work for Fireman's Fund Insurance. I work in Underwriting in our Commercial Insurance Department. Oh, and don't think we don't insure everyone's favorite band here, cuz we do.
well last night i was talking to my friend on the phone and out of no where shes like "Fuck! I can't do anything nice for anyone! And when I try I forget!" and she told me that on tuesday she scooped me some of the pasta in alfredo sauce that had like squash, tomatoes and zucchini in it which we ate sunday night which i really liked. well she was telling me how she scooped out the squash cuz she knew i didnt like it and she wrote like a two page note to go with it, explaining herself (i thought that was funny), our inside jokes, her being adhd, and telling me to feel better since ive been having a really bad last couple of days. even tho she forgot to give it to me, it really made my night that she thought of me and stuff.
A family of tiny finches made their nest in what we originally thought was my gutter. For whatever reason, 5 chicks fell out and onto my patio. We thought the rain last night forced them out.
They are so tiny.. about the size of the top portion of your thumb. All fuzzy with teenie little tail feathers and little black eyeliner around their eyes. Unfortunately 3 of the 5 died. It was so tragic :(. The mama finch kept coming by to feed one of the dead babies. She would poke and prod it with her beak and get no response. I cried. I understand it's the way of nature, but it was heartbreaking.
I called my local pet store and asked if I could help. There's lots of wildlife in my yard and those teenie tiny chicks didn't have a chance if they stayed on the patio. Then I called the local wildlife rescue group and they said the same thing as the pet store. I could rescue the birds if I used paper towels to pick them up.
Still figuring the nest was in my gutter, I found an old english wicker-like nest as a replacement, got the big ladder and hung it on the huge tree in my backyard. I scooped up the two little babies and got them into the nest, then went to check the 'gutter nest' to see if there were any more. It turns out that they had actually made a home inside my home - a hole in the eaves that I was unaware of. I got a flashlight and didn't see any other babies in there.
All the while the mama and daddy were chirping like mad (for such tiny creatures) and I went inside to wait to see if they would figure out where I put their babies.
After about 45 minutes, the babies started crying and the mama found them!
I was so happy for them - I keep going back to my door to watch them. She's been feeding them all day.
Maybe I'm a sap, but being a mom and seeing the loss of another 'mom' made me want to help. Though their family is smaller, they are, for now, safe.
I can hear them out my office window, and it's making me smile
Insurance company, huh? What do you do?
You have so many women in your life you have to call them by the city they are from?? that's awesome!!
which was....
OH really?!
Night-freaking-mare. I am so telling on you!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
oh really really... but he's hot so he can be sneaky
my weekend starts today
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
and love... that always makes my day.
West End avenue in NYC, in front of a little park. High floor.
And subsidized rent
finding the time to chat with AllIAm;)
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Thank you dear
now tell me what made your day so the bitchy thread starter doesn't chastizes us for chatting
I got the best b-day presents, two PJ poster's...:eek:
Lisbon 06...
Boston 06
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
See you there
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
awww you so sweet to me.. you always are a highlight as well
wait wait birthday!!?!??!?!? when did that happen?!?!?! celebrations are in order!!!
They are so tiny.. about the size of the top portion of your thumb. All fuzzy with teenie little tail feathers and little black eyeliner around their eyes. Unfortunately 3 of the 5 died. It was so tragic :(. The mama finch kept coming by to feed one of the dead babies. She would poke and prod it with her beak and get no response. I cried. I understand it's the way of nature, but it was heartbreaking.
I called my local pet store and asked if I could help. There's lots of wildlife in my yard and those teenie tiny chicks didn't have a chance if they stayed on the patio. Then I called the local wildlife rescue group and they said the same thing as the pet store. I could rescue the birds if I used paper towels to pick them up.
Still figuring the nest was in my gutter, I found an old english wicker-like nest as a replacement, got the big ladder and hung it on the huge tree in my backyard. I scooped up the two little babies and got them into the nest, then went to check the 'gutter nest' to see if there were any more. It turns out that they had actually made a home inside my home - a hole in the eaves that I was unaware of. I got a flashlight and didn't see any other babies in there.
All the while the mama and daddy were chirping like mad (for such tiny creatures) and I went inside to wait to see if they would figure out where I put their babies.
After about 45 minutes, the babies started crying and the mama found them!
I was so happy for them - I keep going back to my door to watch them. She's been feeding them all day.
Maybe I'm a sap, but being a mom and seeing the loss of another 'mom' made me want to help. Though their family is smaller, they are, for now, safe.
I can hear them out my office window, and it's making me smile
This is my kind of love...