some. I get random little pains every once in awhile on my right side all of the sudden. It's not really painful but I notice it. But now that i think about it I get those all over, but not as much on my right side. I also wonder if those are muscle pains because I started swimming again and I pull alot more water with my right side of my body. My urine is kind of a dark yellow, but when I have plenty of water it is clear.
Someone please help me! I haven't been able to do my schoolwork for the past couple days because of the stress, all I do is think, think, and think. Tell me that if I quit, i should be ok, or any advice or something!
If anyone has advice they want to share that is not a member of the forums or anyone that wants to talk you can
Email me: rjraggi@ilstu.edu
or IM me : BRag1388
I am a 20 year old college student. About last December I started using kratom which is a drug from Thailand very similar to opiates in effects(but weaker) and what it does. I think it is a sister plant.
kratom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitragyna_speciosa
I use it do homework because it makes me happy and stimulated to do it, and I use it to go to parties. I fucked up and it became a habit because I am ignorant and think nothing wrong can happen to me. I have cut down my doses by over 50% and my next step is to quit hopefully this weekend. The reason I still do it is to avoid the withdrawal which makes my body and joints ache, I get insomnia and I don't know what else because I have never quit. I think it would really fuck with my schoolwork if I were to withdraw during the week.
I also drank about 3 times a week for the past year while at school, I have really changed and it upsets me. I never even drank in high school and barely drank a year ago, now hear I am with and addiction and worrying about liver problems.
I don't know what symptoms would be for your liver but I might have some. I get random little pains every once in awhile on my right side all of the sudden. It's not really painful but I notice it. But now that i think about it I get those all over, but not as much on my right side. I also wonder if those are muscle pains because I started swimming again and I pull alot more water with my right side of my body. My urine is kind of a dark yellow, but when I have plenty of water it is clear.
Someone please help me! I haven't been able to do my schoolwork for the past couple days because of the stress, all I do is think, think, and think. Tell me that if I quit, i should be ok, or any advice or something!
If anyone has advice they want to share that is not a member of the forums or anyone that wants to talk you can
Email me: rjraggi@ilstu.edu
or IM me : BRag1388
*Official Marker in the Sand Fan Club Junkie*
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
Post edited by Unknown User on
And the kid that got me into it does it too, but not as much as me. He doesn't notice anything wrong with himself and he also did alot of other drugs before too and yet through a year where he would drink a six pack for 5-6 nights a week
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
get help for the addiction it might be more serious then you think and you don't want to go down that road trust me I saw my husband do it. Now he's struggling to stay sober, all because he started using vicodin casually 4 yrs ago.
Yea I think I am gonna go to the student health service and hopefully they can do a blood or urine test....?
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
Right I know. The thing is I am probably gonna quit this weekend. I took 2-3 days off before, they were hell but then the next day I felt 100% great.
I am gonna delete my account with the website i order from, give my friend my credit card and anything i have left of it and he won't give it back.
My plan also is to go home this weekend and withdraw from it. Tell my mom I am really sick and just lie in bed all day. My last day would be Wednesday and I would WD Thurs-Sun.
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
I think I will probably have to have 4 beers to help me go to sleep. I get really bad insomnia with the WD. I also have kava and melatonin. During the day have some advil or something
I also have a 7 day Body Detox system that i got from GNC.
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
my soon to be ex husband went thru it. When your legs and joints hurt take walks...then try a hot bath. For the restless legs I would rub his calves... and sometimes he slept with heating packs on them. There was a lot of vomiting, but after awhile it came from the gatoraide/pedialite he was drinking for the electralites. He was a pretty bad addict at the end 15+ pills a day for 4 years, and he was taking speed as well. Full withdrawal took over a week for him. Sadly he relapsed a few months later and had to go thru it ALL again.
Good luck with it, and it wouldn't hurt to visit an NA meeting just or piece of mind.
this is a very good site and there is a message board as well. The people on it are very helpful and friendly.
Yea I thought that probably would sound dumb to do other substances to quit one. When I took 2 days off a few months ago I took 3 vicodins a day to ease the pain. I think the bind to the same receptors to the brain, so I think that helped alot. I dont plan on starting any new habits, and really want to change my life around.
The irony is kratom is often used to help people with opiate WD
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
I am sorry to hear that :( I watch celebrity rehab now and yes the wd looks very very brutal. Drug abuse is very painful for everyone involved and nothing anyone should ever go through.
Thank you so much for the advice!
ps. whats an NA meeting?
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
My husband started a BAD lemonheads addiction 20 or so little boxes a day:)...and has since moved to gum and chews like a cow *good thing he's the soon to be ex!!;)
or you could go to an open AA meeting. My husband attends both, he feels the AA meetings show u how to live with being an addict more so then NA. He said the NA meetings became quite depressing because a lot of the members were relapsing, which became daunting for him.
haha at least you look on the bright side of things! Did the lemonheads help him? I definitely think eating fruit will help me with the lack of enough energy to move a finger.
And it is hard to keep sobriety? Dr. Drew on Celeb Rehab said it is literally like losing a loved one to your brain. I am not sure but from the hours of reading I have done, the initial wd is much like vicodin but doesn't last as long. I really have no choice of not quitting though, I am spending waaaay too much money on it. This weekend I HAVE to do it!!!
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
Do what ever you can to quit now, I wouldn't want to hear that you went down the path my husband did. It's an everyday battle for him, sometimes an hour to hour battle.
Wow, that must have been extremely hard! I really fear the insomnia because I don't want it to effect my schooling. It feels like such a huge mountain to climb, very intimidating!
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
try doing activities that will exhaust you during the day, and stay away from caffeine.
why stay away from caffeine?
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
Wow, sorry I wasnt thinking
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
Ding, ding. Don't try to detox yourself, especially since you have NO idea what's going in your body right now. Depending on what's happening, detox can be deadly in an of itself without proper monitoring. I say this with love: Get the hell off these boards and go to the doctor/hospital now!
1. See a doctor if something is hurting inside. Don't try to self-diagnose something like that. And don't listen to your friends about your peeing frequency. That's not something to be concerned about unless the doc tells you otherwise.
2. Quit drinking and see how you feel. Alcohol is so much more damaging and dangerous than kratom. Kratom is often used to TREAT opiate addiction. It's not an opiate, and I seriously doubt it's giving you liver problems (or any other problems). Alcohol, on the other hand, can give you those kinds of problems.
3. Calm down
To the Lake
Ride the snake
He's old
And his skin is cold
And with that in mind, I'd say that CHANGEinWAVES knows the dealio inside and out.
I wasn't disagreeing with you. Everything needs to be supervised by professionals. That's the only advice I give to anyone with similar concerns. And if you walk into a doctor or hospital, they will do the proper evaluation and referral. Beyond that, I don't have anything else to add since I'm not a practitioner outside the bounds of work (thank god).
However, I an hoping the OP has gotten himself checked out since he hasn't posted in a bit. I hope it all goes well for him. Let us know, dude.
Although kratom is not a true opiate, the withdrawal is very similar. Kratom has similar effects, wd symptoms, and a chemical makeup to opiates. I don't think the wd is as severe or dangerous, but I know it is going to be hell for at least 3-4 days and similar to that of a hyrocodone wd so advice on how to handle that is very helpful.
Right now I think I might go to the Student Health Services tomorrow at 11am and the appt times seem to only be for 15 minutes....wtf? I don't know what I will tell the Dr.
There is no way I am going to a treatment center! I cant let my parents know. I don't think I need that type of help because I don't think kratom is very serious. My plan is to take 3-4 days off and see how that goes, if it becomes too much to handle, I will get help.
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.