The study I saw used 12 sec of high-intensity, then 8 secs of low. They muist have had a fancy bike programmed to do that I think.
Weights are teh most time efficient way to burn calories. Whether that equates to "better" for everybody is a different discussion.
It is for me though, I do one training session a week, with a personal traineer, doing high intensity weights, which is sometimes heavy weights, and some times heavier rep rates, and that produces great results for me.
I have general activity every day, but a very sedentary job, which is hard to balance.
while buidling muscle is key to burning fat, cardio is just as important.
that's why i incorporate the two at the gym
Sure, I do both as well. That's usually best. But I definitely don't consider cardio anywhere near as important as resistance training if we're talking about losing fat. To lose fat, you have to burn more calories than you're taking in. However, when you're on a calorie deficit, you're at risk of burning both fat AND muscle. And your body WILL burn muscle along with fat, unless you give it a good reason not to...weight training is that reason. When you lift heavy, you make your body much more likely to burn just fat. And if you lift with enough intensity and keep your heart rate up through the 45-60 minutes you lift, you can certainly lose fat quickly without adding cardio. Cardio burns calories, that's it (unless you do true HIIT which is extremely intense). Weight training burns calories and maintains muscle. The more muscle you maintain, the more you burn fat all day long even when you're at rest.
I don't know her at all, but if she's 5'2", I would think 110 would be the ideal weight for her. She probably just needs some motivation to get into an exercise routine and this is the only thread in that area.
i exercise everyday 40-60 minutes. its just the healthy eating part i need motivation for
The study I saw used 12 sec of high-intensity, then 8 secs of low. They muist have had a fancy bike programmed to do that I think.
Weights are teh most time efficient way to burn calories. Whether that equates to "better" for everybody is a different discussion.
It is for me though, I do one training session a week, with a personal traineer, doing high intensity weights, which is sometimes heavy weights, and some times heavier rep rates, and that produces great results for me.
I have general activity every day, but a very sedentary job, which is hard to balance.
Yeah there's all different types of HIIT. But I think what most people are finding is that it works well, but no better or worse than steady-state, long duration. So most people are using HIIT to just fight the boredom of a long cardio session.
SAAME with me on the job too...very sedentary job. I actually drink lots of water (also great for burning fat!), so I purposely fill a small cup with water, so I have to get up often to walk down the hall to get more. People think I'm nuts at work, but oh well.
Yeah there's all different types of HIIT. But I think what most people are finding is that it works well, but no better or worse than steady-state, long duration. So most people are using HIIT to just fight the boredom of a long cardio session.
SAAME with me on the job too...very sedentary job. I actually drink lots of water (also great for burning fat!), so I purposely fill a small cup with water, so I have to get up often to walk down the hall to get more. People think I'm nuts at work, but oh well.
Getting out of your chair frequently constitutes a micro-break, wihc are really valuable for fighting fatigue and poor posture. Adding a "back-stroke stretch" to your walk helps avoid slouched posture which is endemic to chair dwellers.
Your co-workers are the nutty ones, not caring for themselves as well.
(unless you do true HIIT which is extremely intense)
exactly, as i brought out earlier.
take a look at joggers/marathon runners versus actual sprinters....big difference in bodies.
i was wrong earlier, not every day at the gym do i do both. some days are all weights, others are just cardio, while others are both. have to change it up all the time.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
I do mainly weights and Pilates (however you may classify) and cardio only 2-3 times a week (15-20 min each) and have lost 6 pounds the past 2 weeks... I use to do only weights so a bit of cardio helps a little I think...
any movement helps!!!
"Seek my part, devote myself.
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
Thanks, and are we just posting them on this thread?
Another Crazy Mary
Yes, but if you're not comfortable posting, then don't. I originally planned on posting my weight, but I just don't know if I can believe my scale. If it's right, then I should just focus on getting toned. SO, I'm just going to post what I've lost on the weigh-in dates.
Yes, but if you're not comfortable posting, then don't. I originally planned on posting my weight, but I just don't know if I can believe my scale. If it's right, then I should just focus on getting toned. SO, I'm just going to post what I've lost on the weigh-in dates.
