how i choose to feel is how i am

do you believe it?
i find myself quoting that mccready line so often, and i definitely believe it to be true. i fully believe happiness is a choice, when life throws you lemons make lemonade, etc....and all those other good cliches.
seriously though....i really do believe that no matter what, it's your choice, your perspective...that makes ALL the difference. no matter how fantastic or utterly shiity life may be at any given moment, it is your perspective that helps you fully embrace/enjoy the good times......and perservere and work thru the bad.
i find myself quoting that mccready line so often, and i definitely believe it to be true. i fully believe happiness is a choice, when life throws you lemons make lemonade, etc....and all those other good cliches.

Stay with me...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
i agree with your assesment ....
Wish it did though.
I agree to a certain extent, but not completely. I think. I'm going to think about this...
I don't wanna think, I wanna feel
Dublin 23/08/06 Lisbon I 04/09/06 Lisbon II 05/09/06 Paris 11/09/06 Verona 16/09/06
London 18/06/07 Dusseldorf 21/06/07 Copenhagen 26/06/07 Nijmegen 28/06/07
In some ways, yes. I absolutely believe it. My grandma was the living example of this. Obviously, there are some things out of our control...but I think outlook can have a huge impact on the trajectory of our happiness, our health and our lives in general.
I think he means you can choose to respond to how you feel and then CHANGE how you feel by your choice...but that wouldn't sound as nice in a song...
Oh, and yeah, I like the idea.
thats the DONT believe.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
well I had this fitness book that said you have to mediate every day and envision yourself having great work outs and being fit. I did it just like it said for months and it just made me more nervous about my workouts and they got worse.
I don't believe that either. I especially disagree with the notion that we bring all negative experiences/occurrances into our lives. One of the "experts" somehow connected with The Secret was on Larry King on or around the same day that a pedophile was sentenced (or convicted) for the death of an 11 yr old girl in FL. He was asked if the murdered child had brought about her own demise, and without just answering "yes", he reitterated the idea that we bring everything, both positive and negative, into our lives ourselves... So he essentially said yes, that she was responsible for her own murder. It was absolutely disgusting. (And no, I don't watch Larry King. I saw this on a program that was criticizing the secret. I don't want anyone to get the wrong
lol, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets nervous while meditating.
I'm just a ball of nerves sometimes, I swear.
hahaha ohhhhhhh you mean in THAT sense! ok ok i get it. i meant for things in general. you know, THINK POSITIVE and KEEP BELIEVING cuz it WILL happen. Those kinds of things. I wouldnt say it if it werent true. Trust me, after stuff ive faced this year, its a MIRACLE im even semi arguing this topic for the better!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
:eek: you watch larry king???????
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
hahaha well I don't really buy that either. good or bad stuff is going to happen and I don't think there's shit we can do about it but you can "feel" or react to that stuff anyway you chose to.
Also, I think there are certain emotions that take more control of you than others. Such as anger, jealousy, sadness (real sadness)...these are things you can't really think away. To me at least.
I don't wanna think, I wanna feel
Dublin 23/08/06 Lisbon I 04/09/06 Lisbon II 05/09/06 Paris 11/09/06 Verona 16/09/06
London 18/06/07 Dusseldorf 21/06/07 Copenhagen 26/06/07 Nijmegen 28/06/07
When a woman breaks your heart you're not choosing to feel that pain. When someone passes away, you'd probably rather not be depressed. Now it is a choice on how you deal with it and where you want it to take you, but I have been listening to this a lot recently and taking it too literally.
Someone else can see tears,
It all deppends on how you look,
And what you really want to see.
If you don't put your head up,
You'll miss the sunset and the stars,
But that crack in the floor
Will fill like it's a reflection of your life.
Reality is not a fact,
The fact is we're born and will die.
What we do in between,
Only we can decide.
I'm no dude! Dudette!
Maybe a positive outlook can help you to feel more philosophical about the bad things that happen, I'm not sure...
I have always been a very positive, optimistic person, so when the depression hit me it was like a bolt from the blue.
I do not choose to feel like this and I hope it doesn't last long, but feel it I do.
If I could think it away I would, believe me.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
i hope that made sense....i've got a cold and my brain is fuzzy....:o
this is an excellent point as well. Emotions are biochemical as well. I know that no matter what I do I'm not gonna be too happy the week before my period. but that's not my choice, that's my seratonin reuptake getting all screwed up by the progesterone changes.
THIS is what i am talking about, and what i think the song lyric is about. it's not some 'secret' as to how make life go your way....or that everything in life is sunny and rosey. i thought i made that clear in the frst post. that no matter WHAT...the good shite or the bad is your PERSPECTIVE that makes all the difference.
and yes, i know there are people who suffer from depression, and truly clinical depression that requires meds to reach equilibrium and such is a whole other matter. i am simply discussing otherwise healthy individuals making the CHOICE to think/feel as they matter what external Bs is going on in their lives.
i have read a few times over that really financiall well-off people report no more/better/higher sense of *happiness* than other people of lower socioeconomic status and the like. it's also like those who sufffer a debilitating illness/tragedy....and yet are so happy/thankful/opptomistic. if no one else 'deserves' to be unhappy, pissed off at the world, etc...i don't knw who does. i am sure they are, at first....but the healthy minds amongst them realize, what does it serve? why CHOOSE to be miserable?
btw - i am not saying i have this all down. i can rant and rail against the world and be a miserable shite with the best of em....but i really, really TRY to be 'self-aware' enough to realize that beyond the oncontrollabe shite in life, it really IS 'how i choose to feel'......and why not choose to feel GOOD?
edit -
and yes, exactly. own our feelings/responses...learn from em, embrace em, move on.....:)
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
that EXACT type of thinking is what helped me get thru some truly SHITTY shite these past couple years, and some horrible times in my past... so yes as a matter of fact...that is exactly what i would say/think/do. i allow myself to wallow, rage, whatever...but then yea...realize....HOW i feel and how i react, is up to ME.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I can't believe it but I concur.
Sure one can choose to wallow in self pity but for the most part a situation that turns into a bad situation is most often not the persons fault.
One can only choose his or hers' actions and deal with it in a manner that resolves are gains closure
But beating the shit out of something feels good too
that's how i see it too. sometimes you can't help the way you try to deny it does no good, and even with a plethora of can still be hard. gotta stay true to yourself and let yourself feel thru whatever is happening, and keep perspective as best as one can.
believe what you want.
and who mentioned 'fault'......? again, i am not discussing whatever shite comes your way in much we have no control over. what we do have control over is our reaction/our outlook....our perspective. and, even in pretty shite circumstance at IS still possible to see there's still so much good in your life or what have you. seriously, for me, if i did not think like that...there are plenty of things/situations/people i would've given up on....but held on b/c i KNEW 'this too shall pass' and i knew the situation/person was worth it.....and it really IS up to ME to make my own happiness.
and absolutely, sometimes it feels GREAT to beat the shit out of an inanimate object, break something, scream..............why does one think i am not including that in it? as i said, i don't think this statement and/or life mantra is some happy/rosy/sunshiny perspective that ignores reality and the negatives that happen in life. it's just taking it ALL, the good AND the bad......finding your way, and yes, CHOOSING how you will think/feel/react and OWNING it, learn from it and choose your best path.
how i CHOOSE
to feel
how i AM
thank you mr. mike mccready!
i think more than anything it truly points out the importance of being self-aware...and definitely not an easy task at all times.
anyhooo...i like reading everyone's thoughts/responses!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow