Attention last-minute shoppers:

Please don't be dicks to the retail employees that are just trying to do their fucking jobs during these last few miserable days before Christmas, ok?
It's not our fault that you procrastinated.
It's not our fault that you procrastinated.

Post edited by Unknown User on
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Why can't everyone be?
A lot of people do seem to take things out on people who work in shops/bars/restaurants, especially at this time of year. Glad i'm not working in it for the first time in five years!
I don't wanna think, I wanna feel
Dublin 23/08/06 Lisbon I 04/09/06 Lisbon II 05/09/06 Paris 11/09/06 Verona 16/09/06
London 18/06/07 Dusseldorf 21/06/07 Copenhagen 26/06/07 Nijmegen 28/06/07
Thinking about it, I can't remember the last time I got angry with someone and was horrible to them.... Oh, hang on...
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Because some of us are grumpy and don't like shopping and people standing in your way when all you want to do is get your stuff and leave... phew. Deep breath, K.
Woah there *pulls up a chair* Here, have a seat. Aspirin?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Yes be nice to the retail employees. What a great thread.
I understand that. I don't like shopping when there is a crowd.
But, a man actually yelled at me the other night because the sweat pants he wanted to buy his wife for Christmas were going to be too long for her. wtf??!
Another lady got all pissy last night because the holiday-themed socks didn't ring up for the price that she wanted. Mind you, I don't even ring. I just fold and straighten the section ACROSS from the socks. Yet, it was somehow my fault. :rolleyes:
Attention Retail Employees:
Please don't be miserable and annoyed with every customer... I know that this time of the year your job sucks (I've been there), but is it too much to ask for maybe a little hello or a fake smile instead of just staring into space or talking to co-workers as you scan my items, and while I am swiping my card, picking payment type, accepting the charge, signing my name and consolidating my stuff from the 12 different bags that you filled with one or two things, into just a few bags (hey, I'm doing most of the work here
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I don't understand that. It's not your fault. Some people are just thoughtless idiots at times.
I did give a shop keeper 'the look' once. I don't think she was very intimidated tho. LOL. I bought a coat and she forgot to take the tag off and all the alarms went off when I went out of the shop. Stupid bimbo. I was so embarrassed.
Retail employees are underpaid and underappreciated. It's simple. If the stores that hired us respected us and appreciated what we are worth, we would give better customer service.
Also, sometimes it only takes one or two lousy customers in a day's time to sort of wear you down. You get to the point where every customer looks just like the one that just treated you like shit, and you just stop trying.
(I am not really talking about myself here. I "grin and bear it" as they say... I have the ability to just swallow my miserable feelings and be nice and phoney to customers all day
My only request is don't walk into a store and balk at how long the line at registers may be at that moment. IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! That tends to happen. People act so shocked that the line is so long, and I always wonder why. It's the same thing every year. It never changes.
Dude, I hear you!
I have never seen so many people that just can't BEAR to stand in a line that's maybe 2 or 3 people deep. They act as though they are above I always want to tell them "You're not waiting in line for a life-saving medical procedure. You're buying a sweater. So just relax."
And they come over to me and say "Can't you just ring me up?" And I tell them I can't (I work recovery only), and they get mad. Even if I could ring, there are only so many registers.
Amen to that!! But still be nice to the employees. Some mall here in NY is staying ope every day until XMAS eve 24 hours!!! Fucking Crazy I tell you. However, if it wasn't such a shithole of a neighborhood I would definitely do my shopping at 3 a.m. That would be the easiest XMAS shopping ever!!!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Many companies lost my business this year by HORRIFIC customer service! One that did was best buy. Those fucking idiots act as though it's a root canal to smile or help you or have some CLUE about their product. "WOW guaranteed" my ass!
Some got lucky with my money:) Namely Swarovski:)
Yeah, I heard the Herald Square Macy's is open 24 hrs right now. I feel very sorry for the poor bastards getting stuck on an overnight shift. :(
I agree that there needs to be a lot more product training in retail.
But we're not "fuckin idiots" for not knowing specific details about products we're selling. We're uninformed. That's not our fault.
