The sit down, eat your chicken and listen to Johnny Mathis Christmas parties are lame, I'll give you that. The open bar, sex laden debachery parties my old company used to have. Those kicked ass.
And I love bowling. I'm terrible at it, but I'm great at drinking beer and rocketing that ball down the lane.
Yeah, that's how ours are. Sitting around a stuffy country club with a bunch of doctors who talk nothing but work, eating chicken that I could have made better at home, and watching people dance to music some lame-ass DJ is playing. Open bar, but because it's a Sunday night and have to work the next day...I can only have a couple, and not nearly enough to make that lame party fun.
Oh well.
I've always wanted the drunken, crazy office THAT would be fun!
Meh, Christmas parties are lame anyways...I skipped mine and went bowling instead! LOL
Sorry you aren't getting a bonus though, that's a bummer!
it seriously depends on the party!
that is *one* thing for certain...this firm knows how to throw fantastic parties! always in brliiant/swank restaurants/ matter the celebration....and plenty of food/drink...oftentimes a partner throws down a credit card to extend the festivities b/c everyone is having such a good time! i love this perk amongst many here.....good times!
No idea on a bonus...I've been working my tail off to get one and rumor has it we may or may not....of course, the firm had the usual Holiday party with drunken partners and nervous associates...skip that debacle and give us all a few bucks.
The Daystar
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
i just got my first christmas bonus as a store manager...double what i've been receiving the past 3 years i love being in charge!
i always forget that we're getting bonuses...until i start freaking out over how to pay for presents for everyone on top of everything's like a happy suprise!!
yes...i do feel like a human. i do not feel like a tree.
I got a ham. We do get annual bonuses in June that are pretty nice. I skipped out on the x-mas party too. I decided I would rather spend my Saturday night with my friends than with my coworkers that I spend the whole
week with.
Our "bonus" from our company was...a mug. And I found out today that we were the only office to get one. Our company has 5 other offices throughout the states. I figure they were marketing leftovers. But I did get a fifty dollar bill from one of our account executives for helping her out a lot during the year.
tomorrow is the big day when I collect my presents/bonus..
think big! big money big money... No really.. I'd take anything. Just knowing my bosses are thankful for me slaving over their 6 month old is good enough sometimes!
I get my annual bonus in March. Have no idea how much I'll get, but I got €900 last year for 4 months work. Of course the taxman will get a hefty present out of that.
We get loads of xmas parties though, but I only went to one xmas dinner, wasn't around for the others. I also get feck all holidays, but loads of overtime so thats good!!
Yeah, that's how ours are. Sitting around a stuffy country club with a bunch of doctors who talk nothing but work, eating chicken that I could have made better at home, and watching people dance to music some lame-ass DJ is playing. Open bar, but because it's a Sunday night and have to work the next day...I can only have a couple, and not nearly enough to make that lame party fun.
Oh well.
I've always wanted the drunken, crazy office THAT would be fun!
it seriously depends on the party!
that is *one* thing for certain...this firm knows how to throw fantastic parties! always in brliiant/swank restaurants/ matter the celebration....and plenty of food/drink...oftentimes a partner throws down a credit card to extend the festivities b/c everyone is having such a good time!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
i always forget that we're getting bonuses...until i start freaking out over how to pay for presents for everyone on top of everything's like a happy suprise!!
i recieved a turkey...every year.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
week with.
Ft Worth 9-15-23
Hartford 5-13-06, 6-27-08, 10-25-13
Mansfield, MA 6-30-08, 6-28-08, 7-2-03, 7-3-03, 7-11-03, 8-29-00, 8-30-00, 9-15-98, 9-16-98
Worcester 10-15-13, 10-16-13
think big! big money big money... No really.. I'd take anything. Just knowing my bosses are thankful for me slaving over their 6 month old is good enough sometimes!
We get loads of xmas parties though, but I only went to one xmas dinner, wasn't around for the others. I also get feck all holidays, but loads of overtime so thats good!!
I do get an annual bonus and raise which comes around the end of March. Always a nice chunk! :thumbup: