So Who Has The Solution.

to this problem ....and you know damm well what i'm talking about ,what do we have to do start a petition requesting to go back to the old mail in system ,so put up your solutions .......cause this way sure ain't working fare and people complain about us senior members getting up front today proved that my low member# doesn't mean shit .............
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
Post edited by Unknown User on
or....i like the way dmb does it.....presale goes for about a week and you select which shows you want then after the presale finishes you are told if you got tix....i've never been shut out in 7 years.....also if there are 2 shows in one city one night is seniority and the other is front row once that way....:)
Also, get a bigger server. I think this has happened enough for every one to know the server they are using is not working.
but I'm not telling any of YOU
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL . sucks that ticketmaster has a monopoly on ticket sales for all the major venues in the country. plus, it doesn't help that the TC membership has significantly grown.
I agree with you, after ticketmaster started limiting the fan club availability for tickets things got hairy.
I do think the shows could have been sold in different days rather than having all shows up on the same day …. It would have been less traffic had they maybe assigned 1 or 2 shows per day?
8.29.98, 7.6.03, 5.27.06 & 5.28.06, 8.5.07, 6.16.08, 6.19.08 & 6.20.08
Also, better communication would help. Like - if someone could post now and say THERE ARE NO MORE TICKETS. Or KEEP REFRESHING. Just let us know what's going on. I appreciate all the hard work they do, but today was really a joke.
The ten club has to give a damn first. They keep showing us they dont... they would rather "keep it in the fam." than have a capable hosting solution.
Other than that...
I remember 2003 when we sent in our Money Orders. The Complaints were basically, "Come on Ten Club, get with today and sell the tickets online". so reverting to caveman style isn't going to solve anything. and if you recall, the way it worked was the Ten Club got as many tickets per show as it could sell. That does NOT happen when there are only 200 tickets up for sale. And if you get shut out.. you won't complain about the Ten Club holding on to your Money Order for a month or so?
As for staggering the sales... You had thousands of people scramlbing to get 200 tickets at 7 venues. How is having thousands of users trying to get 200 tickets on seven different days going to solve anything? Today was thousands trying to get 1,400 tickets. Imagine the same thousands trying to get 200 tickets... on seven different days. No complaints?
And about oursourcing... outsourcing what? Outsourcing tickets only? To whom? TickerMaster or one of their minions? What about poster sales... limited edition vinyl? Outsource them too? If you do... it'll cost you. Increase membership fees? What if you STILL get shutout. You will be paying more per year and you are not guaranteed to get tickets. The only thing it would solve would be the server crashes (maybee... anyone who bought tickets to San Diego in 2000 will attest to that). The 200 tickets would vanish within a minute. No complaints?
The same goes for buying the upgrade resources required to handle onslaughts as today's. Hardware, software and support are not free. Someone has to pay. Guess who? Upping the annual fees won't create any complaints, will it?
The bottom line is you get the hand you're dealt. Personally, I am of the mindset that if I get them... I get them. If not... oh, well... there are more important things to worry about.
That and if they are using MicroSoft SQLServer on a MicroSoft NT/XP Server... it proves that MicroSoft SQLServer is a piece of shit unless you are doing minimal online transactions per day. Oracle can handle massive transactions... but, it is expensive to buy and expensive to maintain.
An alternative **MIGHT** be E-Mail requests that get tossed in a lottery bin. But, you must realize that you run the risk of someone getting all of their shows and you getting bupkiss. Is that fair? Yes. Will it cease the complaints? No.
Another solution is... ONE show per Member. If you apply and get more than one... you automatically forfeit ALL of your tickets.
My personal solution that I employed today... patience. That and perserverance worked out in my favor today.
Hail, Hail!!!
I could sit back, plan my itinerary, figure out which shows and cities I wanted to go to.....and there was no STRESS invloved....
Now, we have no idea if/when they are touring....we get minimal notification, and we have to be ONLINE in order to buy tix on a WEEKDAY......
I have no internet access at least our surf control only allows us minimal I had to FLY home today, and try my whole lunch to get tix....which I didnt get.....only to find out that 2 hours later there were still tickets if I could have stayed on for 2 hours an hit refresh....
Its a joke. Now, its TWICE as stressful as TICKETMASTER. At least with ticketmaster, yeah its hard to get tix, but at least the site doesnt crash, and if tix get sold out....well, you know in 20 minutes...not HOURS later.
I appreciate the 10 club, and I will continue to be a member....but I REALLY REALLY dislike their current system. There are DOZENS of ways to fix this and it seems that they wont.
Nuclear fission
I kind of agree with a lot of your post....but some people cant hit refresh for 2 hours.
