Irish soccer is shite... end of! (you can tell there's no soccer team near me )
doesn't matter if there's one near ya or not... you're still right, it's all shite! I guess we're just lucky we don't have a team that we're geographically obliged to support
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i would have thought they had their own chants... perhaps its because they are thick.
best ever footie chant (sang at time when both Gary and Phil played for Man Ure.. and yes that is their dads real name)
Neville Neville, they're in defence,
Neville Neville , their future's immense.
Neville Neville , they ain't half bad,
Neville Neville, the name of their dad.'
Sung to the tune of David Bowie's 'Rebel Rebel'
Nonsense, best ever chant was when Bobby Zamora played for Brighton
When the ball hits the goal
It's not Shearer or Cole
It's Zamora
The only reason irish football is shite is because english teams are taking all the good young talent, and can you blame them for going??When youngsters get the chance nowadays would they rather be on the books at waterford or newcastle utd??
I was in Old Trafford last night for th Kiev game. Had a great time
Anyway, I'm a Man Utd supporter and I make no apologies for it. I don't follow local football because it's shit quality and boring as fuck to watch. I used to go to a good few Shelbourne games when I was a kid, but I lost interest. Anyway, if the FAI ever get their act together and manage to improve football in this country, then I'll start watching it again.
Have you watched Arsenal recently? I defy anyone that has even the remotest appreciation for football to refute the excitement of watching Arsenal play. Also what was great about ten years ago that wasn't great now?
i agree, wenger has transformed the arsenal style of play to a form that can truly be called the beautiful game.
When the ball hits the net
and its not jorge cadette
its a miracle
and celtic replied with
When the ball hits the net
and its not jorge cadette
its di canio!!
Best ever was Man U fans singing about Tim Howard, bearing in mind he has tourettes syndrome...
tim timeny, tim timeny, tim tim taroo
we've got tim howard
and he says FUCK YOU!!
Well, if you want to talk about the best chants getting around I'm not sure why as a Rangers supporter you left out the "There's only two Andy Gorams" when the news came out that he had schizophrenia. Don't know who it was acyually sung by though...
I only lied because it was the easiest way to get what I wanted.
Well, if you want to talk about the best chants getting around I'm not sure why as a Rangers supporter you left out the "There's only two Andy Gorams" when the news came out that he had schizophrenia. Don't know who it was acyually sung by though...
Im not a Rangers supporter!! Im sure it was every other Scottish set of supporters though. That would have been great at Parkhead. Almost 60 thousand people screaming that at him would have been funny, and would have severely freaked him out. I remember him getting photographed with a UDA flag, what an idiot.
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
Im not a Rangers supporter!! Im sure it was every other Scottish set of supporters though. That would have been great at Parkhead. Almost 60 thousand people screaming that at him would have been funny, and would have severely freaked him out. I remember him getting photographed with a UDA flag, what an idiot.
Sorry about that one. I just remembered that there were a few rangers fans over in the other thread...
I only lied because it was the easiest way to get what I wanted.
I don't have a local team and isn't it also possible to support your local team AND another one? There are no rules to who you're allowed support or why! And if there ARE, who gets to MAKE the rules?
You're so right..there's no rules. I go to Cardiff City occassionally, but my team is Manchester United, has been since I was 5 years old, I make no apologies for it. Support who you want...just don't try changing..ever!
And best chant was, way back when Keegan had his breakdown, Man U won the title at Middlesborough and were singing "cheer up Kevin Keegan, oh what can it mean, you're a sad geordie bastard, with a shit football team.."
As in Daydream believer by the Monkees.
The only 'rules' I can see are this. Do you go to see the team play? If no then its a ridiculous statement to say you support them.You are simply a glory hunter.Its also ridiculous to take any 'glory' in them winning. Thats a bit like me saying im a Barcelona fan. Utterly ludicrous.
The only 'rules' I can see are this. Do you go to see the team play? If no then its a ridiculous statement to say you support them.You are simply a glory hunter.Its also ridiculous to take any 'glory' in them winning. Thats a bit like me saying im a Barcelona fan. Utterly ludicrous.
fan2 /fæn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fan] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.: a baseball fan; a great fan of Charlie Chaplin.
Making an assertion about something when you don't know what you are talking about tends make you look like and idiot. Just some advice.
Just because you cannot pragmatically go see them play does not mean you are not a fan, if you watch the matches and follow the developments with an admiration for what they do, you are a fan.
~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
fan2 /fæn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fan] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.: a baseball fan; a great fan of Charlie Chaplin.
Making an assertion about something when you don't know what you are talking about tends make you look like and idiot. Just some advice.
Just because you cannot pragmatically go see them play does not mean you are not a fan, if you watch the matches and follow the developments with an admiration for what they do, you are a fan.
You are so far out of your depth with this thread it is unreal. You have absolutely no idea what it is to be a real football supporter. None. How exactly do you support 'your' team from another country?! This baffles me.Sitting on your settee watching the highlights whilst wearing a replica shirt isn't supporting a team.
I follow my team everywhere, I go to youth games, U18 games, U21 games reserve games, home and away.This has cost me thousands of pounds, and Im not a rich man. I think nothing of travelling 200 miles on a freezing Wednesday night in the middle of winter to stand for 2 hours in the pissing rain in a stadium with no roof. I am quite happy to eat cold pies and bovril that tastes like mud.I have been a fundraiser for my club which helped save them from extinction when they went 30 million pounds in debt. I have stood outside various grounds with a bucket asking for cash just to keep my club alive. I have put my hand in my pocket to help my club sign a player, yep,we actually bought the player because our club had no money. I have shovelled snow at my teams ground at 7.30 on a Saturday morning so that the game that day could go ahead.
This would be dedication if my team were good, but they're not, they're rubbish. Doesn't matter though, they're my home town team and I will support them til the day I die.
You telling people you know what it is to be a fan is an insult to all real fans everywhere. You will never know what it is.
"Making an assertion about something when you don't know what you are talking about tends make you look like and idiot"
You're at least right with one thing. You've just shown everyone what a complete ass-hat you are. Well done. Next time pick an argument you can win.
You are so far out of your depth with this thread it is unreal. You have absolutely no idea what it is to be a real football supporter. None. How exactly do you support 'your' team from another country?! This baffles me.Sitting on your settee watching the highlights whilst wearing a replica shirt isn't supporting a team.
I follow my team everywhere, I go to youth games, U18 games, U21 games reserve games, home and away.This has cost me thousands of pounds, and Im not a rich man. I think nothing of travelling 200 miles on a freezing Wednesday night in the middle of winter to stand for 2 hours in the pissing rain in a stadium with no roof. I am quite happy to eat cold pies and bovril that tastes like mud.I have been a fundraiser for my club which helped save them from extinction when they went 30 million pounds in debt. I have stood outside various grounds with a bucket asking for cash just to keep my club alive. I have put my hand in my pocket to help my club sign a player, yep,we actually bought the player because our club had no money. I have shovelled snow at my teams ground at 7.30 on a Saturday morning so that the game that day could go ahead.
This would be dedication if my team were good, but they're not, they're rubbish. Doesn't matter though, they're my home town team and I will support them til the day I die.
You telling people you know what it is to be a fan is an insult to all real fans everywhere. You will never know what it is.
"Making an assertion about something when you don't know what you are talking about tends make you look like and idiot"
You're at least right with one thing. You've just shown everyone what a complete ass-hat you are. Well done. Next time pick an argument you can win.
There's no doubting your dedication mate, it's to be admired. Although 'barring' people from supporting a team because of logistics, isn't neccessary. Surely we can admire a football team even though we obviously don't go through what you do every week, I mean I don't come from Seattle but I pretty much love Pearl Jam. And there's some that go to every one of their shows, spend thousands, but I'd like to think they did that because they want to. And I would like to think they don't think themselves more of a fan than me because they do it, I see them when I can, when I can afford to...know what Im saying? Love your team man, and love what you do, and do it cos you love doing it. I know there's a lot of 'glory hunting' with football teams, but its never been any different, just don't worry about it, you're the real deal, enjoy it. Don't get bogged down.
