What is it with Americans and guns...

This isnt USA bashing but why do Americans like guns so much. Thank god this guy didnt go through with his plan.
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americans like guns? crap, I've been living here for 30 years and I never noticed. All the people I know must not really be american.
On the other hand, what schmutz this guy is. He doesn't get a liquor license so he's gonna go and shoot innocent people, possible future customers in fact, to get his revenge on a board of people that were nowhere near this event. Yeah, that'll teach em.
And I'm sure he'll get a license now!
actually, it's kind of like the tales of the olden days...people still kind of have secret dreams about being Davey Crockett or Wyatt Earp. I think it's the same "frontier spirit" that seems to fuck with enough people so as to be responsible for our still driving around Conestoga Wagons...in the form of SUV's.
We be a fightin' chip on our shoulder, scareded bunch of people...and, well so long as we are well fed, well indebted, and mollified with phony "freedoms" (like the right to bear arms) then our government will continue to cornhole us and give us pea shooters to play with.
it could also be a result of Clint Eastwood making it look so fuckin' rad to shoot a gun...
I guess there is no real answer to this one.
but if you keep questioning me, I will bring out my glock, and I ain't afeared to shoot it.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
This country is far too big and its population is far too varied to sum it up by saying Americans love guns.
Yeah Englishmen just buy a TVR. They're made in classic models too but they don't kill people.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
population 300million
about 50million people have about 200million guns
thats a lot of lovin
The other was about the trash talking tots. lol
And the Chuck Norris comment was funny too.
Guns suck.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I don't know whether to go :cool: *nod* or
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
And then you have the ones that think guns are sexy. lol
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You've got to be careful of the dyslexics on the board Trixie.. just a friendly warning.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I love that we have gun shows here in the states. I go just to take a mental photo of people I should never fuck with while driving. If I ever miss the show I just attend a Lynard Skynard concert to attain the same results.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
It's the combined influence of Dunk and Mook.
don't look now Dunk...but i think he heard you.
250 million > 50 million
250 million is a lot MORE of not lovin'.
I have no idea what the actual stats are, so I'm just going with whatever you say. My point is that it's unfair to lump us all together. This is a HUGE country and there are a lot of differences among us. And furthermore, a whole big fucking bunch of us came from Europe to begin with. So we're really all the same.
my point is
Europe population 300million
734 people have 1010 water pistols.
thats a lot of wet t-shirt contests.. and ergo.. a lot of lovin
And spud guns.. we have spud guns.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
shut it Himmler
is it like a fudd gun because Dunk has been edumacating me on Brit/Scot terms.
and if it is like a fudd gun...I am rather interested.
Spud = potato. A spud gun shoots potato pellets!
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
- the great Sir Leo Harrison