Interesting Dr. Phil



  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    You know, it was interesting that this was never brought up on the show. But I totally agree with that.

    I do think it would be an interesting job to be the person who looks at peoples facebooks/myspace. I can imagine there would be some good laughs there.

    I'll admit it. When I worked in accounting, we'd have resumes faxed and I'd always look people up...just for kicks. But I also wasn't in charge of hiring.
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    But the point was more about posting them for anyone and everyone to see. I am the first to admit I have had nights I don't remember! Buttttt.. I wouldn't put pictures up on the internet that could effect my job search and such. I am all for people doing whatever they want when they are in their free time. Of course you can drink and do whatever and still be a wonderful employee, but I do feel that employers have a right to question your judgement if you put things like that up on the internet to show off how out of control you got. And these are EXTREME cases. Not like, I was just out with some friends.. these are pictures that had to be blanked out. And, a lot of these girls are underage.
    You're right... you are placing yourself at risk by doing that.
    The problem today is... you DON'T even have to be the one posting pictures of yourself on the InterNet. All you have to be is... in public.
    Say you're just out and about and you gotta take a leak... but, there isn't a restroom in sight. So, you piss in the parking lot... there's a chance you were captured on video and there's a possibility that someone who sees you might think it's funny enough to post on the Internet. The same goes for puking or banging in public... or anything you do in public.
    For me... those polaroids of me... I have no idea where they are. But, they are polaroids and there is only one of each. The likelihood of any of them reaching the Internet is slim. My guess is that they went in the trash years ago... or are sitting in one of my ex's junk drawers or a box of old crap. But, anything is possible
    With the advent of small digital cameras... and cameras on cell phones... everytime you step outdoors... you are fair game.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • GraySaturdayGraySaturday Posts: 2,878
    Cosmo wrote:
    You're right... you are placing yourself at risk by doing that.
    The problem today is... you DON'T even have to be the one posting pictures of yourself on the InterNet. All you have to be is... in public.
    Say you're just out and about and you gotta take a leak... but, there isn't a restroom in sight. So, you piss in the parking lot... there's a chance you were captured on video and there's a possibility that someone who sees you might think it's funny enough to post on the Internet. The same goes for puking or banging in public... or anything you do in public.
    For me... those polaroids of me... I have no idea where they are. But, they are polaroids and there is only one of each. The likelihood of any of them reaching the Internet is slim. My guess is that they went in the trash years ago... or are sitting in one of my ex's junk drawers or a box of old crap. But, anything is possible
    With the advent of small digital cameras... and cameras on cell phones... everytime you step outdoors... you are fair game.

    Exactly, and I feel for those who have something happen to them because of a situation that is out of their control. I don't like the "Tagging" option on facebook because you don't have to clear it first before it gets posted. Thats not fair in my opinion. If you are careful about what you post, but someone else posts it, and it costs you a chance at something, I fully believe its unfair. Its sad that we live in a world where you truly have to watch over your shoulder so to speak.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Exactly, and I feel for those who have something happen to them because of a situation that is out of their control. I don't like the "Tagging" option on facebook because you don't have to clear it first before it gets posted. Thats not fair in my opinion. If you are careful about what you post, but someone else posts it, and it costs you a chance at something, I fully believe its unfair. Its sad that we live in a world where you truly have to watch over your shoulder so to speak.
    The other thing... who's to say you were the one who created the webpage? I mean, anyone can create a page, right? Isn't that what 'Cyber-Bullying' is? Kids put up pages of other kids and pick on them til they either kill themselves or come to school with a loaded arsenal?
    toss in the ol' Photoshop and it all goes out the window.
    That's WHY we shouldn't place so much emphasis on crap we see online. This was supposed to be the 'Information revolution'... but, it's turned inot the 'Bullshit Proliferation'. Again... why I wouldn't base my judgement on a prespective recruit on what I snoop out online. I would use the interNet to verify education information he/she has stated on the resume or application. but, looking for drunk pictures of them having sex... not my style.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    It's fair game... I don't agree with firing or disciplining an employee for something they post online, but for hiring, absolutely. If you are stupid enough to put halfnaked pictures of yourself or drunk puking pictures online, then I have every right not to hire you because of it.

    anyone stupid enough to put semi-nude photos online, hell...even to SHARE such photos with anyone just that: stupid, stupid, stupid! hey, i am all for whatever spices up your love-life, etc....but to share such with people out in cyberspace...or even people you might 'semi-know' asking for trouble. you have NO idea what someone may or may not do with such photos...and being the internet/world-wide web....they may well end up in places you would NEVER want them to be. so hell yes, i think employers, spouses, etc...have every right to look, and to make judgements...b/c if you are dumb-ass enough to put such on the internet, you certainly lack the intelligence and/or wise decision-making ability i would want in a spouse...or an employee. :p
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • I also think that people who feel the need to show of drunken pictures of themselves in embarrassing or compromising positions for the whole world to see, or brag about how wasted they got over and over again have some issues and/or are just VERY immature.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    I also think that people who feel the need to show of drunken pictures of themselves in embarrassing or compromising positions for the whole world to see, or brag about how wasted they got over and over again have some issues and/or are just VERY immature.