I respect peoples right to admire/enjoy/watch a particular team, I have no problem with that. Its the people who take some kind of glory in a team who plays 150 miles away. I love watching the English Premiership, I make an evening of watching Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal in the Champions League, I also enjoy sdeeing them win, but I dont take any glory from it. They're not my team, how can they be? As I ponted out there is a massive difference between being a true supporter(which is what this thread is about) and being someone who likes watching a team on the telly. They are 2 entirely different things.
I hear you, it's a valid point, but then watching premier league football on the telly costs money now, and I'm sure some would argue that that's where a lot of the money comes from to buy top players for everyone to enjoy watching, wether it's on tv or at the ground. I occassioanally go up to Man U, not often, and even amongst people who go to games you have a divide. There's them that go every game, them that go just home games, them that go once a month, them that go once a season.etc. Some that have season tickets will still be looked upon as lesser supporters by some simply because they haven't had the ticket for as many years or whatever. It's best to just enjoy it, take what you want from the experience, and simply not worry about what others do, or don't do. For example, there's no way I'll be buying the new PJ book, but some are clammering for the limited edition at $ they like Pearl Jam more than me? I don't think so.
You are so far out of your depth with this thread it is unreal. You have absolutely no idea what it is to be a real football supporter. None. How exactly do you support 'your' team from another country?! This baffles me.Sitting on your settee watching the highlights whilst wearing a replica shirt isn't supporting a team.
I follow my team everywhere, I go to youth games, U18 games, U21 games reserve games, home and away.This has cost me thousands of pounds, and Im not a rich man. I think nothing of travelling 200 miles on a freezing Wednesday night in the middle of winter to stand for 2 hours in the pissing rain in a stadium with no roof. I am quite happy to eat cold pies and bovril that tastes like mud.I have been a fundraiser for my club which helped save them from extinction when they went 30 million pounds in debt. I have stood outside various grounds with a bucket asking for cash just to keep my club alive. I have put my hand in my pocket to help my club sign a player, yep,we actually bought the player because our club had no money. I have shovelled snow at my teams ground at 7.30 on a Saturday morning so that the game that day could go ahead.
This would be dedication if my team were good, but they're not, they're rubbish. Doesn't matter though, they're my home town team and I will support them til the day I die.
You telling people you know what it is to be a fan is an insult to all real fans everywhere. You will never know what it is.
"Making an assertion about something when you don't know what you are talking about tends make you look like and idiot"
You're at least right with one thing. You've just shown everyone what a complete ass-hat you are. Well done. Next time pick an argument you can win.
Alright, I'll change my attitude and become a cynical hardline unrealistic tit like you:
You've never licked McCready's sack so you're not a Pearl Jam fan :rolleyes:
Just because I'm not prepared to wipe rafa's brown eye, one finger with just the right amount of pressure, every time he takes a dump does not mean I'm not a fan. Are there people who are more of a fan than me? Of course but that doesn't mean I'm not a fan. Oh and the whole 'true fan' thing is just a made up concept for elitist bell ends like you. So how about you go home, toss off, have a glass of warm milk and get off your high horse.
~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
I told him that Celtic weren't a REpublician team they had Irish connections but not republician and that Rangers had a far worse secreterian following
Wit kind of rediculous statement is that to make? Rangers fans are sectarian and the celtic fans??? they help old ladies cross the road aye?? I mean wit??
I respect peoples right to admire/enjoy/watch a particular team, I have no problem with that. Its the people who take some kind of glory in a team who plays 150 miles away. I love watching the English Premiership, I make an evening of watching Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal in the Champions League, I also enjoy sdeeing them win, but I dont take any glory from it. They're not my team, how can they be? As I ponted out there is a massive difference between being a true supporter(which is what this thread is about) and being someone who likes watching a team on the telly. They are 2 entirely different things.
ah well thanks for answering my question about who makes the rules... you do? :rolleyes:
Just cos you've nothing better to do than shovel up snow ain't my problem. I support Ajax like I said and that's up to me whether or not I want to support them, not you. I HAVE done since I was about 11 or 12. Perhaps it was about the glory but doubtful... for me, they were the team that got me interested in football so why shouldn't I stick with them? I enjoyed watching them play and I had to go out of my way to get to see them play... dutch football isn't on telly very often here. Anyway I don't need to justify to you or anyone else... sounds to me like YOU just do it for the glory... claiming you know more and like more about it than anyone else just cos you made the choice to put in so much time. No need to be so bloody arrogant about it ya know... it's not as if it's rugby or anything :cool: . It's THIS kinda bullshit Irish attitude that pisses me off (whether you're Irish or not, the thread starter was.) cos we can support whoever the fuck we want and don't need to run it past or explain it to anyone
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
The stuff in the papers after the Rangers gamein Barca was priceless. People in a Catalan newspaper were telling the Rangers fans not to come back, and that they should go home, piss and vomit in their own living rooms and go back with their 'common women'. They said that they felt sorry for Celtic having to put up with their disgusting antics.
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
ah well thanks for answering my question about who makes the rules... you do? :rolleyes:
Just cos you've nothing better to do than shovel up snow ain't my problem. I support Ajax like I said and that's up to me whether or not I want to support them, not you. I HAVE done since I was about 11 or 12. Perhaps it was about the glory but doubtful... for me, they were the team that got me interested in football so why shouldn't I stick with them? I enjoyed watching them play and I had to go out of my way to get to see them play... dutch football isn't on telly very often here. Anyway I don't need to justify to you or anyone else... sounds to me like YOU just do it for the glory... claiming you know more and like more about it than anyone else just cos you made the choice to put in so much time. No need to be so bloody arrogant about it ya know... it's not as if it's rugby or anything :cool: . It's THIS kinda bullshit Irish attitude that pisses me off (whether you're Irish or not, the thread starter was.) cos we can support whoever the fuck we want and don't need to run it past or explain it to anyone
i concur....i've been an arsenal fan since i can remember, my grandad used to tell me stories about going to highbury before & after the war, my dad chimed in with his stories of the gunners & my devotion was sealed at a very young age. but living in new zealand (where football is still considered a 'gay' sport by a largely rugby population :rolleyes: ) it's pretty much a logistical impossibility to support my team any other way. yes i wear my replica shirt, sitting on the couch yelling at the ref on the tv, how else can i support them
i've sat proudly through the great seasons & just as proudly through the shit ones. i've jumped around the lounge at 4am in the morning, i've shared their highs & lows, got the cannon tattoo, drink my cup of tea out of an arsenal mug, follow what news i can get my teeth into everyday, and was even lucky enough to grace the stands of highbury for one game.
i may not be able to go to emirates every other week but i AM a true fan, always will be. football is one of my passions & i am a gunner for life. so maybe spare a thought for those devoted fans who are half a world away, but whose hearts are there 110%.
I won't agree with the standard of the premiership. Go back ten years and the games were far more entertaining
c'mon, do you really believe this? It discredits your entire argument still further, and its not really a matter of opinion at all. The game is now faster throughout the top level, hop back ten years and players such as ronaldo, tevez wouldnt be playing in england, they wouldnt wish to. Where was the standard 10years ago. you had 17stone strikers like Hartson, fat bastards like le tissier,gascoigne & merson were the 'skill' men.
i concur....i've been an arsenal fan since i can remember, my grandad used to tell me stories about going to highbury before & after the war, my dad chimed in with his stories of the gunners & my devotion was sealed at a very young age. but living in new zealand (where football is still considered a 'gay' sport by a largely rugby population :rolleyes: ) it's pretty much a logistical impossibility to support my team any other way. yes i wear my replica shirt, sitting on the couch yelling at the ref on the tv, how else can i support them
i've sat proudly through the great seasons & just as proudly through the shit ones. i've jumped around the lounge at 4am in the morning, i've shared their highs & lows, got the cannon tattoo, drink my cup of tea out of an arsenal mug, follow what news i can get my teeth into everyday, and was even lucky enough to grace the stands of highbury for one game.
i may not be able to go to emirates every other week but i AM a true fan, always will be. football is one of my passions & i am a gunner for life. so maybe spare a thought for those devoted fans who are half a world away, but whose hearts are there 110%.