No shit! I hope they hired additional staff that are used to being up at that hour. Knowing the retail field, I'm sure they didn't. Have these kids who are used to working a 10-6 or 3-close arriving at 1a.m. to work until morning is just wrong! Probably a germ infested rathole right now with all of their immune systems shutting down!
EDIT: I wonder if the Macy's santa is there 24 hours a day. That would be a fun guy to visit around 2 a.m.! I'm sure he would put Billy Bob Thorton to shame!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
There are OTHER people that work through Christmas though!
I'll be working through XMAS eve, but that's by choice. Plus I'm self employed so if a client pisses me off I'll tell them to go f themselves and all will better in this world!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Exactly... I'm sure the people getting stuck with those shifts are just the regular employees, and this is just the luck of the draw for them. I feel bad for them. I was really tired last night leaving at 12:15. I can't imagine pulling an all-nighter. Plus, you know some of these people have full time jobs and are working a full day (or, as in my case, caring for a child all day) and then going in and working all night.
It's really sad, because it's surely only for the sake of publicity. I doubt it's even worth it for the company to have the store open and running overnight. It's probably costing more than it's making them.
Specifics? Here's one.. My question to a few clerks about product...
ME: This work good under this condition?
Clerk: Not sure
ME: Hmmm... What if I go this route and do it this way. Would it be better?
Clerk: Shooot, not real sure
ME: ANYBODY else that KNOWS anything about this?
Clerk: Yeah but he's tied up. Maybe come back in a few minutes????
Me.. Hell with this, you lost a sale
Clerk: OK
Clerk. You like this product?
Me. Absolutley. Price little higher than Costco. 30 bucks more here
Clerk. Sorry
ME: Sorry?
Clerk: Yeah, guess you need to go back to costco. cant help you on the price.
ME. Great customer service you got here.
Clerk. Silence and walks off.
BRILLIANT clerks. Lost tons of money just having a fuckin attitude and not going the mile for the customer.
I know there are tons of people that have to work on Christmas, and tons of people that have to work shitty hours all the time. I feel for them. It's a shame.
However, I also feel for the people who work for the same company that I do, and have to have their lives upended (by suddenly working overnight shifts) simply because they have the misfortune of working at one particular store.
Wow! It's Scrooge! *wink*
Poor management. Management needs to incentivize the sales force to encourage people to sell and be nice. Otherwise they're just drawing a paycheck whether there's any sales or not.
I'm not a last minute shopper. I'll be avoiding stores like the plague till after Christmas, at this point. I do not enjoy the environment so I'll stay home and backup up music or something.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Shh!!! I'm counting money over here!!! Damnit, my identity has been revealed! I guess I'll be visited soon by three friends, right?
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
dammit mookie. i always thought you were mysterious. that's disappointing. *wink*
anyway, that's christmas eve...
So...the clerks weren't able to provide you with the information you wanted (or comment on the price) and it's their fault? And this makes them stupid?
First of all, the clerks you speak of might not even make commission. So don't get too excited about the huge sale that you cost them by walking out.
Furthermore, the problems you had in the first situation sounds as if you were talking to someone who hadn't been trained to sell the product he was selling. Maybe he was from another area of the store? You weren't willing to wait for the person who could answer your question. That's not the fault the clerk. For 8 bucks an hour, or whatever this guy is making, no one is compelled to do their own product research. That is the store's responsibility.
In the second situation, how is it the clerk's fault that Costco has a lower price? It's not on the clerk to explain to you why the store where he is employed has to price items higher to make a profit.
I still hold a little mystery about myself. For example do I look like this:
or more like this:
Perhaps, a little of both?!?
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
yes...please don't be mean and angry. especially when everything that you printed out from the website is sold out! i'm sorry...but i will do my best to help you locate another store that has it (though it will not get to you in time for christmas)!
i like to alieviate the stress of the holidays for my staff by having "VIBE" days...urban speak for theme days. today is going to be "mixed print" day...essentially any kind of clashing, crazy print you can put together. half the time customers don't understand what we're doing, and think we're crazy
we're also having a pot luck dinner...i love it!!
i'm just glad that my store now is not in a mall and is on a eliminates a lot of the stress and i've found that people are way more friendly!
the madness is almost over