Same here, I will post my losses and hopefully not my gains!
And I LOVE your signature, can't wait for the 27th!
EXERCISE and diet myths have been exposed in a report by consumer advocate Choice. The old adage "no pain, no gain" is also debunked.
The group found the myths were perpetuated and validated through sheer repetition, but had no factual basis.
Choice spokesman Christopher Zinn said a review of scientific literature had debunked many exercise and fitness "facts".
"There's no doubt the current focus of keeping fit is a great thing, but the habits of exercise have not always kept pace with the latest sports science," Mr Zinn said.
"The good news is that knowing the facts means you can exercise and lose weight in ways which are going to be more beneficial for the time and effort you put in."
Some of the myths exposed by Choice include that stretching before exercising helps reduce muscle soreness or the risk of injury, and that low-intensity exercise is better for burning fat.
The old adage "no pain, no gain" is also debunked.
"That one has become almost ingrained in fitness culture and I think it scares some people off," Mr Zinn said.
Mr Zinn said exercise should not hurt.
"Exercise can be a lot of fun," he said.
Some people believe low-intensity exercise is better for burning fat.
Choice revealed that low-intensity exercise is great for beginners, while exercising at higher intensities helps you get fitter and burn more total energy in a given amount of time.
Mr Zinn said scientific testing had exposed many of the fitness myths decades ago, but said it could take a long time to change people's thinking.
"These myths hang around for a long time, just through sheer repetition.
"Health and fitness is such a hot topic.
"We want to make sure that people, when they do make the effort, get maximum results."
Anyway, thought it might be of interest. Just lost 7 kilos this winter myself, which I'm pretty pleased about given that winter is normally the time I would gain and if I'm really lucky I might maintain my weight over the winter. This is the first winter in a long time that I've actually lost weight. Anyway, I'll keep plodding along with my own program, but I just wanted to wish you all well.
So I didn't go to the gym over the weekend so I wasn't able to weigh in until this morning. Drum Roll Please: 216.6 lbs. Doesn't sound bad until you realize I'm 4'8".
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
So I didn't go to the gym over the weekend so I wasn't able to weigh in until this morning. Drum Roll Please: 216.6 lbs. Doesn't sound bad until you realize I'm 4'8".
Don't feel bad. I have been really good about working out but I have been eating everything in sight. I hope the workouts counter act the fried chicken I just had:)
Yeah, exercise is great and all, but weight loss is much more about diet.
I do lo-carb to lose weight. My genes want me to be a fucking keg, and I have to fight every inch. I have the dinosaur gene for sure I reckon.
No white, small portions, lotasa red meat, works a treat !!!
Yeah, exercise is great and all, but weight loss is much more about diet.
I do lo-carb to lose weight. My genes want me to be a fucking keg, and I have to fight every inch. I have the dinosaur gene for sure I reckon.
No white, small portions, lotasa red meat, works a treat !!!
I do the same but not necessarily lots of red meat. I eat all meat as long as it's a lean cut.
I do the same but not necessarily lots of red meat. I eat all meat as long as it's a lean cut.
Beef tends to be grass fed here in Oz, and I have a local butcher that gets superior beef. I don't trim it too much, the fat is not a problem for me. it's carbs that are my enemy. Genetically, I'm a caveman, brow ridge and all, so it agrees with me. I eat a lot of ham and chicken and seafood too, but steak is my daily feed !!
while buidling muscle is key to burning fat, cardio is just as important.
that's why i incorporate the two at the gym
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Weights are teh most time efficient way to burn calories. Whether that equates to "better" for everybody is a different discussion.
It is for me though, I do one training session a week, with a personal traineer, doing high intensity weights, which is sometimes heavy weights, and some times heavier rep rates, and that produces great results for me.
I have general activity every day, but a very sedentary job, which is hard to balance.
i exercise everyday 40-60 minutes. its just the healthy eating part i need motivation for
SAAME with me on the job too...very sedentary job. I actually drink lots of water (also great for burning fat!), so I purposely fill a small cup with water, so I have to get up often to walk down the hall to get more. People think I'm nuts at work, but oh well.
