beautiful!! i love the first one's clouds at the top, looks like a veil across the sky. the second's so serene, and the colors in the third....just wow! vancouver is such a beautiful area, all of british columbia really. thanks for posting those, keep 'em coming, i love looking at what people have to share
that literally took my breath away. i've been told the sunsets in hawaii are the best around.....that pic definitely proves it! thank you for sharing that!!
I love favortite is of course one in the tropics, but I do have a spot near home that I tend to drive to and just relax...Horseneck Beach, MA...watching the sunset into the heavy's breath taking!!
If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
oooo i like the glow of the neon on the horizon there, very cool!
Yeah, I was so happy to see that...easily the best Seattle sunset I've ever seen...and I was very fortunate. My g/f had just come over from Australia the day before and it was her first time EVER in the states...she thought seattle sunsets were like that every day!
beautiful pic!
how'd i miss this thread so long....lots of great shots.
chiqui - i loved your pic of alki beach, what a beautiful reminder of times past.
i don't have any sunset pics online, and i no longer have a i'm just gonna have to start looking out and snap a few pics with my digitall when i can. thanks for sharing.....nothing as beautiful as the sky.........
dream definitely take some pics and share, i'd love to see them. looking out at a pretty sunrise/sunset is soothing to me i know, just like watching the ocean.
dream definitely take some pics and share, i'd love to see them. looking out at a pretty sunrise/sunset is soothing to me i know, just like watching the ocean.
i love the red!
i took this one tonight, doesn't do the sky justice, it was way more red/pink:
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
This is a picture of a sunset over one of the lakes here in my town..absolutely i said, if there is one thing i will forever miss about my town it would have to be the nature here...
"Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
i have a couple pics to contribute. yes, i thought of you and your thread yesterday m'dear chiqui. i was at a huge charity bash that mr.dream's band was playing yesterday/last night...and it was held up right on long island snapped a couple pics of the sunset.
oh wow dream, those are beautiful! thank you for sharing them, and remembering this thread (i almost forgot about it myself it'd been so long! haha) cool stuff
oh wow dream, those are beautiful! thank you for sharing them, and remembering this thread (i almost forgot about it myself it'd been so long! haha) cool stuff
it was a beautiful evening!
also raised a boatload of cash for a local hospital...for funding children cancer research/ it was all good.
i am not much of a beach person in the summer...yea, i am odd like that...always watching the it was a rare time for me to be right on the water like that this time of year...altho sunset is the perfect time for sunburns then, and yea...i thought of this thread. yikes, how scary.
i did also manage to snap many pics of hubby's band too....;) i wasn't all bad.
beautiful wc sunsets indeed
heres some more to add for the west coast!
(all from vancouver)
another lovely shot....where is that??
i guess it is isn't it???......simply beautiful
Grand Rapids 2004
Those who dance are called insane by those who don't hear the music
Tattooed your name on my arm i always said my girls a good luck charm.
Westport, CT where my fiance's parents of the best sunsets I've seen...
that is a truly gorgeous picture
and it is an awesome of my top 3
took this driving home from Calgary, the day after the PJ show.
GREAT picture!!!!!111
Yeah, I was so happy to see that...easily the best Seattle sunset I've ever seen...and I was very fortunate. My g/f had just come over from Australia the day before and it was her first time EVER in the states...she thought seattle sunsets were like that every day!
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
beautiful pic!
how'd i miss this thread so long....lots of great shots.
chiqui - i loved your pic of alki beach, what a beautiful reminder of times past.
i don't have any sunset pics online, and i no longer have a i'm just gonna have to start looking out and snap a few pics with my digitall when i can. thanks for sharing.....nothing as beautiful as the sky.........
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Sunset near my place
dream definitely take some pics and share, i'd love to see them. looking out at a pretty sunrise/sunset is soothing to me i know, just like watching the ocean.
i love the red!
i took this one tonight, doesn't do the sky justice, it was way more red/pink:
" makes much more sense to live in the present tense "
just beautiful chica....often times i catch the sunrise at work
sunrise in oregon....
and i know the thread is called sunsets hehe
thanks everyone for sharing
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
This is a picture of a sunset over one of the lakes here in my town..absolutely i said, if there is one thing i will forever miss about my town it would have to be the nature here...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
it was a beautiful evening!
also raised a boatload of cash for a local hospital...for funding children cancer research/ it was all good.
i am not much of a beach person in the summer...yea, i am odd like that...always watching the it was a rare time for me to be right on the water like that this time of year...altho sunset is the perfect time for sunburns then, and yea...i thought of this thread. yikes, how scary.
i did also manage to snap many pics of hubby's band too....;) i wasn't all bad.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow