any fraternity/sorority people here?

i havnt posted in a LOOONG time so most of u prob dont recognize me. but i was just curious as to how many fraternity or sorority people came to this board? i'm guessing not many.
btw, i know we have a bad reputation but we're not all dickheads so if someone wants to post about that feel free to discuss but dont make generalizations.
btw, i know we have a bad reputation but we're not all dickheads so if someone wants to post about that feel free to discuss but dont make generalizations.
all these burning battlefields are now behind us, life has brought us here together to remind us, that love will rise above it all and just keep growin, life keeps flowing and every moment starts right here with us
-mason jennings
-mason jennings
Post edited by Unknown User on
yeah that sucks that you had that experience. what sorority was it? i'm lucky enough to be around a bunch of guys with good heads on their shoulders and good hearts. we have our dbags i guess, but mostly everyone is pretty cool. its made me grow up quite a bit.
-mason jennings
Wow! That's fucking disgusting! I'm glad you had some positive things happen in spite of that, though.
I was never into the greek thing. Instead, I was part of an organization that did a bunch of volunteer work. (We also drank and partied a bunch, but the volunteer stuff was the first priority.) It was fun and I met some fun people that way.
It was Phi Sigma Sigma. My frat friends were in Sigma Phi Epsilon. I'll tell you, the SAE boys at my school were MIGHTY good looking... There were good times, but they were overshadowed by the bad times. I think frats work much better than sororities.. Girls can be such beasts when put together in a big house to tear each other part. Worst idea ever!
Yes, you read that right.. ONE
can you imagine????
Seriously, no wonder there were conflicts! That's absurd.
i learned how to deal with all different personality types, which is quite helpful. but, i honestly cringe when i'm around the stereotypical fraternity/sorority guy/ i'm sure most people do.
i consider that point of my life my rebellious close to an identity crisis as i've ever come. i never fit in should've seen the looks on everyone's face when i showed up to recruitment one year, not in a sorority tee as "instructed" but in my brand new pearl jam blue binaural tee
-mason jennings
Oh well. I just don't like to be thought of as the typical "frat" guy. Its not my fraternity that makes me who I's the music i listen to. hahaha
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
graduated in '04...
it was awesome. we ruined so many people's concert experiences.
i had never really planned on joining a fraternity, but about half of my lacrosse team was in zeta psi. as my first semester went on, i found myself hanging out with that group more and more. so i pledged in the spring.
the political aspect got a little frustrating at times, but that's pretty much the case with any type of organization that has a need for elected officers. i remember getting angry at times, but never so much that it carried over to when it was time go out drinking.
it's nice to know that there are others like me on this board, and that you guys are willing to admit it without fear of being flamed by those who don't understand.
these, cause in the movies they always seem to have negative connotations...
This thread makes me understand the whole thing a little better...
A man of good character
A student of fair ability
With ambitious purposes
A congenial disposition
Posessed of good morals
Having a high sense of honor
And a deep sense of personal responsibility.
We basically just try to improve ourselves every day and try to learn to treat people fairly. i mean those things are definitely things that should be inherent, but hey eveyrone needs a cheat sheet to life sometimes. AND we party all the time.
-mason jennings
nowadays the greek system here is way more mellower, and there is a bigger emphasis on academic achievement and volunteer work than hazing and partying.
well, i hate to generalize, but nearly all of those kids go greek. it's just the cold hard facts. yeah, i know a few decent people in frats, but they are 1 in at least 50. the rest of them are self-righteous, arrogant, not accepting of non-greek people, etc.
i personally don't see the point of them. all that "self-improvement" nonsense is bullshit. if you wanted that, you would join the national service fraternity, or one of the major-specific ones.
-mason jennings
-mason jennings
That's cool if you need that kind of security.
-mason jennings
Oh no!!! I made drunken Frat-Boy Angry! Grow up dude. Frats are for socially retarded people.
at some schools, joining a greek organization is one of the easiest ways to become involved on campus. it made it easier for me to navigate different groups on campus, there was more awareness than if i would've gone about it on my own.
it's a personal decision, and obviously not for everyone. as i stated before...i even started to hate it after awhile. i don't think people should be so quick to judge someone who was/is in a greek organization without getting to know them first...then it is no different than what people believe about those in fraternities/sororities (being exclusive and non-accepting).
you take that long distance phone call in the morning with your gf sobbing about what those guys did to her at their party and tell me frats are cool.
This, dear Sid, is what frat's are all about-
<a href="" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
wow, there are no words for that. Seriously. Sadly enough, I must say knowing a lot of the frats at my school, this isn't an isolated event.
That's fucking horrible.
When my older sister was in college (back in the early 80's), there was a frat party at her school during which a girl got drunk and passed out, and then was stripped of her clothes and tied to the banister. They all took turns writing obscenities on her body and molesting her. This resulted in a huge overhauling of the greek system at her school...and it resulted in me not wanting to ever take part in that lifestyle.