Nice post
If a team gets my support.. no matter what kinda support that may be... even if it's just cheering them on for dear life in my living room... or backing them up in the local when someone puts them down... if I'm giving them support, I'm a supporter it really is pretty simple. If I shovel up snow, spend hours fundraising or whatever... I'm still a supporter but I really think neither supporter would exist without the other... so we should all support eachother as supporters and stop arguing
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i concur....i've been an arsenal fan since i can remember, my grandad used to tell me stories about going to highbury before & after the war, my dad chimed in with his stories of the gunners & my devotion was sealed at a very young age. but living in new zealand (where football is still considered a 'gay' sport by a largely rugby population :rolleyes: ) it's pretty much a logistical impossibility to support my team any other way. yes i wear my replica shirt, sitting on the couch yelling at the ref on the tv, how else can i support them
i've sat proudly through the great seasons & just as proudly through the shit ones. i've jumped around the lounge at 4am in the morning, i've shared their highs & lows, got the cannon tattoo, drink my cup of tea out of an arsenal mug, follow what news i can get my teeth into everyday, and was even lucky enough to grace the stands of highbury for one game.
i may not be able to go to emirates every other week but i AM a true fan, always will be. football is one of my passions & i am a gunner for life. so maybe spare a thought for those devoted fans who are half a world away, but whose hearts are there 110%.
Well said mate.
In the land of the little kings
Profit is the only thing
And everywhere the little kings
Are getting away with murder
- Paul Kelly
[size=+4]**SUPER DROGS**[/size]
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
When the ball hits the goal
It's not Shearer or Cole
It's Zamora
Sung to the tune of Thats Amore
Anyway gaa is better :cool:
Rangers used to sing to that tune...
When the ball hits the net
and its not jorge cadette
its a miracle
and celtic replied with
When the ball hits the net
and its not jorge cadette
its di canio!!
Best ever was Man U fans singing about Tim Howard, bearing in mind he has tourettes syndrome...
tim timeny, tim timeny, tim tim taroo
we've got tim howard
and he says FUCK YOU!!
remember shelbourne??? we'll be back next season.
Anyway, I'm a Man Utd supporter and I make no apologies for it. I don't follow local football because it's shit quality and boring as fuck to watch. I used to go to a good few Shelbourne games when I was a kid, but I lost interest. Anyway, if the FAI ever get their act together and manage to improve football in this country, then I'll start watching it again.
See These Bones
Back the black
Well, if you want to talk about the best chants getting around I'm not sure why as a Rangers supporter you left out the "There's only two Andy Gorams" when the news came out that he had schizophrenia. Don't know who it was acyually sung by though...
Im not a Rangers supporter!! Im sure it was every other Scottish set of supporters though. That would have been great at Parkhead. Almost 60 thousand people screaming that at him would have been funny, and would have severely freaked him out. I remember him getting photographed with a UDA flag, what an idiot.
Sorry about that one. I just remembered that there were a few rangers fans over in the other thread...
Lol, its cool. I just really dont like Rangers!
Does that mean they're followed by thousands of secretaries???
You're so right..there's no rules. I go to Cardiff City occassionally, but my team is Manchester United, has been since I was 5 years old, I make no apologies for it. Support who you want...just don't try changing..ever!
And best chant was, way back when Keegan had his breakdown, Man U won the title at Middlesborough and were singing "cheer up Kevin Keegan, oh what can it mean, you're a sad geordie bastard, with a shit football team.."
