why is life never easy?

its funny, my life has been going so well lately, finally found myself so to speak, and havent had the painful and scary thoughts of "what do i do with my life" for many many months now. Before those were daily thoughts. I found my passion, music, and spend basically every waking moment around or involved with music. volunteer at a music venue, literally every show. job has been good about letting me works hours conducive to going to concerts every night. to top it off, many of the books, movies and music I am listening to seems almost divinely or cosmic in terms its relation to my life. its like it was all supposed to happen this way, that I was destined to see these movies, or bands at this time.
flash forward, to my laptop of several years is on its last legs, keyboard doesnt respond, doesnt even recognize that a DVD/CD drive is and was always installed. so thats at least a thousand plus bones. need to buy a tv and dvd player, and of course need to pay for food, rent, and most importantly money for concerts. topping it off, work may have me closing from now on, making volunteering at every show impossible.
I thought once you found your passion, it would be easy. I got past the rough parts, of trying to figure out what my passion was, and now that I found it, its more problems!
how to afford this, working at a minimum wage job, and just starting out my life...? I am still stuck in a job I dont see myself at in the future, and even though I found my general niche, music, I dont know exactly what in music is my calling. If the job ends up cutting into my concerts, I may need to move on. How can I afford my first apartment, I just moved into it, on a potentially smaller salary?
This isnt meant to belittle those who have children fighting in iraq or are losing their houses, but I do think there are people who dont have either of those things going on, but have things they need to work out...
what to do, what to do? If I feel a cosmic pull to alot of what I am doing and seeing, why is it still so hard?
flash forward, to my laptop of several years is on its last legs, keyboard doesnt respond, doesnt even recognize that a DVD/CD drive is and was always installed. so thats at least a thousand plus bones. need to buy a tv and dvd player, and of course need to pay for food, rent, and most importantly money for concerts. topping it off, work may have me closing from now on, making volunteering at every show impossible.
I thought once you found your passion, it would be easy. I got past the rough parts, of trying to figure out what my passion was, and now that I found it, its more problems!
how to afford this, working at a minimum wage job, and just starting out my life...? I am still stuck in a job I dont see myself at in the future, and even though I found my general niche, music, I dont know exactly what in music is my calling. If the job ends up cutting into my concerts, I may need to move on. How can I afford my first apartment, I just moved into it, on a potentially smaller salary?
This isnt meant to belittle those who have children fighting in iraq or are losing their houses, but I do think there are people who dont have either of those things going on, but have things they need to work out...
what to do, what to do? If I feel a cosmic pull to alot of what I am doing and seeing, why is it still so hard?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I have no money to eat tomorrow.
I will overnight a homemade chicken salad sandwich and some organic baby carrots and a juice box for you.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
How does one overnight across the atlantic?
I'll be ok. Maybe I'll have my loan, if not I'll find something.
I can do anything, ok? Overnighting across the Atlantic???? Small potatoes.
How do you think Rachel Zoe gets that Zac Posen gown to Cameron Diaz in London for a movie opening the next day?
Nothing is impossible.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
skip a train to Wales buddy, I'll get you a Boots meal deal
I have no idea what the latter part of your post means, the only thing I recognise is Cameron Diaz
we still love ya jamie
Once I get out of this town
Over your head. haha
Those in the Bravo world will know what I mean.
Rachel Zoe is a stylist (she dresses people)
Zac Posen is one of the new great American fashion designers
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
My first student loan payment is due Nov. 28 and I haven't been able to find a full-time job. Looks like I'll try to pick up another part-timer. Good thing the job market is shite where I live.
Just breathe and know that it will get better.
Know that you have your health and a roof over your head.
I think a lot these days about what do I really need?
This latest financial crisis has got me thinking why do so many people try to live beyond their means and keep up with the Joneses?
Life simply so others can simply live. I am trying hard to keep that as my mantra.
Good luck and think positive.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
See These Bones
and this is your problem. you need to chill out and just enjoy the ride. not everything goes the way we like. but we all have to adjust and just get on with it.
its just nature that despite what you want people are gonna think differently.
oh and people will chat on a thread. consider it a tangential loop before getting back on topic, not a hijack.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
again, id appreciate it if you respected my threads as I dont hijack others threads. please allow me the same respect
just stay positive. best thing you can do. know that things get better.
Once I get out of this town
taking it easy, or chilling, may be the best advice I agree, but its easier said than done.
To keep you clear of the sun
You've been burned more than once
You don't think much of trust
This is only my opinion, obviously, but I think you have some growing up to do or maybe at least some prioritizing. You need to have shelter over your head and food in your belly before you can start following a dream. Going to concerts shouldn't be 1st and foremost. You need money to follow your passion, so work needs to come before that.
Out of curiosity though, how the fuck did you afford to buy an appartment?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You can flounder around for a bit, doing this and that.
But once you find your "calling" it is for real now.
And sorry, but life will probably never be easy.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
news to me
ha..that's what I was saying.
To keep you clear of the sun
You've been burned more than once
You don't think much of trust
what are priorities? who says what needs to be 1st or last in terms of priorities? I work, I pay rent, I buy food, I would say I am doing what I can.
but i am living the dream. I have a dream and for me, being in music, somehow, is my ultimate goal. For some it may be to do or be something else, but to suggest how I should conduct my life, is kinda ridiculous. How was I suggesting I didnt need money? This whole post is about it.
I found music to be my calling. I volunteer evey show at a local venue and moved into the apartments right next door. I am doing pretty much all I can in terms of trying to work my way up to my goal...
haha, rent.
early 20s at the oldest. right?
You're complaining about not being able to buy certain luxury items and that work may be cutting into your volunteer time and it'll be 1000 bones to fix your laptop. And all I'm saying is work first, then dream. Save money, pay bills, then follow your dream. You started the thread, I thought you were asking for advice, sorry for my input, didn't mean to be 'ridiculous.'
And I don't feel right when you're gone away