Getting out of your chair frequently constitutes a micro-break, wihc are really valuable for fighting fatigue and poor posture. Adding a "back-stroke stretch" to your walk helps avoid slouched posture which is endemic to chair dwellers.
Your co-workers are the nutty ones, not caring for themselves as well.
exactly, as i brought out earlier.
take a look at joggers/marathon runners versus actual sprinters....big difference in bodies.
i was wrong earlier, not every day at the gym do i do both. some days are all weights, others are just cardio, while others are both. have to change it up all the time.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
any movement helps!!!
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
"I'm already 30% more unpredictable."
-Pam Beesly
September 1
September 8
September 15
September 22
September 29
(or as close as you can to any of those dates)
Thanks, and are we just posting them on this thread?
Another Crazy Mary
Yes, but if you're not comfortable posting, then don't. I originally planned on posting my weight, but I just don't know if I can believe my scale. If it's right, then I should just focus on getting toned. SO, I'm just going to post what I've lost on the weigh-in dates.
Same here, I will post my losses and hopefully not my gains!
And I LOVE your signature, can't wait for the 27th!
Diet and exercise habits stretch the truth
Holly Ife
Herald Sun, Monday, September 03, 2007
EXERCISE and diet myths have been exposed in a report by consumer advocate Choice. The old adage "no pain, no gain" is also debunked.
The group found the myths were perpetuated and validated through sheer repetition, but had no factual basis.
Choice spokesman Christopher Zinn said a review of scientific literature had debunked many exercise and fitness "facts".
"There's no doubt the current focus of keeping fit is a great thing, but the habits of exercise have not always kept pace with the latest sports science," Mr Zinn said.
"The good news is that knowing the facts means you can exercise and lose weight in ways which are going to be more beneficial for the time and effort you put in."
Some of the myths exposed by Choice include that stretching before exercising helps reduce muscle soreness or the risk of injury, and that low-intensity exercise is better for burning fat.
The old adage "no pain, no gain" is also debunked.
"That one has become almost ingrained in fitness culture and I think it scares some people off," Mr Zinn said.
Mr Zinn said exercise should not hurt.
"Exercise can be a lot of fun," he said.
Some people believe low-intensity exercise is better for burning fat.
Choice revealed that low-intensity exercise is great for beginners, while exercising at higher intensities helps you get fitter and burn more total energy in a given amount of time.
Mr Zinn said scientific testing had exposed many of the fitness myths decades ago, but said it could take a long time to change people's thinking.
"These myths hang around for a long time, just through sheer repetition.
"Health and fitness is such a hot topic.
"We want to make sure that people, when they do make the effort, get maximum results."
For more information, go to,21985,22350437-662,00.html
And the initial Choice report on which the article is based:
Anyway, thought it might be of interest. Just lost 7 kilos this winter myself, which I'm pretty pleased about given that winter is normally the time I would gain and if I'm really lucky I might maintain my weight over the winter. This is the first winter in a long time that I've actually lost weight.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Don't feel bad. I have been really good about working out but I have been eating everything in sight. I hope the workouts counter act the fried chicken I just had:)
September 8 - no loss! :(
I haven't been trying very hard, I guess. Time to get my ass in gear!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Today's weight 172.3
Congratulations !!
All I did in Chicago was Drink and eat pizza
I went on the south beach diet for a about 3 weeks and now have eliminated sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and white flour from my diet.
My workouts have been pretty much the same (4-5 days a week) as they been before.
Watching the diet makes a huge difference. I went from 187 to 178 now. I want to be about 170.
I do lo-carb to lose weight. My genes want me to be a fucking keg, and I have to fight every inch. I have the dinosaur gene for sure I reckon.
No white, small portions, lotasa red meat, works a treat !!!
I do the same but not necessarily lots of red meat. I eat all meat as long as it's a lean cut.
Beef tends to be grass fed here in Oz, and I have a local butcher that gets superior beef. I don't trim it too much, the fat is not a problem for me. it's carbs that are my enemy. Genetically, I'm a caveman, brow ridge and all, so it agrees with me. I eat a lot of ham and chicken and seafood too, but steak is my daily feed !!