eh, you can keep the potatoes...especially hashbrowns or homefries...just like lead in the tummy to me. and i do enjoy potatoes....just not like that, and not really with my breakfast foods. eggs however, ALWAYS YUMMM!
it's not a breakfast without some tater representation for me, yum! i can only eat my eggs scrambled though. when i was younger i would eat them sunny side up, all runny, no prob...and then one day i was totally revolted and couldn't eat them that way anymore. no idea why lol i'm guessing someday i'll just snap back into place, i'll scramble the hell outta 'em in the meantime haha
it's not a breakfast without some tater representation for me, yum! i can only eat my eggs scrambled though. when i was younger i would eat them sunny side up, all runny, no prob...and then one day i was totally revolted and couldn't eat them that way anymore. no idea why lol i'm guessing someday i'll just snap back into place, i'll scramble the hell outta 'em in the meantime haha
sunny side up is completely EWWWWW for me. always have been. i mostly like mine fried for a sandwich or an omelette, scrambled is good too. hard-boiled is always good, soft-boiled not so much anymore. fritattas, quiches....yummy too....but a fried egg sandwich or an omelette are my top 2 go-to egg consumption.
sunny side up is completely EWWWWW for me. always have been. i mostly like mine fried for a sandwich or an omelette, scrambled is good too. hard-boiled is always good, soft-boiled not so much anymore. fritattas, quiches....yummy too....but a fried egg sandwich or an omelette are my top 2 go-to egg consumption.
oh yeah, i can't have soft-boiled, i get creeped out if it's all runny inside :eek: my parents make tortilla, spanish version of a frittata, when i come by for dinner they make sure it's dry all the way thru, knowing what a weirdo i am about runny eggs. weirdo in many respects haha
sunny side up is completely EWWWWW for me. always have been. i mostly like mine fried for a sandwich or an omelette, scrambled is good too. hard-boiled is always good, soft-boiled not so much anymore. fritattas, quiches....yummy too....but a fried egg sandwich or an omelette are my top 2 go-to egg consumption.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
omelettes are the best for sure!
me, i like all kinds of eggs....except "rocky" style....YUCK!!
it took me a second to figure out what rocky style was
he will order it without it...pain in the ass
yeah i wasn't sure how obscure that reference was gonna go over at this time of the evening
nah wasn't obscure, it's just my brain that's obscure, i was thinking rocky like it had walnuts or something in it