As in Daydream believer by the Monkees.
an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.: a baseball fan; a great fan of Charlie Chaplin.
Making an assertion about something when you don't know what you are talking about tends make you look like and idiot. Just some advice.
Just because you cannot pragmatically go see them play does not mean you are not a fan, if you watch the matches and follow the developments with an admiration for what they do, you are a fan.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
You are so far out of your depth with this thread it is unreal. You have absolutely no idea what it is to be a real football supporter. None. How exactly do you support 'your' team from another country?! This baffles me.Sitting on your settee watching the highlights whilst wearing a replica shirt isn't supporting a team.
I follow my team everywhere, I go to youth games, U18 games, U21 games reserve games, home and away.This has cost me thousands of pounds, and Im not a rich man. I think nothing of travelling 200 miles on a freezing Wednesday night in the middle of winter to stand for 2 hours in the pissing rain in a stadium with no roof. I am quite happy to eat cold pies and bovril that tastes like mud.I have been a fundraiser for my club which helped save them from extinction when they went 30 million pounds in debt. I have stood outside various grounds with a bucket asking for cash just to keep my club alive. I have put my hand in my pocket to help my club sign a player, yep,we actually bought the player because our club had no money. I have shovelled snow at my teams ground at 7.30 on a Saturday morning so that the game that day could go ahead.
This would be dedication if my team were good, but they're not, they're rubbish. Doesn't matter though, they're my home town team and I will support them til the day I die.
You telling people you know what it is to be a fan is an insult to all real fans everywhere. You will never know what it is.
"Making an assertion about something when you don't know what you are talking about tends make you look like and idiot"
You're at least right with one thing. You've just shown everyone what a complete ass-hat you are. Well done. Next time pick an argument you can win.
You've never licked McCready's sack so you're not a Pearl Jam fan :rolleyes:
Just because I'm not prepared to wipe rafa's brown eye, one finger with just the right amount of pressure, every time he takes a dump does not mean I'm not a fan. Are there people who are more of a fan than me? Of course but that doesn't mean I'm not a fan. Oh and the whole 'true fan' thing is just a made up concept for elitist bell ends like you. So how about you go home, toss off, have a glass of warm milk and get off your high horse.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
Wit kind of rediculous statement is that to make? Rangers fans are sectarian and the celtic fans??? they help old ladies cross the road aye?? I mean wit??
Just cos you've nothing better to do than shovel up snow ain't my problem. I support Ajax like I said and that's up to me whether or not I want to support them, not you. I HAVE done since I was about 11 or 12. Perhaps it was about the glory but doubtful... for me, they were the team that got me interested in football so why shouldn't I stick with them? I enjoyed watching them play and I had to go out of my way to get to see them play... dutch football isn't on telly very often here. Anyway I don't need to justify to you or anyone else... sounds to me like YOU just do it for the glory... claiming you know more and like more about it than anyone else just cos you made the choice to put in so much time. No need to be so bloody arrogant about it ya know... it's not as if it's rugby or anything :cool: . It's THIS kinda bullshit Irish attitude that pisses me off (whether you're Irish or not, the thread starter was.) cos we can support whoever the fuck we want and don't need to run it past or explain it to anyone
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i've sat proudly through the great seasons & just as proudly through the shit ones. i've jumped around the lounge at 4am in the morning, i've shared their highs & lows, got the cannon tattoo, drink my cup of tea out of an arsenal mug, follow what news i can get my teeth into everyday, and was even lucky enough to grace the stands of highbury for one game.
i may not be able to go to emirates every other week but i AM a true fan, always will be. football is one of my passions & i am a gunner for life. so maybe spare a thought for those devoted fans who are half a world away, but whose hearts are there 110%.
See These Bones
If a team gets my support.. no matter what kinda support that may be... even if it's just cheering them on for dear life in my living room... or backing them up in the local when someone puts them down... if I'm giving them support, I'm a supporter
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Well said mate.
Profit is the only thing
And everywhere the little kings
Are getting away with murder
- Paul Kelly