I would hate to think that my membership only means that I have from friday at 3:50 pm until monday morning to figure all of this out.
Just terrible.
I hate it.
Nuclear fission
Those with access to internet, faster internet connections, better computers, or more friends available instead of at work win then I guess.
That fucking sucks.
Nuclear fission
As long as these shows and products continue to sell out the people that run ten club do no care how flawed the system is. If they did care things would be different.
I actually called in 'sick' today. Which was kinda true because after trying for about 20 minutes, it made me sick... so I called in.
And last night... I cleaned up my home PC (which is a LOT slower than the machines we have at work) by running Disk Cleanup and defraging my drives. I also only had one window going to dedicate all of the resources to this one task.
And yeah... it took a while... a LOOOOONG while. At one point, only Vancouver and Santa Cruz showed up... then Santa Barbara popped up... then Los Angeles... then San Diego. I was able to keep up with the Ten Club administrators as they brought each show online.
And keep a positive mind, kiddo. There's always this coming Friday... and even if I don't get in... I'm going to head up to the Wiltern on the show date... because you never know. Remember The Fonda!!! is my battle cry.
Hope to see you there.
Hail, Hail!!!
Fix the ticketing application to only allow ONE Active login per User Login. Once you are connected, your friends and family cannot login to your account from 10 seperate computers.
But, be sure to write an exceptions handling in your code that would address a lost network connection from the client and kill the current session if there is no client connected. This would make it possible for you to lose your network connection (from being timed out, for example). Otherwise, should you lose your connection and the account was still running in the database, it would not allow you to log back in.
That... and staying out of the WebSite if you are not buying tickets.
Hail, Hail!!!
It would never happen. And I know that it would be expencieve and time consuming to manage, but it is an idea.
Summerfest 95, 06 Alpine 92, 98, 00, 03 Chicago 95, 98, 00, 03, 06, 07 Grand Rapids 04, St. John's 05 Milwaukee 08
why should he? he still sold all the ticket's that he had to sell.
Doesn't matter who buy's them.
Case closed.
Member since day 1 here in August 2003
Completely agree!
Completely disagree. The Ten Club obviously cares, as they could have just put all these tickets into the Ticketmaster hate machine. However, I suspect that either a) they like the sales going down this way or b) they simply do not know how to fix these problems.
Which means they don't care or don't care to learn how to fix them... bottom line they don't care...
And they sure as hell are not going to outsource ticketing to ticket master... that would cut into the profits!
Here is my solution...
You get to buy as many shows as you wish. However, you must specify ONE show as your 'Top Draft'. All of the people who choose their 'Top Draft' as Los Angeles, for example, get senirority seating. The rest of the Club members who purchased tickets for Los Angeles, but not listed it as their 'Top Draft' get seated after that... by seniority.
This way, the kid in Phoenix with the 350,000 number gets to sit in front of the people coming from Los Angeles with the 139,000 numbers at the Phoenix show. There is no reason why someone from Los Angeles should sit closer than the kid who lives in Phoenix, right? Everyone gets a shot at up close seating... and the lower numbers will still get GREAT seats, relative to the TicketMaster masses.
This would be fair for the people who live in Kansas City (where Pearl Jam dosen't play) to pick a venue outside their locale and get a a chance at a great seat.
Besides, those with lower numbers have already had the entire 2003 and 2006 shows under their belts... I think it's time to share the wealth with the rest of the club members.
Hail, Hail!!!
OMG do you know how ridiculous this post sounds???
Why the hell would they sell 10,000 tickets to an 8000 seat venue??? That would never be an issue because they only sell as many seats as they have available to sell. They program that number into their servers so even if they worked out their bugs to handle the onslaught it would be impossible to sell more tix then they have in stock.
They know they need better servers. I dunno why they don't have them...don't want to speculate...but I can assure you it has nothing to do with filtering.
thats a cool idea, seems like a win-win all around..
Thanx.. but I got a closet full of skeleton in my closet.
If you want TWO great seats per tour... you buddy up. For example, You pick San Diego as your 'Top Draft' and I pick Los Angeles. We make a pact to swap our extra tickets where I go as your guest to San Diego and you go to Los Angeles as mine.
I don't think there is any reason why this would not work. The majority of complaints would come from long time members who have become accoustomed to sitting close... including the front row, for EVERY show. Well, my response would be, "You had 2 major tours already... and we're all about sharing, right? Give the kids in the back a memory they will relish... just as the many you already have".
Finally... if your local show is going to be a General Admission free for all... DON'T Pick that show unless you are willing to sleep on the sidewalk all night long. Pick a seated show and the General Admission and put in the time if you want the railing.
Hail, Hail!!!