    absolutely. immaturity knows no bounds either. some people really exhibit poor to no judgement for their onlione activity. have a bit of forethought to will this reflect on me in my life? would i want my BF, husband, child, mother, good friend, employer, see this? there is *no* privacy online. any that exists is purely perceived......and whatever you put out there can be reproduced and sent/posted EVERYwhere. i think the internet makes it almost too easy for people to exhibit poor critical thinking and thinking ahead to consequences of their actions, seemingly innocuous or not.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    Just make your profile private if you don't want the general public knowing your business.

    I thought this as soon as I started reading it...
    If people are stupid enough to have those pics on their profile AND too stupid to either think of making their profile private while job hunting, or to figure out HOW....then they shouldn't be working anywhere that screens employees anyway. Probably the same people that can't figure out how to add an app without forwarding a join request to all their friends...or that pass on chain letters thinking pressing alt+F4 after will do something magical.
  • anyone stupid enough to put semi-nude photos online, hell...even to SHARE such photos with anyone just that: stupid, stupid, stupid! hey, i am all for whatever spices up your love-life, etc....but to share such with people out in cyberspace...or even people you might 'semi-know' asking for trouble. you have NO idea what someone may or may not do with such photos...and being the internet/world-wide web....they may well end up in places you would NEVER want them to be. so hell yes, i think employers, spouses, etc...have every right to look, and to make judgements...b/c if you are dumb-ass enough to put such on the internet, you certainly lack the intelligence and/or wise decision-making ability i would want in a spouse...or an employee. :p
    Absolutely... once you post a picture on the internet (even on 'your own' page) it no longer belongs to you. So for somebody to post nude/semi nude/compromising pics online :eek: that's asking for sooooooooooooooo much trouble. We've all heard of Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson tapes and stuff... I bet they never considered when they were making them that their partner would double cross them or that they could get stolen. It's the kids I seriously feel sorry for though :o

    I mean imagine finding out there were pics of your mom naked flying around out there :eek: Holy fucking fuck! That's enough to fuck ANY kid up... next thing ya know these pics are floating around your kids school and everyones seen their mom naked/semi naked and you've just fucked their whole life up :o . Same with videos, celebrity or non, it's just ridiculously stupid
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • pjfan31pjfan31 Posts: 7,335
    I see both sides of the atgument. You want to live your own life in private, do ur own thing. But as an employer, you don't want to hire an ice addict or whatever.

    That is why i worry about what goes on mine. But my mate has put photos of me hugging a poker machine which i don't like. It just shows everyone my gambling addiction :D
    Sydney 11/02/2003
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    EV Sydney 13/02/2014
  • hey, once you throw it up for the public to see, it's public. You've lost your right to privacy! You don't HAVE to put those pictures of you throwing up with your ta-tas hanging out, you know? Same goes for guys, it's a two way street.

    Any professional should know enough to keep their personal and professional life seperate. Once it goes up on the net, it's public info, unfortunately. Sure, in a perfect world it would be your little secret. You don't want the world to see it? Don't take pictures!
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. "
    Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    hey, once you throw it up for the public to see, it's public. You've lost your right to privacy! You don't HAVE to put those pictures of you throwing up with your ta-tas hanging out, you know? Same goes for guys, it's a two way street.

    Any professional should know enough to keep their personal and professional life seperate. Once it goes up on the net, it's public info, unfortunately. Sure, in a perfect world it would be your little secret. You don't want the world to see it? Don't take pictures!

    this made me laugh. :D

    i wouldn't even go so far as to say don't take pictures....just have the forethought to realize, not the best idea to put them online, in any form...whether on a site, in an Email, share with friends, etc....b/c you don't who will get em. personally, i don't think you even need to be a professional to consider these things. just about ANYone can be haunted by such poor decisions, and down the just don't know what affect such things may have on you, so why risk it? for what? personally, i see no purpose or fun in it to make it worthwhile.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    absolutely. immaturity knows no bounds either. some people really exhibit poor to no judgement for their onlione activity. have a bit of forethought to will this reflect on me in my life? would i want my BF, husband, child, mother, good friend, employer, see this? there is *no* privacy online. any that exists is purely perceived......and whatever you put out there can be reproduced and sent/posted EVERYwhere. i think the internet makes it almost too easy for people to exhibit poor critical thinking and thinking ahead to consequences of their actions, seemingly innocuous or not.

    well said :) or I agree
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
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